Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1936 SUNDAY SCHOOL PARTY rent; postage; supplies for county ness $5.20. A. J Smit grand jury strom labor $5.63. Audy Baze la- labor $4. Archie Meyers labor been set for October 18, October 21, court $3.10. C. W. Glenn, sheriff, witness $5 10. Don Masterson bor $1.88. Cloy Taulbee labor $100.40. A. W. Howell tire $5. October 25 and October 28. In Har traveling expensce $22.83. C. W. grand jury witness $2.20. Mary $9.75. Roy Ode labor $11.25. Guy Calvin Lunday labor $17.50. Jack- ney county the limit is three male pheasants on each of the four hunt Mrs. Geo McKee gave a party last Glenn transportation of prisoners Dodge grand jury witness *5 40. Page labor $8.25 Orville Feldtman son Lumber Co lumber $6.40. Fee- afternoon for her primary $ 24 .99. C. W Glenn traveling ex- Axel Reed grand jury witness $11. labor $15. Pat Wadleigh labor naughty Machine Co., payment on ing days. The limit in Malheur Thursday Sunday School class of the Oregon pense as sheriff $71 61. Penewell Nelson county, is four birds in any one Trail Grover grand jury witness $8.25. Elmer Staples labor $10. | road equipment $300 Howard- School About — “ •“ 12 ------ were Cafe, board of county prisoners $8.40. L. day and not to exceed 8 in any 7 present Sunday J. Kinney grand jurylchas. Faw labor $15. Don Wood Cooper Corporation grader blades and enjoyed games and re consecutive days; provided that It freshments. Mrs. Max Schweizer $13.45. C. W. Glenn, board of witness $7.50. D C Dowell grand labor $108.50. J. Edwin Johnson $12.16. L. K. Bullock repairs on „ . service tractors $41.52. $9.04. L. Home K Bullock truck 8c is unlawful to take more than 1 witness $11.00 L H Myers salary and expense $152.25 ... W. C. Lumber daughter Patty Jean of Nyssa county prisoners $77.25. C. W. jury female Chinese pheasant in any 7 and grand jury witness $11.40 Theo Glenn supplies for sheriff’s office Hardy labor $2 25. Leonard Hart Coal Co. lumber $21.20. Argyle were also present. consecutive days. Peterson grand jury witness labor $4 E. V. Bendixon labor Wayne gravel hauling $19.50. Elec- $16.74. Art Burnside supplies for dore $11.40. grand Smith jury »»»-SO- T. B. Duncan labor $16 trie Service 8 c Battery Co. tractor Big Game Hunting sheriff $7.87. C. W. Glenn collec winess John $11.40. Thomas Gordon An inquiry to the Oregon State The deer season will open on LEGAL ADVERTISING grand jury witness $15.50 A J | L. K. Fowles labor $12. Glenn Fos- repairs $ 0. Vale Supply Co. tion of taxes $21. West Coast Game Commission this week September 20 and close on October Printing and Binding Co. supplies Smit grand jury witness $10.20 ter labor $7 50. A1 Long labor $12 road supplies $7.97. The R. Har Co. culverts $68.29. On bi ought the information that the 25, both dates incuslve. This is the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that for assessor’s office $224.50. Idaho J J _____ Aeschliman grand jury wit-1 M. McKinney labor $1.88. Carl desty Mfg. Concrete Pipe Co culverts Exchange, supplies ness $10 40 Dr R A Tacke grand j Wardlow labor $2 50 Glenn Mor- tario the following claims against Mal Typewnted Hungarian partldge season would same as last year, and it is expected heur $176 55. Wulff Hdw. 8 t Imple for Assessor's office $1.50. Kath-' juror $6 40. J M Basset grand ! timer labor $5. Elmer Rose labor ment lor the month of ryn Co. powder $14.13. Harper open September 15th and stay open that deer will be checked this year March, county Claypool School Supt’s. trav juror $21.40. R H Kelley grand *7- Francis Clasen labor $7 Carl Mercantile 1936, were considered and $2.25. regular stations, the same as in ORDERED paid as follows: eling expense $24.05. The Onta juror $34.20. Theo Moore grand Reed labor *47 M s Hanson la- Merit Stores Co. Inc. road caps supplies until November 15, both dates in at powder territory. rio Argus office, Adv., supplies for juror $21.40. W W Scott grand bor *M- Ed Parker labor $8. Ei $3.23. The R Hardesty and Mfg. clusive, in Malheur, Umatilla, Union elk Much Co. April 1, 1936 County School Supt. $68 88 . Wanda of the elk territory has $2.60. H B Hardman I Kln« labor *8 75 H B Hardiman corrugated steel culvert pipe $13.- Wallcwa and Baker counties. The been closed, GENERAL FUND Vanderford, secretarial work in juror grand juror $30.2O.P M Boals grand labor **8- D. L. Cutler labor $32. Including such popular Helm & Yturri, supplies for season will open October 15 and places as the portion of Wallowa E. H. Brumbach, commissioner’s School Supt’s office $15. Kathryn juror $5. L A Murtate grand R R DeArmond labor $40. Bert 96. $2.65. Claypool supplies for School Supt's close October 31 in Wasco, Sher county iuror $31 T hom as T Ennnr Koplin labor $70.50. Oscar Daley road „ „ . ... . Howard north and west of the fees and traveling expense $27. office $2.85. Ora C. Hope stamps grand jury witness $7.40. Norman 1 labor: Aud? Baze *25.50. W. C. Hoi ( C oor^r equpment Corp grader ^m man, Morrow and Wheeler counties. Grande lying Ronde river; and that por Ora E. Clark, commissioner’s fees and box rent for county treasurer’s Walker Agi 3 months subscrio- “loway trucks $80. Ray Dinsmore F C r.u?on truck hire blades $12. Harper The bag limit has been set at 6 of tion of Grant ____ _ _ and traveling expense $20. Arthur County lying north of office $5,25. Gate City Journal, -------- tjon for Old Men’s Men’s trucks $268.80. C. W. Charles- Mercantile Co. road tools $1.50. tion Oregonian such birds in any one day and not the Middle Fork of'the John Day I Heer- dePu‘y sheriff $124.69. Chas. official Adv., election, County Home $2.55 Bob Bladen grand grand 1 worth trucks $31.50. Gordon Shunn Feenaughty Machine Ca repairs. $2.55. to exceed 12 in any seven consecu river and east of the Pendleton-John School Supt. $82 12. Valley P rin t-|jurv witness $10 20. Joacmin Bal-|trucks $31.50. Earl Evans trucks ™adL .lnJpr?venientL tive day3. expense ' , 7 of . ----- School Supt’s " lard Circuit court° wUne^IsfflO* *58~ Cas. Gardnes "labor" $36.* Ray b" d*e ,tii lberh3 *2 0 H°me Day highway. Another closed portion {i $(>9 G9 YC E Howell deuutv ing Co. — The earliest bird hunting this year near here is in Baker countv Ivina Ilce . , l . V 1 office, ~”V Acct. T T Institute and T exam- V. S. Buchannan circuit court wit-i Fud*e tabor $54.50. Jack Kiser aluJigeL & P°K u lh ^ L servicing ^ fe m * l- L . and L* west of the following 5 ï?U, nty clerk clerk $,125’ Mar 8 aret J mations $15.37. and Kathryn Claypool ness $5160 Nicholas Starr cir- labor *5 Ted Gorrell labor $2.50 al L. K. ^ Bullock will be for grouse and native pheas north Molenaar, s stenographer examinations Institute $1.00. cuit court witness $63 20 John M L. Judd labor $60 Vern Moore Go- Engineer s car $20. Monson s ants. The season in Malheur county boundary line; beginning at the $100 Lorraine Izicar clerk s sténo-j M a l h e u r Enterprise Notice to Roux c rcuU court witness $64 l/bor $12.50. A. W. Howell labor «¡to supplies and repair, opens September 10th, and closes point where the John Day highway grapher $80. Fred Augustus Aus- ; voters, acct. election; supplies for G. E. Rutherford labor $9 *9-45;. HaP r Bardware Co’ r°ad Wallace circuit court witness C $18 F. Bronson September 30, both dates inclusive. intersects the Baker-Grant county mus old age pension $10. Abram clerk-s „ffice $26.80. The Mal- Joe labor $4 Carl M or-lsuPPhes *5 Bu"U"8 $72. Camp Trimble circuit court ton labor $20. Robert Chadwick foad f^u‘pment The same dates are in effect In line and following the highway to its Lewellen old age pension $20 . 1 beur Enterprise, Message to Tax witness *L85 TT L raci K or„C?’ Bul- Ed Sizemore cir labor $20. George Hartley labor Sherman, Morrow, Umatilla, Wheel junction with the Baker-Unity John B. Turner, old age pension Payers, acct. official adv. $32. M. cuit court $63.20. tractor repairs $7^65 Union witness $63.20. er, Jefferson, Deschutes, Crook, highway; thence along the Baker- $10. Mary Jane Jones old afie Clarke Webb sealer of weights and $20. Fred labor Morton $2.50. labor Bud $20. S Earl g»1, Co °f Ca‘lf *as and °U ,48 56 General Road Fund Stevenson tev-1 kelson Grover posts $25. Boi^ Klamath, Harney, Union, Baker and Unity highway to the city of Baker; pension $10. Philena Ellen ... Smith measures $11.70. Percy Purvis old age pension $lo. Hattie Eli-J JuStice Court costs $8.70. Bert labor $2.50. G. R. Dickson Baye.,te Lumber Co. supplies $9.15. Wallowa counties. The bag limit is thance following the Old Oregon zabeth Reed old age pension $12.50. Carr Justice Court witness $6.40. E. H. Brumbach, viewing roads; enson traveling expense $9.25. Ora E. labor $44. Bruce Lofton labor $32. Service Lonicr gasoline for cater- four birds in any one day or 8 in Trail highway to the Union-Baker John E. Johnson old age pension j Percy Purvis insurance premium Ed Oakes labor $47.50. Dave ,pdlar 05 State Industrial Ac- Clark viewing roads; traveling ex any seven consecutives days. county line. $10. Edmund Baxter Wood old j on COunty warehouse $42.80. Dr. E. Buehanan labor Carroll ?,de"‘ c °insurance $57.13. Bunt- pense $10. Pat Patterson labor The popular hunted bird in Mal The open season on bull elk hav age pension $15. William W. c. Hiatt investigating contagious $17.50. J. M. Carico labor $8.75. Locey labor $2.50. $12.50. Steve i?8 Tractor Co. payment on Diesel heur county is of course, the ing horns will be from November 8 Gleen old age pension $10. Silas diseases $ 6 . R. A. Tacke, coron- Calvin Johnson labor $8.75 Eldon! labor $70. J. M. McEwen Damby labor I J ra^tor contract $250. David F Cartwright old age pension »15. er-s services $19.10. Dr. J. C. Jensen labor $8.75. J. H. Carico! $26. E. J. Stream labor $20. D , Graham Chinese pheasant. The season for to 18, Inclusive. traveling expense^ acct. hunting pheasants in Malheur Chas. Thos. Ferrell old age pension Bartlett examining physician in labor $49.50. E. H Parker labor R. Combs labor $20. Frank Rem-' roa“s $ 5. Lee Richardson old age pen- Lola Mae Mensley inquest $10. $16 Leonard Goodwin labor $10.1 bert labor $47. Wm. Turner la- ! Pa?nIeiit ^ • G*enn* _* sheriff. county is from October 15 to Nov sion $15. Joseph Allison old age Holy Rosary hospital X-rays or- C. Hardy labor $18. Casper bor $34 Walter Grace labor *5 'JJ.LLjS. Co. to be applied on taxes ember 15, both dates inclusive. Only LIN C O LN NEWS pension $10. James Ely Leasy old dered by Coroner for Lola Mae W, Winnop labor $16. C. C. Heid la W M. Head labor $5.63. O. S. *850 four days of hunting will be allowed age pension $10. Newton Jackson Hensley $15. Margaret M. Payne $10. Harry McMillan labor Hottel labor $2.50. John Branan Library Fund in Harney county and they have Lewis old age pension $10. Wil- rent of PWA office $20. West Coast bor $46.50. Gene McMillan labor labor $5.95 Angua McDonald la Malheur County Library expense Whit Redsull had the misfortune 2 avld old age pension printing and Binding Co. supplies $2.50. Chas. Mortimer labor $4. bor $16. LeVere Taylor labor to lose a good colt from brain fever. $20. Parmelia L. Mathews old age: jor county clerk’s office, acct. elec- Pearl Heller labor $12. Roy Ode $2.50. J. H. Davis labor $54.88. for March $432.17. James $15. Townsend $3.15. West Coast Printing labor $6. Ashley Carter labor $6. M D. Clough labor $18.50. Joe Car Several other horses around have pension old age $20. pension Chas. C. tion and Binding Co., supplies for coun Chas. Faw labor $9. Chas. Bul ter labor $5. Joe Carter labor had it some getting well and others Romph old age pension $20. Jose clerk’s office, acct. election lard labor $36. Dick McCullum $69. Ray Lynd labor $47.50. A U TO REPAIRING dying. phine Diven old age pension $10. ty A. Biggs expense as Dist. labor $12. W. C. Hardy labor $6. Floyd Fox labor $32. O. McRae Several boys from this community I. F. S. Diven old age pension $10. $3.15. M. $14.30 Intermountain Nur C. L. Winnop labor $6. Ashley labor $13.75. Roscoe Terry labor All Types of attended the F.F.A. feed and swim Louise Ellen Jones old age pension Atty. Co. shrubs for court house Carter labor $12. Rel Justus labor $3.75. Fred White labor $2.50. $15. Hugh S. Eldridge old age sery Acetylene Welding at Johnson Island, Sunday lawn $10.15. Malheur Home Tele $11.25. Ernest Reach labor $12 Hans Larson labor $2.50. Dell pension $10. Herchel Q. Johnston phone Co. phones and tolls $80.31. Harry McMillan labor $4. Grover Black labor $8. Joe Carter labor and Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Thomas and old age pension $20. F. B. Scott W. L. Hutton plumbing repairs and Feldtman labor $4. H. L. Buchert $21. Oscar Presley labor $34.50. Dorcthy Mae and Kenneth, Mr and Brazing Paid For old age pension $20. Cassius Hale ¡ labor for court house $2.57. North labor $126. Chas. Buchert labor C. S. Harris labor $11.25. Orville 1 Mrs. Rush and Grandma Thomas Chemical & Soap Works, $48. Otha McRae labor $36. C. Presley labor $15. C. C. Wood Body and Fender attended the Missouri picnic held at Brown S. Jones old old age age pension pension $10. $10. George Sid-1 coast supplies for COUrt house $16.97. Weagant labor $15. Harry B. labor $5. Jack Edwards la the Wilcox park Sunday. Ke tepamng ney Johnson old age pension $10. ¡western Union Tel. Co. telegram Wells labor $15. Jay Immons la ward bor $5. Anthony Coleman labor I William Shunn old age pension bv COUntv judge $1.26. Western bor $15. Wm. Griffiths latoor $15. $5. Jack Spaulding labor $75.50. { Battery Charging . . . Auto Mr. and Mrs. Ed DuPre and $20. Pritchard old age Union Tel. Co. telegram by county Walter Hiatt labor $11.25. Julius James Lee Labor $105. Ray West Frank and Thelma attended the pension T. Chas. Electrical Work. $20. Walter W. Looney clerk $3.58. Malheur Home Tel. Karey labor $15. Frank Turner fall labor $2.50. Victor Westfall funeral of Mr. Kimes in Harper old age pension See us before you sell Sunday. SHIELD GAS AND OIL $15. Emma E liz a l__ Co. phones by Dist. Atty by Cir-] labor $15. O. E. Feldtman labor labor $12.50 R. L. Haworth labor Mr. Kimes was Mrs. Ed beth Duncan old age pension $15. j cuj't 'court $9.05. City of Vale $15. L. J. McKinney labor $27. $28. Aroh Wright labor $8.50. H Casto’s father. Wm. Chas. Parrott, Sr. old age (Water Dept.) water for court Jim Eutsler OREGON T R A IL labor $27 George Baltzer labor $14. Ben Pack We also have Grandma Thomas is visiting at pension $10. George R. Riggins house, jail and lawn; for Old Men’s Eldredge labor $23.75. Joe Reed John ard labor $18.75 Paul Detric labor GARAGE old age pension $10. Ebenezer j Home $8.10. Burroughs Adding labor $2.50. Jim Eutsler labor $8.75. Fred Scott labor $8. Amos the N. C. Thomas home. Ben Lamb, Prop. SACKS King Ingle old age pension $10. J Machine Co., maintenance of coun- $2.50. Le Robirts labor $3 17 Dor Stitzel labor $8. A F Hill labor Clyde Baker of Roswell rode his Aura Next to wrecking house Ingle old age pension $10. ty machines $32.35. Ontario Laun- sey Robirts labor $3.75. Geo. Mc- $22. Wm Johnson latoor $6. T. L, bicycle over one day last week to Clarence —and— Albert Yenter old age’dry laundry for court house .28. Tavish labor $1.88. Lodie Ek- Skinner labor $9. M. A. Borden spend the night at the home of N. pension $10. Ida M. Kennard old yale Drug Store drugs for indi SACK TWINE C. Thomas. The next day he visited age pension $12.50. R. H. McNee gpnts, for jail $25.98. Ontario Laun with his cousin Ernest Baker in On old age pension $20 Frank Hoard dry, laundry for Old Men’s Home tario. old age pension $15. Ella Harring- $ 5 . 30 . Halverson’s I.G.A. Store A1 Mrs. Ed DuPre and Thelma visited ton old age pension $15. Frank supplies for Old Men’s Home $39.- Mrs. Ingraham of Valley View one E. Loree old age pension $10. 92. Vale Grain & Feed Co, sup James Williams old age pension plies for Old Men’s Home $1.50. day last week. Thompson $10. Mrs. Mary Ann Downs old Daley’s Market supplies for Old “The Parmer’s Own Co-Op" BIBLE CLASS OF OREGON age pension $15. Mrs. Martha Men’s Home $49.09. Idaho Power Farrell old age pension $5. Mrs. Co. lights for court house and jail Phone 26 Nyssa TRAIL SUNDAY SCHOOL Louise Loveland old age pension and for Old Men’s Home $55.70. 31 / HAVE PARTY THURSDAY $15. Herbert Cole old age pension Mabel Peterson laundry for Old $10. Sarah Arilla Payne old age Men’s Home $9.90. Vale Supply Co. pension $12.50. Henry William supplies Acct Indigents, lor court old age pension $10. Mor $54.29. Boise Payette s --------------- v, The Bible Class of Oregon Trail ris Adams Sullivan old age pension $20. house Home $10.85 Re-Em Sunday School held their monthly James Michael Lynch old age pen ployment Service National county relief party at the home of Mrs. F. G. sion $10. Stephen Terwilliger old $90. Cassedy Funeral Home, bur- BUSINESS pension $10. Mina A. Ter rial of Susan O. Cartwright, indi Holmes Thursday evening honoring age old age pension $10. S. E. gent $40. Dr. Anna B. Pritchett, AND PROFESSIONAL the birthdays of Mr.s Wm. DeGrofft williger, Allred old age pension $15. Alex professional services rendered and Mrs. F. G. Fry. old age pension $15. Mar county indigents $42. Vale Drug DIRECTORY Mrs. J, E. Bowen. Mrs. Ira Chadd Smith tin G. O’Brein old age pension $20. Store, medical supplies for indi and Miss Annie Holmes were co- James W. Glisan old age pension gents $4.65. Dr. Anna B. Prit *>_____________________/ hostesses of the party. Games and $10. William M. Westfall old age chett county health officer $25. contests furnished much amuse pension $20. Blake W. Baldwin Peterson Furniture Co., funeral ment. First prizes going to Mrs. Joe old age pension $10. Charles I. services for Steve Wukelitz $40.00. Mrs. Alfred Adams, Mrs. Woodward old age pension $20. Eggert Oft services rendered Mal ROBT. D. LYTLE Stam, W. Curtis old age pension heur County Rural Rehabilitation Frank Byers and Mrs. F. C. Fry. George ATTORNEY $15. Chas. F. Wise old age pen Staff, and mileage $129.52. A. G. Consolation prizes to Mr. Fry, Mrs. And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW $10. William T. Schultz old Moore county stock inspector $33.- McKee. Mrs. Mattie Thomason sion Cooking failures are impossible age pension $10. Lewis Dohrman 33. John Hart janitor at court First National Bank Building Geo. and Mrs. W. S. Jones. One of the with automatic electric cookery. old age pension $10. John Good house $99.69. State Industrial Phone 66 features of the evening old age pension $10. Marcus Acc. Comm, workmen’s compensa VALE OREGON amusing There la no basting, no tasting, was a group picture contest. “Liza man A. Lamb old age pension $10. Geo. tion $15.35. Ontario National Crossing the Ice. Mrs. DeGrofft’s McTavish old age pension $10. Jack Bank by order of County Assessor no “peeking," no guessing. In group won this feature as only one Gardner old age pension $10. Mary $20. J. and E. Kilpatrick, wages, stead of testing a cake with a contestant was able to master the C. Gardiner old age pension $10. Old Men’s Home, Mgrs. $75. David broom straw to see if it's done, Wallace Buffmire old age pension F. Graham traveling expense acct. feat. The other group headed by $7.50. Elizabeth A. Williams old J. S. COOPER $10.80. Mrs. Flo Friend rent of you bake with scientific accuracy Mrs. Fry failed to reach the goal. pension $7.50. Moses M. Wil house occupied by Art Cuthbert Business Analysis The pink and green color scheme age with an o'ectric range. liams old age pension $7.50. Sarah for February and March, 1926 $12. Accounting Auditing was carried out In prizes and re Ann Hickox old age pension $10. George Morgan grand jury witness Income & Social Security Tax freshments. A very enjoyable time Mrs. Laura Lathrop old age pen $5.40. Mary E. Ellis grand jury was reported. sion $12.50. Mrs. Edith Guerin, witness $5.40. Dr. J. C. Bartlett Specialist. The new art of electric cookery Is faster, old age pension $10. Mrs. Mary grand jury witness $5.40. Henry Moore Hotel Bldg. Hooper old age pension $10. John Dickerson grand jury witness Handling the Truth ricaner, cooler and far more economical. By Todhunter old age pension $10. Ontario, Ore. Phone 159 “Many men are wise enough to C C. Crawley old age pension $10. $5.40. D. A. Clore grand jury wit- eliminating waste and shrinkage as much as discourage the truth,” said HI Ho Elizie O. Makin old age pension one whole month ’s meat bill Is saved every the sage of Chinatown. “Few are $10. G. O. Smith old age pension clever enough to know how to man $10. Joe Whittentourg field de year. Electric cooking la so simple a new bride age It." puty assessor $40. James Biggs can rival a famous chef In results. field deputy assessor $52. Murray Guarantee Work Mortin, field work, office supplies $56. Jean Burrelle deputy county —and— assessor $126. Mildred Bennett WYCKOFF clerk, assessor's office $100. Ora C. Hope county treasurer $100. Kath Acetylene Welding JEWELRY STORE LOW ryn Claypool county school Supt. —at— $125. W. E. Hoxie field deputy assessor $40. M. E. Bain field de Official Time Inspector for ELECTRIC RATES puty assessor $32. Tom Welsh SWARM & SONS field deputy assessor $20. Fred Union Pacific Lackey field deputy assessor $56. Formerly Pete Dear Wreck With Idaho Power Ouwipsny's rates Ernest Fenwich field deputy as- ing Business, now located one . . . is the keynote of all among the lowest in the nation you’ll find Oregon Ontario $32. Remington Rand. Inc. block west, near high school. that Is dignified and beau lessor rental on typewriter for Circuit electric rooking thrifty. Come In and see tiful. Our experience has Judge $3. David F. Graham box the attractive new Hotpoint and Westing- taught us how to apply these aesthetic principles house ranges and let us explain their Im to the perfection of fun provements and betterments. Sold on a OPTOMETRIST eral direction. Our complete, SUMMER TIME IS WATCH REPAIR TIME convenient monthly payment plan. modem equipment allows us “See McFall and See Better” There is no watch too fine for us to fix—no repair necessary that to give service at the most we can’t make. You may trust your finest watch to us and you will moderate costs. Families with get it back in ticking order. Prices are surprisingly reasonable. more moderate Incomes find our services conveniently ef GET A NEW WRIST WATCH FOR YOUR ficient and well within their means. VACATION Get a Wrist Watch to take along on your vacation trip. You will THE NYSSA find it most appropriate, and handy. DR. J. A. McFALL €eec&uc¿Ú/..X)<A% So MUCH-Cotto So UTTLEI t SETS OPEN SEASON E \ j CASH GRAIN j Even Young Housekeepers Can Be Successful Cooks With the Aid of an E lectric R ange USED PARTS Enjoy the new Eyesight Specialist ONTARIO OREGON FUNERAL HOME PHONE 76F3 ( DAH O V P O W E R GINZEL’S JEWELRY AND GIFT SHOP ONTARIO, OREGON