THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1936 r.i.s. Wendell Pogue and sons spent Sunday at the M. S. Blrltea home In Apple Valley. ROCKVILLE NEWS Oregon Expected To Grow Most Created Wheat Gri , Bowen home during their absence. OREGON TRAIL Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hopkins went HONOR TEACHERS H U IN U K 1 L A L M L K i to Unity over the week end Mr Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. English of Wilder spent Sunday at the Geo. McKee home. A1 She rid lan has been quite busy Hopkins hunted while Mrs. H o p k i n s _______ ____ ______________ ---- the last week clearing about 20 acres , | visited with her slater. Mrs. Esther *"*' J "\^ of sagebrush land which he plans to The teachers reception given by Reid. plant to hay or grain. Oregon will have the largest acre- Oregon Trail P. T A honoring Mr C L Mitchell of Dodge City. Kan- Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McKenzie M ETH O D IST CHURCH age of crested wheat grass next year and Mrs. Albert B. Hopkins was aaa, who recently purchased the plan to take their two chldren out of any state In the Union. Judging held Friday evening September It. West place moved his family here Floyd E. White, Pastor to the railroad so they can go to col i from present plans for seeding this | After a short business meeting the the last of the week. AND PROFESSIONAL lege. Stewart will attend the uni Sunday School 10 o’clock. D. R. grass by eastern Oregno fanners and following program In charge of Mrs. Ira Chadd has been 111 for versity at Eugene and Janet, Oregon D eG ros. Superintendent. Leland stockmen. A Jump from about 3000 Dwight Johnston was given: wel- some time was moved to Nyssa Mon- State college at Corvallis. Morse ,assistant superintendent acres grown this year to about 53.000 come from the school board, Loyd day. She has gastric typhoid, but Is S _______________________ / * The old bridge near the Rose creek Lesson Title: The Spread of Christ- acres next year Is In prospect, ac- Adams: welcome from the com somewhat improved now. ranch on Succor creek has been re lanlty In Western Asia. i cording to E. R. Jackman, exten- munity. Mrs. F. S. Byers; welcome B. L. Land re th has purchased modeled recently making It possible Morrung Worship 11:15. Sermon slon agronomist at Oregon State from the PTA, Mrs. Frank Byers; Clint Ward's house and plans to lor the farmers on that section of ROBT. D. L Y T L E Theme: Witnessing for Christ A college, who has recently checked responses, Mr. and Mrs. Albert B move It to his homestead. Succor creek to cross the stream warm weclome awaits you at any or up on seed supplies on hand, Hopkins. A spelling match between Mrs. T. Olsen and son Leonard AT T O R N E Y safely. all of our services. | “ As soon as the new agricultural Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins was one of , visited with Mr. Olsen Sunday. They And C O UNSELO R-AT-LAW Andrew Cunningham returned Epworth League 1 o'clock. Dean conservation program was put Into the big events of the evening, with brought a load of machinery over. First National Bank Bulldtug from a trip to Forest Grove this Byrum. president. Passengers in the smoking Francis Poster, effect, eastern Oregon county agents Mrs. Hopkins winning the prize. Phone 66 week after taking Mrs. Brown and leader. compartment on m y train 'sensed the fact that use of crested Miss Hlnemoa Cloninger of Nyssa VALE oreoon V ISITO R S FROM MELBA were arguing about why his three small children home from Evening Worship 8 o’clock. wheat grass on sub-marginal grain gave a dance Impersonating ’T h e railroad business is pick a summers visit In Rockville with lands of the Columbia basin and Old Gray Mare." Games and re- ing up. relatives and friends. other eastern Oregon sections would freshments completed the evening, M r and Mrs Arvll Blrks and Andrew Greeley has been working provide one of the best means of | Marion Chard returned Thursday A factory owner said it family of Melba visited at the Mrs. at his lower place this week. cooperating with the program and from Lucas, Kansas. Mr. Chard took was because o f Free pick-up- Sarah Whpple home Sunday. Mrs. Andrew Cunningham started cut and-delivery o f less than car ( improving the basic agricultural a load of produce to Kansas and Business Analysis ting his alfalfa seed this week on Frank Van Pet ten was an Adrian set-up of the entire region,” said brought back a load of household Blrks la a daughter of Mrs Whip load freight. The railroad calls ple's. his lower ranch on Succor creek. Accounting Auditing business caller Tuesday. Jackman. | goods ^ d livestock. for the L C L freight at ship per's door and delivers it to Fred Haylett of Cow Creek passed Mrs. Ted Newton and children. I "As crested wheat grass seed Is ’ Mr and Mrs. Grover Coooer and Income & Social Security Tax CARD OF T H A N K S consignee's door. through enroute to the lower coun Mrs. Gerritt M untjewerff and Mrs. J not available in unlimited quan- « ^ I d S U r £ y a ^ t h e ^ ^ s Specialist. a try Thursday. A traveling salesman said it were ontarl° shop- “ apr ar that oniy thoae Moore Hotel Bldg. Mrs. Bud Mattingly Is visiting her . ?, _. . M _ II i^rPhi ' 10 suPP’les would loway, Neb, Mr. Cooper Is a brother was because so many passen Ontario, Ore. Phone 159 daughter In Nysaa while Mr. M at I wish to take this opportunity, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McConnell be able to use it. The extension ser- of MTs B L Landreth The Coooers ger and freight trains now run tingly Is serving on the Jury at Vale. are rejoicing over their first grand- vice located available seed supplies Dlan to locate here ^ thru the pages o f the Journal, to on faster schedules. The hard freeze of last week did child, a 9>A pound son. born to Mr. in all states where crested wheat x oisen has dug a basement and thank those who have been Instru • ‘ au* a — f* * * '1 considerable damage to crops and and Mrs. Earl Sparks at the Cald- grass is being grown and growers’ r mental In placing my name on the T h e r e w as a sc h o o l p rin - well e ll sanitarium Sunday noon. ---- - Mrs. v r~ ordered " the , seed started buUd “ hOUse He expecta range. ordered nrertlr.Uv practically el’l all of move hls famUy her from Nam- ballot, as an Independent candidate cip al in th e g ro u p an d h e John Lawrence of Nyssa was In | Sparks was formerly Miss Vera Mc- offered. As a consequence, Oregon for the general election on N ov said it w as b ec au se train pa sometime this fall. Guarantee Work thls community on business Tues- Connell, now has on hand enough seed to tra v e l is s o m u c h c h e a p e r B. L. Landreth finished drilling ember 3. for the position o f State day. C. A. Rose returned to hls home In boost the present acreage more than Senator from the twenty-second fo r p a sse n g e rs. H e said the well at Jim Lagdon's Service Miss Betty Mclvers started to Payette Sunday after visiting sev 17 fold. p a s se n g e r fares are a t th e Station Friday. For a time It looked district. As perhaps you all know I school at District No. 2 Wednesday. eral days In the home of hls daugh All of the many new grasess intro as If they had struck an artlslan did not solicit this position but was lo w e s t p o in t in h isto ry , ter Mrs. R. C. Enos. Her father, Angus M clvor has been daafted to make the race and will to duced into Oregon by the state col w ith su b stan tia l red u ctio n s John Enos spent last week In lege experiment station and exten well. Water raised within 14 inches the best of my ability keep faith in this vicinity for some time with if y o u b u y a ro u n d -trip o f the top. Fruitland, Idaho doing carpenter sion service, crested wheat grass tic k e t—and no m o re s u r his sheep. with my neighbors and friends. ^ Bob Holmes was quite sick with a c h a rg e fo r rid in g in sle e p Clarence Mullnlx is again in the work. Official Tim e Inspector tor has proved to have by far the most bad case of tonsillitis for several in g cars. Mitchell Gaviola left Monday for advantages for large-scale produc- days last weelc neighborhood after an extended ab Union Pacific Baker on business. He was accom tlon over a wide area. It is a long- | M r and Mrs. John Bowen left Sat- sence. One man, a farmer, said he It has been reported that quite a panied by his father, Manuel Gav- liVed perennial bunch grass, highly John Day to liked something he could de skift o f snow fell Sunday night on iola of Boise. Ontario Oregon drouth resistant and able to with- hunt deer. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Her- pend on, that’s why he was The spud shipping crew at the South mountain | traveling by train. stand other adverse conditions, such shey of Nyssa are staying at the The Guy Wise family attended the packing house expect to finish their as cold weather and heavy grazing. 1 • regular grange meeting at Cow seasons work about Wednesday. Crested wheat grass starts growth Another man, a newspaper re Mrs. W. E. Ashcraft entertained at a lower temperature than other Creek Friday night. Norman M c porter, said people were in Wednesday evening from seven to culivated perennial Kenzie also of Rockville attended. favor o f railroad travel be grasses, thus O PTO M ETRIST Duncan McKenzie spent Thurs nine In honor of her daughter Don making cause it is by far the safest. He earlier pasture. Owing to day riding for some of his cattle na's thirteenth birthday. Those its earlier spring growth and exten quoted a lot o f statistics from a “ See McFall and See Better” book called,' ‘ Live and Let L i ve." that have not been found In the fall present were Eileen Slippy, Louise tlve root system,-it has the ability to If you are contemplating on • and La Vone Hinton. Iola Parker. compete successfully with roundup weeds, having a public sale, write or A b a n k e r w e all k n o w by Johnnie Glover is spending a Dick, Dorothy and Joyce Ashcraft, both while becoming established and phone 1216, Nampa, Idaho. nam e said railro ad ta x p ay- Ñola, Eva Lee Drown and Ellen M c afterwards. Its excellent growth and j few days near Jordan Valley. m en tsm ean a lot in th is state. The IO N patrol crew has been Connell. Various games were played extensive fibrous rooting system • j busy getting the roads In shape for after which light refreshments were make It Ideal in checking both wind Weareproudofrailroadachieve- 1 winter. They have quite a lot of served and all departed wishing Miss and water erosion. Swan Bread goes into ments, appreciate the public’s Donna many more happy returns of | work to be done before fall, good will and increased patron The Guy Wise family called at the the day. * many a lunch box. It is a age, Mrs. Barney Wilson and tw o . and pledge continued prog Mr. and Mrs. J. E Holly and son parental C. F. Wise home over the smaller children visited In Fruitland i E y e s ig h t bodv builder and complet ress. / 24 years o f selling experience week end. William spent Saturday and Sunday Thursday afternoon with Mrs. W il O N TA RIO OREGON ely satisfies. It is an econ Otis Nichols family made a trip to In the Blue mountains on Burnt son's aunt, Mrs. Chap Williams. ' Nyssa Saturday. omical food. river so as to be on hand for the opening of the deer season, but were LEG AL AD V E R TISIN G LEG AL AD V E R TIS IN G unsuccessful in their trip. Mr. and Mrs. Alvon McGinnis and NO TICE OF H E AR IN G ON daughter Rose, Mr. and Mrs Harvey N O N -H IG H SCHOOL D IS T R IC T BUDGET Hatch were Sunday dinner guests In the James McGinnis home. Notice is hereby given that a Budget Committee o f the Non-High Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wade of School District of Malheur County. State of Oregon, at a meeting of said Lewiston. Idaho arrived at the H. R. Committee held on the 19th day of September, prepared an estimate in and TH E P U L L M A N C O M P A N Y Otis home Sunday for a few days detail of the amount of money proposed to be expended by said Non-High School District for all purposes during the fiscal school year beginning visit Mrs. Wade Is a sister of Mrs. June 1. 1936. and ending June 1. 1937. and an estimate In detail of the Otis. probable receipts of said Non-High School District from all sources for Mr. and Mrs. L. T Ashcraft and the school year 1936-37. The Board of said Non-High School District has fixed the 15th day of October, at the hour of 1:30 P.M. at the Court Dorothy were Boise visitors Satur House In Vale, Oregon, as the time and place at which said estimates may day. Mrs Amanda Ashcraft accom he discussed with the Board of said N O N -H IG H School District at which panied them as far as Nampa and time and place any and all persons Interested will be heard for or against will visit a week at the home of her said tax levy, or any part thereof. That said estimates and attached original estimate sheets are on file in the office of the County School Sup daughter Mrs. Jim Nelson. erintendent and are there open to the Inspection o f all persons Interested Mr. and Mrs. H -R Otis and Emily therein, and the same are by reference made a part thereof. RECEIPTS attended the Book Club picnic at 1. Cash on hand at beginning of the year for which this bud the Big Bend park Sunday. get is made ....................... ...... ................... ..... $ 4,650 13 Gerritt Muntjewerff and father. I. Amount received from other sources 75.000.00 Case M untjewerff of Big Bend re turned from a deer hunt to Steens Total Receipts $79,650.13 Mountains, but were not successful. EXPEND ITURES They report an ususually large 1. Tuition * $21.86« 43 number of deer hunters In that sec 2. Transportation 10.50125 1. Election tion. 200 00 I. Travel 200 00 Mrs. R. C. Enos and Mrs. Mitchell 5. Interest 1.580 00 Gavióla were Sunday dinner guests 1. Clerical 300 00 7. Emergency In the C A Rose home in Payette. 1.000 00 6,498 00 Mrs. Gerritt Muntjewerff, Mrs. ). Debt Service ). Capital Outlay 3.202 20 Ted Newton and children were guests In the Robert Belknap home Total Expenditures ..................................................... $45.329 88 In Payette and the Ed Newton home Budget Committee; on Oregon Slope Sunday. W H H AR R IS S. A VENATO R oil b u r n I ng J. D. F A IR M A N Guard the health your eyes. sure you Journal Ads Are Your Chairman Shopping Guide. K A T H R Y N C LAYPO O L have plenty of electric light in your home. It is Secretary 9-24-2L the cheapest eye insurance you can buy. It S Church News ------------ BUSINESS DIRECTORY ADRIAN NEWS J. S. COOPER tT Z Z T 1 * WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE AUCTIONEER FOR BODILY VIGOR DR. J. A. McFALL Specialist COL. MUNYON Auctioneer j I Buy Swan Bread — fresh daily at your grocer’s. WESTERN RAILROADS PHONE 20 SWAN BAKERY YOU HAVE NYSSA, OREGON O N L Y O N E F A IR OF £ v £S / aivfe .. .PROTECT T H EM W IT H CO RRECT HEALTHFUL , SA F E HEAT AMERICAN of Be HEATER costs so little to have all the light you need... a small amount will buy electric light globes for all tne empty sockets throughout the house. .... they FILL E M P T Y S O C K E T S Menace Your Eyes and Your H appiness NEW LOW PRICKS POR LARGE LAMPS U m T h « « a* More Profits For Poultry Raisers A highly recommended method of bringing your pul lets to early fall laying Is to start feeding them GEM L A Y - IN O M ASH 30 days before they are expected to lay. Now Is the time to start feeding for fall laying. We are also In the market for Clover and Alfalfa Seed Electrical I Al Thompson •The Farmer's Own Co-Op" l — Phone 26 Nyssa YOU PAY THE PRICE Why hot Have The Best? M ILK IS ONE O F O U R M O S T IM P O R T A N T FOODS. People of all ages drink it. It plays a large port in babies' diet. W e are delivering high test Guernsey Milk, produced under sanitary con ditions— or we can furnish you with HoMtetn Milk, considered by many medical authorities as a superior type for babies and far growing children. Sunshine Dairy An old fashioned wood or coal burning h e a t e r is not only troublesome, dirty and massy . . . it is actually unhealthful. G ive your family clean, healthful, safe heat by installing an A M E R I C A N Oil Burning Heater. These heaters ere the most economical to operate. They ere built to deliver the heat to your rooms— rather than to waste it up the chimney. W e'll gladly prove it to you. See the A M E R IC A N Sunflame Heater for yourself. W e have a sixa and type to meal vour needs. Baldridge Implement Co. N YSSA : : : : OREGON