Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6,1936 CALS Six Alarms Sounded for Baltimore Factory Fire Ckaroa, the F erry man In classic myth, i'lmrou was the ferryman of the Styx. Charon's toll Is a coin, equivalent to about a penny, which was placed In the mouth or hand of the dead by the ancient Greeks to pay Charon tor ferrying the spirit across the Itlver Styx to the Elysian Helds. Mrs Sam Ketthley of Midvale has The Archie Cantrall family of On tario spent Sunday with Miss been visiting her daughter Mrs Russell Vinsonhaler. Wanda Cantrall. Mr. and Mrs H. J. Adler of On Mrs. Herbert Van Cleave of Iron side was visiting Nyssa relatives last lario spent the week end In Tacoma visiting with their daughter Wednesday. M r and Mrs. W. O. Gipson of Nampa drove down to spend Mon day at the C. W. Rice home. They were accompanied by Mrs. Gipson's parents Mr. and Mrs. Faler and grandson Billy. Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Huleatt and i son Robert of Brush, Colorado and Mrs. Lyman DeGrofft of Riverside, California arrived Saturday for a 1 visit with Lyman DeGrofft and the William DeGrofft family. Mr. Hul- | eatt is chief chemist for the Great Western Sugar Company in Brush. Mrs. Esther Grigsby, sister of Mrs. Barney Wilson left Friday for her home in Monrovia, Cal. She spent the past two weeks visiting here. Another sister, Mrs. Lucille Howard and daughter, who spent the post month visiting at the Wil- j son home left Sunday for Klamath ' Falls where they plan to visit a week | before going on to their home in Taft, California. W. F. Findllng of Hubbell, Neb raska arrived Friday evening for a visit in Nyssa. He is a son-in-law of Eph Frost and a brother-in-law of Bernard Frost. Mr. Findling says j the grasshoppers in his part of Neto- | raska are very numerous and pro duced photographs of fence posts covered several inches deep with the hopping pests Mr. Findllng was very much impressed with the Nyssa country and may locate here later on. FR EE!! Mileage Test Come in and let us give your car a test with Our New “ Driving Master” Most of Baltimore’s Are fighting apparatus was called to battle a conflagration in a factory which followed a terrific explosion. The blaze was especially hazardous because the building was occupied by firms en gaged in the manufacture of highly Inflammable materials. Mrs. Earl Danley and children were in Nampa Monday, visiting with an aunt of Mrs. Danley's. Malheur County Receives Large Sums Under Rehabilitation Plan One hundred fifty-six farm fam facilities elsewhere, Ibut who can ilies in Malheur County have re show feasible plans of repayment. Allan White is spending this week Such loans are made for the purpose with his aunt, Mrs. J. E. Marmon, at ceived Rural Rehabilitation loans __ of purchasing livestock, machinery, aggregating $100,667, according to Payette Lakes. .cgawi.B ~ feecj seed, supplies, etc Regulations a „ announcement received from the Rura] RehabUita. an funds thp of pur. A marriage license was issued last State Rural RehablhtaUon office at * rpa, esUite or any lnterest week In Payette to Paul Leroy Corvallis. Malheur County leads the . Fisher of Nyssa and Josephine state in the number of loans, and therein. Loans ____ may be made for the the total funds advanced are more Athena Panas of Yoder, Indiana. purpose of making permanent im than twice the amount loaned in provements to real estate, providing Miss Sue Keizer, student nurse at any other county In the state. Jack- they can be secured by real estate St. Luke's hospital in Boise, spent son County is second, with loans ag Tuesday and Wednesday at the par gregating $45,731. As of June 30, m° rtgageS t , , ___ ental C. J. Keizer home here. slightly over twelve hundred farm families in Oregon had received j MUSIC TEACHER TO Mrs. H. Blair Johnson Is spend loans In a total amount of $598,691.- STUD Y IN SALT LAK E ing this week In Portland attending 18. Buyers Week and visiting with her This great demand for rehabilita daughters, Misses Clara and Betty tion service in Malheur County Is Johnson, Mrs. Robert Gilchrist, Jr., who has doubtless due to the Influx of new settlers on the various Irrigation j a class of piano students here left Miss Margaret Hunt, Mrs. Ethel Crawford and daughters, Miss projects. The rehabilitation program Wednesday for Salt Lake where she laJ10 pedagogy Charlena and Tw yla and Mrs. is partlcularl suited to the needs of [ wU, take a coutse this group of farm families. This Oswald Forbes were dinner guests demand for service has placed a c o n - *and 10 study Piano Mrs- « “ Christ oí Mrs. Bettie Forbes and Mrs. Web siderable burden on the Rehabilita- I will return in time to start her fall ster Eldridge Sunday. tion Office far Malheur County, j class In piano and will announce Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Pruyn and which is located at Vale, and re- that date later. some friends from Nampa left Tues- ports from the State Office em- -------- — day morning for Post Falls, Idaho, phasizing the fact that despite ] where they will spend a few days numerous and sundry difficulties and Kaus Tensen purchased a new visiting with M r Pruyn’s sister, Mrs. delays which could not be avoided Dodge sedan Wednesday from the H. Weatherly and friends. locally, the program has been hand- Nyssa Motor Sales Co., a division of led in a very efficient and creditable ithe Thompson Oil Co. Miss Mildred Henderson of Pull- manner. j ------------------------ man, Washington, who has been the __ The Rural Rehabilitation Offices | Ernest Wilson and sons Calvin guest of Mr. anc¡Mrs. Harold C Ad- th hoUt the state have ler for the last few weeks, left M on- understaffed s o r tin g to been |and Robert left Saturday evening C. L. - for Portland where they will attend day for Pasco where she will ivsit Smith, State Director. In some sec- j “ Buyer’s Week" on a combined busl- another sister before returning to tions it has been necessary for one ness and pleasure trip. her home. supervisor to serve as many as five| -------- ♦ . » -------- Mrs. Ernest McClure and baby counties. Unusual effort has been Jaryl Anne left the Peterson home made, however, to meet the situa-{ Subscribe to the Journal at $1.50 a In Parma last week and went to her tion In Malheur County. It is the year. mothers. Mrs. G. L. Rhengren at only county In the state with more i - r— ^ Caldwell. Mrs. McClure and baby re than one full time supervisor. Appropriations for continuing the turned to thetr home In Nyssa the rehabilitation program during the last of the week. COME IN present fiscal year have not been Mr. and Mrs. John Gruelich of La assigned to the various states as Grande and Mrs. Frances Greulich yet. Consequently, new loans have AND GET and two sons, Charles and John n0f t*,er made since June 30 An- ACQUAINTED were vtsltlng at the^C. L. McCoy the nouncements from the Regional O f first of the week. On Tuesday Mrs fice of the Resettlement Adminlstra- McCoy and daughter and Gayle and tion in Portland, Oregon, indicate W ITH OUR their guests went to Payette Lakes that the new funds will be available \ for a few days outing. M AG AZIN E in the near future. In the meantime j applicants who could not be reached Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McKee and son EXCHANGE Jack returned Mondaay from a few prior to June 30 are being checked by the local office, so that those days outing in the mountains. The McKees left here Friday and drove deemed eligible for loans can be to Cascade, spending the night with served as soon as new moneys are a cousin of Mr. McKees. Prom there made available. New applicants are they went to Yellow Pine where urged to delay their requests pend they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. ing the time that investigation of j early applicants can be completed. Lee Householder until Monday. It is believed that this work can be Dr. C. A. Abbott is enjoying a visit finished by the end of August. with his brother. C. B Abbott and Rural Rehabilitation loans are | wife and daughter from Sheridian, made to farm families who are un Wyo, The visitors come Saturday able to obtain the n e c e s ^ rv ‘ credit and plan to stay about two weeks I M r Abbott and Mr. and Mrs. C. B [ ~ ----------- - Abbott and daughter spent Tuesday and Wednesday picking huckle berries neaar Prairie City. COME IN T O D A Y and let us give your car this interesting test. There is no obligation and you a will enjoy the experience. Retail Best Grease Job In Town - 50c ► The Forgotten 60 " Those hidden surfaces between the teeth. Ask About the Driving Master A LOAF OF HEALTH That’s what you’ll say of SW A N BREAD.' It is baked of best mater ials in a most scientific manner. It is easily digest ed and pleases the most capricious o f appetites. PHONE 20 SWAN BAKERY NYSSA, OREGON Our new stock has arrived and are now available Me re and Softer Light for Less Money No pressure, just burns like an ordinary lamp but gives the light of ten ordinary lamps. Baldridge Implement Co. NYSSA Special OREGON S pedals Specicals for Friday and Saturday, Aug. 7 and 8 Salt guards ... ical condition. Nyssa— Phone 11 friends that did not appear in the last issue of The Jour nal? I f so, It was omitted be cause we did not learn of it and you did not tell us. We wont every piece of news In this community and ask you to kindly tell us or phone us what you know that will be of interest to the community. LAMPS J The Oxygen Tooth Powder an item of ALADDIN Crackers CALOX THERE See the new Fall Pattern in J JOHNSON VARIETY eration and whether your car is in good mechan Wholesale AS y concerning your n W news self or that of your family or Pectin la a substance found In most fruits and In many vegetables, such as tart under-ripe apples; cur rants; orange peel; carrots; turnips, and cranberries. Without pectin, juices used for jellies will not "set’' or ‘‘jell." That Is why commercial or homemade pectin must be added when making juices of products that do not contain pectin naturally. The small son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Danley has been quite sick, but Is somewhat improved now. getting; your best driving speed for efficient op THOMPSON OIL CO. Kindly Tell Us Pactin Found in Fruits This machine will tell you what mileage you are Recommended by Popular Mechanics Colum bite O re Columblte Is a rare mineral con taining Iron, manganese, colt: in. bluw, tantalum and oxygen, and oc curs In a crystalline form In granite, pegmatite, felspar, etc. In this coun try It Is found In California, Colo rado, Connecticut, Maine, North Carolina, South Dakota and Vir ginia. According to the cycloiiedhis, columblum or niobium has us yet found little application In the arts. A. L. Fletcher Is reported to be improving at the Holy Rosary hos pital in Ontario. He was taken there last week, suffering with acute ap pendicitis but is now recovering nicely from the operation. Dr and Mrs Ed Norcott and Mrs. Max Schwelzer and Miss Wanda Cantral spent Tuesday in daughter Mary spent the week end camping on Elk creek. Boise. Charlie McClure and Mrs. Leslie Mrs J. J. Sarazin and Margaret and David are spending this week McCure and daughter were Boise with Mrs Prank Morgan and sons visitors on Tuesday. at Payette Lakes. Miss Charlena Crawford is Work Charlie Jones and Dwight John ing at the local postpoffice while ston enjoyed a picnic at Royston Postmaster S. D. Goshert is on his Hot Springs near Emmett Sunday vacation. and visited with Mrs Lucille John Mrs. Laura Fisher and Miss Edith ston who is a patient at the springs. Hezeltme of New Plymouth were Mrs. S. J. Johns of Rupert, Idaho, dinner guests at the C. J. Keizer aunt of Earl Danley. was a guest in home Tuesday evening. the Danley home here for several The Warren Blodgett family left days. She left Monday on return to Saturday for an outing at Summitt her home. Prairie and Logan Valley. They plan M r and Mrs.. A. V. Pruyn attend to spend the time fishing and ed a birthday dinner for Mrs. Hays j hiickleberrying. in New Plymouth Sunday and in the j afternoon attended the Townsend J Mr. and Mrs. Sid Burbldge and meeting there. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mrs. Mark Robertson and Leona Kllnkenberg accompanied them as Ray were among those attending the far as the Wilcox park and attend- Odd Fellows ond Rebekah picnic in Vale Sunday. ed the Missouri picnic. Warren McHargue has been out of his barber shop this week and has been spending the past few days at Vale, taking hot baths at the Vale Hot Springs 37c 3 lb. boxes 15c Iodized, 2 pkgs. Buttermilk Fresh , quart Pot Roast Choice Shoulder, cuts, lb. Short Rib Boil Swiss Steak 12c 3 ib.for 2 5 c Choice cuts, lb Hamburger Head Lettuce Fancy, 2 for Juicy Oranges 2 dozen Lemons Tomatoes 23c 25C 19c 39c Sunkist, 300 size dozen 39c 4 lbs. fine for slicing 15c Watermelons p0uUn3nteej ripe 2c 1 large size Calox, Reg. Price 50 cents 1 Kesso Tooth Brush, Reg. Price 35c Both for 49c Our Vegetables are Ice Cold N YSSA PH ARM ACY W Nyssa, Oregon N YSSA — 0 — ilson G rocery A Dependable Food Store OREGON