Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL Published At Nyssa, Oregon G A T E W A Y T O T H E O W Y H E E A N D B LA C K C A N Y O N IR R IG A T IO N PROJECTS VO LU M E XXIX, No. 38 Fastest Growing Town in Oregon * 1.60 PER YEAR NYSSA, OREGON, TH U R SD AY. SEPTEMBER 24, 1936 any Stop To View Minatore Best 4-H Club Fruitland Plays ' M Model of Sugar Processing Plant! Workers Wm First Conference Portland Trip Game Here Fri. j A N Y S S A FA R M L A N D IN B IG D E M A N D | gw O p p o r t u n it y F o r E s t a b lis h m e n t o f S u g a r F a c to r y H e r e G ro w s B r ig h t e r A s F a rm e rs minature sugar factory on dls- | A g r e e T o P la n t L a r g e A c r e a g e T o B e e ts ---------- tent Ion of both townspeople and farmers, giving a better idea of the Farm land around Nyssa is in big size _ and workings o f a factory. The | Nyssa Seen As Center of demand, and the Nyssa Realty Co. j display was put in by the Amalga- First National Bank Giv*S C LIP and R E T U R N T O Locals Lose Battle With reports Sugar Beet Industry in closing two deals this week mated sugar company T ; p n rt. N Y SSA C O M M E R C IA L C L U B W ilder 13 to 0; Strong Mr. Christena Hoy of Prlngree, Ida- ^ fBCtory Ls run by eiectriclty> * r,P 1 ° bhoW a t K o r t Snake River Valley. ho has purchased the Ray Wise j sbowjng the raw product going into land. er This Week. place south of Nyssa. consisting of ] one end o i the factory, wtth m in -' _______ _ 100 acres, and expects to locate on I aj ure sacfcs 0f sugar coming out the Visions qf a sugar factory near I am interested in growing sugar beets in 1937. A committee consisting of O. J. Nyssa came closer to reality this Nyssa dropped their opening foot his property around December 1st. 1 other end and distributed Into chan- week .with farmers almost univers ball game Friday at Wilder, 13 to 0 Another sale reported this week nels of trade. Among the raw pro Mitchell, manager, Nyssa Branch of I have approximately................ acres suitable ally cooperating in agreeing to grow but are all primed to win the first was to Isaac L. Cooper and Son ducts going into the factory were the First National Bank of Portland, an acreage of beets next season. The will be of Harlem. Montana, who purchased beets, coal, limestone and cotton. All Kathryn Claypool: County School conference game, which |or a beet crop in 1937, and state that it is my Amalgamated Sugar Co., has ex to Bettie these, and more are necessary for Superintendent and E. M. Hauser, played here Friday against Fruit- the 80 acres belonging intention to grow approximately.............. acres County Club Agent, met In Ontario pressed their intention of building a land. The game ls scheduled to start Forbes Just north of Nyssa on the the manufacture of sugar, o f beets in 1937. factory to handle the 1937 crop of at 3:15 on the local field. highway. The new owners expect to A sign gave the Information that Saturday, to select the boy and girl beets, add intend to locate this fac Nyssa managed to keep the ball take possession the first o f Decern- j the sugar beet industry, in 1933, paid as eligible to receive the award to THIS IS N O T A C O N TR A C T— It is only an tory where It will be close to the In Wilder territory most of the first her. j She farmers (55,0000.000 for their \ be given to the outstanding 4-H Club expression o f present intent in order to indicate largest acreage. half Friday but weakened in the last beets; coal, bags and other supplies boy and girl In the county by the to the Amalgamated Sugar Company the ap part of the game, allowing Wilder to to (12,520,000; wages totaled First National Bank of Portland Volunteer workers from the Nys (17,259,000; freight came to 31,410,000 j This award is to consist of a three score in the third and fourth quar IN S T A LL S V A L E proximate acreage to be devoted to ^growing of sa Commercial Club and other field day trip with all expenses paid to ters. Graham showed up well, heav workers have been contacting farm L E G IO N OFFICERS with taxes and Insurance expendi the Pacific International Livestock sugar beets in 1937. ing passes all over the field Into the tures coming to (0,291,000, making ers the past three weeks and have Exposition at Portland early ■ in waiting arms of Paul Johnston. a grand total of (122,480,000 expend secured splendid co-operation. Be This week Nyssa will have consid- . . . . _ ed that year. The sign also said that October and is awarded on the basis Name ................................................. ..... fore the campaign ends this week, it erable more weight in the line with Charlie Paradis, District Com- over one million persons were de of the number of years in Club is expected tha\ over 5;000 acres will the addition of Esposito, Rust, Leuck mandf r ,°* . the Amerlcan Legion, pendent for their livelihood on the work, number of projects carried, Address ...................................................... have been signed in the farming officers M the sugar factory. quality of work, .'nterest, attitude and Lankford. The boys realize they installed the new (Please Return As Soon As Possible) area around Nyssa. Practically every have quite a job on their hands, as Val® Friday evenlng at a jneet" | The minature factory was moved and sportsmanship, as well as lead- j farmer contacted has agreed to grow Fruitland gave Notus a 14 to 0 lick- ln* heId 111 the Vale community hall. Homedale for the week end, ership qualities from 10 up to as much as 200 acres and will be The Vale P“ *1 1 8 now headed by j , The winners as selected by the ing just last Friday and will _ , , | where It will be on display Friday of beets next year. Mr. Oscar Daley. Mrs. Hrna Ec ey and 8aturday at the fair held committee are; Doris Klingback of fighting to keep a clear record. nde, District President of ; at Homedale. MRS. G O R M A N G R O W S Whether Nyssa will be the favor Owyhee, winner f rir the girls, with The starting lineup Friday against 01 La Grande ed spot or not, depends on the W ilder was Jackson at center; Keck Auxiliary, installed the Vale Marjorie Groot named as alternate; L A R G E T O M A T O amount of acreage fanners are will and Zamora at guard; Wilson and auxiliary officers with Mrs. Carter and Fred DeBoer of Ontario, win Byram at tackle; Pierson and Case heading the women. Preceeding the ing to devote to beets. The Amalga ner for the boys with James Nichols at end; Johnston as quarterback,1 lnstalIaUon a Hungarian pheasant o f Kingman Kolony named as alter Mrs. H. C. Gorman won this weeks mated Sugar Company is Interested contest conducted by the Nyssa [ to establishing their factory in the nate. Kurtz and Graham at half back and buffet dlnner was served at the These members will leave Ontario Boren in the fullback position. T h e 1 h »11- others from Nyssa E n d i n g Packing Co., her pound. 15 ounce center of the producton area; some backfield played the entire game but besides Mr. Paradis were Mrs. Par- Sunday, October 4th, and will par tomato being the largest brought In. where between Welser and Nampa. ticipate In the 4-H Club activities at line substitutes were Enos, McKee, |adis' M r- and Mrs 0011 ° raham Some other nice tomatoes were on With Nyssa being practically equal Camp Plummer on Monday, taking Amateur Night Program exhibit, the product of the Mrs. C. distant between the two ends of Lnndreth, Brown, Nelson and and in the 4-H Club banquet, the par Holmes. W. Barrett garden. This week the their territory; and with the thous To Feature First Social (1.00 prize Is for the heaviest ear of ands of acres coming Into produc ade and the horse show. They will tion on the Owyhee project. It ls be Kotony Corn Club Mem also attend the 4-H auction sale of Night of Season. com brought In Saturday. C LIM B M ITC H E LL BUTTE lieved the sugar company officials ber» W in On Corn at fat stock on Wednesday as well as will give Nyssa considerable atten other activities during their stay. FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL P A R T Y tion. The thousands of acres of beets Salem. The First National Bank of Port T h e Eagles expect to hold their signed for next year includes only land is making this trip possible to first social night o f the fall and the old land around Nyssa, but club members In each of the coun winter season on Wednesday, Sept Seventeen boys and their leader when the lands of the Owyhee pro The superority of Malheur County ties in which they have a branch ember 30th, starting at 8:30, with a were pretty well tired out Tuesday ject are in shape for beet culture, Fire which broke out as Frank in the production of com through bank, thereby making it possible for novel program planned for the even- evening after a picnic and weiner W ard’s truck was taking a load to this acreage can be Increased several out the state of Oregon was amply the outstanding club members to ’ mg. The form of entertainment will roast. The party climbed to the top {McCall Sunday destroyed his truck, times over. demostrated in exhibits shown at see this very fine show. be along the lines of an amateur mast part of Mitchell Butte to hold | a new Farmall tractor, potato dig the State Fair at Salem recently J 1-------- • '*** ' night, with [irises given tor the Every year it seems there must be Community Enthused the affair, and although weary, were ger and 1,000 sacks. T h e accident when members of the Kingman K o l best child, lady and man performer; I a “ lost hunter” story floating 'round, The Nysaa community has become rewarded with the spectacle of a happended three miles the other ony Corn Club won the first four j the winner to be established by the ftnd fortunately, most of the hunt- enthused the past few weeks as the brilliant western sunset as viewed side of Midvale while Mr. Ward and prizes In the corn exhibits for east- { amount of applause received fro m |ers are found. Such was the case possibilities of the factory become from the summit. The boys were 3“ k o i ^ r ' ^ r e taking the load to era and southern Oregon. the audience. Monday when word was spread brighter. The Investment to estab members of Rees Byram s Sunday McCall for ^ Hogue wllh the A ll those wishing to enter the around town that Jerry Rust was lish a sugar refinery comes to School class, and was held Tuesday Members of this club selected expectation of starting seed potato amateur night contest should leave lost In the hills near Ironside. He {around a million and three-quarters evening after school. The party harvesting there the first of this their own exhibits from the acre or their name and the name of their and a party of friends from Ontario dollars, and means a payroll of ap- more of corn each is growing as his made the trip to the foot o f the week. act at Norcott Service not later i had spent Sunday hunting, and proximaiely 500 workers in the fac- Butte In Mr, Byram’s truck. 4-H Club project and sent them to than Tuesday, September 29th. The when nightfall came; there was no torv during the Beason The estab- The cause of the fire can only be the State Fair to be entered in the Deer hunting has been very popu number of acts will be limited, so Jerry. They came to Ontario a n d 1 ll8hment o f a factory here would be left to speculation, but by the time 4-H Club class. When the judging FRESHMAN RECEPTION the men noticed it; it had gained was completed it was found that A l lar since the season opened Sun those contemplating entering should enlisted the services of several men one o f the greatest forward steps In day and many hunters were In the get their names down early. to search for the lost hunter. too much headway to put out. The vin Duvall had placed first, James the history of Nyssa, and business hills ready to start the hunt for the T h e amateur night entertainment Jerry was not lost, however, he men and farmers alike, are bending The Freshman reception is to be tractor Denney Hogue' Nichols, second, Leonard Nichols, elusive buck the first minute of open J ^ ^ open ttn. whether Eagles, was Just determined to have hta ven .1 every effort to get the factory for Friday night at 8:00 o'clock. Seniors whlle the P °U to digger belonged ,B to third and Anthony Allen, fourth. By season. Several have returned with Eagles Auxiliary or not. Everyone ison. He had shot at and wounded a Alvin Duvall auto Nyssa. are In charge with Bob Jackson as chas- Overstreet. One theory as to winning first, venison and nearly all the hunters invited to attend, and everyone ls deer and was hunting for it when It what started the fire was advanced; matically wins a scholarship to the Besides the employment of several general chairman. The Sophomore report getting at least a shot at a ‘ inVited to take part in the amateur became too dark to travel farther. that gasoline had leaked from either annual 4-H Club Summer School to hundred men, the establishment of class are furnishing the refresh night program. Instead of leaving his venison for a factoi*y here would mean cheap the tractor or digger onto the pile be held at Corvallis next summer. deer. ment; Juniors the decorations and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Short and A Following the entertainment, the coyotes to fight over, he of sacks and a discarded cigarette The other prize winners will be . .U „ , ... . cafnped i beet pulp feed for livestock feeding Seniors the entertainment. A. Esse* hunted Sunday, returning crowd will be served refreshments right might have started the blaze. there all night and continued operatioiui given cash awards In varying Reception committee includes with two deer, one shot by Mrs. and dancing will be enjoyed. There the search for the buck the next The truck was insured and Tues amounts In addition to their ribbons. Short and the other by Mr. Essex, jg no admission charge, and those In Warren Larsen, Virginia Miller, Isa Nyssa has the advantage over morning. The deer was evidently belle Sara zi n and Don Boren. P ro day Frank Ward got delivery on a Other 4-H Club activities at the Barney Wilson and son Huston. charge are expecting a outstanding not badly hurt, as Jerry was unable other sections in that more beets gram committee is Nellie Jean Sch new truck. State Fair In which Malheur County Lloyd and Bob Wilson and Wendell program to start the new series of to find him. Friends and relatives of are growing near Nyssa this year weizer and Hinemoa Clonlnger. Dec participated Included the Dollar Pogue hunted Sunday with Huston Eagles social nights. Jerry were much relieved Monday than any other section In the entire oration committee includes Irene H IG H SCHOOL STUDENTS Dinner contest which Evelyn Ha- getting a small buck. George Kaylor afternoon to learn that everything district. Approximately 600 acres Poague, Lucille Thrasher. Betty Mc- out of a total acreage of 800 between worth entered, the Health contest ! brought In a two-point buck and Joe NEW MAN IN BANK HERE was OK. ELECT OFFICERS FOR YEAR Hargue and Bessy Ashby. Refresh Nampa and Welser are growing which Johnny Timmerman and Robertson was sucessful in getting ment commltte is Houston Wilson within a few mUes of Nyssa. Yields Evelyn Haworth participated in, and a deer. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Blod- O. H. Keller of Portland, assistant MEETING HELD WEDNESDAY and Ruth Flanary. the Style Revue In which Martha gett and Mr. and Mrs Klaus Ten- cashier of the First National Bank are expected to run up to 22 and 25 TO DISCUSS PRODUCE The faculty and students are cor The various classes of the local Lang of Vale was a contestant. tons to the acre on some fields and sen were hunting near Flagg Prairie o f Portland In charge o f personnel dially Invited to attend. high school organized Monday and Marjorie Groot, County winner In with the Tensens returning with a It has not been hard to Interest and operation was In Nyssa Tues- A group o f business and prof ess- chose officers for the coming year. Division I I I of the 4-H Cooking pro deer. farmers here. Nyssa ls also fortunate day. When he left, he was accom- tonal men of Nysaa met In the city , . . Freshman officers chosen were ject, entered a loaf of bread in that Guy Sperry brought In one of the pained by Riley Delap. who has hall Wednesday night and met with | CHAS. CLEMENTS BUYS Eleanor Haworth, president Claude division at the State Fair. largest deer up to date, his buck been transferred to the bank at La Mr. Brush, representative o f the row crop minded,” and welcome CAFE IN O N TA R IO Patterson, vice president and Stan having a spread of 42‘4 inches. Grande. Robt. McCurdy of Pendle- {W hite River Packing Co., who have the opportunity o f adding beets to ley Ray, secretary. They chose blue K O LO N Y G IR L SCOUTS Others in the party who were un ton ls expected to arrive today to established temporary headquarters their rotation of potatoes, onions, and gold for their class colors. successful were W. C. Jackson and take Mr. Delap’s place as teller In at Ontario. T h e packing concern is lettuce, com, and other row crops. Mr. and Mrs. Clements, who oper STU D Y FLOW ER ARRAN G EM EN T Malcolm Crawford. Dewey Ray and the local branch. The Sophomores elected H ouston ated the Schweizer Cafe here for a very much Interested In the Nyssa Site to Be Selected Soon son Stanley, Lewis Wiltshire and year, took over the Penewell C a fe ; Wilson as their president; Clarence section, » and . . believes the land here . . The site for the new factory will Riley Delap hunted Sunday but will l e a s e s 12« ACRES iq Ontario Wednesday m orning., Enos, vice president and Anna John- has great natural advantages for the ^ * , lecUd very soon now. and It Ls Mrs. Albert Pfeiler gave an inter have to go again If they want to get NEW BENCH LAND production of lettuce, peas, onions. Their many Nyssa friends will be ston, secretary. The Juniors selected that soine prellmlnary work esting lecture on flower arrangement their venison. Eddie Pruyns brought glad to hear that they have a per- Henry Mitchell as president; BUI potatoes and other crops the con- wlu ^ done thja fall and the iactory In a nice buck. They were hunting John Schaureman and two sons cern handles^ The company expects I K ° '™ y M t summer in time to manent location at this well known Kurtz as vice president; Wilbur Smith, secretary and Jack McKee. I ‘ “ “ ■f tbe Maur‘ with Louis DeBord. Sam Caldwell, of Kimberly, Idaho, leased 120 acres Ontario cafe. to increase their operations by next procefig the , M7 crop ice Judd home Saturday afternoon. Don Todd and hts father have been treasurer. The Seniors elected Bob o f new land from Mr. and Mrs year. Mrs. Pfeiler arranged several bou hunting near Flagg Prairie. Jackson, president; Virginia Miller, Louis P. Thomas Monday and have T A T BRENNAN GETS Fleldman for Nysaa quets to Illustrate her points. Art Servoss, Dr. E. D. Norcott. already started clearing the land HOGUE DIGGING SEED Y E A R FOR SHOOTING LEES vice president and Nellie Jean Sch A fleldman ls to be stationed at Mrs. Judd was assisted In serv- Bernard Frost, Artie Robertson, j ^ d drilling a well The land ls lo- weizer, secretary. POTATOES AT McCALL : Nyssa this fall to help with the har- lng refreshments by some of the Robert Long. Albert Hopkins. Wayne { r a te d northwest of Nyssa on the ----------- vesting of beets, and he expects to new girls starting work on their Brand. Mr. and Mrs. Aden Wilson, bench. Work was started Monday by | move here as soon as he can find a The jury brought In a verdict of hostess badge. They were Mildred Art Servoss, Blayney Boydell and | Denney Hogue at McCall digging his ' suitable house. The fleldman will be guilty In the case o f State vs Patrick TED M AZAC JOINS Curtis. Helen Duvall. Arlene Pet Dean Smith are among those who FEDERAL BUREAU ASKS acreage of seed potatoes there. Mr. Daley, formerly of Twin Falls. Brennan heard last week at Vale. U. 8. M AR IN E CORPS erson. Pauline Oowey, Virginia Jar hunted or are hunting for deer this' FOR BIDS ON PU M PIN G As a profitable crop for the farmer Three outfits were In the field, and Brennan was convicted of assault week. Wayne Brand came in today vis and Phyllis Haworth. P L A N T AND NEW CANALS a fourth was on the way when It was R. H. TaUman, district manager, with a dangerous weapon growing with a buck. destroyed by fire. Mr. Hogue re has pointed out the fact that over out o f the shooting of W. F. Lees of Ted Mazaac has left for Portland, cently completed building a big the post ten years, the average price DAUGHTER BORN Ontario last March 14th. Judge C. paid to growers has been (5.75 a ton H. McColloch of Baker, sentenced where he passed the examination T h e bureau of reclamation ls storage cellar at McCall to store his and Judging from the beets growing Brennan to one year In the county for enlistment In the United States asking for bids on the Dead Ox seed potatoes this winter. Marne Corps. He ls now stationed In the Nyssa section this year and A baby daughter was bom to Mr. Jail. I «¡9 « pumping plant and canals, which ts at San Diego. California. Ted ls the and Mrs Earl Crocker Sunday night last ;an average crop of around 18 CITY COUNCIL TO Fresh paint at Johnson Variety part of the water system of the son of Mr. and Mrs A. A. Mazac of at their home on the Owyhee proj SET DATE FOR CAUCUS tons could be expected. Owyhee project. Th e pumping plant . . . Hunters bring reports of Don An enthusiastic meeting of busi ect. The little miss weighed 814 Mrs • Jim Boor left Saturday Nyssa. Todd patrolling highway looking for 'Is to be located near Ontario and 'The regular meeting of the city ness men was held Monday even pounds. morning for a six weeks visit with the canals are near the north end deer . . . Farm sale at K 8 Sc D Fri POSEYS LEAVE FOB council will be held on Monday. ing In the city hall to discuss the relatives in Iowa. She accompanied day . . . Tom Coward recounting the o f the project. October 5th at which time the date situation, and make plans for com PARENTS OF SON her sister and family of Kendrick, ROGERSON, IDAHO Bids on the pumping plant are to day he broke his record selling for a caucus will be set. The pleting the acreage canvass. Idaho, making the trip by car. Model Ts . . . Bert Llenkaemper opened at Ontario on October 13 caucus la to be held to select candi and on the canals on October 12th. dates for mayor and counc Ilmen to CHANGE IN TRAIN SCHEDULE Mr. and Mrs. Bert Llenkaemper wearing a parental look . . . School Mrs. Elma Eckley, district presi Mr. and Mrs. W. T Posey left a n the parents of a baby boy bom children get education via screen be voted on at the time o f the gen dent of the Legion Auxiliary, of La Tuesday for their new home In R<5T- at the Peterson home In Parma • • • ^ " e y Wilson signs 171 acres In According to information from the Mr. and Mrs. Dean Johnston and eral election on November 3. City Grande, and friend Mrs. Gertrude The Pounda refuses to Mrs Sid Burthdge went to Boise candidates are non-partisan and local depot the west bound poss- g. in e new arrival 24 - hou" ............... — ^ * -------------------------i erson. Idaho, where Mr Posey will be Friday rooming. Maxam were dinner guests of Mr. pounds and both he flsh when 11 wiows two feet deep . . . I Sunday to see the baseball game be- every citizen has an opportunity to jen ger and mall train. No 21. which the Union Pacific depot agent. Mr weighed 714 and Mrs. Chas. Paradis last Thurs Payette which voice their opinions and views In the formerly was due In Nyssa at 9 39 Posey has been the sgent here for and his mother are getting along World Series pools gains popularity, tween Boise and day. caucus meeting. { will now arrive In Nyssa at 9:50. Boise won with the score of 7 to 0. over five years and they leave many ! nicely. Eagles Plan Social Night Nyssa Corn Best At Fair FIRE BURNS TRUCK ENROUTE “ LOST HUNTER” IS FOUND O K Venison Enjoyed By Good Hunters J ’ROUND TOWN