THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 24, 1936 C alí MICKIE S A Y S - I KINGMAN Beets Look Good In Other Sections KOLONY Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pfeiler re turned today to their home at Ox- Mr Wlcklander. state deputy at T " W A T E R , B U T yO U __ _ _ _ _ _ j nard, California after spending the the grange and Mr. Wycle, county C A N T M A K E U /M D fU N H * ,| summer on the ranch here. Mr. deputy of Ontario .assisted by Mrs. NOTE: The following article is ! pfeiler expects to return next year N E IT H E R G A N V A M Á M E M. M. Oreellng. president of the taken from the Burley Bulletin, and ^ put the majority of his big farm A N T B O O N R E A P A B IL L - PTA organized a grange in King- republished due to the information the p ^ j ^ t in crop. He now has O P A P V E B T tS t H G S H E E T man Wednesday evening. Several It contains regarding the number of l ^ acres 0f new seeded alfalfa, and B V T H R O W N 'A r O N grangers from Wade were also pres men employed In a sugar factory i eXpec{5 p, piant quite an acreage of Ed Warren is remodeling his Howard Boor left Sunday for La - rH E tP P R O N r P O R C H * ent. and in the fields; number of tons of ^ lima beans as soon as his land house, he plans to build additional Grande, where he will attend East beets, sliced, tonnage, length of rim ^ ready Officers who were elected are: C. rooms and to put on a new ro o t. ern Normal School this year. and popularity of by-products. j ___ t , t ____ E. Elliott, master; Mrs Hazel Schaf Kermit Uenkaemper returned to er, lecturer, and Mr Wade Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ramsey re secretary. The next meeting will be turned last week end from their Nyssa Friday noon on the Rose after Harvesting of a probably 340,000- CALLED TO BLA( K IO O I held on Monday evening, October 5 wedding trip and are now at home spending two weeks with his par ton crop of sugar beets In southern j DEATH OF FATHER J \ à s r e T t ìs « at which time all of those who wish j ents at Portland. at the Swan apartments. Idaho will be well underway by j - - - - - - - to join as charter members may do ilvVcniP September 28, with Burley factory Mrs. W C. Crosswhlte of Caldwell The Elmer Cloninger family have so The rest of the officers will also J fe w p a fc p opening Septmber 30, Paul, October Is spending two weeks here with her Mr. and Mrs Henry Hatch left moved to the house in the north part be elected at that time. aM . 3, Twin Falls plans October 6 and 7, ] Wednesday for Blackfoot, called of town which was formerly occu daughter Mrs. Doug McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cole of Brigham, according to R. H. Tallman, Idaho and family 'B e lp , .. . , . . 0 there by the death of Mrs. Hatch’s pied by the Adler family. Utah and small daughters, Nyla Mae manager of the Amalgamated Sugar were accompanled by Keep and Carlena, spent the week at the The C. B. Short family moved Will Beam and Warren Blodgett Robert Montgomery company. ¡Mrs. Emil Paulus. O a v home of Mrs. Cole's parents, Mr. and The campaigns at each plant will Friday from their small ranch near and son Billie spent the week end at and Mad^e Evans Citj Mrs. Thrasher. extend a probable 87 days, Mr. Tall- I ■ ----- -- -—■-------- - town to the house formerly occupied ' the Ed Beam home at Ironside and ‘ u ti- - rltll i ■ Clean', man states, and they will employ j by the Jack Keizer family in town. , Warren hunted deer. Little Donald Newblll has been DREAMLAND. ONTARIO 500 men. most of whom are to be quite 111 with flu, but is much im Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Septem skilled. Mrs. Lloyd Hoxie and son Ronald Mrs. L. C. Weir who has been proved at present ber 27, 28, 29 of Salem are visiting at the Bert visiting with her son Lieut. Elmer In the fields there will be an aver Mr. and Mrs W. H. Patterson Hoxie home and with her parents, Cloninger and family the past two ONTARIO age of 2,500 toppers employed by spent the week end in Boise visit Mr. and Mrs. C W. Barrett. The weeks left Friday for her home in ing with Mrs Paterson's cousins, Mrs all gone into the mountains deer growers over a 40-day period. visitors arrived here Tuesday and Portland, SUN-MON-TUE. The crop Is said to be as good as hunting. Stroup and Mr. Blakley. will make an extended visit. September 27, 28, 29 Mr. and Mrs. Aden Wilson spent Members of the 4-H Baby Beef any on record here, with the aver Mrs. Lillie Bach received word Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Powell left the week end at the Frank Ward from Rev. Walter Bach, of North | c iub and their parents met with age yield estimated at from 15 to Saturday for their mine near Prairie sheep camp near Unity and hunted VISITORS FROM ILLINOIS i Powder that they have been trans- Mr. E. M. Hauser in Ontario Wed 15*4 tons to the acre. Clty where they plan to spend the deer. Blayney Boydell and Art Ser- _______ j ferred to Prairie City for the coming nesday to make plans to take the Acreages for the three factories calves to the Pacific International total 22,600 with 11,000 of this winter. During their absence, Mrs. voss also made the Ward camp their | year. Mary Morris, mother of Mrs. Powell, headquarters while hunting the) Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bailey of ( Miss Juanita Graves of Nyssa was stock show in Portland. They are amount In the Rupert-Paul-Burley and Mrs Terman Towne and child- elusive deer. Mount Vernon, Illinois are making an overnight guest of Lucille also meeting this week at Vale to in district, and the balance in Twin terview the county officials, hoping Falls, Jerome, Lincoln, Gooding and ren are living in the Powell house. | H aro , hJ an extended visit in the home of Thrasher on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. H Dick are the Mrs. Bailey’s sister, Mrs. A. M. i Mr. and Mrs. J. G Lane and fam- that, they will pay the freight on Washington counties in Idaho and Robert Z. Leonard's Production Mr. and Mrs. Lee Parlin and Mrs. parents of a 7 pound baby girl born J^„’h8Im tji/ lly were shopping In Nampa Satur- the calves, as the bank is unable to a part of eastern Oregon. Parlin's mother, Mrs. Helen Miller, on September 18 at Croston, Neb., Divided by plants It is anticipated do this this year. i ______ , •____ ¡day of Herron, Montana were over night where Mrs. Dick is visiting with her j * — I A lovely canned food shower was Mr. John Thiel is enjoying a visit that the Burley and Paul plants will guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. parents. According to announce Alvin Kuehn, employe of the Eder , given for Mrs. WyUe Hewitt at the from his brother, who comes from slice about 90,000 tons each and the Nordale Monday. The visitors were ments received the little miss has Grocery, has returned from a weeks home of Mrs. Conrad Martin on South Dakota. Twin Falls factory about 150,000 old time friends of the Nordales been named DelRey Margaret. Wednesday afternoon. About 22 Next Sunday is rally day at King- tons. ¡visit In California. and were on their way to Eugene. No serious damage has resulted to guests were present, and a nice time man. Everyone is invited, and all Kenneth McNall and Tom Chllch- members are asked to bring another beets from weather or insect condi ting have returned from an extend Cliff Pederson and a friend of was had *>y all. tions, it Is pointed out, and though A surprise party was given by the person with them. ed trip which took them to Valen- I North Powder visited at the Dewey frost has come to this section beets Sunday Schbol members for the tine, Nebraska, where they took the Ray home this week. are impervous to any damage on Reverend 8wininy and f amily on Steadmans to their home. They re- I LEGION AUXILIARY TO this score. turned by way of Missoula. Mont., Mrs. Alice Eckerman of Livermore Thursday evening. Several brought INSTALL OFFICERS As a by-product of the harvest and visited with Mrs. LeSter Bach- California, a friend of Mrs. W lll,gifts of canned fruit, here, it was learned that sheep in man and family, sister of Kenneth's Beam was her guest Thursday and I ^ rs Edna Ferris was at the King- large numbers are being shipped in. and then on to Deer Lodge, Mont., j Friday of this week. i m a n sch<x>1 Friday, checking up on The American Legion Auxiliary In order to have feeding stock for I the summer round-up which was to visit with the Frank Parr family. I will hold their first fall meeting beet tops. Mrs. Parr, sister of Kenneth's, and The Oeo. Staceys moved Saturday given last May. her small daughter returned to Nys- 1 to Boise where they, wm make their | Mr. and Mrs. • Jack Borge have Thursday evening, October 1st In sa with them and will make an in- home. Mr. Stacey was transferred completed the basement which they the Parish Hall. Mrs. Elma Eckley. Mrs. Ray Emmott is enjoying a have been building on their farm. District President of La Grande will definite visit wtih her father W. A. hy the reclamation bureau, Mr. Borge has returned to Oak- be present to install the new officers visit with her mother, Mrs. A. L. McNall and Kenneth. King and her sister Miss Jean King, Harry Brown purchased a rest- Iftnd. California and Mrs. Borge is which were elected earlier In the summer. The Leglonalres will attend who came Sunday evening from dence lot in the south part of Nyssa j Caching at^ Lower Bend school, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris ex- and refreshments and a social will Seattle. They plan to spend about! this week from Bert Hoxie. This ten days here. build a basement soon. Mrs. follow the Installation. property is adjoining the Thomas I)ect' I Borge and Mrs. Harris are daugh- property. F aihion ed Fir»t Valentine» ' ters of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Leach of MRS. WHIPPLE IN SNOW Charles, duke of Orleans, is said Mrs. S. Jones and son Charlie and Weiser. Mrs. J. B. Smith returned h om e1 Kenneth and Donald Elliott. STORM AT LONG VALLEY to have fashioned the first written KID CURLERS ARE OUT valentines while Imprisoned In til» Saturday night after visiting with Ranald. Keith and Ross Lane help- London Tower. the Leonard Jones family in Sausa- ed Gregory Thiel enjoy a lovely Solve Your Hair Problems NOU K IN L£AC> A NOSS Dreamland THE FUNNIEST PICTURE OF THE YEA R! MONTGOMERY m with a comfortable permanent from our shop. Priced front $2.50 to $5.00 We Feature the One-Minute Frederics Permanent Wave - S - THE VOGUE BEAUTY SHOP Phone 55F3 and ECONOMY Too. . It’s really a revalation the way new piston rin restore original horsepower and top-speed to old motors. Helps to save oil too . . . Farmer Jones was standing by the roadside one day Just after the ad vent of the automobile, when one drove by: "Huh!" he sniffed, "them may be swell city fellers, but they certainly wah a-smokin' some dam orefel seegars." BRING YOUR CAR TROUBLES TO US E. W. Pruyn Auto Repair TUBE TESTING We test tubes free and only sell re placements when you need them. We have many compliments on our repair service. PHILCO Visitors at the Marvin Penrod home this week have been Mrs. J. D. Penrod of Montebello. California: a ! sister in law, and Mrs. J. Mulheim and Mr. J. Hooker, also of Monte- I bello. The party have been on a va- cation trip and were much impress- ed with the Nyssa country, and may locate here later. They expect to re turn to California tomorrow. POLKS: We always felt that this evolution theory is all turned around. You can't transform a monkey Into a human, but it doesn't take long to make a mon- out oi B man —KNOTS— RASTUS -Sambo, what business Is you all in now? , Dr. and Mrs. John Long and son Sambo—Ize de minin' business. Jackie arrived in Nyssa last Thurs , RASTUS—You dont say! What day from Salem and plan to spend kind of minin'? about two weeks visiting with rela SAMBO—Kalsominin'. tives here before going on to Phoenix —KNOTB— Arizona, where they will spend the We’re in the building supply and winter. They plan to make the trip coal business, and have been for a by way of California and will stop good many years We are anxious to and see Mrs. Ruth Rates, sister of give you the benefit of our exper Dr. Long and will also visit with a ience In helping you plan your home brother of Mrs. Long. and farm Improvements. —KNOTS— ,-v It's easy enough .to eat corn off the cob, When you've nice teeth to be proud about But the guy worthwhile Is the one who can smile When all his front teeth are out. l " \ 0 you lufftr burning, »canty of —KNOTS— L y too frequent urination; backache, One day a young lady with a headache, dixiinet*, lo*» of energy, leg pain», »welling» and pufhne»t poodle dog on her lap was riding In under the eye»? A re you tired, nerv- j a street car. A prim woman sitting out— feel alt unstrung and don't ¡next to her sniffed: "What a fuss know what i» wrong? ___ ¡you make over that dog.. Don't you Then give tom« though* to your think it would be nicer If you had A big-value Babv Grano for American reception, latest features—tme tone beau tiful modern cabinet. . mils u . t«c«u » « n « it th< Z blood I t to to lUv May 1« in tfcn ÏÏ . EAST U m Doan't Pill*. Doan'» am fo r the kidntyi only. They am recommended TERMS I WILSON DRYGOODS Nyssa, Oregon Mrs. Sarah Whipple returned last week from a week's visit with her daughter, Mrs. H. P. Moore at Nor wood. Idaho in Long Valley. Mrs. Whipple says the valley was visited by quite a snow storm a week ago Monday, but that it didn't freeze as hard there as It did here. Sunday they picked strawberries and the following day several inches of snow fell. Crops are good In Long Valley, she says, and her son-in-law has a crop of oats that are almost tall enough to hide a grown person. GREETINGS i v“ No, «. . ' "' N o.. "^ the pretty one replied, replied and to potton and upiat tha whole see. I'm not married." D oan spills « . — v "You Nyssa, Oregon For Friday and Saturday SEPTEMBER 25 and 26 Lard J ’ a % t h e a t r e Program "Y y ONTARIO, ORE. THURS.-FRIDAY Victor McLaglen and Freddie Bartholomew in “ PROFESSIONAL SOLDIER” SATURDAY 4 lb. packages Picnic Hams P O X Y ONLY September 26 Glorie Stuart in ‘THE CRIME OF DR. FORBES” Small size, lb. “ DON’T TURN ’ EM LOOSE" 19c 23c Frankfurters 29c Sugar 2 ibs. 10 lb- bags C * TT a a Golden West in Quail jars, lb. ■■ Ovaltine Garge size Cake Flour _ V eO C O d Dash 57c 29c 59c 25c Bakers 1 lb. cans, 2 for Large size 25c 45c C risC O 3 lb. can 59c P u re X Quarts, 2 for 25c Sweet Spuds 41bs 19c SUN-MON-TUES. Binnie Barnes and Randolph Scott in 59c Pork Roast ä o Ä and Bruce Cabot in ‘LAST OF THE MOHICANS” . Jackson Lumber Company Specials Use Journal Ads—They Pay! Knot Hole News Rid Yojurself of Kidney Poisons PHILCO Y o u 'll get a new thrill when you listen to the big football broad casts with a 1937 Philco! Come . . see and h. these marvel- ous values and let us demon- strate! lito, Calif., the past week. i birthday Friday. . . . . . I David Bay and Freddie Hertig of An 8-, pound baby boy was born ^ Davla called on ^ to Mr, and Mrs. Rex Sounce, who Bunday ' live in the north port of Nyssa. Dr. i Mrs Davis and children of Utah Sarazin was the attending p h y -, are vlsltIrlg at the home o( her sician. Mr. and Mrs. Scounce are re- lbrother Mr. Melvin Everett, cent newcomers to ttiis community The D c famUy and from Colorado. Claud Patterson were Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tensen and . gupsts *n the M. L. Kurtz home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boydell re-1 BU1 Schiemer is threshing his 40 turned Wednesday evening to Nyssa!acres of clover. after a trip to Hillsboro. They left ^he D. C. Anderson family and Misses Ethel Mary Boydell and Cluud Patterson were Sunday din- i Tlena Tensen In Portland and the ner guests in the M. L. Kurtz home. The D C. Anderson family were two girls went on to Corvallis where they are enrolling for their second in Parma and vicinity on business Saturday. year. Gene Pratt went with a truck Miss Helen Lackey has returned load of beef to Portland on Friday. Two of his uncles, brothers of his | to her home In Riverside. Calif ., | where her mother, Mrs. Ruth Bates mother, Mrs. Anna Pratt returned | lives, after spending the summer with him on Wednesday. They have ¡here with, her grandparents the J. T. Longs and her sister Mrs. Robert Thompson. She also visited with her grandmother Mrs. A. M. Lackey in Ontario and with an aunt Mrs Ruth i DeNyce at Wallace, Idaho. Hear Roxy’s new RCA high fidelity sound equipment— the best to be heard. W NYSSA ilson G roc ERY A Dependable Food Store OREGON