Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL Published At Nyssa, Oregon G A T E W A Y TO THE O W YH E E AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS VOLUME XXIX, No. 36 Irrigation Haled As Protection Against Famine Encouraging Outlook Seen by Senator McNary for Irrigation Future. Fastest Growing Town in Oregon NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1936. COLORADO PICNIC A T BIG BEND PARK Readers are again reminded that former residents of Colorado, friends and others interested are in vited to take part in the big Colora do picnic to be held Sunday, Sept ember 13 in the Big Bend Park. Everyone is to bring a picnic lunch and ice cream; and be prepared to enjoy an afternoon of music and sport. The Three T op Place Winners $1.50 PER YEAR MERIDIAN M AN TO SPEAK HERE TUES. Nick Yost of Meridian is to be the principal speaker at the Townsend meeting next Tuesday evening at the Methodist church Mr. Yost is known as a powerful speaker and a big crowd is expected out to hear him. Tire public is cordially invited to be present and hear Mr. Yost next Tuesday evening. More Students Enter School Boarding Train Proves Fatal Flower Show To Attract Throngs To Nyssa Friday Choice Blooms To Be On Display Tomorrow At Civic Club Show. The need for militant opposition Elaborate plans are being made to to tha eastern policy of opposing ¡stage an interesting and beautiful reclamation, ran like an undercur 'flower show Friday September 11 at rent through the meeting of the ) the Eagles Hall in Nyssa. The ladies Oregon Reclamation Congress, Dorothy Austin Teachers and pupils went back to of the Civic Club are sponsoring the Velma Mu'l Margaret Toombs An attempt to "hook” a west which met in Vale Friday and Sat work Tuesday, marking the start of show and a wide variety of blooms Miss Austin, Grand Capital Prize Winner in The Journal's subscription campaign which e'osed Satur urday. Robert W. Sawyer of Bend, bound freight train, “ just for fun,” another school year with the largest , are expected to be on exhibit. day, selected as her prize a solid two color gold ring set with three blue-white diamonds. She was also president of the Oregon Reclama claimed the life of Delbert Stein- enrollment in the history of the Prizes for the winners this year winner of the second $10 cash prize. Miss Mull, District Number Two Capital Prize Winner and winner haus, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank tion Congress, said, “This meeting Nyssa schools. When a check was will be gladlola and crocus bulbs; Stelnhaus of Nyssa late Monday **** i*rize> chose the ye'low gold Elgin wrist watch with yellow gold figures and a of the reclamation congress comes made today, it was found that 293 and competition between the var atching bracelet for her prize. Miss Toombs, District Number One Capital Prize Winner, chose a blue at a time when reclamation by irri evening at Ontario. As the accident students were enrolled in the ious flower growers of this section is white diamond in a modem ring mounting of white and yellow gold. gation has become a subject of re was reconstructed, Stelnhaus and a grades and 165 in the high school. expected to be keen. The ladies are newed and special importance. I n ! CCC companion, Blackie Cavalier Both of these figures are expected asking that everyone with nice fall the middle west, where agriculture by name, caught a freight car as it to be increased during the next few blooms, to be certain to exhibit them is dependent upon rainfall, drought was going by the freight depot at weeks as additional students enroll. at the show Friday. conditions this year, as in 1934, have Ontario. Stelnhaus Jumped free, and High school students living in The show is open to the public, resulted in the destruction of vir- thinking it easy, was going to catch At a pretty home wedding solemn town are starting to school at eight and everyone is most cordially in tually all crops. Irrigation trus pre- | on again. This time the train was ized Saturday morning. Miss Mae in the morning this year, in order vited to attend. There will be a door sents itself as crop insurance, where ■ going faster and he failed to catch Keizer, daughter of Mr. and Mis. C. to help relieve the over crowded con prize and guests will be served waf rainfall is insufficient, and insur- the ladder, fell, and the end of the J. Keizer, beoame the bride of Mr. dition. Enrollment in the commer ers and tea. ance also of essential food supplies following car hit his head with such Ronald Burke, .son of Mr. and Mrs. cial classes is especially heavy this Judges will be Mrs. Albert Pfeiler whenever crops fail in non-irrigated force that the top of his head was Frank Burke. Rev. Floyd White of D U N A W A Y POND GETS Velma Mull and Margaret year, with a big Increase over last of Nyssa, Mrs. E. C. Van Petten of nearly tom off. Death was instan- sections.” t h e Methodist M e t h o d i s t , o church h n r e h officiated. officia ted t r A D I C T V A C C IG U V e ,m a m U I* a n a the year. Miss Rettie is the commercial VAR IETY OF FISH Toomb$ Are Dutrict teacher. Total enrollment is esti Ontario and Mrs. R. H. DeArmond “ It must be maintained as a nat teous. When he was picked up he The brides gown of white silk or ional undertaking. In the face of was laying with his head very close gandie was made with graceful mated to be 20 per cent more than of Vale. The first planting of fish in the Number Two and One last year. this evidence it may be hoped that to the rails. A railroad investigator simplicity, with puffed sleeves; set- Dunaway pond took place Monday MRS. POAGE WINS BUCK opposition said to be growing in the reported finding bits of hair and ting off in effective manner the evening when several different var- Capital Prize Winners. FOR LARGEST ONION east against western reclamation scalp on the end of the freight car bouquet of various colored asters she ities of bass and some croppies were TWO COUSINS OF JOHN may be quieted. It is an unreason- which struck Steinhaus. PRATI HERE FOR VISIT planted. The fish were part of the Delbert Steinhaus moved to Nyssa carried. ab'e opposition, however, and even Miss Sue Keizer, the bride's sister Oregon Game Commission exhibit at While scores of excited Nyssa and the facts of the drouth are not likely with his parents last spring from and attendant, wore a gown of the Malheur County fair, and after surrounding territory folks impa Mrs. J. W. Poage won the f l prize Two young men from Asivbury to be effective. Next week at Salt the Lincoln district and had been pink taffeta. Best man for Mr. show, permission was given to tiently awaited announcement of the Park, New Jersey arrived last week offered by the Nyssa Packing Com Lake City, directors of the National living on the White place across the Burke was his brother, Dwight piant them here final results, The Gate City Journal to spend the fall months with their pany for the largest onion brought Reclamation association meet to river. He was a graduate of the Burke, while the bride’s father, C. j The Dunaway bass pond is now great subscription and prize cam- cousin, John Prati. The two New In Saturday.. The winning specimen consider ways and means of meeting i r' ver- He was a graduate of the On- J. Keizer, gave his daughter in mar- ¡n shape to receive more fish. and paign came to an official close Sat- Jersey boys are cousins, Julius and weighed 1 lb. and 13 ounces. Tony the opposition. If Oregon is to con- tarl° High School. riage. Preceedlng the ceremony Mrs. the spillway is in place. Several cans urday night when the judges de- Williams Prati. They drove over Mazac brought in four onions, which tinue to benefit from irrrigation as He is survived by his parents, LaUra„ Pislier sang 1 Love You 10f bass are expected to arrive some- \ dared the campaign over and re- land in 6V4 days and report the weighed a total of five pounds, four a national policy, its commercial seven sisters and four brothers, in Truly,” accompanied on the piano time this month for further plant- j moved the sealed ballot box from drought conditions in the middle- ounces and Gus Roth brought in one bodies and this congress, through cluding Opal Steinhaus, who wit by her sister. Miss Edith Hezeltine, | tngs Members of the Nyssa Wild The Journal’s window to start the west as a pitiful sight. The green weighing one pound and 4 ounces. its constituent members, must give nessed the accident; Mrs. Wm. Leav who also played the wedding march. | Life League planted the fish Mon- j final count. fields and highly productive fields Two onions were brought In fiom all required support.” itt, Mrs. Ruby Buck, Eva, Thelma, The ceremony was performed under j day evening, and those doing the i Miss Dorothy Austin of Nyssa was of southern Idaho and eastern Ore the Frank Morgan farm, which Friday’s business session was fol Lois and a younger sister; Raymond weighed over two pounds each, but an improvised arch, wound with work TOre Bernard Frost, Artie named winner of the Grand Capital gon looked mighty fine to them. lowed by a banquet Friday evening Steinhaus and two younger brothers. pink and white cre»e and set off | Robertson and Don Todd, were entered too late to win the | Prize. Miss Margaret Toombs of in the basement of the Community Funeral services were held Wed- with a background of fall flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Larsen and prize. Nyssa was the winner of the District Hall. Principal speakers as intro nsday afternoon at 2:30 from the Besides members of the immediate Next week the prize will be given Rev. and Mrs. A. F. Leinkaemper No. One Capital Prize and Miss Vel- sons and Thetus Gray spent from duced by Toastmaster E. H. David Peterson Funeral Home in Ontario, families, guests were Mrs. Laura of Portland, uin> spent last week j ma Mull was winner of the District Saturday night until Monday even for the largest sugar beet. F. G. son of Ontario were Judge David with interment being in the Ontario Fisher and Miss Edith Hezeltine of Holmes has already brought in a visiting at the home of their son Bert { No. Two Capital Prize. In addition to ing visiting relatives in Twin Falls. Graham, Dennis P. Woods of the cemetery. monster beet which weighed 14 Mrs. Steinhaus’ father, New Plymouth; Harry Logan of Leinkaemper, left Tuesday morning being winner of the Grand Capital Federal Land Bank of Spokane, Wm. Davis came from La Center, Payette; Eunice Farr, Edna Burt Miss Elizabeth Nelson and Vera pounds and 12 ounces, and was en route to their home. They were j Prize, Miss Austin was also declared John W. Haw, agricultural director (Washington for the funeral. Other and Marvin Penrod. and Florence Foster of Boulder, about the size of a pumpkin. accompanied home by their son Ker- , the winner of the second $10.00 cash of the Northern Pacific, and Mar- relatives live in Cascade, Nampa and A breakfast was held after the mit, who will visit in Portland. The prize. Miss Mull was winner of the Colorado were luncheon guests of shall N. Dana, associate editor o f , Boise, Idaho. ceremony, after which the young Leinkaempers returned by way of first extra $10.00 cash prize. thlr uncle W. W. Foster on Tuesday. NEW IDAHO POWER MAN the Oregon Journal. | --------- couple left for a few days trip to Yakima Valley to visit with friends. ADDED TO LOCAL FORCE They were enroute to the coast The sealed ballot box was placed Olive Lake. McNary and Pierce Present where Miss Nelson has a position in in the office of The Journal and was The bride graduated from the the Salem library and the Misses Senator McNary and Congressman available to the candidates at any Nyssa high school with the class Foster will make their home with Pierce were among those present | Ed Dllley has been transferred time up to 9 o’clock Saturday night, of 1932 and for the past two years their father, Wesley Foster of Port from the Payette offloe of the for the Saturday session. Senator when the campaign was declared of has conducted the Vogue Beauty land. McNary painted a bright ploture, Idaho Power Company to be station ficially closed by the judges and Shop here. Mr. Burke graduated saying, “The dark days of reclama- ed here permanently as an assistant members of the advisory board from the Wendell high school with lion are past. Thousands of people to Bernard Frost. Mr. Dllley Is a broke the seals and made the final the class of 1930, attended the Al are coming to the western projects graduate of the College of Idaho count. bion State Normal School, and and have come. It has become easy with the class of 1929 and for five The Malheur County Fair, held EH.sewhere In today’s Journal Is a more recently has been connected to get money for reclamation. Irri- years served as athletic coach at the Rev. Floyd White of Nyssa was Saturday, Sunday and Monday In complete list of each candidate's Fruitland high school. For the past gated agriculture represents stabil- I selected as an independent candi- with the Gate City Journal. The Ontario turned out to be a huge votes and the prizes won by each of two years he has been with the Ida ity and now, after the drought, has date to run for the office of state newly weds expect to make their success, both from a standpoint of the sixteen winners. ho Power Company. helped^ to meet a national emer- senator in the election this coming home in Nyssa. where they are fur- nishing a house they recently pur - 1 education and entertainment; and Judges Libor Long The transfer of an additional man gency.” November as a result of action financially. Never in the 20 years to the Nyssa territory was made Congressman Pierce declared it taken Wednesday at the Townsend chased. The Judges commenced their work history of the fair have crowds been was easier to get money in the sen- | C0nventi0n in Vale. The required The first call for football candi necessary by the increasing business so large, nor exhibits so outstand at shortly after 9 o’clock and fin HEWITT-NOURSE ate for reclamation, than in the number 0f signers put their names to ished after several hours of work. dates was answered this week by 30 of the Idaho Power Company, and ing. their desire to adequately serve their House. He said, “There is still a f the petition and Rev. White's name They found dozens of new subscrip An announcement of interest to A much larger premium list, with tions In the envelopes. Every receipt boys being Issued suits and practice territory. Mr. Dilley, who is single, is strenuous fight ahead of us. We ^ ^ added the ,*!,<* this fall. started in earnest under the tutelage have been greatly aided by the more The Democratic candidate for state people of Adrian was the wedding of more attractive prizes, succeeded in check, money order, bill and coin of Coach John Young. Coach Young making his home at the Frost resi Mr. J. W. Hewitt of Milton, Oregon getting out a record breaking ex favorable attitude in the senate.” senator is Robt. Lees of Ontario, and Miss Wllla Nourse of Walla was carefully checked and the re faces the prospect of building a dence for the present. hibit. Products from farm, garden sults were tabulated minutely. Morgan Re-elected Vice-President while Robt. Duncan of Burns is the Walla on Sunday, August 30th at team this year with ten letter-men and orchard depicted the wonderful Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan, Dr. It was truly a wonderful race. The returning to school and several other In the election of officers. Judge Republican nominee. highnoon. The ceremony was per progress made on the fertile lands and Mrs. J. J. Barazln and Attorney The Townsend convention attract formed by the Rev. D. E. Nourse, Individual number of votes ran up good prospects, which makes things Robert W. Sawyer, Bend pubisher, of the lower Snake River Valley. The Carl Coad were among those from was re-elected president, Dr. W. L. ed a big crowd, drawn from the pastor of the Congregational church livestock exhibits attracted touch to the thousands. It was getting on brighter than usual for a winning Nyssa who attended the banquet counties of Malheur, Harney and toward midnight Saturday when the team. Powers, secretary, Olen Amspiger, at Ashland and father of the bride, attention and the 4-H club com given In Ontario in honor of Senator Frank T. Morgan and Kenneth Mll- Included in the list of lettermen McNary Saturday evening. ’ J“ ’ The church was beautifuily decora- petition this year was especially ' Judge8 flnally made up the grand ler as district vice presidents. Board E- w Larsen of Boise.. Following the j t e d w i t h nowers The bride wore a keen. totals and announced the results. returning to school this year are utmost accuracy accuracy was was observe« observed Jackson, Boren, Johnston, Lankford, members were also unanimously re afternoon session, a basket lunch j blue suit with a corsage of gardinias. | The rodeo events held Saturday The ln e utmost was enjoyed, after which the meet elected. Kurtz, Pierson, Keck, Leuck and lng continued in the evening. buffet dinner at the bride's home Sundav and Monday olaved to blir! date votcs’ 8 difficult and most Jerry Rust. However the team will boys gone which was attended by thirty r e l a - ; ® ™ lnsurmg the fi^ n G a l suc tedl0US u * ’ the selected feel the loss of the OREGON TRAIL CALF tives of the bride and groom Mrs crowas; “ g tne financial sue not ^ acquainted with the hand- the graduation route Including Art lives of the bride and groom. Mrs. (cess of the undertaking. Receipt. L of flgu^ the Job mlght have CLUB MEMBERS WIN Cook, all-dlstrlct star of last season; Hewitt was in nurses training at St were estimated to run well over the Anderson, Fahmey, Morgan Rust AT COUNTY FAIR Mary’s hospital at Walla Walla, sum necessary to finance the fair, taken all night. The counting judges were L. D. and Poage. Several transfers are on ^ ^ —— — _ u I Washington before her marriage, j making lt [x>Sslble to start a fund b reROn^ ° ? “ ? ' U,b ™et Mr Hewitt is principal of the King-| whlch wU, ^ used to lm the Hollenberg, Al Thompson, Dr. E. D. hand and boys from the freshman at the home of their local leader, man Kolony grade school and teach- hlinrf|n<,„ „ _ H . .. . . Norcott and Don Oraham. class who are likely prospects. In Two 4-H Club members In Mal ¡Albert Hopkins last Thursday to|er for the sixth, seventh and eighth I ^ u n d T cluded in the latter classifications Thank You --------- make final arrangements for the grades. The happy couple are living must be lnluded Lloyd Nelson, Dean heur County will be given an oppor One of the enjoyable features of To those very competent judges By ram, Richard Holly, Steve Somura tunity to attend the Pacific Inter Officers of the newly organized * Adria" the fair was the "Epic of the Owy who worked so faithfully and care and Ouy Booth. ty Fair. Dick Tensen, Robert Holmes national this fall as guests of The Veterans of Foreign Wars were hee’" parade held Labor Day. Floats fully Saturday night, The Journal and Albert Hopkins furnished trans JACKSON-SHAW The first football game of the First National Bank of Portland, ac ¡worn in Wednesday night at a from various business and fraternal wishes to express its sincere season is close at hand, In spite of cording to an announcement made portation for the calves and boys to meeting held in the Wilson build Neil Jackson, son of Mr. and Mrs. organizations of Ontario and nelgh- thanks. The campaign manage the fact that school Just opened. public this week by George Mitchell, the fair. E. M. Hauser county club ing. The installing officer was Olen leader was also present and discuss W. C. Jackson of Nyssa surprised his j boH"« communities made one of the ment is Indeed grateful to ther^ for The first game will be on the Wilder manager of the Nyssa branch of the H. Spurgeon, past department com ed showmanship and demonstrated parents and friends by slipping over finest parade's in Ontario’s history their work. gridiron on Friday, September 18th. Portland bank. mander of Idaho. Other officers with a local calf. Refreshments were to Vancouver. Washington on Friday Mrs. C. L. McCoy was one of the The Journal wishes to take this Several other teams swing into | T h e First National is sponsoring present included Don F. Preston, parade judges. served at the close of the meeting. means of expressing Its sincere action at that time. Including Vale, a 4-H Club competition in Portland August 21st and being quietly mar Oregon state commander and C. R. thanks for every candidate In the which Is scheduled to play Boise on and in Multnomah, Clatsop, Tilla Boys who took calves to fair were ried. His bride is Mary Jane Shaw Chocrane, state adjutant; both of list for her part in making the big Saturday, September 19th. mook, Oboe, Klamath, Wheeler, Dewey Thomason. Jack Marshall, of Portland. The young couple are whom were en route to Denver to Washington, Sherman, Morrow, campaign the rousing success that and Frank Wilson. Jack Marshall living in Portland where he is work attend the national convention. Marion. Jackson, Linn Wasco. Lake, ing for the American Optical Co. it was. won second place with a Jeresv calf RAMHEF-DOOLITTLE The new veteran organization has and Dewey Thomason third place Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Malheur. More than anything else, the man Mr. Jackson drove to Portland 19 charter members at present, but Wes Browne spending his spare agement of the campaign appre last Wednesday evening to see the Robert Wade Ramsey of Nyssa Deschutes and Gilliam counties. The charter membership will be held ^ a ° uerIwy yearUng’ time digging basement on new home newly weds, returning to Nyssa the ciates the expressions of thé various and Ellen Marie Doolittle of On boy and girl winning in each of open for the next ninety days. J. J. stead . . . Sid Burbldge trying to candidates in The Journal office, tario were married by the Rev. these club districts will be brought Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Mitchell, their following night. Kollen was sworn in as the first avoid political argument . . . A. about the fairness of the entire cam Stanley Moore Wednesday morning. to Portland, all expenses paid, as daughter Miss Kathryn, who came commander of the Nyssa post, with Mrs. Steadman, her son George Chadwick busy booming Colorado paign. September 9th, at a quiet wedding guests of The First National for a other officers as follows: Wallace here TecenUy from Corvallis where she had been attending school, and and his daugher Betty have return picnic . . . Frank Edwards (Re- In Ontario at the home of the bride. three-day visit at the Livestock In All prizes were awarded to the Ljnch, senior vice commander; their son Pete drove to Pendleton ed to Valentine. N eb, to make their pub“ “ n,/r! n^ The young couple left Immediately ternational. candidates Sunday. ‘^ Blcyney Boydell, junior vice com Sunday (Democratic candidate for Saturday. The Mitchells took their home after spending the summer! H. C. 8eymour state club director. on a wedding trip to coast points. mander; George McKee, chaplain; c C . 'i . 'a r i w ” "** daughter on to Heppner where she with Mrs. Steadman’s brother, W. A. I Beut.-governor i . . . Carl Coad is now The Oregon Trail school started Mr. Ramsey is employed on the rec Is working out details for a compe * * * ? * will teach this year and their son McNall. They accompanied Kenneth I * * * * ? a" y Mack.lnaw September 8 with Mr. and Mr*. Al- lamation work here while his bride tition in which one boy and one girl m i g h t Smith, quartermaster and Jury" _____ . bert ___ Hopkins aa _________ teaches a. ________ The en is one of the popular members of will be selected In this county for remained In Pendleton to attend McNall and a friend who p la n , trout from Jackson Lake _____ ___ adjutant; L. B. Landreth and Fred and | the Round-up. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell to visit In Illinois before returning to men g0 10 VaIe Tu” day but 110 trlal rollment Is much largr than It ha* Ontario’s younger set and la the their outstanding leadership Province, trustees. daughter of Mrs Beside Doolittle. returned to Nyssa Monday. I Nyssa. ! ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ been In past years. achievement In club activities. Burke - Keizer White Candidate For State Senate Campaign Is Huge Success; Dorothy Austin Wins First COUNTY FAIR IS HUGE SUCCESS Grid Candidates Start Practice Bank To Award Portland Trip V. F.W. Post Is Organizedfflere ROUND TOWN