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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1936)
The Gate City Journal BERWYN BURKE.................Editor and P u b lish er INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIGION, OPTIMISTIC IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE EXCEPT THOSE OP MALHEUR COUNTY SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $1.50 Six Months ........................ 75 Single Copies .05 (Strictly In Advance) ADVERTISING RATES Open rate, per inch............30c National, Per inch -------- 30c Local. Contract ................25c Classifieds, Per word .......01c Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Mails, as second class matter, under the act of March 3. 1879. JOURNAL IS INDEPENDENT BUT WILLING TO CO-OPERATE— IS pretty well known, the Journal is pol A S itically independent, and being soley inter ested in the building up of Nyssa and Malheur county, does not feel inclined to take sides for or against any political philosophy. However we do feel the public is interested in learning all sides of the various questions. In an effort to give equal opportunity for discussion of partisan mat ters, the Journal is inaugurating this week a (Col umn entitled, “Political Forum.” Under this heading we intend to publish some of the material sent to us from various party headquarters. We welcome letters from our readers, stating their view on political questions, but we cannot publish letters of personal nature. We hope we can make this column just as the name implies, a political forum; a place where all political parties can have their say. We think it only fair, however, to limit the discussions to a general nature and we cannot be expected to publish articles boosting a certain candidate when such material should come under paid advertising. We want you to accept this as an invitation to participate in our “Political Forum,” as the newspaper belongs to it’s readers. We want to know YOUR viewpoint on state and national policies. ------------------- + ------------------- CCC BOYS MAKE GOOD MORAL RECORD IN OREGON— An analysis of the discharges from the CCC from the period between January 1, 1936 to August 10th, has reached our desk and contains some interesting comparisons. In the entire state of Oregon during that per iod there were only three dishonorable dischar ges, and all there were for theft. Administrative discharges were issued to 125, and out of this total, 104 was for desertion. Other causes for administrative discharges were refusal to work, serious and continued misconduct, unwillingness to abide by rules and regulations and not consid ered worthy of reenrollment. Malheur county only had 8 discharges, four being to accept other employment, three desertions and one other ad- minstrative discharge. Honorable discharges was far in the majority, with a total of 754 leaving the service to accept employment, not desiring to re-enroll, to return to school and for other reasons. The CCC organization can well look with pride on a record of this kind. It is not often that out of thousands working in a group of this kind, there will be only three dishonorable discharges. The record would seem to indicate that the boys in the CCC camps are above the average moral ly. ------------------- * ------------------- CLARK WOOD COMMENTS A red hat, khaki pants and a rifle do not make a deer hunter. — A hick town is not so bad, if you leave it to the hick. New York hoarders are buying platinum certi ficates from a brokerage house. With enough of them, any personable chap ought to be able to land a platinum blonde. A Columbia professor says the average man can tell all he knows in four hours. It’s after ward, though, that he generally has so much to teH. Seeing a lot of red-hatted hunters on the street a local wise-cracker wondered if they were “a bunch of cardinals.” Another explained that they had to have red hats or they’d likely become a bunch of angels. Judge of the County Court of MALHEUR COUNTY HAS 11$ scribed as follows: Beginning at the ham, the State of Oregon, for the County j Intersection of First Street and Mrs. William Kietzer, state preei- RECEIVING OLD AGE of Malheur, with the seal of said Green Avenue, thence running | dent, and Mrs. Norman Frees, vice ASSISTANCE North 150.84 feet; thence East 1385 Court affixed, this 31st day of Aug district president, were present. Mrs A. D 1936. Kietzer pointed out that the P.-T. Malheur county had 118 persons feet; thence South 37.84 feet; thence ust A. movement Is a constructive factor receiving old age assistance In the West 50 feet, Ohence South 113 feet; (L. S.) ATTEST H S SACKETT, Clerk thence West 88 5 feet to point of in the community which brings un FROM THE LINOTYPE of August. These folks re beginning. First publication September 3, 1936. der standing and cooperation to the month ceived a total grant from the state i home. WITNESS, the Hon. David F. Gra- Last publication October 1, 1936. relief committee of Oregon of $2,038 By John E. Public The Governor of Oregon has set an average of $17 27 per month. October 11-17 for P.-TA. week. Mrs. or LEGAL ADVERTISING This Is under the state average, LEGAL ADVERTISING Frees urged to secure a participat which was $ 20.86 for the month of NOTICE OF HEARING ON Some ambitious thieves got away ing Mrs membership. Edna Perris, county health August. NON-HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET with more than $5,000 worth of nurse, reported on the follow-up LEGAL ADVERTISING printing equipment from the Caxton work of the Summer Round up and Budget Notice is hereby given k^juiiwy, that a State duujci Committee wmu ... ww of the — Non-High ---- of sai Printers plant at Caldwell Satur stated that 40 per cent corrections School District of jvuluiciu Malheur County. meetingJif sald , scnooi Lwsinci oi of Oregon, at a meeting NOTICE OF MEETING day night. The major piece of have been made. Mrs. Kietzer and Committee held on the 19th day of September, Prepared an estimate equipment stolen was a photo-offset Mrs. Ferris felt a committee from OWYHEE IRRIGATION DISTRICT detail of the amount of money proposed to be expended by said Non-Hlgn in District for all purposes the on fiscal school in year beginning outfit and photo-engavlng mater each P.-T. A advisable to help the MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON School •*__ « 1, anoo-----i Tunes i 1, during onH ustimatp detail ot of tne 1936. and ending June 1937. and an estimate the iel. Officers were puzzled as to the j nurse to visit each home where a NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, June probable receipts of said Non-High School District from all sources for motives for the theft of such highly correction needs to be made. of the the school year 1936-37. The Board of said Non-High School District has the Board of Directors specialized machinery, which was Juvenlle protection was discussed That Irrigation District, sitting g - * » * » * * * * “ £ $ £ £ ?t w h t^h ^d ^ i Z l e ^ Z v removed via truck sometime Satur- by Mrs. Kietzer and Mrs. William Owyhee as a Board of Equalization, will meet ^ discussed with the Board of said NON-HIGH School District at which day night. Re-sale of the equipment Lajcsori of Ontario. Protection rath- on the 6 th day of October time and place any and all persons interested will be heard foror agahrnt ls practically Impossible, due to the er cure was pointed out. >93». Tuesday, at 8 00 o’clock P. M. of said tS S & tt fact there are so few outfits In ex- wholesome entertainments and or- day, at Its office at Nyssa, Oregon, j printendent and are there open to the inspection of all persons Interested istence. Officers are working on the ; ganlzations such as scouts, 4-H for the purpose of reviewing and j therein, and the same are by reference made a part thereof, theory that the thieves had some clubs and home talent plays are correcting Its assessment roll and j RECEIPTS thing big In mind, such as printing means of prevention. apportioment of taxes for the next i. cash on hand at beginning of the year for which this bud- 4gg(J )3 of fake bonds, notes, stocks, or even Miss Mildrel Oleson, county lib ensuing year. The assessment roll | _ . get is made tan'« 7 » 75 $40,679.75 liquor labels. rarian, expressed a desire to work Z T record may be Inspected at the 2 Amount to be received from other sources $45,329.88 with the P.T. A. units to get the office of the Secretary by any Inter Total receipts best of books to children through ested person. EXPENDITURES We had the privilege Sunday of out the county. * $21.868 43 By order of the Board of Directors, j 10.501 25 Inspecting the recently completed The Annex P. T. A. Invitation for FRANK T. MORGAN, 2 . Transportation 200 00 school building, gymnasium and the Spring County Council was ac Secretary, Owyhee Irrigation j 200.00 auditorum at Caldwell. Costing a cepted. 1.560 5; interest 300 00 00 total of $105,000, 45% being a grant Albert B. Hopkins, county pub Date of District. first publication September !. Clerical 1.000 00 from the federal government under licity chairman, announces that a 3. 1936. 7. Emergency ’ 6.498 00 the PWA; the new structure Is cer- Board of Managers meeting Is call- Date of last publication, October 1 ) ). Debt 3.202.20 Capital Service Outlay talnly one to point with pride. The ed for October 10th at the Ontario 1936. $45,329.88 auditorum seats 1175 persons, the ; high school at 2:00. Every member Total Expenditures gym is roomy enough for two games I should plan to attend. Budget Committee: to go on at the same time, and the -------- » » » ■ - CITATION W. H. HARRIS building also Includes many class L, M. REED S SISTER S. A. VENATOR J. D. F Chairman AIRMAN IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE DIES IN PORTLAND rooms. Caldwell was short of room STATE OF OREGON FOR THE to care for their ever enlarging en KATHRYN CLAYPOOL COUNTY OF MALHEUR. Secretary rollment; so they up and voted 9-24-2t. bonds to take advantage of a PWA Louie M. Reed’s sister, Mrs. Nich In the Matter of the Estate of P. Green Deceased. grant. Not only did they provide ols Becker of Portland died Septem George To Mrs. W. O. Hansen, Cecil employment for a large crew all ber 15th, with funeral services held Green, Cherald Davis, Kenneth spring and summer, but they have the following Monday. Mrs. Becker Green, Doris Brooks, Olen Oreen a modern plant which will care for was very prominent In lodge work, and Theda Dodge, of George their needs In a adequate manner. being a member of Degree of Honor P. Green, deceased, heirs and to un lodge for 40 years, much of that known devisees and heirs of all said To Vote You Must Be Registered ■ 8* Hh time as state secretary. She also was George P. Green, If any. Greeting: As provided by Chapter 204, 1927 Laws, no person shall be qualified to The school enrollment at Nyssa a member of the Women's Relief vote at a Primary, General or Special Election unless he shall be regist THE NAME OF THE STATE ered. is increasing at a rapid rate, and at Corps of Portland and has served as OF IN OREGON, You are hereby cited Electors canont be sworn In to vote on election day. the present rate It is going to be president and secretary, and was required to appear In the Coun Registration books are now open and will be open until the night of physically Impossible to accomodate also president of the state organiza- and Court of the State of Oregon, for October 3rd. 1936. all the students of the district. We tion. She held the same office in the ty the County of Malheur, within ten If you were If registered did not at the or last if Primary or Gen to might profit from Caldwell’s ex auxiliary of the United Spanish War days eral Election; you have and changed your vote residence you desire from the date of the service of change perience and see what can be done. Veterans and was a member of the this citation your political affiliations, you must re-reglster. upon you. If served It is a practical certainty that Daughters of Union Veterans and You may register at the office of the County Clerk, for any precinct this county; or If served In the County, or with the official registrars in the following precincts; something will have to be done the auxiliary to the Sons of Union within within any other county of this eventually, and the PWA may not Veterans. PRECINCTS State, then within twenty days from In the World War she received the date of the service of this cita Applegate............................................................................ Mrs. REGISTRARS last forever. M. D. Clough a citation from Mayor George L. upon you, or if served by pub Bonita .....................................................................................W. E. Bonnifield *i* ■#< Hh Baker of Portland for meritorious tion Adrian and Big Bend ................................................................. E. Jones Holly lication within 28 days from the ..................................................................................... Mrs. J. Ben Speaking of PWA grants, Vale Is service rendered the Red Cross. date of publication of this citation, Brogan and Crowley .......................................................Ohas. J. Bush planning a $ 11,000 building which and then and there to show cause, Harper, Ironside Bully .............................................................................-............ H. J. C. Elms Jamieson ....................................................................................... L. Pope will Include a city hall, police head If any exists, why the order of sale CAIRO NEWS Valley and .................................................................... Juniper.........................................................Geo. S. Parks quarters and city jail, rest room, should not be made as in the peti Jordan Jones and Beulah Dan Gallagher fire station, library, council cham tion prayed for to wit: that auth Mahogany ......................................................................... Mrs. D. H. Haylett bers and other features. Plans have J. C. Stoneman returned Monday ority be granted to the Administra Malheur ..................................................................... Mrs. Horton Worsham ......................................................................... Alice D. Bankofier been drawn and approved by the from Yakima. Washington after a trix of said estate to sell the follow McDermitt North and and .......... Owyhee Don M. Doolittle Graham Vale council, and everything Is long visit with his daughter Mrs. ing described real esate of the de Ontario 1, 2, South 3, 4, Nyssa, 5; Fair Arcadia and Cairo .........................Bessie ceased at private sale: A certain lot about ready to go ahead. Riverside ............................................................................... Martha Jenkins Della Brannock. ...................................... Irma Dora S. Sheridan or tract of land situtated in the Rockville Rome ............................................................................... Mrs. Mathews Mr. and Mrs. Dee Peters and fam * * * of Nyssa, Malheur County, Snake River................................................................................... C. H. Spicer ily visited Mr. and Mrs. Wylie Frakes Town Oregon, and located upon the cor Watson ................................................................................ Mrs. L. E. Palmer Nampa Is to have a new $145,450 and family Sunday. ner of First Street and Oreen Av school building under the PWA Cairo those who ARE NOW registered. the same being Assessor's Tax Official Registrars have lists of plan. The project consists of thej basketbaU played last Owyhee p ^ y . school Cairo In enue, H. S. SACKETT No. 10 in Block 65A of Green’s Ad construction of a new grade school team was defeated. County Clerk building, school auditorium building Miss Opal Ivers visited Mrs. dition to the Town of Nyssa and de- 9-10 to 10-1 and additions to the present high Derrick Sunday afternoon school and Lakevlew grade school. Arthur Mrs. Watanabe visited Miss Shig- % etti who is ill at the Holy Rosary * >»- hospital Sunday. WEEK’S ADD-A-LAFF Loye and Rodney Frakes returned NYSSA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY to school Tuesday after several days The following letter was sent to of illness. the editor of a New York country Jack WE RECOMMEND THEM Watanabe and El wood Hoff paper: "Please send a few copies of man rode to the siphon Sunday on y the paper containing the obituary bicycles. of my aunt. Also publish the en their Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stevens and closed clipping on the marriage of family visited relatives at Star, Ida., my niece, who lives in Saugerties. on Sunday. A. L. FLETCHER And I wish you would mention In Mr. Fritts of Apple Valley visited C A R L H . CO A1) your column If it doesn’t cost any Population, (1930) .......................821 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW L H. Fritts on Sunday. thing that I have two nice puppies his Mr. son and ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Recent estimates . ......................1000 Mrs. Ben Thomas from for sale. As my subscription Is out Friutland visited the J. D. Falrman’s Elevation .............. ......................2186 OREGON * NYSSA please stop the paper as times are Sunday. NYSSA : OREGON City Officers too hard to waste money on news Mrs Edna Perris, county ’nurse, papers.”—Pathfinder. Mayor .................... .... Don Graham was at Cairo on Tuesday examining Councilmen .......... .... Art Norcott. the children. Al Thompson, Dick Tensen, Dean STATE OFFICERS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howard and TOWNSEND CLUB Smith. D. NORCOTT Chester Howard who have been COUNTY COUNCIL MEETINGS Clerk A R Millar DR. E. M E T T lw c u / c n |visiting at the Dee Peters home the Meetings of the Townsend Cltv D E NTIST City Treasurer ..... .. .Arthur Boycjell ‘’•L t. 1 IINL» W L.L). last week left Wednesday for Spok Club are held every Tuesday Marshall ................ A V. Cook Office Phone 35F2 ane, Washington. at the Community Church. Watermaster ........ ..N. H. Pinkerton X-RAY EXAMINATIONS Mr, and Mrs. Tom Watanabe visit Health Officer__ Dr. J. J. Sarazln The Public Is Invited The Malheur County Council of ed friends In Nyssa Saturday. Parents and Teachers met at the Margaret Magnuson has been Eph Frost ............PreBl)dient NYS 8 A OREGON County Officers new Ontario school auditorium elected news editor. Mrs. A. V. Pruyn ............ . 8 ec| Wednesday, 111 « morning session County Judge David F. Graham consisted of unit reports by Lincoln. North«» lrtUod Commissioners ................ Ora Clark. Linbergh, Conklin, Kingman Kol- Six of the nine counties of Ulster E. H. Brumbach. ony, Oregon Trail, Wade, Big Bend constitute Northern Irelund, Includ Nyssa Aerie Sheriff ................... , C. W nipnn NYSSA LI BRARY and Owyhee, under the direction Ing Antrim, Armagh, Down, Fer Clerk ...................... .........Roy Daley F. O. E. No. 2134 OPEN SATURDAY of Mrs. M. M. Creeling, county iminagh, l.omlnmlerry, Tyrone. Assessor ................. Murray Morton MEETS WEDNESDAY NIGHT ............... Town Patrons___2:30 to 5:30 Treasurer AT EAGLES HALL County Attorney ... ........M. A. Biggs Out-of-town patrons County Surveyor, J Edwin Johnson Visiting Eagles Welcome 2:30 to 7:30 County Physician,.. __ Dr. Anna B. Pritchett. CLAUDE WILLSON, Pres. ALL PATRONS WELCOME Coroner ................. R A. Tacke Your Husband Needs Watching, Under The Superintendent. Kathryn Claypool KERMIT LIENKAEMFER Mrs. Fred Marshall. Librarian Secretary Weight of Serious Responsibilities, He Nyssa Public Schools Forgets. Yet In Business Superintendent ......Leo Hollenberg Good Personal Appearance Facta About Owyhee Project Cost of Owyhee Dam ____$ 6 . 009.000 Is An A sset ON THE OLD JOB 7H CITY TRANSFER miles of Tunnel ..... $4.000.000 Siphons, canals, etc.............$3,000,000 Your Job Is To Make It An Asset By Having His H. D. Holmes Owyhee dam storage capacity___ Clothes Regularly Cleaned and Pressed at the ----------------715,000 acre feet TRUCKING Helghth of dam ........... .....520 feet and From lowest point of foundation TRANSFER and BAOOAOE to top. TRANSFERRING Don Morgan, Prop. Nyssa, Ore. All Kinds of Hauling In Leading project city, Nyssa, Oregon Elevation of land .......2.250 to 2,500 Phone 15 and Phone 2$ City Limita Acres In Owyhee project, 100,00 acres IMPORTANT —We have just received our fall Principal products _________ .hay, line of Kahn Suit and Overcoat samples and C. Klinkenberg NYSSA. ORKOON Phone $ corn, dairying, s to ck raising, Styles. Come In Today. grains, potatoes, clover seed, peas, lettuce, onions and carrots. 1 president. Squirts OtllUUl L/lbtl ILb 1U 1 ail pul y/uuCk, “ ‘O *- --------------------------, - . , Notice To Voters ✓ FACTS ABOUT NYSSA Watch Your Husband . . . 'Jr / 1 NYSSA TAILOR SHOP 9