Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1936. DOiNKEY BALL Kindly PROVIDES FUN Tell Us . . . THERE an Item of W AS Girls donkey polo and donkey soft news concerning your ball game provided laughs and fun both Saturday and Sunday even ings at the rodeo grounds when local teams competed. Two teams of girls were oiganized to play donkey polo, one team being organized by Mrs. Jack Keizer and the other by Miss Hinemoa Clon- inger. Saturday night Miss Clonln- gers team, composed of Clarissa Tillman, Flora Mae Wimp and Hin emoa Cloninger won their game 6 to 2 and on Sunday night the two teams played a 4 to 4 tie. Members of the competing team were Alice Nye, Irene Poage and Josephine Burke. In the donkey softball games, neither team scored, although there was plenty of excitement and fun watching the players try to induce their mounts to negotiate the bases. Reclamation boys, Eagles and on Sunday night, three members of the Eagles lodge of Ontario made up the teams. self or that of your family or friends that did not appear In the last Issue of The Jour nal? If so, it was omitted be cause we did not learn of It and you did not tell us. We want every piece of news In this community and ask you to kindly tell us or phone us what you know that will be of Interest to the community. NEWS OF RECORD R ea! E s ta te T ra n s fe rs R ecorded Coast Land Co., Ltd. to William Tilley, NtsSE'4NE14 Sec. 27-31-41. 5, 27, 36. $59. W. C. Hardy et ux to Edward Howe 5 acres in NWLSEL Sec 29-18-44. 4, 28, 36. $13.80. Fred Ratcliff et ux to J. W. Webb e ux N'vSE'i Sec 30-18-44. 7, 13, 36 $392.38. BIG B E N D N E W S Oregon & Western Colon Co. to Lena Law, 151.5 acres in NW% Sec 13-18-44. 7, 1, 36. $537.51. The HEC of Big Bend grange will R M Horn et ux to N C Lodge St4 meet Thursday afternoon, August SE1, and SW‘, Sec. 25; Lot 4, and 27 at the home of Mrs. H. R. Hatch. SELSEL Sec 26-28-44. 3, 16, 36. Mr. and Mrs. R L Haworth enter $2,250. tallied a brother of Mr Haworths’ Payette Oregon Slope Irrig. Dis. and his family from Fallon, Nevada to Anna Brockus, SELNW!4 Sec. last week. 10, 17, 47, 8 11 36. $300. (Q C Deed) Mr. and Mrs. Lambert and two United States to Boyd F. Hanna girls from Tonica, Illinois, arrived RttNWK and SW‘, Sec. 13; SE‘4 last Wednesday for a visit with Sec 14; EMi NE!4 Sec. 23; and NWV4 their cousins, the F. A. Miller fam Sec. 24-17-36. $3, 17, 31. ily. They are on an auto trip thru B. F Hanna to Thos H. Goodwin the west visiting Yellowstone park SttNWK and SW1, Sec 13; SEVi and other places of interest. Sec. 14; EtiNE14 Sec. 23; and NW% Mrs. C. E. Peck and R. C. Peck Sec. 24-17-36. $1. were shopping in Nyssa last Wed Union Central Life Ins Co to Jes nesday. se Newton, S W \N W \ and W1-- P. B Anderson returned from Og SW'i Sec. 3; NWLNWL. S W ',- den Tuesday where he delivered a NW14, W SSW 'i and S E 'iS W 'i Sec car load of stock. 10-16-44. 6. 15, 36. $150. Mr. Garland Northcut of Knox David Kent et ux to Leor. Man- City, Missouri who came west with sisdor 1440 acres in Townships 24, Mr. Dale Robertson, spent the 25, 26, Ranges 41 and 42.. 8, 6 36. week end visiting in the P. B. An $6,750. derson home, he left Tuesday by Anna E Reeves et vir to Coast rtage to visit coast points. Land Co., Ltd. Nt4SWW8W% Sec. Thos. F. Phelan of Chicago arrived 1-31-41. 8, 4, 36. $59 Tuesday for a visit in the Brumbach State of Oregon to Nels Hansen, and Phelan homes. SW 'iSW 'i Sec 34-30-42. 5, 25 36. F. A. Miller returned home Friday Liens for irrigation and cultivation. from Denver where he sold a car (Q C Deed) lead of fat lambs. Joseph Merrell et ux to Nannie The Book Club met Saturday afternoon at the home Mrs. E. H. Oakes, Lots 40, 41, 42, 43 44 and 45 Block 3 Terrace Heights Add. to On Brumbach. “Life with Father" was tario. 8, 8, 36. $10. reviewed in a very interesting and Marriage Licenses Issued entertaining manner by Mrs. C. E. Peck. Guests of the club were Mrs. Frank Harrison Rector and Mary Chas. Schweizer, Mrs. C. C. Hunt, Ann Hodge. 8, 11, 36. Mrs. F. A Miller and her house Sam Earl White and Dawne Luc- guest, Mrs. Lambert; and Mrs. La etta Howard Mink. 8, 11, 36. Frenz and Mrs. Dick Tensen. Melvin Harris and Hortense Flor Albert Ledbetter, who spent the ence Griffiths. 8, 13, 36. summer at the Phelan home return Complaints Filed in Circuit Court ed to Caldwell Wednesday. Mr and Mrs. McCormick of Boise Glenn Mortimer vs Virgina Mort were guests in the Pillsbury home imer. 8, 11, 36. Divorce. last week. EASTERN OREGON 4 H ERS GET HONORS grass, 61tfc. Larsen and Towne shop 8- FOK RENT TO LEASE—30 acres of good blue grass and alfalfa pasture, 2H miles north of Nyssa between railroad track and river. Plenty of water. In quire at Journal or Frank J. Ward. 7-2-tf. plowing and discing land. Carl Se en parts away, bring them to us bum. 3-4 miles north of Nyssa. and we will weld them as good as Phone 78F21 A9tf new—save money at Pruyn Oarage, - WANTED TO RENT: Four or five tic. room modem furnished house. HAULING—All kinds, Oregon and Write Guy A. Nelson. Lakeside, Cal Idaho License. Hugh Glasgow. ifornia. 4-29-4tp . Phone 36-F3. Jan 16ti. MISCELLANEOUS SHARPENING— Scissors machine MAKE COATS—WU1 make child sharpened; saws sharpened and rens coats from other coats for gummed; tools of all kinds shar FOR SALE—Used cars and parts only *100 Mrs. Alvin McGinnis, or pened; kalsomlning and plastering. Four Chervolet trucks, priced to leave orders with Wanda Contrail. Andrew McGinnis. Aug 13 tic sell. See U-Auto-Camp Service, I WELDING—Don’t throw your brok- Try Journal Want Ads! Caldwell, Idaho 8-20-4tc. FOR SALE Four-H boys and girls of Oregon will fill to the crowding point four livestock barns at the Diamond Jubilee Oregon State Fair In Salem, September 7 to 13. Above It the 4-H Holstein blue ribbon herd shown by Union county club members at the 1935 fair, when 731 4-H anlmala were exhibited. MRS. A. V. COOK AND WM. SCHI REMAN HAVE JO IN T BIR TH D A Y PARTY WED. COMBINATION COAL AND ELEC- TRIC RANGES; One oven, bakes j with Coal. Wood or Electricity The stove you've been wanting. MON ARCH'S TWO-IN-ONE RANGE Peterson Funiture Co., 4tA13 FOR SALE—Good first crop red Ohio a» "Eighth W onder" clover seed; also 5 room house for General l.afayette culled Ohio, rent, 114 miles west of Owyhee because of its rapid growth, the school house. Chas. Bradley, Nyssa, "eighth wonder of the world" when Oregon. Aug. 6tf. lie visited Cincinnati in 1825. FOR SALE—Affidavit forms for contractors at the Gate City Jour nal. The birthdays of Mrs. A. V. Cook and Wm. Schireman were honored Wednesday night with a dinner and MARKET FINDER W ANTED party at the Cook home. Twelve J Try our Market Finder to dis- j guests were present, and all were j pose of surplus goods, rest a J WANTED—Contract for grubbing. seated at one large table, which was house, find lost articles, to buy or j decorated with lighted birthday sell.produce and many other uses. cakes. The honor guest received Rates one cent a word per lnser- J lac. | i o n Minimum M u many nice gifts. After the dinner ; ^ t tion. bridge was played with Mrs. A. H. Boydell and Mr. Schireman win ning high score prizes and Mrs. W. NOTICE—I want to do your plow work; nothing but first class work P. McLing of Emmett and Mr. Boy dell getting the low score prizes. or your money refunded. One trial will convince you. Second to none Mr. and Mrs. Francis Burger of when it comes to plow work and Owyhee, Nevada were visiting general blacksmithing G. E. Snod friends in Nyssa Thursday. Mr. Bur ger is in this vicinity on business for Terteling's. > 0 » > » » O O O O O O O O W 4 K I O » 00 90 0 0 0 0 0 4 7 0 0 HOW TO ' ' KEEP E D U C A T E D ” Read Daily the World-wide Constructive New» in The Christian Science Monitor A n In tern a tio n a l D aily N aw tpapar II g lfH all th a constructive world new* but doc* not exploit crim e and scandal M en lik e ih e colum n, " T h e W orld’* D ey” — n ew . a t a glanca foe th e busy re a d e r. It ha* in te re .lin g fe a tu re page* for all th e fa m ily . A W eekly M agasiue S ection, w ritten by d i.tin g u u h c d a u th o ritie e on oco- Domic, * octal a n d po litic al probU m *. give# a *urvey of w orld a f a ira . The Christian Science Publishing Society One. Norway Street, Boston, Massachusett* Please enter my subscription to T ub C hristian S ciencb M onitor for a period of □ 1 year *9.00 □ 6 months $4.50 □ J months $2.29 Q 1 month 75c Wednesday issue, including Magazine Section: 1 year |2 .6 0 ; 6 issues 25c Name ___ A d d r e s s ______________ ______________ S A M P L E C O P Y ON R E Q U E ST HOT-BLOODED HARRY g e t s steamed up about FREE COAL in A u g u s t Wayne Brand, field foreman for Hogue, came down from McCall to day house hunting for he and his family. They expect to be in Nyssa until December. Let Journal Ads Tell Your Story! Our reputation for perfection in funeral direction has been earned partly because of our unexcelled facilities. Modern equipment lends dignity and prestige yet permits us to establish truly reasonable costs and still maintain the maximum In efficiency and beauty. THE NYSSA FUNERAL HOME Our Best Ads Are Not Written, They Are Driven By Our Customers! Bring your car to us for re pairing—all work done by men who know their trade \A/H0 CARES ABOUT KEEPING HOT IN AUGUST — I WANT TO KEEP COOL/ OKAY! KEEP COOL ANO I’l l t ell you -YOU CAN GET FREE COAl SIMPLY BY ORDERING YOUR HEATROLA N O W - JUST A SMALL DOWN P A Y M E N T - PAY NOTHING MORE UNTIL FALL TH A T'S SO, iFEIEE CM ON/ AUG.e'toW * * H s E- W. PRUYN Auto Repairing Phone 56F2 PHONE 76F3 G ranite Paper A R C A D IA NEWS Granite paper derives Its name from Its appearance, which is brought about by mixing short col ored fibers with the pulp from which the paper Is made. These fibers are very short and give the paper a colored effect, depending upon the fibers used, even though the pulp Itself is white. Unless the eyesight Is very superior it Is necessary to examine this paper with a magnifying gluss In order to dis tlnguish It from colored paper. John Vanderpool has been dan gerously ill wtih ptomaine poison from eating hamburger sandwiches. Seve Krulic is here visiting his folks. Mr. and M y^^hM M jP rris were home i'll Sunday. The Sew and Wib will meet with Mrs. Angus Bishop September 6 Mr. and Mrs. John Carr and fam ily of Weiser were Sunday guests at the Clyde Long home and also took in the rodeo at Nyssa. Mrs. Walter Freeman and family of New Plymouth were over night GREETING: We hope you enjoy guests at the Otis Bullard home Sat ed the Nyssa rodeo. One woman in urday. watching the donkey ball games, made the unkind remark that there were three kinds of mules. The W a i W ed to Colum bus grey, the white and the kind she A Portuguese named John Gon- married. calves Zarco founded a colony on —KNOTS— the Island of Madeira In 1420 and John: The say that in time people became its first governor. That office on the neighboring Island of who live together get to look exactly Porto Santo was held by one Perea- alike. Mabel: Then if you ever had any trello, and It was his daughter who married Christopher Columbua. idea of proposing, just forget it. The Here enters the first connection be answer would be no. tween the Maderlans and America. —KNOTS— Roy: I see Dick Young is ail set for his fishing trip. Don: How do you know? Roy: Last night I saw him buying an enlarging device for his kodak. —KNOTS— Not to change the subject, but September will soon be here, then winter storms are just around the corner. How is your roof? It's not a good plan to delay, it's time to re roof now while the weather is nice. AT —KNOTS— And so. if the shoe fits, put it on the husbands' charge account, and wear it! COAL A u g u s t 8 to 29 with the genuine E state K n ot Hole N ew s STAMPED GOODS JOHNSON VARIETY Jackson Lumber Company It Puts an End to Oiling Worries T h is “ c u t-a w a y ” view w as p re p a re d ju s t to show y o u how efficiently th e Jo h n D eere oils itself. T h a t self-oil ing fe a tu re is on e o f th e big reasons fo r th e ste ad y pow er a n d long life of th e John Deere Type E Engine T h e sim p le sp la sh oiling s y s te m in su re s th e th o ro u g h lu b r ic a tio n o f e v e ry w o rk in g p a r t. C le a n oil is k e p t c irc u la tin g — e v e ry im p o r t a n t w o rk in g p a r t is b a th e d b y a s p ra y o f oil w hile th e en g in e is in o p e ra tio n . O il in g is sto p p e d a u to m a tic a lly w hen th e en g in e is s to p p e d — n o oil is w asted . M e ssy , e a s ily f o r g o tte n sig h t-feed oil c u p s are d o n e aw a y w ith a n d fric tio n , o n e o f th e g r e a te s t of power th ie v e s, is re d u c e d to a m in im u m b y th is p o sitiv e au to « m afic o ilin g sy ste m . C om e in a n d h a v e u s sh o w y o u how efficien tly th e J o h n D eere o ils itself. E x a m in e th e sim p lic ity o f d esig n a n d th e s tu rd in e s s o f its p a r ts —th e J o h n D eere e n g in e will d o its w ork s te a d ily a n d efficien tly a n d will s ta n d u p u n d e r s e v e re c o n d itio n s o n y o u r fa rm . B e s u r e to s e e th ia a ll-e n c lo a e d s e lf- o il in g p o w e r p l a n t n e x t t i m e y o u a r e i n to w n . Baldridge Implement Co. NYSSA OREGON Nyssa, Oregon f Al Thia Stow You Get Q U A L I T Y *"• S E R V I C E Hare are the cold fact* about the hotteat heating offer ever made. Simply order your Eatate Heat- rola before Auguat 29. Make juat a small deposit. Pay nothing more until your Heat rola is installed. You say when. After that, and after the Free Coal truck rolls up to your door with 500 to 2000* pounds of coatless coal, start paying the balance n convenient monthly installments. W hich is wen easier than it sounds— because Heat rola uts coal bills 25 to 40%; soon paya for itself. ^>me in. Let us show you these beautiful mod em Heatrolas—tell you how easy it is to own one. HEATROLA SAVE COA L ! SAVE U P K E E P ! H e r e ' s th e /a m o u i In ten si- F ire A ir D u c t th a t turns w a ste in to w a rm th , cu te fu e l bills 2 5 to 4 0 % . A n d the sen sa tio n a l n e w double life (n ickel-ch ro m iu m alloy) fire pot. Ihm I ______ _ , _____ _ laae i herd cost Is famished. FREE COAL with nr n the Estate H E A T R O L A R A N8 E , toe! Only the makers of the Eatate Heatrola could build a range like this. Sturdy. Modern. Beautiful. There are 93 year« of range-building experience in this Heatrola Range for coal and wood. And there’s a supply of free coal waiting for you, if you order your Haatrola Range before August 29th. Peterson Furniture Co. Ontario, Oregon Nordale Furniture Store NYSSA, OREGON