Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1936)
Here Are The Candidates + + + ROCKVILLE NEWS Mrs M S. Ivers and Mrs Emlel Claude were guests at the Nichols j DISTRICT NUMBER ONE home Saturday. Dlsrict Number One includes only those participants residing Mary Ellen Greeley attended the | within the limits of Nyssa. At least one and possibly two of the dance and party at the BUI Leake i three diamond rings, and as many other prizes as there are active home Saturday evening. | • 0ne of the most successful Leg- participants will be awarded to candidates living in this district. Andrew Greeley and son Bud have lon conventions In history," said Following is a list of the District Number One candidates who been very busy riding In the hUls Mr and Mrs. Don Graham on their have entered and become active in the campaign: for cattle the past two weeks. return from the convention at Bose- AUSTIN, Dorothy ..................................... -...................10,000 The Otis Nichols famUy visited burg. Over 2,5000 delegates were in at the Guy Wise home Monday. CANTRALL, Wanda 10.000 attendance, with a great deal of in Word has been recieved that terest shown in Legion affairs and LYNCH. Eva ..................................................................10,000 Miss Ruth Miller who taught school Mr and Mrs Don Graham MATLOCK, Bonnie .....................................................10.000 here last winter was recently mar and Mr and Mrs Chas Paradis at ROOT, Thelma 10.000 ried to Victor Morgan of Bend. local SARAZIN, Isabelle ............. 10,000 The I. O. N patrol are very busy tended of as the delegates u from d the Auxiliary filling holes and smoothing gravel. Mr and Mrs Paradls went on a trip TILMANN, Clarissa .......................................... ......„... 10,000 Mr Dimmick of Nampa was an trough Portland and Seattle, wliile TOOMBS Margaret ............... 10,000 overnight guest at the Lee Strode the Grahams returned Sunday even- DISTRICT NUMBER TWO home Monday night. ^ Norman Nichols, Larry Greeley District Number Two includes only those participants residing and Harold Mahonholder helped put Chas. Paradis was signally honor- outside the limits of Nyssa. At least one, and possibly two, of the up the second crop of hay at the ed by being selected commander of three prize diamond riggs, and as many other prizes as there are Sheridian farm last of the week. I District No. 7, replacing Fred B. active participants will be awarded to candidates living in this The cattle men are very busy ' Heed, of La Grande, who has held district. , gathering cattle these days and the the post the past year Don Graham Following is a list of District Number Two candidates who have fields are beginning to fill with beef vvas highly honored by being select- entered and become active in the campaign : for shipment. ' ed as chairman of the legislative BENTON, Vera (Rural) ............................. 10,000 The small children of Andrew J committee at the convention; this ENOS. Lois Ellen (Adrian) ............. 10,000 Cunningham are visiting at the Me- committee being one of the most lm- Cloud home in CaldweU a few days ! portant in Legion affairs Mr. Par- FRANKLIN, Juanita (Owyhee) ........................... 10.000 before returning to Forest Grove aradls served on the soldiers wel- GRAVES Waneta (Rural) 10,000 for school. * | fare committee during the conven- HOLMES, Annie (Oregon Trail) ..........................10,000 The school board plans to have i tion. MULL, Velma (Arcadia) .................................... 10,000 the Rockville schoolhouse painted The Nyssa post was honored by a ROGERS Alice (Lincoln) .................................. 10,000 and some remodeling work done be- national citation for outstanding fore school starts. THRASHER, Lucille (Kingman Kolony) .....................10,000 work in community and welfare Ed WUson was in this community [ Work during the past year, which Above is the list of the first sixteen candidates to qualify and re Sunday ! should be taken as a compliment to main active in the Gate City Journal's subscription campaign. The Guy Wise family motored to every member and officer of the Opening rules stipulated that no more candidates would be allow Nampa on business Saturday after local post. Guy Gordon of Roseburg ed to compete than there were prizes. This rule will be strictly ad noon and returned Sunday. was elected State Commander for hered to. A stock meeting was held at the the coming year. The Journal has a waiting list of candidates who would like to Rockille schoolhouse Saturday. participate in the distribution of prizes and is accepting additions The Otis Nichols family attended to this list daily. Those on the waiting list will be notified should the party at the Bill Leake home IIAKPKK RANCHER KILLED a vacancy in the list occur and given their opportunity in the Saturday evenlnng. Dancing and ON RETURN TRIP FROM order in which they have qualified. games were enjoyed. LEGION CONVENTION Chester and Stanley Mullinix and Watch for Daily Standings in the Window of their wives of Boise visited Satur THE GATE CITY JOURNAL e day and Sunday at their fathers, Joe Wittenburg of Harper, Mal Frank Mullinix. Your Subscription Can Mean First Prize to Your Favorite county stockman, was killed Mr and Mrs. Otis Nichols have re heur Monday afternoon when the car in ceived word that Mr. Nichols sister which he was riding overturned 35 and family are on their way to miles west Burns The party were Rockville from Arkansus. They ex part of the of Malheur CIVIC IMPROVEMENT delega pect to reach Meridian, Idaho. Fri tion to the Legion county COMMITTEE MEETING convention at day and the Nichols will meet there CALLED FOR TUESDAY and bring them to Rockville where R°seburg and were on the return they expect to work. |trip. The car struck loose gravel and overturned, Mayor Don M. Graham has called Earl Graham, commander of the Container. for Radium a meeting of the Civic Improvement A glass tube In u lead case that Vale post of the American Legion, Committeee, to be held next Tuesday Is smaller than a lead pencil Is was driving the car. Others in the evening at the city hall, starting at used to store radium In hospitals. car were William Purvis of Vale, eight o'clock. At this time progress Radium cannot be handled direct Mrs. Whittenberg and daughter. Mr will be reported on the park and ly, because, although It does not Purvis was the most seriously in pool project, and various seem to burn at once, the effect jured, suffering from several brok John C Page, acting commissioner swimming will be discussed fully. The gen Is a gradual destruction of the tls en ribs and internal Injuries. All of of the Bureau of Reclamation, ex sites sues. Radium Is handled only by the party were taken to the hospital pects to visit the Owyhee project eral public is invited to sit in at experts. for treatment except Mr. Graham. sometime next month. He left the meeting and help get the park and swimming pool movement start Washington D. C. Saturday, on an ed. An Old Proverb Mourning, Marriage Hats inspection trip over the drouth Maidens should be mild and Mourniug and marriage ure ex area, after which he will visit pro BIG GRASSHOPPERS FRIGHTEN meek, swift to hear and slow to prtssed In hat styles us worn by jects in North and South POULTRY ON KANSAS FARMS speak. the natives In Korea, China. A Dakota and and areas mourner wears u hut that complete Details of Montana. the itinerary have not ly hides his face. The married man been completed, but Mr. Page will Scotty Thomson was passing weurs a black hat, but he shows his attend a meeting being called by Mr. face under the openwork brim. a story this week about the O. S. Worden, President of the Nat around big grasshoppers in Kansas. His ional Reclamation Association, in story was that midwest farmers, Tell our Advertisers you Salt Lake City September 10th. who used to talk of using cornstalks Mr. Page expects to visit projects saw their ad in the Journal in Wyoming; the Minidoka and for telephone poles, now hunt grass with elephant guns—ver Boise projects in Idaho; the Grand hoppers Coulee and Yakima projects in bally at least. Washington; Vale, Owyhee and A farmer near Logan, Kansas is Deschutes projects in Oregon, as supposed to have heard a commo well as other western Irrigation tion In his barn yard. Investigating, \e»Y projects. He expects to return to he found two hoppers choking one C o«* Washington around the middle of of his old roosters they had corner Vv. ^ ed. He killed the hoppers—but now October. an® 5 erv'icC the rooster comes out only at night od us in pine for feed. INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE T . tmJ pave .lied poslt»n' e*a> FOR CONGRESS TO BE PICKED Another farmer, according to the For a comfortable story, narrowly escaped decapitation tor the ,nds eV CO' when two of the insects flew by A convention and picnic sponsored PERMANENT dem“’ and poi carrying a railroad tie between by the Townsend club has been an during hot weather. Come in esv lavo' ,rab'e nounced for September 1st at Vale, them. and try our ervlce, ot out at which time an Independent candi New One-Minute oviVnV°n we date for state senator will likely be Original Enfli.b Crown De.troyed The original English crown was picked. Robert Lee of Ontario is the destroyed Frederic» Machinele*» In 1002, so so exact copy Democratic nominee for this office n\°8'' made for Charles II by Sir Wave and Robert Duncan of Burns, the was All linen of beauty work at Republican's choice. Just who will Robert Vtner. reasonable prices. be chosen as an independent can didate has not been annuonced. but it is rumored that a Nyssa man is PETERSON FUNERAL being seriously considered. The meeting will include a bas HOME ket supper and close with a big mass BEAUTY SHOP meeting in the evening. D ISI COMMANDED TD VISIT OWYHEE Please THE VOGUE Phone 55F3 MAE KEIZER. Operator Call Thoma» Nordale Furniture Store Phone 94 Are you having trouble with warm weather appetites? Some of our meats, especially prepared for warm weather and for picnic lunches, will solve the problem. Call at our m arket today and see our variety of summer specialties to tempt your taster! EAT MORE MEAT N Y S S A P A C K IN G CO. NYSSA / OREGON BACK FROM PORTLAND Mr. and Mrs. W W. Foster, who spent last week in Portland returned to Nyssa Saturday evening, aceom- j panied by their daughter Frances, and Mr. Fosters' brother. Mr. Wesley j Foster, who will spend two weeks here. Mr. and Mrs. Foster plan to spend the winter in Nyssa and will J not move to Portland this fall, but I Wesley Foster and Miss Francis will return to Portland. Miserable with backache? kidneys function badly and W HEN you suffer a nagging backache, If Anyone —Elopes —Die« —Gets Married —Has Guests —Goes Away „ —Has a Party —Has a Baby —Has a Fire —Is 111 —Has an Operation —Has an Accident —Buys a Home —Wins a Prize —Receives an Award —Builds a House —Makes a Speech —Holds a Meeting —Or Takes Part in any Other Unusual Event That’s News We Want It The Gate City Journal PHONE 1 • D oans P ills with dizziness, burning, scanty or too freauent urination ana getting up at night, when you feel tired nervous» all upset , . use Doan's Pllla. Doan's are especially for poorly working kidneys. Millions of boxes are used every year Thay are recom mended the country over Ash year neighbor! Civic Club Flower Show Set For September 11th mm*?: Some 35 members of the Nyssa j Civic club met Wednesday afternoon at the C. W Barrett home north- | The Owyhee sewing and canning west of Nyssa, with Mrs. Frank Mor club met with Betty Schweizer. The gan in charge of the program. One county fair was discussed. The main of the features on the program was topic was “Good Grooming" and put on by the Nyssa Girl Scout several girls gave talks. Refresh troop, who have an interesting re ments were served at the close of view of a typical Scout day at camp. the meeting. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs A1 Thompson, assisted by Mrs. VISITORS FROM EAST Ed. Pruyn, Mrs. Ernest Wilson. Mrs. Geo. MacDonald and Mrs. Ed. Norcott. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Overstreet of The fall flower show was defin- Newton, Kansas have been visiting I itely set for September 11 in the at the Chas. P. Overstreet and Rees Eagles hall and Mrs C. C. Hunt was Bryam homes last week, leaving appointed chairman. Committees Sunday via Salt Lake City and the will be notilied and flower lists will Grand Canyon. Their visit was cut J be published later. All prospective a few days short by word of the flower exhibitors are urged to make serious illness of Mr. Overstreet’s a special effort with flowers as father. J. R. is a brother of Chas. the show this year their promises Overstreet, while Mrs. J. R. Over- bigger and better than ever. to be street and Mrs. Rees Byram are sisters. The Problem of Asphyxia Asphyxia, oxygen want, comes RETURNS FROM KENTUCKY about through Interference with the ordinary act of respiration. Of the many cases that Induce death by Wendell Pogue returned to Nyssa asphyxiation there is none more Thursday evening from three weeks common than asphyxia resulting visit with his parents at Farmington from accidents of birth, according Dr. Paluel J. Flugg In Hygela, Kentucky. It had been ten years to the Heulth Magazine. The physi since he left his home there and cian Is trained to deal directly with this was his first visit back. He problem of asphyxia. He can spent a very enjoyable time with the remove all foreign matter in the relatives and friends. throat by suction. He can deliver oxygen and carbon dioxide directly JUDGES SELECT the patient's throat or even to SAFEST DRIVER Into the lungs under pressure that Is | accurately measured and safe. A board of five Oregon judges yesterday selected Robert S. Krea- son, Dallas. Oregon, attorney, as the state’s safest driver from a list of more than 600 applicants. Named as Kreason's alternate was Charles F. Cordlner, of Portland. As a reward for 30 years of moto- ing without an accident or without arrest for traffic violation, the Dallas man will receive an all expense-paid round trip to New dem onstration in York this month. Together with a "safest driver" from each state in yo u r hom e. the Union, Kreason will attend a two-day conference on traffic prob lems. Earl Snell, secretary of state and chairman of the board of judges, TIME TO EAT listed seven persons who received honorable mention in the compe When Sister’s beau stays tition. They were Barney Oldfield, Leaburg; Mrs Vernon I. Cooke, Cres- for Sunday Supper, when well; Mrs. Martha E. McCully, Mother has the Ladies’ F r e e w ith e a c h W a s h e r Joseph; Frank Brandenburg, Port Aid, when Dad’s cronies land; Frank Bradfield, Portland; H o tpo int Arthur S. Taylor, Ashland and drop in for a game—seiwe Richard E. McElhose, Medford. sandwiches made from OWYHEE CLUB MEETS BUILT LIKE AN AUTO FOR LONG LIFE & LOWEST RUNNING COST Free PHONI FREE SP EC IA L Loving Neighbor Helps “Love yoh neighbor,’’ said Uncle Eben; ’’an’ after you has practiced dat awhile mebhe you kin git yoh disposition In shape to feel kind to wards mos’ of yoh family rela tlons.” SWAN’S BREAD. PHONE 20 SWAN BAKERY NYSSA, OREGON E le ctric Iron R e g u la r $ 3 .9 5 V a lu e Ed er Hardware C o . NYSSA, OREGON r *ftk CHEAPER TO OUin *U T0 REI1 E And Its Cheaper to Build Than to Buy „ "*1 WHEN YOU USE THE * ♦ ♦ M M I A * * * Insured Mortgage S y s te m AND 4 - S q u a re L u m lie r That's because 4-Square gives you better and more lasting construe tion at lower final cost as a result of exclusive milling features, sucl as squared ends, exact lengths, thorough seasoning, etc. And when yo. finance your building under the FH A plan, you are buying an INSURET home that bears the government stamp of approval as to materia1'- construction, value of location, etc., as well as securing favorable inv est rates and terms. Ask for FREE home planning booklet! Klin-Dried and Seasoned Framing Lumber Make« Better Construction BOISE PAYETTE Lumber t ompuny “THLRI A Y ART' HI ' YO