Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL Published At Nyssa, Oregon GATEWAY TO THE OW YHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS VOLUME XXIX. NO. 39. Fruitland Wins 12-6 Here Fri. Fruitland Takes Advan tage of Local Fumble to Score W inning Touch down— Play Baker Fri. Fastest Growing Town in Oregon NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1936. j Italian Army Tank Carries a Bridge MRS. JOHN YOUNG APPOINTED REPORTER FOR CIVIC CHORUS At a meeting of the Civic Chorus last night at the Young home, Mrs. John Young was appointed club reporter. Several new members were present for the first time, and among the new singers are Misses Fuqua, Rettle, Galley, Mr. Kirkham, John Burke and Ray Savage. The I club will hold their meeting next Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. W. C. Jackson, starting at 7:30. *l.òu PER YEAH U. P. President Visits Project •HOD” BOOR TO PLAY FOOTBALL AT CALDWELL THIS SATURDAY AFTERNOON Howard “Hod" B joc will be in the Eastern Oregon Ncrmal lineup Sat urday when his team lines up against the Coliege of Idaho at 2:30 on the college field “Hod" is playing left tackle on the Mountaineers’ Carl Gray Much Impress line and no doubt will use his 260 pounds to advantage. Last Saturday ed W ith Agricultural the La Grande tarn opened their and Business Possibil season by defeating the Oregon ities of Eastern Oregon. Institute of Technology of Portland 37 to 0. Oarl Oray. president of the Union Pacific was a guest in the county this week, and Monday a tour was mad,' of the project. On the tour were Mr. Oray and his wife, Mr. Hays, publicity agent for the Union Pac ific; Mr. Hyms, out of the Boise of fice of the Union Pacific and Frank Morgan, secretary of the Vale-Owy- hee Land Settlement Assocatlon. Mr. Gray was much Impressed Several Growers Start with the looks of the crops of this and the progress being Fall Harvest — Yields section, made. He was amazed at thedeveiop- Very Satisfactory. ment of the towns here and thought they could look forward to a con tinued healthy growth. The sugar beet harvest near Nys The Union Pacific is much inter sa started Monday when the first ested in the proposed sugar factory beets were received at the pller lo in the valley and remarked that cated near the Dale Garlrson home trom a railroad st&npoint no Indus south of Nyssa. Beets have been try provided as much freight, both coming from the Garrison, Tigart. directly and indirectly, as a sugar and Wm. DeOroftt fields, with factory. Besides hauling the finished yields very satisfactory. The first product out. the factories also use beets from the DeGrofft field, and enormous quantities of coal, lime according to BUI they were the stone and other products. poorest he has, are averaging around Possibilities of getting a cross 18 tons to the acre. state railroad from Burns to Bend Is With nearly 600 acres to be har very slight, according to Mr. Gray. vested in the Nyssa section, the pil- There was a time the Union Pacific er Is expected to be kept busy from considered such a route, he said, but now untU late November. Beet top now the Great Northern and South pers are receiving 65c per ton for ern Pacific have the territory cov topping and employment Is being ered and that the Union Pacific given several men. More help will would expect very little freight be needed as the season advances, from there, even If the road was and the harvest Is started In other built. fields, but It Is expected enough local Mr. Gray and hls party met Mon help will be available to hande the day night at Ontario with a group crop here. of citizens from Vale, Ontario and Nyssa to talk over problems affect ing the railroad and the cities of the BANK OFFICIAL MAKES SHORT county. Hard luck hit the Nyssa football team In their game Friday with with Fruitland when Paul Johnston, sparkplug ouarterback of the team, sprained his shoulder when tackling a Fruitland runner. He will likely be lost to the team for several weeks. Fruitland won the ball game, 12 to 6, but only the breaks prevented a tie score. Fruitland scored first in the second quarter when they car ried the bail down the field, using Town of 1500 Popula straight football. Nyssa's passing tion Destroyed Sunday combination Graham to Johnston, W hen Fire Gets Out of This is a new Italian tank which carries a bridge for transporting soldiers over small rivers. It was dem began functioning in the third quar Hand. onstrated for the first time at the huge Italian war manuevers held near Avellino recently. ter and two long passes put the ball in scoring position, where Boren car ried the ball over for the first score Major Oregon News this week was FARM SALE PLANNED f Tells About JUNIOR HIGH of the season. FOR NEXT THURSDAY ri ELECTS OFFICERS the destruction of the town of The deciding counters came later Bandon by fire. Forest fires which _____ b ovest Fives in the quarter, and almost imme started over the week end got out of diately after Johnston had been A big farm sale is in prospect next | The Junior High School held their taken out of the game. ~Frultland c001101 111 a high wind Sunday and Thursday, October 8 at the place Dick At)ams. 5rother this first meeting this year and elected punted '"from" the center'of the field | don, with °bt a loss in excess of a B“ mil being farmed by W. S. Rogers. This I ^ after runnln* the gauntlet of officers for the whole school term. and the safety man let it get away lion and a half dollars and a dozen is the F. S Bailey ranch and is lo- ; f ,fe Qn the Hls home ta from him. A Fruitland boy fell on deaths. Bandon’s entire population cated on the road to Vale, the first Torrl ton Wyoming, but he came The officers elected were: president the pigskin over the goal for an of 1500 was homeless in the midst of house this side of the big Malheur j through the fire area on the coast Bob McCoy; vice president, Donald Eldredge; secretary and treasurer, easy touchdown. . . . wreckage. siphon. _ . . boys showed , , marked . . . j smouldering cn route to Nyssa He says it is ex- Herman Pompe; yell leader, Nor The . Idaho Elghteen mUes lnIand from the Some stock and .. machinery is be- ' _ , . tremely to travel on the t man L. and Barbara Brown; repor superiority in their running plays. seaslde town f]ames bu[TOd stnlc_ ing consigned to ,,, the , sale , , . . by _ T. ... C. , . dangerous , partially highway, due to the fact ter, Phyllis Poage. and were able to skirt the ends or tures on the outskirts of Nielson and N. Woods, making a list , , Is very _ limited _________ and , __._ motorists plug through the line for consistent Marshfield and North Bend but are of 5 work horses, 17 head of cattle. vision can only see a short distance FIRE PREVENTION WEEK gains of from 5 to 10 yards. Nyssa now control Nyssa machinery and household goods, through the dense smoke. There Is SET FOR OCTOBER 4-10 was superior in the air, with Gra- folks were for friends and The sale will start at 10 in the from burning trees ham heaving passes for 40 ---- 1 relatives living in these towns, but mornini?' wlth time out for lunch to j also hi danger across the road, or on a and better. With Johnston out of the the lmmediate danger ^ to be ^ bV the Lincoln P.T.A. and ^ d n g across Next week Is Fire Prevention game, however, there was no o n e past . now. i then continue selling coih „„ in ..... .... 1™°““** i-»*- officers are stationed at Week the „ after and special emphasis on this Traffic to receive them and m 06 t of the trys noon. Mr. Rogers and family expect frequent intervals, and through the Important will be given by fell Incomplete. to move a few days after the sale worst sections, they warn the mot the Nyssa subject fire department under NEW BASEMENT to North Carolina. I’lay Baker Friday orists they are traveling through the Chief Burbldge. BEING BUILT UNDER Nyssa travels to Baker Friday for area at considerable risk and advise GARRISONS GET DEER their next encounter. The boys are EPISCOPAL CHURCH BIG CROWD ATTENDS them to proceed slowly and cau D. A. SMITH SALE tiously. bucking a strong team when they Mr. and Mrs Dale Garrison re tangle with Baker, but Nyssa has turned last Wednesday evening VISIT HERE beat Baker before, and may spring Work was started this week build ODD FELLO ES PLAN j with two very nice deer, one be inf The D. A. Smith sale held last an upset and do it again. ing a basement under the Episcopal Friday on one of the KS&D ranches I C P E T T A I P P D G d a as a 4-point buck and the the other a church. A furnace is also to be in attracted tL -IA L . rK tA jK A IV l 2-point. They were hunting on East Burleigh B. Draper, vice-president an unusually large crowd, stalled. along with other improve and spirited Camp Creek above Ironside. Others of the First National Bank of Phil bidding. The sale was ments. Luther Fife has the contract advertised in the Journal of Sept in the party were Mr. and Mrs. was here Wednesday look for the work. The local I.O.O.F. lodge are plan- James Williams and Mr. and Mrs. adelphia ember 17th. ing after property Interests. Hls ning a special meeting for next Bob Morfitt. The W. C T. U. served the lunch uesday evening, starting at 8 1 bank Is the owner of the Idanha or WARR-JOHNSON •»»» and cleared a net profit in excess o’clock. chard land and while here the bank All visitors, newcomers and I - of $10 arranged a long term lease with Mr. Lettuce Crop Looks Well members are urged to attend and P o | * m o F 11V I i A C Chas. Overstreet to operate the W ith Price Prospects Sunday afternoon at six o’clock take part In the affair. The meeting a L U , a l u u l C B ranch. Miss Pauline Johnson of New Mea will be held in the hall above Wll- Mr. Draper came to Nyssa via air Above the Average. became the bride of Dorsey Civic Club Sponsoring dows plane to Boise, and after spending also of New Meadows. Rev. lettuae pack’ng season Reception For Local Warr the day here looking over the is Another Floyd White read the simple ring almost at hand, with the harvest country, returned to Boise where WINS MANY PRIZES Teachers at Eagle Hall ceremony with Mrs. A. N. Derrick of The Parma Golf course Is now took a plane Wednesday evening expected to get in full swing within Boise acting as maid of honor and undergoing a thorough cleaning up he a week or ten days. Prom the for California. He was much im amount Mr. Derrick as best man. Mrs. White The first Eagles social night of Leola Truelson, Owyhee club girl, and is being put in shape for the pressed of acreage growing, Nyssa with the looks of the coun Next Friday evening at the Eagles was the only other witness. The the fall season was held Wednes won six awards at the Malheur fall playing season. Weeds are try here, especially after comparing Is expected to again set a record for Hall the teachers of the Nyssa bride wore a smartly tailored black day night at the local hall, with county fair. She had entries in sev being mowed, raked and burned, It with the bleak drought sections lettuce shipments. Weather has been schools will be honor guests at a and grey suit with matching acces entertainment and a general clean up being of the mid-west. good far lettuce growing and a good taking the form of en divisions. She won 1st is sewing; made. reception sponsored by the Nyssa sories and carried a lovely bouquet an amateur night. crop Is anticipated. An interesting 2nd style review; and won second Civic Club. This meeting is open to of American Beauty rose buds. Mr. program was given by the “ama prizes in first, second and third year A meeting of the club was held NEW DENTISTS EQUIPMENT Denney Hogue Is here helping get the public and everyone interested and Mrs. Warr will make their home teurs”, including a tap dance by canning; and 5th prize In second last Monday evening at the First INSTALLED BY DR. NORCOTT things In readiness to start packing are urged to come. A program under at New Meadows where Mr. Warr is Carol Robertson, two humorous division cooking. National Bank and the members lettuce at the Hogue plant shortly the direction of Mrs. Howard Lar associated with Handcok Mecantile readings by Jackie Smit; an imi attending were all enthusiastically and a large crew will likely find sen will be given, at 8 o’clock. company. In favor of the move to put the employment In the shed and In the tation of radio stars by Junie and Carl Coad left Wednesday morn grounds In good condition. It was Another dental chair was Install fields. After this refreshments will be Johnie Burky; a reading by Marvin served and a social time will be held. Mr. and Mrs. P. E Short of Payette Penrod and a tap dance by Hine- ing for Seaside, Oregon to attend agreed to Invite the Nyssa golfers ed Tuesday In Dr. Norcott’s office, A new concern has entered the meeting of the State Bar Asso to use the local course this fall. making It possible for him to give produce field In Malheur county, • the visited Monday with their son Brud moa Cloninger. ciation. He expects to return this The officers of the club urge all attention to more than one patient the White River Packing company, After the program, refeshments The Home Bakery of Caldwell has Short and family. week end. members to get out and get In at the time. Besides the new chair, with headquarters In Kent, Wash were served, followed by dancing. been doing their baking at the Swan practice as there will be some fall Dr. Norcott Is also Installing other ington. They have opened for busi Bakery this week while their shop j Mrs. H. E. Curry of Baker spent tournaments played, Including the modern equipment to keep In the ness In the Boyer warehouse in On BIG BEND DIRECTORS jthe week end with her husband GIANTS WIN FIRST is being remodeled. Baldridge handicap for the silver front ranks of progress In dental tario and expect to run a crew of here. Mr. Curry has been working GAME OF WORLD SERIES TO MEET OCT. 6 AS BOARD loving cup now held by E. H. Brum- science. from 50 to 60. The White River con The W. F. Findling family arriv- at the Nyssa Pharmacy for the past OF EQUALIZATION bach who won It last year.—Parma cern are much Impressed with the ed in Nyssa Sunday and plan to two weeks. Review. The Giants won the first game of Miss Alice Hashltanl who Is a country as a producer of lettuce, make their home here. They came Series being played in freshman at the College of Idaho, peas, onions, potatoes and other row from Hubbell, Neb, and have pur- Mrs, W. C. Jackson returned Fri- the World York, by defeating the Yan The board of directors of the Big OWYHEE DIRECTORS was pledged Into the Myra Telia crops, and expect to be here perman chased the W. E. Patterson property day from Portland where she New kees Wednesday by a 6 to 1 count. Bend Irrigation district will meet as sorority this week. ently. TO SIT TUESDAY AS near the substation. Mrs. Findling is visited with her sons Alfred and There was no game today, due to a Board of Equallzaton on Tuesday, BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Strike trouble at Salinas, Calif a sister of Bernard Frost. Neil. Mrs. Jackson accompanied Mr. the heavy October 6 at 8:00 P M,, at the Wade rains in New York. ornia is expected to have a benefic Webster Eldredge arrived In Nyssa ---------- Jackson's brothers to Portland and School house. The purpose of the Directors of the Owyhee Irriga today from Portland and will spend ial result on prices received locally, Mr and Mrs. George McKee of returned on the train. Art Boydell and Wm. SChireman meetng will be to review and correct tion District are to meet Tuesday, hls three weeks vacation with Mrs. as Salinas ordinary furnishes the Nyssa, accompanied by Mrs. Mc of Nyssa; Clark Enos of Adrian and assessments and apportionments of October 6 at the Irrigation office In Eldredge and Mrs, Bettle Forbes. nation a large percentage of its fall Kee’s sister, Mrs. Elma Simpson of WILL LEAVE SUNDAY E. C. Van Petten of Ontario played taxes for the roll. C. E. Peck Is secre Nyssa and will sit as a board of The Eldredges plan to spend the lettuce. Prices have been raising Boise, and her brother James Arm golf on the Nampa course Sunday. tary of the district. equalization. FOR TRIP TO PORTLAND week end deer hunting In the moun steadily and both growers and deal strong of Wilder left last Thursday LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION ers are hopeful for good prices this tains above Ironside. for a two weeks vacation trip which fall. It Is reported that 3,000 cars will take them to Los Angeles where The two 4-H club winners award lettuce has already spoiled they wiU visit with their sister Mrs. ed a free trip to the Pacific Inter Mrs. Guy Sperry Is having visit Salinas In the fields because of the strike. If Northrop. The Max Schweizers are ors this week from Pavllllon Wyo the strike trouble should happen to staying at the McKee home during national Livestock Exposition by ming. Her mother, Mrs. L. D. be the First National Bank of Portland, settled the same time the Nyssa their absence. Whitehead ;and her brother and expect to leave Sunday to take in lettuce goes on the market, It would his wife, Mir. and Mrs. Everett the show. The winners of the likely result In large quantities of Whitehead, arrived Wednesday for a lettuce award were Doris Klingback of ♦ being thrown on the market, visit at the Guy Sperry home. HPHHHhHhHhHHHhHh Owyhee district and Fred DeBoer with a correspondingly lowering of CCC enrollment period on relief or WPA during the past j Work being done by the CCC EVENT CALENDAR of Ontario. Alternates named were has Another prices. been announced, the period ex year. Age limits are between 17 and camps Include forest improvement Mrs. John Hunter returned Sat- Marjorie Oroot and James Nichols tending from October 1 to 10th. Mal 28, and the applicant must be un and protection, trail making, soil urday from a visit with Mr. Hunter (Please phone Journal to have your heur county's quota is 6 and main married, unemployed, and willing erosion control, flood control, | at The Dalles. She also visited the date in this column) WILL LEAVE NEXT Tonigbt—Legion and Auxiliary to WEEK ON VACATION headquarters is hopeful that the to allot a substantial proportion of landscaping and development of ,T. J. Carson family there; attended 'ROUND TOWN quota will be filled promptly. Ap their $30 monthly cash allowance to recreational areas, and many other a reception for the associated grand hold joint session. October3- Last day to register to Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McCoy expect plication should be made at the re their needy and dependent families. similar projects. Except In emer- matron of the Eartem Star Lodge glad the man with vote. to leave next Tuesday on a vacation lief office in Vale. Qualifications are Preliminary physical examinations gencles, working hours are forty and went on to Portland and Van the Otis gun Crooker was getting ready to hunt couver. October 4-10—Fire Prevention trip to the coast. While on their much the same as previous enroll are given to all men to make sure each week. deer . . . Mrs. John Wulf wins prize W?ek. trip they expect to take In the ments, except that If an applicant that no conditions exist which would When a man enrolls he Is expect October 6—Odd Fellows special O&Ufornia-Oregon State football has been In a CCC camp before, he make It inadvisable for any man to ed to stay In camp at least six Mrs A. L. King and daughter Miss at Packing Company for largest ear of corn, squash this week . . . meeting. game In Portland October 10th. must have been discharged at least accept vigorous outdoor labor, and months. Otherwise he causes the Jean King left Wednesday morning Popping too plentiful October 8—Rogers farm sale. Vem Vaupel. druggist from Pay a year ago In order to be eligible to to guard against communicable Government excessive expendlttfre enroute for their home In Seattle . . . World motorcycles Series broadcasts pop October 9—Teachers Reception. ette will be here to help In the store re-enroll at this time. Discharge diseases. Those In camp receive free for clothing, transportation, and after visiting with their daughter papers should be brought along medical care and hospital care If other items. In case some extraor and sister Mrs Ray Emmott for the ular . . . Oca Blaylock has all sorts October 16—Emmett plays football while the McCoys are away. when the boy goes to enroll. In order needed. In case of accident In the dinary circumstance arises, or If a past ten days. Mrs. Emmott drove as of troubles as result of hunting trip here. November 3—General Election. Dick Stockham Is among the suc to prove hls date of discharge. line of duty, enrollees come under man receives an offer of permanent far as La Orande with them and re . . . Dr. Norcott and Dean Smith cessful hunters returning this week Others who can enroll at this time the United Statues Compensation employment, he may be released be turned to Nyssa on the evening display big bucks. are boys whose families have been Law. fore the end of hls six months’ term. train. with hls venison. Beet Harvest Gets Underway Forest Fires Bum Bandon Plan Reception For Teachers Lettuce Harvest To Start Soon Eagles Enjoy Social Night Nyssa Golfers CCC Fall Enrollment Period Set From October 1 To 10th—Six Is County Quota