Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1936)
THE G ATE C ITY JOURNAL, TH U RSD AY, AU G U ST 20, 1936. ■\ KINGMAN KOLONY BUSINESS ADRIAN NEWS SHOWER FOR BRIDE-TO-BE W A N T ADS P A Y BIG DIVIDENDS Mr and Mrs. Lowell Ashcraft and Miss Mae Keizer was the honor daughter Dorothy were called to eastern Idaho due to the serious Ill guest at a kitchen shower last ness of Mr. John Martin aged fath Thursday afternoon at the Eagles er of Mrs. Ashcraft. He suffered a hall when members of the Auxiliary stroke. __________________________________/ * Mrs. Leslie Zink Is In Portland were hostesses. About thirty attend visiting her daughter Mrs. Vernon ed and the honor guest received LaBan and making the acquaintance many lovely and useful gifts. Dur The first year sewing will also ing the afternoon a quilt was tied ROBT. D. LYTLE Paid For of the new grandson. be on exhibit. A sewing demonstra for the bride-to-be. Refreshments The people Of this community ATTO RNEY tion will be given by two third year were shocked to learn of the sudden were served by the committee in And CO U NSE LO R-AT-LAW Kir's, Lucille Thrasher and Dorothy passing of Mrs. C. T. Ashcraft of charge. First National Bank Building Winters. The 4-H club members Nyssa as she made a host of friends Phone 60 and their leaders wish to extend an during visits here. Sympathy Is ex H « * l E la b o ra te F o rlraaa VALE OREGON invitation to everyone to attend See us before you sell tended to the relatives here in their Fort Monroe at Old Point Com The regular meeting of the Blue loss. fort, Va., said to be the moat elab Bell Girls was held at the home of Mrs. Ted Newton and children orate enclosed fortification» in the W e also have Pauline Gowey Wednesday. Their were Payette shoppers Wednesday. 1 world, la really a fort within a fort business meeting was spent in work Mrs. Gerritt Muntjewerff returned It Is the third In a aeries of forti J. S. COOPER SACK S ing on record books and discussion home with them after a few days fications built on this point of laud. of flower arrangements for exhibit. Business Analysis The flrat waa Fort Algeruourne, — and— visit in the Ed. Newton home. The Baby Beef club met at the Mrs. Robert Rush o f Ontario erected 32ft years ago by the ear Accounting Auditing SA C K T W IN E home of their leader, Mr. M. L. spent Wednesday with her grand lleat aettlera, as defense against at Income & Social Security Tax Kurtz on Thursday evening. The tack from the sea. It was destroyed mother Mrs. Amanda Ashcraft. Specialist. boys are getting their calves ready Miss Ellen McConnell is visiting by a storm and was succeeded by for an exhibit at the Malheur the slightly better constructed Fort relatives in Boise this week. Moore Hotel Bldg. County fair. Gerritt M untjewerff has been George which met a similar fate. Ontario, Ore. Phone 159 The “Make the Best Better” third absent several days from the Eder Work on the modern fort, which waa designed by Brevet Oen. Simon division sewing girls met at the Hardware store due to the flu. “The Parmer's Own Co-Op” Winters home on Friday. Part of Mary Elaine Wilson of Pacific Bernard of Napoleon Bonaparte'« Phone 26 Nyssa stafT. was begun in 1818 and com their time was spent in scoring gar Palisades, Calif., and Paula Lou I? ments. Rose of Payette are guests In the pleted several years later. Mrs. O. B. Anderron and son home of their aunt Mrs. R. C. Enos. * Guarantee Work Stanley returned to their home in Mr. and Mrs. Gerritt Muntjewerff Bountiful, Washington, after a visit were hosts to a picnic lunch on * in the D. L. Anderson home. their lawn Sunday Those who at W YCKOFF M ■ ■ ’ • Mr. John Van Cott of Salt Lake tended were Mr. and Mrs. Ted New Something Very Nice For Your Home . . . City, a nephew of Mrs. D. L. Ander ton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed JEWELRY STORE i . --X ; son visited at their home Friday and Newton and son Bert and grand- Saturday. He was on his way home daugher Virginia Belknap of Ore « i f ! Official Time Inspector for from a motorcycle trip up the west gon Slope. coast through Oregon. Mr .and Mrs. Jim Nelson and Union Pacific Mrs. I. Goulett and baby son have daughter Betty of Nampa spent returned home from the hospital. I Sunday with Mrs. Amanda Ashcraft. W e have just received a shipment o f very nice, Ontario Oregon Prof. M. C. Barlow from Salt Lake j Miss Lucille Cohen was a busi high grade mirrors, that you will want. They are City is spending some time on his ness visitor in Adrian Wednesday. in several different sizes and shapes and sell for ranch looking after business in te r-1 Mr. and Mrs. R. C. linos attended ests. the water melon feed at the H. A. All of the families on the bench 1 Denny home on the Adrian bench. were invited to the Denny home Mrs. Lillian Lampert and family OPTOMETRIST Sunday from 5 to 8 p. m. for a water o f Granville, 111., returned to their melon feed. home today after a visit in the '•See McFall and See Bclicr" Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wirrell of | homes of her cousin Mr. J. E. and D. T. Holly and Mrs. Frank Miller. Gothenburg, Nebraska, were visiting The J. E. Holly family were guests this week at the home of Tom Goodeger. of Mrs Holly’s neice, Mrs Joe Dennis o f Idaho Falls while on their va Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker nave cation. moved onto the Conrad Martin One o f the biggest features at this year’s Pendleton Round-Up, to R. C. Enos, Lois Enos and Mrs. ranch, having rented the land which be held September 10, 11 and 12, will be the Westward Ho! parade. Gerritt M untjewerff were Boise was formally rented by Wm. Toom. Last year Westward H o!, a procession which depicts the story of the DR. J. A. McFALL Size 24 x 48 inches, Each— $3.45 winning of the West, was an hour and a half passing a given point. shoppers Saturday. The D. L. Anderson family were It w ill be even larger this year/ In the parade are 2000 gaudily at John Jarvis has been enjoying a visitors in the M. L. Kurtz home Eyesight Specialist tired Indians and every non-motor drawn vehicle made. ^ Typical visit with his mother, two brothers Thursday. O N TA R IO OREGON scenes are: top, a Mormon Cart; center— a wagon train drawn by a and a sister of Sturgess, South Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Zesiger. 14-mule team, and bottom— a stage coach. Dakota. Floyd’s father and mother and two Ralph Hunt and family o f South other members of the family have for the church has made some pro Dakota, Thomas Sharp and family gone to Salt Lake City for a two gress in bringing in the Kingdom and Mrs. Hunt and daughter of NYSSA : : : : OREGON weeks visit. here. W e are glad that so many of Nebraska are visiting the Tex Doty SUMMER TIME IS W ATCH REPAIR TIME Mr. Harvey Ashcraft bought the and Frank Freel families. small house formerly owned by Sam the new people have found a church There is no watch too fine for us to fix—no repair necessary that home here and have gone to work we can’t make. You may trust your finest watch to us and you will Gentry and has moved it onto his get it back in ticking order. Prices are surprisingly reasonable. land recently purchased from Dale in it. W e are thankful for the Ashcraft. I splendid cooperation of all the com 3223235348232323532348235353532323234853485348534853482348532348234853534853485323535353 GET A NEW W RIST W ATCH FOR YOUR Mrs. M. M. Greeling is in the munity that lias made the church Caldwell hospital recovering from \ progress this year. We are glad that VACATIO N an operation. other churches have made progress Get a Wrist Watch to take along on your vacation trip. You will Miss Agnes Nichols who has em also, for as the community grows find it most appropriate, and handy. ployment in Vale has been home in the churches must grow in spirit and Kingman for a few days. power. W e wish to take this oppor GINZEL’S JEWELRY AND GIFT SHOP The Young People’s class enjoyed tunity to thank every person who ONTARIO, OREGON Sunday dinner at the M. L. Kurtz has in any way helped to* bring home. Jesus Christ into the lives and homes of this community and have pointed people to a better way of life through Him. LOWEST RATES ON Rev. and Mrs. Floyd White. AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY I A local 4-H club Style Revue will be held at the home of Mrs. Cotton j Friday afternoon, August 28th. Girls from Owyhee, Wade and Kingman will style the dresses they have made in this years work from the different divisions. GRAIN AI Thompson mm ^ ■ JL'¿ry *1 HIGH GRADE MIRRORS li $098 1 t o $2 CHENILLE RUGS Nordale Furniture Store Reliable Hay and Grain Insurance Let us insure your hay, avoid all risk. This is the hazardous season for farm risks. When better insurance is to be had W e Will Have It. Frank T. Morgan Nyssa, Oregon Phone 31 Yes Sir! We Appreciate Them C h u rc h N e w s NYSSA M ETH O D IST CHURCH Floyd E. White, Pastor Sunday School 10 o'clock. DeGross superintendent. Subject— Universal in Christ. D. R. Brotherhood Morning Worship 11:18. Welcome. A ll are Subject theme—The Changeless Christ. Special music by the choir. Epworth League 7:30. Evening Worship 8:30. Subject: “Th e Greatest of all Christ ian Virtues.” This week closes the conference year and as we finish we feel happy Bartlett P e a rs The other day I asked a man for his printing, Now Ready At STEELE ESTATE ORCHARDS and he told m e: “ Oh, our printing does not amount to much. A ll we have is a few little orders, and none of 4 miles west of Roswell them ever run into anything that looks like much money.” Reasonable Prices Those little orders are the kind that make our Have - Ample Resources and Banking facilities to accomodate our customers — + 4 — business. YOU’LL SOON BE CONVINCED Most o f our business is in printing letterheads, T H A T WE CAN SERVICE YOUR CAR MORE SATISFACTORILY small circulars, office forms, and other small orders. W e appreciate a small order just as much Try our service for a short time and find out just how pleasing it really is. It won’t take you long to determine that you want our quick, res ponsive, efficient icare for your car regularly. as we do a big one. So— if you have any small orders for printing, STANDARD GASOLINE AND LUBRICANTS we want you to know that we are glad to get them. W e appreciate them just as much— and Standard products will give you better perform ance and longer life for your car. There is extra power and mileage in every gallon of Standard gasoline and better lubrication in Standard oil. Yet, they cost you no more! take just as good care o f them — as if they actually amounted to hundreds o f dollars. Drive in the next time you need service— W e’ll do the rest. BANK OF MALHEUR V A LE , O REGO N D. E. M ASTERSON, Cashier POWELL’S SERVICE STATION The Gate City Journal “ Oldest Independent Station In Nyssa” PH O N E 19 Open Day and Night Standard Products Plymouth Cars 5Î1I N YSSA, O REGO N iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriH