Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1936 Society STARS HOLD SOCIAL MEETING The Eastern Stars held a social meeting Monday night. During their business session the Worthy Matron, Miss Hettie Medesker gave a report of the Grand Lodge which she a t tended this summer In Portland. Re freshments were served at the close of the meeting. —8— TUESDAY CONTRACT CLUB Mrs Dewey Ray entertained the Tuesday Contract Club this week. Mrs. J. J. Sarazin held high score and Mrs. Ray second high at the close of the afternoon play. Mrs. Artie Robertson was the only guest. - 8 - THURSDAY BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. Warren Blodgett was hostess to the Thursday bridge club last week. Members gave Mrs. Bert. Lien- kaemper a stork shower during the afternoon. At the close of the card play Mrs. Aden Wilson held high score and Mrs. Llenkaemper had the traveling prize. -5 — KOLONY BOOK CLUB PICNIC basket ball. Oregon right of way over E'-jNE^- Mr. and Mrs. Hans Jensen and Mr. SE14 and NE%SE*8E% Sec 5-16- and Mrs. Chris Chrlstlnsen, parents of Mrs. Jensen, motored from Aurora 47. 8. 17, 36. *67 50 Holger W Aronson et ux to United Nebraska and are visiting at the James Stephens home a few days States 4.17 acres In N^SWVi and before going on to the coast. Mr. SW 'tSW ti Sec 25-18-46. 7-18-36 Jensen is a brother of Mrs. Steph *41.70 ens. j California Joint Stock Land Donald Fox and Ira Baker made Bank of San Francisco to Williard a business trip to Apple Valley Mon } A Bishop et ux NE14 Sec. 26 and day afternoon. I parts of W'-iSEti and SE'i SW'4 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crocker are the Sec. 23-20-46. 1, 28. 36. *10 proud parents of a baby daughter, H C Hartman et ux to Bertha bom at their home Sunday evening. Davis. SE'.,NW% Sec 23-32-40. 6, 30. Mrs. Charles Bradley and daugh 1914. *1. ter Alta motored to Ontario Satur John Barklev to Myrtal Elizabeth day morning after Mrs. Ida Crawley and her daughter Marguerite who Barkley undivided H interest in visited with the Bradley’s until Sun Lots 30. 31. 32. Block 9, Hadley’s 3rd Add to Vale. 9,17,36. *1. day evening. Elizabeth A Nedry et al to Ethel- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton and Mr. and Mrs. Oce Schweizer attend wyn T Sarazin. Lots 6, 7. 8, 9. andlO ed the dance at Adrian Saturday Block 31, Teutsch Add. Lot 10. Block 29 Teutsch Add; Lots 1 2, and night. Russell Patton sold 25 acres of hay 3 Block 37; and Lot 7. Block 45, below the Owyhee ditch to Joe Park Add. to Nyssa. 5, 31, 36. *10 Q C Deed Echanis for pasture. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Koons of Marriage Licenses Issued Tripp, South Dakota arrived at the Russell Patton ranch Sunday even Milo McKinley Field and Fay ing for a short visit. Mr. Koons is a Marguerite Smith 9, 14, 36. half brother of Mr. Patton. Alvin Leroy Grindstaff and Mild Mr. and Mrs. William Peutz a t red Iva Cox. 9, 15, 36. tended the round up at Pendleton Ernest B. Holmes and Ethel May and then motored on to Portland where they have been visiting the Sandberg 9, 19, 38 past week. Mr. and Mrs. William Schweizer SHEAVILLE NEWS and Mr. and Mrs. Oral Hite were Ontario visitors on Wednesday. The members of the Kingman Kolony Book Club entertained their husbands and families with their annual picnic Sunday at the Big Bed Park. Dinner was served at the NEWS OF RECORD hall to about fifty guests. A very enjoyable after dinner session was held with Mrs. E. H. Brumbach act Real Estate Transfers Recorded ing as toastmistress. Members of the club were called upon for im Owen T Applegate et ux to promptu speeches which were both Lewis Lattimore. Lots 4 and 5, Home humorous and instructive. Park Fruit Tract. 9, 11, 36. *10. —5— Owen T Applegate et ux to Lewis WEDNESDAY BRIDGE CLUB Lattimore. Lots 11 and 12, Home The Wednesday evening bridge Park Fruit Tract 9, 11, 36. $10. Q C club met with Mrs. Sid Burbidge Deed. Oregon & Western Colonization this week with Mrs. Dean Johnston and Mrs. Dewey Ray playing with Co to John W. Livecy SWViNEti members. Mrs. Ernest McClure won Sec. 31-17-47. 4, 9, 36; *135 Alice Shaw Johnson et vir to J the high score prize and Mrs. Ray W Livecy, EHSWK Sec 30-17-47. 7, the traveling prize. 17. 36. $10. —§— C W Glenn. Sheriff to Glenn H. BIRTHDAY PARTIES Berry Lots 42 and 43, Block 4„ Riv Friday afternoon, September 18, erside Add to Ontariofl 7,11,36. $34.62 John Kalman et ux to Glenn W Jimmie White invited eighteen classmates to his home to help him Inebnit, WViNE ',4 Sec 8-17- 44 9, 14, celebrate his eighth birthday. Games i 36. $1. were enjoyed but the high light of Thelma M Cook to Gladis M Dil the afternoon came when the large lon. Lots 3. 4, and 5, Block 11, Kel pink birthday cake appeard and ice leys. 1st Add to Vale 9, 14, 36. $10. Robt D Lytle et al to Thomas cream cones were served with it. Jimmie received many nice birthday Padden SViSEVi Sec 26-17-44. 8, 15, gifts and each child was given a 36. $810 Marcus J Pinney et ux to E L favor. Helen Warren entertained several Johnson, SW liNEti and SEHNW14 of her small classmates at a party Sec 30-17-47. 8-12-36. $10 Henry D Birdsall et ux to Olive last Friday after school celebrating her sixth birthday. A very jolly time Tooley et vir NWHSW',4SW!i Sec 4-21-46 8, 17, 36. $1. was enjoyed by the youngsters. Frank Hopper et ux to State of The heavy frost of last Monday completely wrecked the gardens and flowers throughout the valley. The Sheaville school opened last week with Mr. Harvy Denham as teacher, and nine pupils enrolled. The Stanford school opened this Monday with Miss Eleanor Fifer as teacher. Miss Fifer taught this school two terms a few years ago and everyone is glad to welcome back. Miss Janet Ditton is attending high school in Caldwell and Charles Masonholder in Nampa. The school house on upper Cow Creek has been moved and rebuilt on Stanford ranch on Jackson creek which will place it more convenient to all pupils in the district. The Haylett family are enjoying a new Studebaker car, purchased two weeks ago. Frank and Walter Baltzor deliver ed a large band of horses at the rail road last week. These horses will be shipped east. ; > * Q | Mrs. Edith Fenwick and daughters visited with her mother Mrs. Scott in Jordan Valley Sunday. Mrs. Lois Overton has built a new house across the road from the Sheaville school, and will live there this winter to send her daughter to school. The Jordan Valley trucks and Haylett truck have been unloading a car of coal for Jordan Valley last week. J. V. A. Carter, Joe Fenwick and Dick Molloy shipped their beef cat tle this week. Charles V. Harris bought a Bel gian Stallion from D. H. Haylett j last week which was delivered to Mountain Home Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Frank Halns were business visitors In Jordan Valley Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hains were business visitors in Jordan Valley Friday. Mrs. Charles Falen who has been visiting relatives in Wyoming the past two weeks returned home Sun day. Mrs. Joe Yturraspe and Jess Ytur- raspe were supoer guests at the Hay lett home Sunday. Mrs. D. H. Haylett and son Fred visited at the Lee Strode home Wed nesday evening. Stop For Ice Cream We have ice cream and frozen bars in a big variety. Stop and let us serve you. CONOCO Gas and Germ-Processed Oil. H 3 - Norcott Service SCOTTY’S PLACE Nyssa, Oregon John Thomson J ' ■V. World Series Contest . . . GUESS THE WINNERS . . . FIRST PRIZE To .every person guessing the winner of the Series we will sell a new Fountain Pen and Pencil set at a very reasonable price . . . —and— SECOND PRIZE For every person missing their guess we will sell you high qual ity drugs and beauty prepara tions, charge you very little and offer our sympathy. Guess the Series - Know 1 our Druggist Acetylene Welding SWARM & SONS Nyssa Pharmacy Formerly Pete Dear Wreck ing Business, now located one block west, near high school. Mr THE NYSSA FUNERAL HOME “A good “NAPKIN” make a man feel mighty good,” said a man to his friend. Also, it will make you feel mighty good to you that you have had your car serviced with SHELL PRODUCTS. Free Trip Service USED PARTS Our reputation for perfection in funeral direction has been earned partly because of our unexcelled facilities. Modern equipment lends dignity and prestige yet permits us to establish truly reasonable costs and still maintain the maximum In efficiency and beauty. “NAPKIN” JLd> .. and a $2 5,CX OQ Income ^or Oregon PHONE 76F3 OWYHEE NOTES A very large crowde attended the teachers reception sponsored by the PTA at tiie school house Friday evening. Mr. Coulter gave a short opening address welcoming the teachers, Mrs. Schweizer and Mrs. Abbott. Claud Smith, Russell Pat- { ton, Bruce English and Donald Fox made up a string band that furnish ed several musical numbers. Mrs. Earl Strickland played two piano solos; Mrs. Silas Bigelow gave a reading and played the violin; Miss Sally Fillingnes sang a solo acom- panied by Mrs. Strickland and the Klingback sisters sang a negro min strel song. After the program the crowd adjourned to the basement for refreshments and enjoyed a pleasant social hour. Mr. and Mrs. T. M Lowe and Mr and Mrs. Charles Schweizer attend ed the annual picnic of the Kingman Kolony Book club at Big Bend park on Sunday. A new basket ball court is being built at the Owyhee school and the boys will soon be busy practicing Time is Money When You Paint It costs money in expensive labor when you paint walls and woodwork. One of the easiest ways to re duce the cost of a paint job is with good paint. Satin Eggshell Finish saves money because it goes on so speedily and so easily; because it eliminates the risk of a "blotchy” job that must be done over. This attractive finish wears well and keeps its good looks and its toft, semi-gloss can be washed frequently. Let us show you its 12 rainbow colors. N the world’a markets “Made in Oregon” is a guarantee of high quailty in cheese and but ter. Oregon continue* to win more high dairy production rec ords than any other state— bringing a price pre mium to Oregon dairymen, favorable publicity to the state, and job* for thousands of dairy industry employees. Oregon has more than 8000 dairy farms. Last year 16,000,000 pounds of c h t ts e and nsarly 50,000,000 pounds of butter were made in this state. A million and e half gallons of ice cream added to the wealth of Oregon’s dairy products— a wealth reflected in bigger payrolls and more employee* for the many businesses that profit from Oregon’s $25,000,000 dairy income. a . SATIN EGGSHELL FINISH >0URK$ WATER SYSTEM SELF-PRIMING • Drink SHELTON’S for Growth For Farm and Suburban Home Guaranteed Shelton Dairy 28-foot Lift • See Demonstration Free Estimate * NYSSA BRANCH * THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF EDER HARDWARE CO. NYSSA, OREGON HnUmd C*t»hr efCtmum/ B an k D ollars help bu ild. Oregon P ayrolls J f Let the Niagrelle Carry Waler for You Mi>k is the most import ant factor in the grow ing child's diet for its strength—and health-giv ing qualities. And he likes the taste of SHELTON’S products. For the Milk Purer In Quality, Try f*V "> mutua Dairying started in Oregon in the early 50’s when pioneer settler* drove herd* of cattle nearly 2000 miles overland from the middle west. For o v e r 70 years The First National Bank has taken an active interest in the growth and de velopment of this pionssr industry. Now 260,000 milk cows graze on Oregon dairy farms— a dairy Stock has bsendsveloped that brings world rsnown for high quality products. In46cooperative associa tions progrssslvt Orsgon farmers continue to work together for the improvement of dairy conditions. Today The First National Bank of Portland, both in Portland and through ita branches in the dairy diatricta, continues to help the dairy farmer and dairy product manufacturar with the financing of thia great Oregon industry. PORTLAND First National Bank West of the Rockies' M E M l 1 1; Ú E R A l D E P O S I T I N S U R A N C E C O R P O R A T I O N