Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1936. SHEAVILLE NEWS Fred Haylett who is hauling po John Overy returned to Nampa DRIVERS LICENSE EXAMS Mrs. Orville Nichols is confined of Boulevard grange, near Ontario tatoes and grain at Wilder came Sunday after spending the sum HERE SEPT. 3 AND OCT. 8 to the Ontario hospital with a case were visitors. Mrs. Orle White was home Saturday, returning Sunday. mer at the McIntyre ranch. of walking typhoid. elected as HEC chairman to take _____ . . , , , W. A. Masonholder and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Sage of Dong Beach, Tire week end was marked by Etta went t0 Caldwell Sunday tc Calif., and McDermitt, were in the Mr. and Mrs. Chas Boor are the place of Zenola Presley who re Harold Vertrees son of Mr. and numerous accidents and near accl- visit wlth Mrs. Masonholdder, who valley Thursday on their way home Mrs. Emil Vertreeh is Improving Information has been received visiting their son and wife and cently moved to Vale. A nice lunch of sandwiches and water melon was dents on the road, mostly caused by has been removed to the Narramore from Montana. Mr. Sage is also an rapidly. from Seccrteary of State Snell that friends near Prairie City. served. too fast and drunken driving. No one home since belng „leased from the old pioneer of this valley. The Tri-County Orange picnic on Mr. Anderson has been a guest at although drivers license examina was injured but several cars were hospital in Boise. Etta will remain Ted Blackstock brought in a band the Schultz home for the past few tions have been scheduled for Sept Camp creek was attended by almost badly damaged. j with her mother and Mr. Mason- of sheep to pasture on the Black - days. He left for Nampa Saturday. ember 3rd and October 1st and 29th every Ironside family. A fine picnic Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hunt are look- holder will make arrangements to (stock ranch Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Cecil Leigh and fam in Nyssa, the correct dates are Sept dinner was served to all and an in ing after business interests in the move his family to either Nampa or | Joe Zatica upset his truck at the ily attended the Dairymen’s picnic ember 10th and October 8th. On teresting program given in the Stop For Ice Cream valley and attended the dance at Caldwell for the winter, i top of the Succor creek grade one in Caldwell Friday. those dates, Mr. W. L. Turner will afternoon. The date was changed We have ice cream and frozen to the third Sunday in August in the Cliffs. | Mrs. Kate Ditton and Mrs. Gertie evening last week, but no damage Mr. and Mrs. Hill and family who be here to conduct examinations. bars in a big variety. Stop and stead of the second Sunday. Mrs. D. H. Haylett was a business : Ditton were dinner guests at the was done except that his sheep rack have been visiting here at the home let us serve you. CONOCO Gas visitor in Caldwell Friday and Sat- j Haylett home Monday. George White of Halfway is visit I was badly smashed. As he was on i of Mrs. Hill’s brother, W S Adams urday of last week. Don Stults and Frank Baltzor took his way home there were no sheep ing at the home of his son Floyd and Germ-Processed Oil. during the summer, and also at the G. C. Knight of Caldwell was a a band of horses to Murphy the last in the truck. White and family. home of their son Raymond Hill and Free Trip Service business visitor at the ranch a few week to be shipped east. Dorothy Stults has gone to Port family of Kuna, left this week for Eldorado Orange held its regular days last week. J. V. A. Carter and sister Miss Ella land to visit her sister Mrs. Thelma meeting on the 2nd Friday in Aug their home in Kansas. Floyd Howard is hauling his SCOTTY’S PLACE Miss Ella Carter arrived Friday Carter drove to Nampa Monday, Lyons. ust. Five men of the grange furnish Mr .and Mrs. Leigh arrived for a lambs out by truck to Brogan from for a few weeks visit with her broth after Margaret and Marie who have | The valley was swept by a heavy John Thomson ed the program , which was very visit with their son Cecil Leigh and where they will be shipped to mar er J. V. A. Carter. been visiting their sister. rain last Tuesday, which was a good. Pete Welkal and Mrs. Ware ket. Locey Brothers will start haul great benefit to the range and late faDtiily. ^Mr. and Mrs. Leigh resided in Apple Valley several years ago ing theirs out In a few days. grain. Miss Charlotte Watkins, a former D. H. Haylett and son Fred were and will be remembered by their BU' business visitors in Nampa and many friends here. Tuesday evening resident of Ironside, arrived Friday Boise last week and Mr. Haylett a party was held in their honor at for an indefinite visit with friends she is now a guest of Miss Ina Rose. purchased a new Chevrolet truck the Cecil Leigh home. Mrs. William Matzen and son The Elmer Molthan family were the Showalter dealer in Nampa. J. W. Simpson and family of Okla- John attended the picnic held in business visitors In Ontario on Fri day, homa moved to the Hains ranch Big Bend park Sunday. Bill Danforth was operated on for last week. They expect to remain all Mrs. Elmer Molthan was hostess appendicitis last week. Danforths to the Ladies club last Wednesday. A winter. formerly lived in Apple Valley. Daniel Haylett, Jr., spent Sunday large crowd attended and enjoyed a 1 at his parents home. hostess! MrT and Mrs. C. D. Vertrees left pleasant afternoon. The Raymond and Evelyn Baltzor are Monday evening for Elnora, Illinois served a delicious lunch at the close. spending a few weeks with their upon receiving word of the illness of You can’t afford to take the risk of having your grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. his mother. They went with Kini- hay burn and lose hundreds of dollars. Let us Haylett. mans of Fruitland. Oscar Eller- at the Don Bentley and Burr Skelton broeck is going with them as far as take the risk. Don’t delay another day, see . . . were riding for horses in this neigh Iowa where he plans to visit with borhood last week and making the relatives. Haylett ranch their headquarters. Herbert Nelson is driving a new Mrs. Ellen Masoholder is still 1936 Chevrolet. WINES confined to her bed at the hospital, having had a serious relapse, with Selected ond bottled for you DON M. GRAHAM. Manager an attack of plurisy. by America’s greatest winery The H. E. C. met at the home of ROMA WINE COMPANY, Inc. Mrs. Falen for their regular meet A few o f the subjects Lodi, California ing Saturday. A very interesting A v a ila b le are: discussion was held on the study Accounting Get the advantage of advance Advertising subject. There will be a special instruction before the F a ll Business la w meeting at the Haylett home Sat Term opens September 8th. Economics A wild west show rivaling even urday, August 22. Business Administration Trained men are the ones who Alfred Ditton has been digging a Pendleton, Ogden and Cheyenne is Business Machines command real salaries these Salesmanship well on his mothers place, the past in prospect this year at the Malheur Typewriting days. They are the first ones two weeks, preparatory to starting county fair, when the Owyhee Write or call for free cata a Service Station. John Overy is Stampede gets under way. Colburn called for advancements, too. log o f subjects, costs, and and Sorensen have been contracted helping with the work. other detailed information Be prepared for opportunity! to furnish the stock and put on the show, and they will bring in more Danger in Cold Bathe Persons who are supersensltlve to than 150 head of Brahama steers, P o rt • M usca tel W hite P o rt S h erry a A ng elico • Toboy cold actually risk their lives by Texas longhorns, roping stock and bucking horses. Events listed in the bathing In cold water. Not only 50« QT.— $1.50 G AU may the shock bring on one or a prize list released this week include Sen d lO f for copy o f " C o o k in g with Wine Recipee* Day School — N ight School championship bronc riding, champ number of serious physical disturb N ever b efore lias Idaho TO» St Bannock — flo tee. Idaho French & ances, but It can, and frequently ionship steer wrestlir^l chairtion- been treated to such an Italia n elaborate F air. N ot a does, cause death.— Gene On», ship calf roping, brahama steer rid . -T * vJVv*. type» dull m om en t d uring the cewlcz, Cicero, 111., in Collier's ing, bareback horseriding, wild horse fiv e days and nights. racing and amateur bucking horse Weekly. o bottle 'Learn to Earn at B.B.U." See the— riding. The show will start Saturday A smart appetizer * A lco h o l I« to 2 0 % by vole»« RODEO evening, September 5th with a RACING night show. There will be day shows CARNIVAL Ion Sunday and Monday. The “Epic EXHIBITS I of the Owyhee'” parade is to be held C om e ex p ectin g to have j at 1:00 Monday, Labor Day, with your fill o f royal en ter | prize money for float entries set at tainm ent. —and— i $100.00. First prize in the parade will be $35.00. ADMISSION TO Acetylene Welding Agricltural exhibits have been FAIR GROUNDS placed in charge of County Agent —at— Ray Larsen and should surpass any thing exhibited before. More Interest SWARM & SONS is being shown in these entries, and Formerly Pete Dear Wreck with so many people interested in ing Business, now located one what this country will produce, a block west, near high school. real effort should be made to have - outstanding exhibits in all classes. APPLE VALLEY IRONSIDE NEWS See Us For Future Executives DEPENDABLE, LOW PRICED Learn Hay Insurance Business Administration ROMA BOISE BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Nyssa Insurance Agency County Fair To Enroll NOW Have Good Rodeo Bigger and Better Than Ever Before ROMA VERMOUTH*90C USED PARTS 25c AUGUST 25 29 FOR COM PU TI SAFETY F O I C O M PU TI VINTILA DOM The only way to get NEW PERFECTED H Y DRAULIC BRAKES, built the Chevrolet way, are the greatest safety factor known to motoring. Fast-acting, smooth, potutive, they make street and highway safe for you and for others. “Stop-and-Go” eats up gas unless your gas is built for it r JST as your car needs 3 shifts of gears, your gasoline needs 3 kinds o f power! One power for q u ick starts . . . one for fast p ick u p and hill climb ing . . . one for steady ru n n in g ! Super-Shell is the first gasoline with these 3 powers perfectly balanced! Fill your tank with it today! POM COMPLfTI OVERHEAD PROTECTION complete motoring satisfaction is to get a complete car . . . and Chevrolet is the only low- priced car that has all these m odern advantages TH E SOLID STEEL on e - p ie c e T U R R E T T O P - a fortress of sa fety-cooler in summer — warmer in winter — the crowning beauty of a modern car. POM COMPUTE COMFORT CHEVROLET c P J u m t/tf Co»sp»/!e& /irw /> rica/ C ate SUPER-SHELL Shell Products Sa$¡p% n d -fdrivin<l for sale by Horcott Service POR COMMUTE OPRRATIMO » H I G H -C O M P R E S S I O N V A L V E -I N -H E A D E N G IN E —has no rival for out standing um y and all-round efficiency. POR COM PU TI DRIVING ¿ASI * in n *495 'SHELL; GENUINE FISHER NO D R A F T V E N T IL A T IO N scoops in cool air on hot days — enda d r a f t s — p re v e n t# dmsiing of windshield. C h e v r o le t’ s IM P R O V E D G LID IN G KNEE-ACTION RIDE*—gives the world* s an » u p - D* r < - V N » s—■ ! . . f SH O CK PRO O F STEER I N G * —prevents steering wheel vibration makes driv- ing as easy as ndiag. . C a b le s C h e v ro le t Co. Phone 62 Ontario, Oregon