Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, TH URSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1936. Goet Experiments Show White Fly Is Conquered of the three districts. The only re- j J q u j . jj . j J Ads Are Your qulrement Is that the child brings to school the signed consent of his ' ¿hopping Guide, parents or guardian. The test will be given and Inter preted by a physician. There is no expense connected with the tuber- NOTE: The following article | culin test however any child that re takrn from the Minadoka Coun acts will be urged to have an X-ray white fly, while the rows planted j and further examination If neces- ty News, published at Rupert, to the old German seed, used here | sary. Dr. Weese explained that a Idaho tells how the white fly until recently, display small with pctttlve reaction to the tuberculin was conquered, making It possl- ered tops plainly showing the j -kin test meant only that the child h'e to grow good crops of sugar ravages from the fly. Beets on the j I had come In contact with an active beets each year. It is re-publlsh- vines of both the U. S. No. 34 and j case of tubercu'rr's and had been No 600 seed are monsters, with an ed in the belief that many of infected with the germs but that estimated production of at least 20 cur growers here would be inter until the X-ray and chest examin tons per acre, while the beets from ested in learning how this fly- ation were made t ) find out the ex- ! the German seed will hardly aver resistant seed was developed. tent of the infection, we could not j age nine tons per acre. possibly call Che rhild diseased. In- | With three strains of sugar beet I lection with tuberculosis and dis- How Seed Is Developed seed planted in a plot of slightly ease are entirely different he was The method of developing this over an acre, near the Mart beet [careful to explain. dump east of town, the Amalga- new seed has been to go into badly Some 50,000 s hool ohlh*ren In mated Sugar Company is now dem- Infested fields and pick out the best Oregon have had this test, however onstrating the value of the new fly beets and then propagate seed from unless it can have a very definite resistant seed being developed by these more resistant specimens. All follow up such as a public health the company and the strain develop- resirkant beet seed is grown in this nurse can make it is not a logical ed by the government. , country by the over-wintering In PETERSON FUNERAL activity to undertake. In this experimental plot the the field method, company has planted intermittently This over-wintering in the field The test will be given at the An HOME rows of beets with the old German method was used by the Amalga- nex school at 9 A. M. Wednesday seed II S. No. 34, selected by the | mated Sugar Company In the Twin I—Lewis O. Barrows, Republican, who was elected governor of Maine. 2—German flying boat Eolus in morning September 30th and the government from U. S. No 1 seed, i Palls area the past year. The beet .lew York harbor after its flight across the Atlantic. 3—Spanish loyalists from Irun and San Sebastian tak tests will be read in the childrens Call Thomas Nordale and No 600, their own developed [ seed was planted In August and tng refuge on French soil. own chool at 9 A. M. Friday, Oct fly-resistant seed from which most the crop, after a slight growth in the ober 3rd. Furniture Store Phone 94 of the beet fields in this section of , fall, was soaked and came through INTO BOULEVARD GRANGE Idaho have been planted this year. I the winter in good shape. This of what is known as U. S. No. 33, OREGON TRAIL BIBLE CLASS HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY Both the U. S. No. 34 and the spring the stocks sprouted up well amounting to 2% pounds. The re- ----------- Amalgamated No. 600 rows show | and a good crop of seed was harvest maining 1.000 roots gave rise to U S outstanding beets, with the vines a ed. The yield averaged a ton to the No. 34. Only a small number of the i The P. C. Pry home was the scene Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glasgow were 1,000 lot actually produced seed—a 0f H n|oe fan party Wednesday deep green and undamaged by the acre on small plots. obligated as members of the Boule total of 57 pounds—indicating that evening. Mrs. Pry. Mrs. P G Holmes Government Develops V. S. 34 the white fly operated to limit seed and Mrs p g Byers were co-host- vard grange at Cairo Friday even The U. S. No. 34 was developed production to the more resistant esses to tlle adult Bible class, hon- ing, as was Mrs. Willard R. Edwards by the United States Department of plants. This small initial lot of seed oring those haVing birthday in Sept- of Ontario. Initiation ceremonies Agriculture from varieties obtained was increased by field plantings fo r ! Those honored were Mr. and AUCTIONEER by critical and extensive mass selec seed production. In 1933, 250 pounds Mrs Albert Hopkins, Mrs. Geo. Mc- will be held later. tion from U. S. No. 1 fields where of No. 34 were produced and por- Kpe and Miss Annie Holmes. The If you are contemplating on curly top exposure was extreme. In tions of these seed lots were supplied ldPa was carried out in the Dr. Weese Talks On having a public sale, write or the fall of 1931 approximately 10,000 to beet sugar companies for further entertainment and favors. In the phone 1216, Nampa, Idaho. beet roots were selected from fields increase and distribution to growers. contest Mrs DeGroft, Mrs. Smith. Tuberculin Test At of Southern Idaho from fields of U. On the experimental plot here, j^rs Reich, Mrs Pry and Mrs Hop- Annex School Friday H 3 - S. No. 1. These roots were tested for planted and cared for by Fieldman jcjns won fjrst prize and Mrs. McKee quality by means of the refracto- Floyd Show, the color of the tops Mrs Fry and Hopkins, consola- COL. MUNYON meter and about 1,000 saved. Prom from the company s own developed jjon p , .; ^ An attractively decorat- Dr. W. J. Weese of Ontario, gave this number 100 which showed on Auctioneer seed, No. 600, seems a little darker ^ pp^hday cake was presented to analysis the highest sucrose per green than the tops of the beeU the honor guests. a most instructive talk In the An 24 years of selling experience centage were planted In one place, from the government seed No. 34, Sunday is rally day at Oregon nex school house that is located and produced the parent stock seed but up to this time. It is understood, near Weiser, on the tuberculin skin the sugar company has not decided T™“ - A committee comprised of just which seed is the best to plant. I Dwight Johnston, Mrs. Hopkins and test, Friday, September 25th. Some With the farmer of Southern Mrs Holmes have char*e of the Pr° - thirty five homes of the community Idaho planting either U. S. No. 34, gram. All the old members and as and the two school districts. Porter's or the Amalgamated No. 600. the manY n<lw as possible are urged Hours 11 :45 to 1 :30 Flat and Jefferson, that is closest to white fly is no longer a menace to t0 come. The promotion exercises Annex, were represented. the growing of beets and the com- W*U a*so be given at this time, You’re sure to need a dependable FOUNTAIN Mrs. Lottie Brown, Prop. The Progress Club that draws It pany, well realizing this fact, is now F. G. Holmes and Bob went hunt PEN. Be sure to see our complete showing of making plans to extend operations j ng above Unity last Monday, retum- membership from these three school Sheaffer's — Parker’s — Eversharp Fountain and new sugar factories may be ex- ing Friday without the elusive deer districts have been interested In Pens and desk sets. but with a nice load of wood. pected in the future. their communities having the tuber- Hubert Jones was home from ulin skin test given In their schools $1.00 and up Prairie City over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hopkins for some time and this fall they are GINZEL’S JEW ELRY AND GIFT SHOP actively sponsoring this particular spent the week end at Ironside. ONTARIO, OREGON Mrs. Lucille Johnston left Friday activity. The test Is to be made available to all the school children Mesdames W. E. Ashcraft, Gerrit for the hot spring above Emmett. Ira Chadd moved to his homestead Muntjewerff, Charles McConnell, R. C. Enos motored to Caldwell Fri last week end. Mr. and Mrs. John Bowen return day afternoon to call on Mrs. Earl YO U M A Y NOT PICK THE Sparks and baby son at the Cald ed rom hunting Monday afternoon with a nice two point buck. well sanitarium. W O R L D SERIES WINNER BUT F. S. Byers made a business trip to Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Gaviola Ontario Monday. Y O U CAN W IN IF YO U PICK spent the week end in Boise. Scenes and Persons in the Current News The Dining Room at Th e W e ste rn H otel Now Open For Sunday Dinners Family Style ones Back To S c h o o l. . . ADRIAN NEWS See Us For DEPENDABLE, LOW PRICED Hay Insurance You can’t afford to take the risk of having your hay burn and lose hundreds of dollars. Let us take the risk. Don’t delay another day, see . . . Nyssa Insurance Agency DON M. GRAHAM, Manager N Y S S A P A C K IN G C O . Up-To-Date Plumbing Mrs. Annie Larsen, Mrs. Reed Lar sen and son Everett, Mrs. George Larsen and baby, Miss Edna Farns worth and Merland Farnsworth were Monday guests In the Frank Frans- worth home. Mrs. James McGinnis and Joyce have gone to Granger, Wn„ to visit a cousin, Mrs. Millard Wisby for two weeks. D. T. Holly and family left Sun day for Jordan Valley to visit at the Clarence Anderson home for a week. Mrs. Holly Is a sister of Mr. Ander son. The men will hunt deer while there. ftU POP-SLIDE -CLICK! “DENTURE STATIC” BETRAYS FALSE TEETH But nobody can tell you wear plates, when you use FAS'J’EETH. This adhesive powder grips plates tight for 24 hours. Gives clear speech. Stops mumbling, hissing, clicking, popping out. Can’t cause sore gums, burning or denture breath, beoause It’s alkaline. Taste less. Not gummy. Get FASTEETH at any drug store. When mouth tis sues change, see your dentist. THIS The day Is past when people are content to get aong with out-of-date plumbing, or worse still, no plumbing at all. Modern plumbing gives you a newer, more enjoyable and convenient home. Let’s talk it over. FOR YOUR M EAT SUPPLIES . . . AND SAVE MONEY T O O ! - 0 - Eat More Meat GEO. J. K1NZER Plumber PHONE 134-J-2 M ARKET PARMA Hand Salute Wea Changed We In 1890 the British navy adopted the hand salute and, to be different from the army, decreed the use of the left Instead of the right hand, a tactical error that wns quickly dis covered on British ships In colonial waters. The left-hnnded salute Is a form of Insult throughout Asin and Africa. —Collier’s Weekly. Have SA V E M O N EY A T T H O M P S O N ’S!!! È f y I I Ample Resources GREASE JOB 50c and Banking facilities to accomodate our customers . l m ' Save enough to buy your Bacon. Shield Motor Oil 100 % Pure Penn. 25c Q U A R T Save enough to buy a pound of coffee with every change. 7 Get a Thorough W A S H JOB Lasts longer— Use the difference to buy SHIELD Gives better GAS mileage and you can afford to eat more cake Groceries. Drink SHELTON’S for Energy! BANK OF MALHEUR VALE, OREGON D. E. MASTERSON, Ca»hier Doctors agree that only in milk can be found cer tain enrrgiiing elements which are essential to the well-being of individuals in every walks of life. Drink a quart each day! or try our com bination W ash , G re a se and O il C h a n g e job for $2 .6 9 For the Milk Purer In Quality, Call Shelton Dairy i W holesale TH O M P SO N O IL C O . R etail