THE GATE C ITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JU LY 30,1936 Mrs. Luis Harper of Los Angeles Is visiting at the home of her broth- er. W. W. Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Can trail and son of Ontario were Sunday dinner guests of Miss Wanda Cantrall. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coward and Mrs Ethel Crawford and daughters Miss Elsie Wlsner of Payette spent I Mr*. Irene Poague returned to spent the week end at Payette Saturday and Sunday with Mias Nysaa Sunday after spending ten Lakes. Clara Johnson here. days visiting Doris Lute at Meridian. Dr. and Mrs. J. J. .Sarazin and The Prank Morgan family spent Hubert Jones left Sunday for family and Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Tacke most of last week at their cabin at Prairie City where he has employ- of Ontario spent the week end at Payette Lakes. ment in a grocery store Summitt Prairie. Billie Louise Olasgow Is spending Mrs. Arthur Boydell left Tuesday Mrs. Lucille Johnston has return­ noon on the Portland Rose for Butte this week with Mr. and Mrs Bryant ed to the Hot Spring near Emmett Montana, where she will visit with Reagor at New Plymouth. for further treatment for rheuma­ her mother and other relatives. The Oeorge Wlsner family and tism. Payette Miss Clara Johnson left Tuesday Miss Zelma McCarroll of evening on the Rose for Portland were Thursday evening guests at the Hugh Glasgow and Whity W il­ after spending her vacation with H. Blair Johnson home. liams left last week end for a fish­ her parents Mr and Mrs. Johnson. ing trip in the mountain streams Mrs P. B. Smith came home last above Mountain Home. Ray Emmott came down from his week from Emmett to spend a few cattle camp near Enterprise to spend days here. She will return this week Mr and Mrs. Carl Castle of Baker the week end with Mrs. Emmott and to the Emil Dean home In Emmett and Mrs Walter White of Vale were Mary Lee. He came Saturday and Mrs. Ethel Crawford and daughter guests at the C. L. McCoy home left Tuesday morning. Charlena and Mrs. Bettle Forbes Sunday. Mrs Dewey Ray and daughter and Mrs. Webster Eldredge spent J. R. Weidenhamer of Denver ar­ Leona and Mrs. Mark Robertson re­ last Wednesday In Boise visiting rived Sunday and Is visiting at the turned last Thursday from a two relatives. home of his daughter, Mrs. Prank weeks visit with relatives and The Chas. Paradis family spent Constantine. friends at North Powder. the week end at Strawberry lake Mr. Scullen of the department of They reported fishing quite good Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frost and entomology at Corvallis, called this and returned with a nice lot of children spent the week end in Twin huckleberries. week to see W W. Fostter and Mr. Falls visiting with relatives of Mrs. Oilbert Kllnkenberg. He is gathering Miss Margaret Pinkerton spent Frost. data on the beekeeping industry and this week at Payette Lakes with on flowers and Insects. Blayney Boydell returned Sunday friends from Boise. She accompan­ from a weeks vacation trip to P ort­ Miss Eva Boydell returned Sunday ied her parents, Mr. and Mrs N. H. land and the coast. He also visited from a months vacation spent on the Pinkerton to the lakes Sunday. his sister Mrs. Britt Nedry and fam ­ coast Miss Boydell and Miss Mae The Barney Wilson family and ily at Tigard. Platt of Ontario attended the NEA their guests. Mrs. Esther Grigsby at Portland, visited the Britt Nedry i and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Buel Clement of Lucille Howard and family at Tigard, and enjoyed an daughter of California, spent Sun Council, former Nyssa residents, airplane trip from Portland to Seat­ day with Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Staf spent last week In this vicinity visit­ tle They also made a sight seeing ford at Caldwell. ing friends. They returned home trip to Victoria. Sunday. Specials For Friday and Saturday, July 31, August 1 A good 4-tie Broom, Each 29c Fly Ribbons Ia,™,tthi8price 5c Catsup 10c Salmon 29c Brooms Large Bottles Each 1 lb. tall pink 3 cans Baking Powder KC 50 oz size KC 25 oz. size 35c 19c Fruit Jar Rubbers Surefine brand 2 pkgs. for 5c Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Abbott and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Llenkaemper returned Tuesday afternoon from Strawberry lake where they spent a few days fishing and camping. Phin Warren, Mary Warren, Oma Bingman and young Gerald W ar­ ren and Dale Bingman are visiting friends and relatives at Bend and Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. Leo K. Homer and three children of Burley spent the week end here at the George Hay­ cock home. Mrs. Homer Is a daugh­ ter of the Haycocks. Mrs. Bettle Forbes and Mrs. Web­ ster Edridge were business visitors In Ontario Tuesday and were also dinner guests at the J. T. Long home. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Keizer and son and Mr and Mrs. Ed Warren and children spent from Friday night until Sunday evening near Prairie City on a huckleberry picking out­ ing. They returned with a very nice supply of the berries. I I >• /"* I I . 3DI0S \ . n C v r O l C t C o . P la n O p e n in g O n A u g u s t F irst visit their new quarters, and see their service and sales room. There will be no change in personnel In the new location, and the company will be guided by the same men who led the company for the past num­ ber of years. Mrs. George Schweizer is back again at her old The Cables Chevrolet company expect to open their new building to ELDON McLING the public this Saturday, August 1st, and they have Invited their friends INJURED BY HIGH and patrons to come and view the V O LTA G E W IR E building. The garage, said to be one of the finest In the Northwest, will be headquarters for the sale of According to the Rigby Star, El­ Chevrolet cars and the company’s service department don McLlng. brother of "Slim " Mc- The building was erected at a cost Ling, was Injured Tuesday evening of approximately $50,000 and con­ when he and another man were In tains 15,000 square feet of floor the act of loading steel on a truck, space. The service department will preparatory to taking the steel to use 13.000 o f this and is equipped where a new bridge Is being built. with some of the finest machinery ever brought to this part of Oregon. The steel boom of the loading The company has gone to a big ex­ crane came too close to a high vol­ pense in equipping the service de­ tage wire, the current Jumped partment with the precision machi­ across, and both men were knocked nery, designed for the most part by down. McLlng was burned on the the Chevrolet Motor company as the hand and received a head injury best tools for servicing their cars. when he fell against some bridge “ W e are very proud of our new steel on the ground. Both me rg quarters,” commented Cables, "and rushed to the hospital at R we hope that our many friends in and were sufficiently recovere Malheur county will visit and in­ released last night. spect our new plant. We are proud, too, of the splendid support the people of this county have given Che Mr. and Mrs W Chevrolet for 1936, and which Is, In their home here. no small way, responsible for our new location.” USE JOURNAL W A N T ADS The public has been invited to M AKE Y O U R ml I A WANTOD Who has a baby buggy they no longer need and are willing to help out? Mrs. Chan Warner needs a buggy for the twins and anyone willing to help should get in touch with Mrs Elmer Cloninger. Subscribe to the Journal, $1.60 a year. i^ n r n V Good local green, 2 Dozen Our V ege table s are Ice C old W NYSSA AS THERE an Item of news concerning your­ self or that of your family or friends Chat did not appear in the last issue of The Jour­ nal? I f so. it was omitted be­ cause we did not learn of It and you did not tell us. We want every piece of news in this community and ask you to kindly tell ua or phone us what you know that will be of Interest to the community. W ilson G rocery A Dependable Food Store OREGON pared right. We intend to continue our policy of quick ser­ vice, good food and reasonable prices. 0 - - Schweizer Cafe N YSSA OREGON " le FOR F R ID A Y AND S A T U R D A Y 25c Lemons 33c Tomatoes 55c 25c DOap 29c Gum, Candy Bars 3 for 10c D _ _ _ _ __ Firm Yellow Fruit, Dozen Dananas crate T R IP SUCCESS BY 8 pounds T A K IN G A BIG S U PPLY OF - 0 - NYSSA PHARMACY Nyssa, Oregon Vegetable Specia Peas, Corn, String Beans, Tomatoes Hominy, Kraut, etc. — 3 Cans............. 1 — - J L ara Swift’s Silver Leaf, 4 lbs. Shortening Pearl, 4 ibs. Vanilla Extract 4oz , Honey 5 l b- pan k WHEN YOU DRESS UP THE LITTLE CIRL Kerr Mason Quarts, Doz. 1 «^aiS Jar Lids Peaches Cocoa We have many ocher Poil- Parroi Crystal White i o bars C Sun Glasses Helmet Hats Flashlights Golf Balls Paper Plates, Knives Forks, Etc. Thermo» Bottles and Jugs Sunburn Lotion Camera and Films Bathing Caps First Aid Kits f Z z “ 380" Na 2 » u „ a 25c 55c 45c 10c 49c 69c 25c 35c 9c all-leather styles i party,play and school wear. Mrs. Berwyn Burke and children are visiting at the home of her par­ ents this week, Mr and Mrs. Chas. Dryden of Wendell. Miss Josephone Burke is also visiting friends in Wendell this week. Berwyn Burke, Ronald Burke and Mae Keizer took them down Saturday, returning to Nyssa Sunday evening. B UGGY stop at the Schweizer Cafe for good food, pre­ Je Before you leave, come to the Drug Store and get your supply of Vacation Needs; things you can’t do without on a successful trip. Mrs. Marshall Spell and two sons left Monday on return to their home in Havre, Mont, after spending the past two weeks visiting at the home of Mrs. Spell’s sister, Mrs. C. L. M c­ Coy and family. BABY an invitation- to all her friends and customers to I Grocery Specials Vacation Needs! Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Garrison of Moscow came Saturday and have been visiting at the parental Chas. Garrison home here, with the Ray Garrison at Jamieson and also made a brief visit In Boise. 77c Bacon Squares p°u”d 21c Cottage Cheese p°™<* 12c Shortening 4 ">• p»<*ag«> 45c Lemons S m ««. 39c Grapes iTbiToV 25c Oranges KnumsiM 29c