Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1936, H ERE IS A NEW PR IZE FO R YOU! $IO In Cash Ju st for Securing the M ost New Subscrip tions D uring the NEXT SIX DAYS of The G ate City Jo u rn al’s Subscription C am paign The NEW PRIZE of *IO In C A SH Will be given to the Candidate securing the most points for turning in NEW subscriptions between this morning and Wednesday night, August 26. (See Schedule of points below .) What It Means . . . n o IN CASH NEW PRIZE The G ate City Journal is highly appreciative of the w onderful interest the young ladies of this territory have displayed in this new spaper’s subscription and prize cam paign. To show som e of our appreciation— and to m ake a can d id ate’s active participation in this cam paign m ore than ever a w orth-w hile endeavor— a new prize of $10.00 Now There Are IN CASH has been added to the prize list as well as four m ore valuable jew elry prizes. D etails of this new cash prize o ffer will be found on this page and in the Page 1 story— read them both th o r oughly, and if any feature is not p erfectly clear to you, ask the C am paign M anager for m ore details. 16 Prizes For 16 Candidates SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $I.OO per year This Morning in the New $10.00 Campaign New subscriptions turned in between Ttiuojidiay murninig, between Monday morning. August 20, and 9:00 o’clock August 24, and Wednesday Saturday night will count night August 26, will count points towards the New $10 in points towards the New $10 CASH prize as follows: in CASH prize as follows: 1 Year 4 Points 1 Year ................ 3 Points 2 Years 8 Points 2 Years 6 Points NOTE that you will receive more points for NEW sub scriptions turned in by Saturday night. If every is not perfectly to you, get in touch detail with of the this Campaign Manager clear Immediately! YOUR OPPORTUNITY Campaign Notes What new subscriptions any quired to turn In all subscrip- candidate has secured before this \ tlons she has on each Wednesday time will have absolutely no and Saturday. 'The campaign of bearing on the new prize of $10 fice is open each evening until 8 IN CASH. Only the new sub I o’clock, and until 9 o’clock on scriptions secured and turned in, Wednesdays and Saturdays. We the six working days starting this do this for your convenience as morning, will count for the new we want to give you every pos- I sible aid to make your campaign prize. big success. Call on the Cam All prize winners will be an \ a paign for an informa nounced and all prizes will be tion or Manager assistance you wish. awarded by the Judges when they Tell your friends to watch for make the final count of votes on your vote standings in the paper the closing night of the cam- —they will appear next week. !>aign—Saturday, September 5. Don’t be discouraged by a slow By the opening day of the cam start—keep trying; extermina paign every Place was filled and and perseverance cannot a large waiting list of candidates tion was entered. Those on the wait lose. ing list will be given their oppor Be sure to keep careful check tunity to compete in the order in of promises given you and call which they have qualified, pro back for th subscription at the viding any of the present candi appointed time. dates withdraw from the cam Ten dollars In Cash—here Is paign. your opportunity to win a cash Can you think of any better prize In addition to your regular way to get yourself an exception prize. You asked for this award- ally fine present than by win here it is! Oo after It! ning one of the 16 Jewelry prizes Don’t be discouraged by an oc to be given in The Qate City casional "off” day. Just keep Journal's subscription campaign? trying—you will never regret It On top of this opportunity the In the end. Journal Is now making a new With the announcement in to offer which will enable you to win day’s paper of the new $10 prize, an EXTRA $10 IN CASH. candidates will find that being Every Wednesday and every, in the campaign Is now more Saturday are report days and i than ever an honor and a worth each and every candidate is re- I while thing. FREE a valuable PRIZE guaranteed every active candidate; as only as many can didates will be allowed to enter as there are prizes. Subscribers . . . Look for the expiration date of your subscription which ap pears after your name on page 1 of this paper. Very few are paid up more than a few months in advance. Many of your papers have already expired. You can save ONE THIRD on tire price of your subscrip tion and help one of the s Lx teen young ladles in The Jour nal's campaign win the prize she wants if you subscribe by September 5, 1936. On Display In the Windows of Paulus NYSSA, Jewelry Store OREGON YOU can win this $10.00 CASH PRIZE in the new cam paign and at the time and of with winning the same subscrip tions, your same opportunity prize in enhance the original list of 16 jewelry prizes. the biggest all NEW subscrip tions Each turned is a in seirerate between competition this morning, and August 20, and Wed nesday night, August 26 points will count votes toward the cam 16 original jewelry prizes and In the new $10 CASH paign. Everyone wins, as will all count subscriptions turned in during the new $10 campaign votes ,n the original Jew elry campaign. To count in the new $10.00 CASH PRIZE campaign, the subscription must be for someone who on was Thursday, NOT a Aug sub scriber to THE GATE CITY JOURNAL ust 20. ALL Start on an Equal Basis Schedule of Points New subscriptions turned in SEE THE PRIZES Grand Capital Prize Large, beautiully cut blue-white diamond mounted in a setting of yellow and white gold. A smaller diamond is set on each side of the large center stone. Diamond Set Ring Every aetive candidate in The Gate City Journal cam paign is sure of a prize, but that is only part of the splendid offer this newspaper is making in connection with this big subscription campaign. A special subscription price of $1 per year is made for the duration of this campaign only, which ends on Saturday, September 5, 1936. A WONDERFUL OFFER FOR SUBSCRIBERS It's All In The State O f Mind Sparkling blue-white diamond set in a modern mounting of two color gold. Diamond Set Ring Large, clear, blue-white diamond mounted in a lovely engraved setting of white and yellow gold. Waltham Wrist Watch Yellow gold cased Waltham wrist watch with two blue-white diamonds and matching link bracelet and yellow gold figures Elgin Wrist Watch Latest model Elgin wrist watch in a smart slender case of yellow gold with matching link bracelet. Waltham Wrist Watch Smart Waltham lady’s wrist watch—yellow gold cased with black cord bracelet. Solid Gold Ring and Pendant Set Brilliant Aquamarines set in a ring and pendant of white and yellow gold. Solid Gold Ring Beautifully cut reconstructed Ruby mounted in a ring of white gold. Bracelet and Compact Set Smart modern yellow gold plated bracelet and compact to match finished in black enamel. Gold Locket Heart shaped yellow gold plated locket on heavy matching chain Handbag Clock The latest thing in watches—the black enamel, gold trimmed, modernistic handbag clock. Modern Compact Flat pancake, vanity trimmed with filigree. T he Four A dded Prizes Include; A Y ELLO W GOLD ELGIN W A TC H w ith m atching link bracelet. A SO LID GOLD RING and pendant set. A SO LID GOLD RING. A SM A RT M ODERN BRACELET. If you think you are beaten, you are; If you think you dare not, you don’t; If you would like to win, but you think you can’t, It’s almost a cinch you won’t If you think you’ll lose, you're lost For out in the world, you’ll find Success begins with a fellow's will. It’s all in the state of mind. Full many a race Is lost Ere ever a step is run. And many a coward falls Ere even his work is begun. Think big and your deeds will grow. Think small and you’ll fall behind; Think that you can and you will— It’s all in the state of mind. If you think you’re outclassed you are; You’ve got to think high to rise. You’ve got to be sure of yourself before You can ever win a prize. Life’s battles don’t always go To the stronger or faster man; For sooner or later the man who wins Is the fellow who thinks he can! VOTE SCHEDULE AND SUBSCRIP TION PRICE Special Price Votes on Votes on New for Campaign Only Renewals Subscriptions 1 Year .......................$1.00 1,000 2,000 2 Years .......................$2.00 3,000 5,000 extra votes wl'l turned be issued every of $20.00 worth 50,000 of subscriptions in. A on rlub may “rlub" be composed of small or large amounts totalling $20.00. This arrange ment will be in effect during the entire campaign. No sub scription for more than two years in advance will be accept ed through any one candidate. Subscribers may pay their arrearages AND up to two years in advance at the specia.' rate. of $1 per only—until year will be September in effect for NOTE—The the duration special of this p$ice campaign 5. 1936. Important. .. Every Wednesday and Every Saturday are REPORT DAYS and each and every candi date is expected to turn in two subscriptions on each Wednesday and each Saturday. Each candidate is POSITIVELY REQUIR ED to turn in all subscriptions she has on each each Wednesday and Saturday. This is the rule of the campaign and it will be strictly adhered to. FOR FULL AND COMPLETE INFORMATION Call On, Telephone or Write CAMPAIGN MANAGER THE GATE CITY JOURNAL 22SÄ “ Nyssa, Oregon PHONE 19