Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1936)
femple in Iraq Four Thousand Years Old H igh School N otes By H. S. Students i I S i FRESHMAN RECEPTION The Freshman reception was at r tended by many cf the students. The gym was decorated in blue and white by the Junior class. The following program was en joyed by everyone. We'come and in to duction of numbers by Student Body President. L ’ oyd Wilson; wel come to Freshman class, senior president, Robert Jackson: Fresh man response, Eleanor Haworth; J- ft COAL r-M % J ROXY Program MARKET FINDER V ■V. A u THEATRE and we will weld them as good as house Sunday with Mr Samuelson stock. Bettle Forbes, Phone 78F3. 1 '■* new—save money at Pruyn Garage, and Mr. Miller each giving talks miles nothwest of Nyssa. O l, 3tc. tfc. Mr. and Mrs. F S. Bailey return FO R s a l e —A good little home, ed home from Isle Royale, Michigan about ten acres. Price $1300, with H AULING— All kinds, Oregon and where they spent the summer. Idaho License. Hugh Glasgow. down payment of $500. R. J. Davis. Phone 36-F3. Jan 16tf. W S. Rogers and Alice were busi Up ness visitors in Nyssa Tuesday. Miss Dorothy Mae Thomas was FOR SALE—40 acres, 20 Improved. SH ARPENING — Scissors machine eight miles south of Nyssa. one sharpened; saws sharpened and an overnight guest of Miss La Rose mile east of Kingman station. Snake gummed: tools of all kinds shar- Rogers Sunday night. River water right, 4 room house, two pened: kalsomlning and plastering, good cellars, cow shed and grainery. Andrew McGinnis. Augl3 tfc Gii/tt Tree» Live Long Must sell on account of fa ilin g 1 Ohve trees live lo «R health. $1000. G. K. LIG H T, R t 1 Pliny tells of one, near “ ■ Afrl had been planted by Sclplo Afri Nyssa. runes. 2fiO yeurs before. At the FOR SALE Paris exposition In 1855 there was As I am contemplating a change shown the trunk of a wild olive in business I am offering the "O wy brought from Algeria, to which was hee Realty Co.,” business for sale. '•Mrihuied 1.000 years of existence Try our Standard See me at once if interested. R. J. Coal. W e think it is Davis. \ This unusually well preserved temple of sun-dried bricks, of the age of Abraham, 2100-1900 B.C., was dis covered by the Iraq expedition of the Oriental institute. University of Chicago, at Ischali, site of an ancient Babylonian city northeast of Bagdad. The recessed niches on either side of the doorway leading Into the sanctuary are ornamented. The brick seat Ir. the sanctuary, rear, was for the cult statue. Try our Market Finder to dis pose of surplus goods, rent a house, find lost articles, to buy or sell produce and many other uses. Rates one cent a word per lnser- ] tion. Minimum 15c. | M AKE COATS— Will make child- I rens coats from other coats for j only $1.00. Mrs. Alvin McGinnis, or ! leave orders with Wanda Cantrall. FOR RENT ONTARIO, ORE. FRI-SAT, OCT 2, 3 Clair Trevor in “HUMAN CARGO” 2nd Feature Sat. Nite John Wayne in THE SEA SPOILERS SUN-MON-TUES. October 4, 5, 6 William Powell and Carol {Lombard in MY MAN GODFREY WED-THUR Oct. 7, 8 Jane Withers in “LITTLE MISS NOBODY’ LINCOLN NEWS Lincoln P T A held a Teachers Re ception at the school house Friday night. After a short business meet ing, a program was given, games were played and refreshments of doughnuts and coffee were served. Mrs. A. E. Samuelson of Salt Lake City and Joe Miller of Fruitland were dinner guests at the George Markham home Sunday. Mr. A. E. Samuelson of Salt Lake City and Joe Miller o f Fruitland were dinner guests at the George Markham home Sunday. Church was held at the school Last Friday noon the high school students Just about wore out their I throats In a pep rally advertising the afternoon football game. The game was very exciting but Nyssa 1 didn’t come out very well. P a u l1 Johnston’s arm was sprained which LIVING IN FEAR OF will put him on the sidelines for a we k or two. Bob Leuck was hurt Pans wh° bravcd the dust Frida>' DENTURE STATIC? Ko. The score was 13-6, In favor of saw a nlce exhibition of football for Do you hiss, gurgle or mumble Fruitland. We hope for better luck 80 ear'y the season; but ¡when you talk? Nervous because wasn't it dusty! Fruitland has a 1 piatgg Snp click, or pop out? Con- nlcely balanced ball club, work well all telltale evidence of false together, and should go places this teeth, stop all trouble, by using season. They will have their test f a STEETH. This new Improved next Friday when they meet the On- powder grips plates tight for 24 tarlo eleven on their home grounds, hours. Special alkaline content pre- ----- O----- vents sore gums, burning, bad The loss of Paul Johnston at quar- breath. Tasteless. Get FASTEETH terback, for most of the season can’t at any drug store. When mouth tis- help but make quite a difference In sues change, see your dentist, the team. Paul is about the smallest | regular on the team, but had the most experience and always played a bang up game, both defensive and offensive. He never gave up until the last whistle blew and it would be hard to find another man who can put the pep Into the team like I Paul can. Blocks and Tackles Floors painted with "cheap” paint— no matter how often you sweep and wash— never look right. When they begin to crack and chip they are so hard to clean thev make you cross. But good paint makes floors look right, is easy to clean and is a real "saving.” When you paint your floors with Bass-Hueter Quick- Drying Floor Paint you "save.” Its tough, elastic him stands up under sculling feet and repeated wash ings. It costs less because it covers better and wears longer. 8 sturdy colors. Let us show them to you. FLOOR PAINT Clean Healthful, Uniform | Bob Jackson plays a mighty nice game, playing center when Nyssa has the ball and plays end on de fense. Watch how many times No. 9 comes out of the bottom of the pile with a firm grip around the ball car rier’s legs. They don’t fool him very often with a spinner or reverse play, a valuable trait in an end. ! It is seldon you find a player on a high school team who can spiral the ball down the field like Ray mond Graham. He can not only throw them far, but puts them right in the hands of the receiver. There are players who can out-punt Ray, , but not many who can out-pass him ¡when he’s right. R ■suits o f some of the high school games nearby over the week end Heating at low cost with ¡were Vale 0. Parma 0; Emmett 21, ! Payette 0; Ontario 0. WeLsor 12; ! t h e Norge Oil Burning , Caldwell 6 Buhl 0; Notus 20, Home- ! dale 13; Wilder 0, Middleton 7; and j I From * 42.50 KNOCK! C o m e in a n d see LUCY NYSSA, OREGON Phone 26 Nyssa LOWEST RATES ON Reliable Hay and Grain Insurance Let us insure your hay, avoid all risk. This is the hazardous season for farm risks. When better insurance is to be had We Will Have It. Frank T. Morgan Nyssa, Oregon FOR SALE FOR SALE— 14 head of 60 pound shoats. 1 mile west and half south Oregon Trail school house. Wyatt Smith. Phone 31 VOTE 42 X Heating Stove SEASON Harry S. Sackett IS NOW AT HAND! FO R SALE—White Leghorn and Rhode Island Red pullets. Nar- rangansettet and Bronze turkeys. Would make excellent breeding for WE HAVE MANY NEW County Clerk Present County Clerk. Ex perience is essential for good, prompt, and econ omical service in this o f fice. Your support will be appreciated. AND USED HEATERS Nordale Furniture Store NYSSA : : : : OREGON There’s health and stren gth for a perfect goal in a loaf of SW A N BREAD. T o a s t f or breakfast. Sandwiches for lunch. Fluffy light slices for din ner. SWAN BAKERY PHONE 20 N ’tSSA, OREGON . when built with 4-Square Lumber Let that old B U IL D IN G BUG bite yout BECAUSE 4-Square homes are planned by experts, at no addi tional cost to you. Particular care is taken to include every feature Individually preferred, to assure a lifetime of comfort. BECAUSE 4-Square Lumber is thoroughly seasoned, there is no later excessive shrinkage and warpage that causes uneven and squeaky floors, balky windows, and more serious damage so costly to repair. KNOCK! W HOSE THERE? LUCY WHO? BECAUSE 4-Square Lumber is squared on the ends, cut to exact lengths, and generally better milled and manu factured, your building costs are reduced. You get better construction at lower final cost! Convenient FH A Terms. Start Your Building Plans with a Visit to BOISE PAYETTE Lumber Company CONNECTING ROD . .. and you had better let us fix it before you L U 0 Y Money! EDER H A R D W A R E CO. “The Farmer’s Own Co-Op" LOST LUCY up A1 Thompson CHEER FOR THE HOME TEAM Heat Circulator. •5g- 80 Acres FO R LEASE— Southwest of Nyssa, 40 acres cleared. W ill give all crops for two or three years to right parties for some work and water assessment. Address Box 85 Nyssa. 9-24-5tp Prices Right NO TICE—I want to do your plow work; nothing but first class work or your money refunded. One trial will convince you. Second to none when it comes to plow work and general blacksmithing G. E. Snod grass, Larsen and Towne shop. 8- ! 61tfc. __________________________________ __ I W E LD ING —Don’t throw your brok en parts away, bring them to us LOST A long yearling co't. Brand not visible. Washed out brown color with hairy legs. He was with a black sad Richard Holly is enjoying a camp Saturday 12 to 0. dle horse with saddle marks, when holiday at deer hunting at present. I ----- O----- last seen about six weeks ago. Please Dick Case Is a regular lady killer I The following week Nyssa plays at notify The Gate City Journal or during the third period study hall, Parma and on October 16 we will call A. F. Burr, phone No. 484W \ Imagine him getting the privilege of j have our next home game with Em- Ontario. sittng by about 20 girls—Oh! He’s mett here. Emmett defeated Pay- LO ST—Bunch of keys on ring with | ette 21 to 0 Friday and are rated the football hero. leather strap Name on fob, Marie among the top. Frost. Reward, Finder leave at post office, ltp. A lot of the absences the last two weeks have been due to the deer (dear?) season. Some of the boys come back telling about the great big buck that got away while others are saying that you never tasted anything better than venison steak. Does that sound good? We ll hope next year we all get to bring home a prize deer. Poor Floor Paint Breeds Bad Tempers QUICK DRYING Nampa 40, Melba 0. College of Idaho in the Baker game Friday. , . - ... ___ .took a thumping at McMinville, los- A grand march followed the pro- _ , , , j „ „ ..... »vnninir mg to the Linfield College team 45 gram and the rest of the evening to 0. was spent In dancing. Delicious re freshments were served by the Nyssa plays at Baker Friday and Sophomores. realize they have a pretty tough The Junior class was very busy assignment. Reports from Baker say Tuesday and Wednesday selling that Coach Allison has a very small tickets for the entertainment given squad this year, and Baker may not this week. be as strong as usual. As a sample of Cleo Jordon started to school on the competition up that way, how- Wefjnesday |everi La Grande bo ^ lnto solo, Marzene Hollenberg; reading, Louella Leuck; character dance, Hinemoa Cloninger and Irene Poage. A short G.A.A. meeting was held Tuesday September 29 for the pur- |X)sc of selecting a program for Student Body meeting on the com ing Thursday. Another meeting was held Wednesday noon to go over the program. , Tcn girls left the school Sat- urday morning a little after nine for a hike to the Island between the two railroad bridges. Miss McDonald gave this hike so that she might better judge the girls to become members of the Leaders club. The Leaders Club will be compos ed of about fifteen girls taken from the three upper classes. These girls will be outstanding in ath letics and will have outside train ing for the purpose of conducting gym classes. the best coal sold— Less than a barrel of ashes to the ton of coal. MISCELLANEOUS E. W . Pruyn Auto Repair •THERE’« A TARD TEAR TOC” ■ — ! Kiln-Dried & Seasoned Framing Lumber Makes Better Construction