Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,1936. iRuohiDE NEWS >un Valley Lodge, New Idaho Winter Sports Mecca School opened here on Monday the 7th with Miss Mary Weir of Big Bend as teacher. Thirteen pupils are enrolled. Miss Nellie Turner of Harper visit ed her brother Ellis Turner last week and also visited at the Sylves ter Rose and Wm. Woodcock homes. Mrs. Ed. Oakes moved to Ontario last week where her children will attend school. Miss Marie will enter her first year of high school. They have purchased a home there. Tr 7TTT Ff The S. A. Lofton families and ■ fir s t'm m m : wnrit Miss Sheila Hinton of Boise return * /»■ > r r r r f r r , ed last Saturday from a two weeks motor trip to southern California. They also visited Crater Lake and other points of Interest en route. J Mrs. Ripley of Bowmont, Calif., mother of Mrs. Earl Lofton return ed with them for an indefinite visit. | H i Mrs Ralgelgh Van Buren took her daughter Genevieve to Ontario a mile and a half north of Ket- outlines Skiing, skating, sleigh the last refuges mountain . i ; Ol lilt* lllu g Tuesday where she will enter her nihcenl and palatial Sun Valley ing, tobogganing, dog sledding chum in Sun Valley where the sheep and goat. of Count Felix first year of high school. surrounding mounta. .3 of the Schalfgotsch, world famous gen and other typical winter outdoor Lodge winch the Union Pacific Mrs. Arthur Nichols was hostess Railroad is building near Ket- activities will be features at this Sawtooth range protect it from tleman-sportsman and skiing ex to the Ladles Club last Wednesday chum and which is to be hotel Adjacent to the lodge will the severe winter winds. Sun pert, selected the site of Sun with fifteen ladies present. All en opened Idaho for guests the Christ be a glass-enclosed natural hot Valley is located in central south Valley Lodge as the premier lo joyed the afternoon. A shower was mas holidays Sun at Valley Lodge water swimming pool. The ski ern Idaho northeast of Boise. It for a winter sports center given for Mrs. Zena Presley a club Its surrounding terrain is ex courses will be under the super is sheltered by the lofty peaks of cation after an extensive inspection member who moved to Vale recently. and the Sawtooth mountain range, vision of renowned skiing ex pected to be the winter sports The hostess served a delicious lunch. mecca of America and to rival in perts The lodge will have ac which runs east and west, and on trip of all such possible areas in Mrs. Floyd White and daughter similar sumptuous commodations for 200 guests It the southern border of the rug the mountain regions of western Mrs. Kenneth Grabner of Unity magnificence resorts in various European is located on a 3300 acre ranch ged Salmon river country, one of America, spent Monday and Tuesday in Boise. Wayne Lofton motored to Boise last Sunday taking Miss Sheila Hin Mr. and Mrs. E. J, Beam, grand- 1 Greeley Tuesday. Court House Filings daughter Barbara Jean and their [ School started here Tuesday with j ton to her home there. daughter, Mrs. Herbert Von Cleave Miss Wilson being teacher at Dis and two children left Friday for trict No. 2. Mrs. Edith Fenwick and Real Fstate Transfers Recorded Pendleton to attend tne Round up. Mary Strode are driving their child Victor Thiel et ux to S. Walter Practirally every family in this ren to school in their cars. N^SEVt, Sec. 31; NW'4SW'4 locality attended the Fair at On Miss Mary Ellen Greeley went to So that Nyssa citizens can enjoy Mann. Sec. 32; Lots 2 and 3, SE'iNWVi, tario at least one day and all re" Ontario Monday to attend high full benefits of fast and frequent NW‘,SW>4 Sec. 31 EMiSWli, and port It exceedingly good. A u th en tic school. I air mail schedules from the Pacific S'iSE'i Sec. 32-18-38; SE'4NE!4 Mr. and Mrs. John Baltzor of Northwest to California, the Mid- and NE'4SE!4 Sec. 36-18-37. 12, 17, flavor Arock through en route to west and East, Postmaster S. D. 35 $1 ROCKVILLE NEWS Ontario passed with their daughter who Goshert today issued a bulletin Austin E Brokaw et ux to Vale, d istin g u ish es will attend high school there. | listing closing hours for such corres- Orego Irrigation District all South I of canal In EH NEK and SWKNEK Word has been received that Mrs. pondence. these fine Roy Strode and family of Mahog- Euen Masonholder, formerly of Cow j The postmaster pointed out that Sec. 21-18-44. 7, 13, 36. $40 any mountain have moved down to Creek and weU known ^ thls vlcin- air mail often is delayed unneces- S T Calhoun et ux to United w ines l>y R om a States, 3 tracts containing 1.67 acres tiie,JLe^ ®tr0d!Lr^ 0 are build uy is rapidly recovering from a re- sadly due to the fact that citizens in children to school. n2L.t. They NcNWH and SEUNW4 Sec. 27- cent illness. Mrs. Masonholder now fail to post their letters in time to j ing a new house and have it nearly! jlves in Nampa, with her three ; make connections with southbound 120-46. 8, 12, 36. $16.70 completed & Western Col Co to Hol younger children, Charley, Etta and and eastbound planes. Air mall des- | ster Oregon W Aronson, 4.17 acres in NH- Guy Wise hauled wood Saturday Lester. j tined for California should reach afternon and Sunday for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Leake made a ! the post office not later than 4:15 Emil Johns and Normand Kemp trip to Nampa Thursday and got P. M. and that for the Midwest and are riding for cattle these days. then’ daughter Marjorie who has East by 10:15 A. M. Air mail postage The weather has been quite cool been attending the Nampa rodeo the is six cents an ounce, Electric the past week and several very past few days. They called at the ! Postmlastbr Gvxshert emphhsizpd cloudy days have been had. Refrigeration Guy Wise home on their way home, that air mall is less expensive and ROM A Mrs. Gertrude and Kathryn Dit- --------— • — — frequently more effective than Q u a lity t ton passed through on their way to KINGMAN KOLONY HOLDS Air Conditioning special delivery rgular mall. He also their home on Cow Creek Sunday. WINE called attention to the fact that air RECEPTION FOR THEIR Mrs. Mary Strode called on Maude mail special delivery often can be MEN WANTED. Reliable, fair AT THE « l î TEACHERS FRIDAY used to advantage when such cor education, meohanioally In respondence is scheduled to reach clined who would like to bet POP-SLIDE-SLICK! I Its destination after regular delivery ter themselves. Must be will “DENTURE STATIC” BETRAYS ing to train spare time to A vailable in O r.:gon Misses Joy Crummett and Betty hours. N o purchasing permit required qualify as Installation and Nelson and Mr Wylie Hewitt were FALSE TEETH service experts. No experience honorees at a teachers reception C u n eiform W ritin g PORT, TOKAY But nobody can tell you wea: given necessary. Write giving age, by the Kingman Kolony P. T. The word cuneiform was first ap SHERRY, MUSCATEL plates, when you use FASTEETH. A at the new Adrian ^ house plied at the beginning of the Eight present occupation, etc. This adhesive powder grips plates last p y ^ y evening ANGELICA eenth century to rock Inscriptions tight for 24 hours. Gives clear After a very short business ses from Persia and to Inscriptions on UTILITIES ENGINEERING , WHITE PORT speech. Stops mumbling, hissing, sion, Mrs R. R. Overstreet told of brick and stone from Babylon, INSTITUTE A lc o h o l 2 0 by Volume clicking, popping out. Can’t cause the first school, twenty-six which nr« distinguished by the use Box 551 Beverly Hills, Cal. sore gums, burning or denture years ago, Kolony of characters made up of triangles when each parent bought breath, because it’s alkaline. Taste the desk and other equipment for or wedge-shaped Incisions. less. Not gummy. Get FASTEETH at their child, and the teacher “board ROMA Lodi, WINE CO. Ixtc. The Nyssa Pharmacy or any drug round”. The school California was held in a store When mouth tissues change, ed room of the Sheldon home and Miss see your dentist—Advertisement. Velva St Clair, now Mrs. John Wall of Creston was the teacher. The first room of the present school building was built in 1914, the sec LOWEST RATES ON ond in 1927 and in 1936 the new room was built in Adrian. Mr. Over- street gave a financial statement of the new school building. Mrs. Wylie Hewitt played two Let us insure your hay, avoid all risk. This is the violin numbers to ocmplete the pro gram. Mrs. Hewitt, recent bride, hazardous season for farm risks. shared honors with the teachers. When better insurance is to be had On Wednesday afternoon, Septem We Will Have It. ber 16 the P T. A. gave her a pantry shower at the Conrad Martin home. w w ." /p ■*<■ *T§ ' * » !p¿ Closing Hour For Air Mail Given % 50i<jh $1.50 ST SW* and SW'.SW1, Sec. 25-18-46. 8 17. 36 $1 ( Q C Deed) | J. C. Mitchell et ux to E. CMcDow- ell. Lots 16 and 17, Block 73, Ontario 12. 4. 29 810 Albert Hlnsch to Louis P Thomas 1 Lot 15, Block 18, Teuthchs Add. to I Nyssa. 9. 5. 36. 825 H L Peterson et ux to N A Mann | Lots 11, 12 and 13, Block 40, Ontario 9. 8. 36. $10. E. M Lanterman et ux to V B Staples. Lots 9 and 10 Block 15, Ontario. 8. 17. 36. $1.475. C W Glenn Sheriff to Mark R Blue, and 1 acre In SEVuSEV« and NE'iSW1-, Sec. 10-17-47, 7, 11, 36. $39.72 C A Noble et ux to J E Strickland, NEliSEVi Sec 20, 46, $7, 28. 36. $472. Eunice W. Grant to Malheur Dis trict Improvement Co, WHSWli and SE>4SW>4 Sec. 29-15-17. 8, 24, 36. $1 Klstie V Patch to Everett J Dish- Ion, ots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 18. An nex. 8. 29 36. $40. Boise Payette Lumber CO to Boise Payette Inc. all deeds and other property 6. 2. 36. For value received Wilbur Roberts et ux to Charles E McConnell all Block 12, Adrian 11, | 1, 34 $1,000. Marriage Licenses Issued John Chesley Hart and Maude; Leila Hanna. 8, 9. 36. William Marvin Hopper and Alta Nellie Marie Roberts. 9, 11, 36 More Profits For Poultry Raisers A highly recommended method of bringing your pul lets to early fall laying Is to start feeding them GEM LAY ING MASH 30 days before they are expected to lay. Now Is the time to start feeding for fall laying. We are also in the market for Clover and Alfalfa Seed Al Thompson •‘The Farmer's Own Co-Op” Phone 26 Nyssa Back To S ch o o l. . . You’re sure to need a dependable FOUNTAIN PEN. Be sure to see our complete showing of Sheaffer’s — Parker’s — Eversharp Fountain Pens and desk sets. $1.00 and up GINZEL’S JEWELRY AND GIFT SHOP ONTARIO, OREGON The Why of Eat More Meat BECAUSE... Meat forms the basis of most meals. It is therefore essential that it be tender, fresh and delicious... You can depend on meat from NYSSA PACKING CO. Reliable Hay and Grain Insurance Frank T. Morgan Nyssa, Oregon X Phone 31 Used Furniture British C on g o Rich in M inerals The wealth of British Congo Is held mostly in minerals. Coppei Is the leading source, gold, radium and tin next. 5T0* \. / on Bat- Unless your gasoline It THREE USED DAVENPORTS AT A BARGAIN— made fo r “ sto p-and-go ” One of these Is a large mohair davenport, and is priced at $35.00; another Is smaller, with velour upholstering, and is priced at only $17.50. The third one is in mohair upholstering and sells for $21.50. Here is your chance to make your home more liveable, and at a very low cost. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE BARGAINS MOHAIR LIVING ROOM SUITE— Includes chair and davenport, both In good shape. For sale $39.50 USED WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE— Here is a dandy serviceable set, Including table, buffet and six chairs—set just slightly used and priced to almost give away $39.50 TWO USED CIRCULATOR HEATERS— One of these sells for $119 new and the other for $97.50. Both are In good condition and our price Is ’ess than $50! See these savings Nordale Furniture Store NYSSA : OREGON r Drink SHELTON’S for Energy! Doctors agree that only In milk can be found cer tain energizing elements which are essential to the well-being of individuals in every walks of life. Drink a quart each day! economy in today’s driving« F OR your gasoline needs 3 lands of power —just os your cor needs 3 shifts of georsl One kind of power for q u ick start», one for fast p ick u p and bill climbing, ona for stead y running. Super-Shell is the first gasoline with these 3 kinds of power in perfect bal ance. Start using it today. IELL' For the Milk Purer In Quality, Call Shell Products for saie by Norcott Service Shelton Dairy !