Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JÜL y àò, 1936 Final 'Clip and Chuckle’i Contest Is Next Week MICK.IE SAYS— J Entries in this weeks "Clip and Chuckle’ 'contest were unusually good and the judges were puzzled considerably in awarding the prize After taking everything in consider- ation. they decided to award the prize of $3 to Mrs. Orland Cheldelin whose prize winning entry read: Honorable Mention, one being sent Lucille Benton sent in an entry, in by Miss Alice Rogers of Ontario. taken from ads, that was clever. Her Her entry read: entry was: We wish to announce to the public An 8 pound baby girl was bom to Berwyn Burke— Editor and Pub lisher Weather Man Shows No Mercy. Another entry the judges thought very clever and awarded Honorable Mention was sent in by Alta Brad ley. It read: Single men without dependents stand on the back porch and whoop for the girls approval would look like a golden oppor tunity. The entry of Mrs. L. W. Pomeroy also rated Honorable Mention. Mrs. Pomeroy sent in: Lowest rates on marriage licenses issued by John E. Public 8c a pound bring your containers. Up-To-Date Plumbing GEO. J. KINZER I LOWEST RATES ON Reliable Hay and Grain Insurance Let us insure your hay, avoid all risk. This is the hazardous season for farm risks. When better insurance i* to be had We Will Have It. Frank T. Morgan Nyssa, Oregon Phone 31 225 for $14<J “ REASO NABLE ENOUGH” you say, and that’s what we think! But you will have to act quick for we have but a limited supply at this price. HERE’S WHAT YOU GET: Reg. Price SUPER MOP, including folding wire frame feature and mop head of finest heavy white duck ya rn ............................ $ 1-50 GOLDEN STAR LIQUID WAX, You simply apply it and let it dry — then polish it with your Super Mop, Easy!............. 75 Retail Value —ALL FOR ONLY— $ 1.49 $ 2.25 Nordale Furniture Store N YSSA : : A W BOOTS' WASTE BAS KET? e u r n A n d b il is ' w A dvertising s h e e t s — say , A waste b a s k e t IS HOME,SWEET HOME T O TH EM APPLE VALLEY Miss Helen L. Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller of Apple Valley and Leon Morgon of Notus were united in marriage Sunday morning by Rev. Floyd White of Nyssa. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride, in the pres ence of members of the immediate families. Allan Reed was best man and Mary Boston the brldes-maid. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Morgan left for a short honeymoon in the moun tains, after which they will be at home to their friends in Caldwell where Mr. Morgon is employed. Mr. and Mrs. Conley Wilson and Cedric Caldwell motored down from McCall to see Mr. Caldwell who has been confined to his bed for the past month with heart trouble, but is reported some better. Mr. and Mrs Wyatt were Sunday evening supper guests at the J. Boston home. Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey, Mr and Mrs. Jones were business visit ors in Boise Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Summy mot ored to McCall Sunday. Mrs. Sum- h o w ' t You« S jbscrh c OA.TK Surprise the family—take home some ice cream and cool o ff while this is hot weather to talk Just say to yourself " I Ham” going to stop for ice cream. room to mention was sent in by An entry that came from Kent, Mrs. W. G. Campbell. It read: Washington, and sent in by Chester Caldwellls Store wishes to invite A. Sager read: everyone to Medford, Oregon for a visit in the Do you know what happened to operation of 27 typical farmers and A1 Thompson telling of council the trips which would have been meeting with refreshments at the beauty shop contrary to the belief of many. A dependable food store. W ell folks, next week will be the R. G. Boyles of Marcóla, Oregon, last “ Clip and Chuckle" contest. sent in an entry that was extremely It's getting so hard to pick the clever, having ? political angle, winner, with such a fine number of | my remaned Wlth the k°ys t0 Pick we will close the contest whlIe M r Summy returned to and should be good for a chuckle. entries, next week. Sit down now and figure his home here that evening It read: out your entry, mail or bring it to ,M r and Mrs Ira Robinson spent Landon Studied Farm Problem the Journal right away. Check up on a few days outlnB at Lake flsh Take Donkeys ing. how your subscription stands, and Shows No Mercy Carl Hansen, oldest son of Mr if delinquent, enclose the necessary . Brings Death $1.50 to keep the Journal coming for j and M,rs Han-Sen was drowned Mon- At Satisfactory Rate the next 52 issues. Turn to the con- ' day aR/rnoon in the canal near Mrs. W. H. Beam sent in one that test ad on page 6 and learn more of yssa He had gone swimming with just missed being awarded a prize. It the details of the contest. some friends when the accident oc- cured. said: Mrs. W. C. Jackson rated Honor able Mention with her entry read The Aurora Borealis Í and children made a trip to Tekoa, ing: for his outfit and will buy a truck suffering with mining fever, the most modern in the Northwest. Heres' one from Mrs. W. E. W al ters, and its a dandy. It read: We Grind Laundry Soap Shampoo. Hair Cut and Hamburger — H - We also grind stock. Mrs. Bob Stringfellow sent in a The day is past when people good one reading: are content to get aong with Take Donkeys out-of-date plumbing, or Dr. Sarazin Better worse still, no plumbing at Show No Mercy all. Modern plumbing gives For Aug. 20 to 29 you a newer, more enjoyable Moves to Quarters. and convenient home. Let's talk it over. Miss Thelma Leuck took pen in hand and fixed up the following: Mr. Deeds Goes T o Town Notice of intention to make final Hot Step Into Plumber Free Movies PHONE 134-J-2 PAR M A for wife and youngsters. Another one we just must find $ D 'J E V E P S E E 'THIS' NO OZPAPER LAYM/'/A/ We know how to produce the best *lver permanent as the pyramids, sunprof, Rain-proof—Air-cooled. The outfit is portable and can be taken right to your Job. There were several other clever entries this week, for example the one sent in by Mrs. F. G. Holmes W e have a limited suppy of these which read: single men. without dependents, The quake at Walla Walla was come in and get a pair while a chance to moke some easy spend very ill. ing money Just the thing for ladies in harvest to be divided in the calf roping and season. other divisions all carrying liberal Four entries were picked for income and social security tax for Mrs. Andrew Boersma. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Walrack and daughter from Wisconsin visit ed over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Schweizer. The Wal- racks spent the winter in Arizona because of their daughters health, then motored through California and are now on their return jour ney. On Sunday the Schweizers and their guests viewed the Owyhee dam. The Walracks are cousins of Mr. Schweizer. : : OREGON OWYHEE NOTES BIG BEND GRANGE BOSES 10 POMONA Former Colorado friends and neighbors of J .B. Coulter gathered at his home Sunday afternoon to celebrate his birthday and that of his granddaughter Nadine Crocker. | ____ About forty-one were present and an enjoyable time was spent with j Mast a" ° f the granges of M al ice cream and cake being the high heur county were represented at the light of the afternoon. Those pres- | R °mona grange picnic and all day ent were the A. Chadwick family of meeting last Thursday held at the Nyssa; the J. B. Mitchell family, Mr. Big Bend Park with the Big Bend and Mrs. Hollis Mitchell, E. Crock grangers as hosts. Considering the er family, Lonzo Knowels family and busy farming season a very good Mr. Knowles' father; Frank Crock crowd was present and all enjoyed er family, Charlie Culbertson fam the Interesting talk given by En ily, Lee Culbertson family, Mrs. C. glneer R. J. Newell on the Owyhee project. He touched on the problems H. Bennett and son Freddie. The 4-H Sewing and Canning of settling this vast project and said club met with Miss Leola Truelson that the settlers coming to this com munity were of the type that people on Wednesday . The John Peterson family and were proud to welcome. Ex-govemor Wesley Browne of Fjnmett were K. C. Baldridge of Parma gave a Sunday visitors at the Fred Kling- splendid talk on "T h e Need of our Vote and its Power, when used In back home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bradley telligently.” He also gave some in motored to Boise Sunday to see teresting sidelights from the Cleve- their new grandson born at a Boise and convention, to which he was a hospital Tuesday evening. The delegate from Idaho. Musical numbers on the after baby's parents are Mr. and Mrs. noon program were furnished by Ole Solomon. The Misses Quita Quinn and members of the Nyssa Civic Chorus W ilda Obermeyer who have been under the direction of Mrs. Howard also led the group visiting at the Bradley ranch re Larsen, who turned to their home in Emmett singing. Numbers that were enjoyed very much by the grangers con Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oce Schweizer call sisted of violin selections by Mrs. ed at the Russell Patton home F ri Herbert Fisher; two bass solos by Howard Larsen, Jr., and two trio day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ira M. Poster and numbers by Mrs. Elmo Higginson, two children of Kimberly, Idaho are Miss Margaret Pinkerton and Mrs. Mrs. W. C. Jackson was now occupying their recently com Larson; pleted home. Mr. Kimberly owns 40 accompaniest. Mrs. Walter White of acres of sage brush land just west Vale gave a clever humorous read ing entitled “A Brief Stump Speech." of the J. J. Kollen ranch. During the evening session Pom Doc Pullen is driving a new Pon ona Master J. Edwin Johnson and tiac sedan. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chritton Mrs. Johnson, gave short talks, re were Sunday callers at the Paul porting on the state grange con vention at Lebanon. State Deputy Ransom home. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Boersma Wicklander also gave a brief talk. entertained the Owyhee contract The Big Bend grange added a hum club at their home Saturday even orous note to the program with a ing. The high score prizes were won skit which was both educational and by Mr. and Mrs. Neil Dimmick and amusing. Most of the business taken up in Russell Patton and Mrs. John Low the morning session was of routine won the consolation prizes. purchased the matter. One resolution was passed, John Strickland 40 acres of sage brush land due and that had to do with early com- south of the CCC camp. pletion of the stretch of road from O llf Filingness has started dig- ■ the Snake River bridge to the Idaho ging a basement on the upper side state line. of his eighty. Mr. Fillingness plans The next Pomona meeting will be to live In the basement for a time at Boulevard grange hall In October, before completing his house. I Representatives from the newest Mrs. Blanche Houser is working! grange, “ the I-O -N ” and from the J See Our New "FLEXARC’ ELECTRIC WELDER This Is the latest thing In electric welding and makes It possible for us to do many difficult Jobs impossible in Nyssa before. It Is especially good on cracked engine blocks, broken machinery Want Ada farthest distant grange, “ the Wild- rose", as well as delegates from ail the surrounding granges were pres ent. FOR RENT CCC BOYS R E PA IR IN G F A IR B UILD ING S T O LEASE— 30 acres of good blue grass and alfalfa pasture, 2 St miles north of Nyssa between railroad The work of repairing and clean track and river. Plenty of water. In ing up the buildings for the Malheur quire at Journal or Frank J. Ward. 7-2-tf. County Fair, scheduled for Sept ember 5. 6, and 7, is being done by FOR SALE the CCC boys. A crew of boys are putting the buildings in good shape FOR SALE— Affidavit forms for and the grounds in neat condition to contractors at the Gate City Jour accomodate a record crowd at the nal. fair this year. FOR SALE— Sagebrush grubber, also sagebrush rake. See F J. Ca W. C. T. U. W IL L HOLD hill, 3 miles west of Nyssa Funeral ICE CREAM SALE ON Home. 7-30-2tp. AUGUST 15, RODEO D AY FOR SALE O R TRAD E— Purebred Jersey bull calf, six months old; sell or trade for springer Jersey The W C. T. U. wUl hold an ice heifer R A. Vest, 2 3-4 miles north cream and cake sale on the after west of Nyssa. 7-30-2tp. noon and evening of Friday, August 15, first day of the Nyssa Rodeo. W ANTED The sale will be held down town. C O U NTY W ANTED —Contract for grubbing, plowing and discing land. Carl Se bum. 3-4 miles north of Nyssa Phone 78F21. A9tf LEG AL AD V E R TISIN G NOTICE OF SH E R IFF’S SALE MISCELLANEOUS Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of writ of Ex ecution, duly and regularly issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Malheur Coun ty, by the clerk of said Court and directed to me as Sheriff, on the 29th day of July, 1936, in that cer tain action in said Circuit Court or in which A. A. Schram, Superin tendent o f Banks of the State of Oregon, is plaintiff, and Edna Jane Kendler, formerly Edna Jane Den nis, is defendant, and wherein plain tiff recovered Judgment against the defendant, for the sum of $75.00 with interest thereon at 10 per cent per annum from December 8, 1930 until paid, the further sum of $25.00, at torney's fees; for the further sum of $75.00 with interest thereon at 10 per cent per annum from May 5. 1932 until paid, the sum of $25.00 attorney’s fees; and the further sum of $17.20, costs and disbursements; and for accruing costs, which said judgment was duly made and en tered by said Court on the 26th day o f July, 1935. W E LD ING —Don't throw your brok en parts away, bring them to us and we will weld them as good as new—save money at Pruyn Garage, tfc. H AU LIN G — All kinds, Oregon and Idaho License. Hugh Glasgow Phone 36-F3. Jan 16tf. or so much thereof as may be nec essary to satisfy said Judgment to gether with the costs, which have or may accrue under and by virtue o f said sale. C. W. OLENN, Sheriff of Malheur County, Oregon Dated July 30, 1936. Lott D. Brown Baker, Oregon Attorney for Plaintiff Stop For Ice Cream Thomson a E ve r hear about the Free pick- up-and-delivery o f less than carload freight? I t ’s a great convenience to shippers and receivers alike. W estern rail roads pick up at the door, ship b y fast freight, and d e liv er to consignee's door, a Railroad trains are running on fa s te r sch edu les th e se days. Seems like the iron horse wants to show these new streamlined diesels that he can step out, too. B o th p a s se n ger a n d fr e ig h t schedules have been speeded up. T a lk to your local railroad agent. H e ’ s full o f information about traveling and shipping, a W a are proud o f railroad achieve ments, appreciate the public's good w ill and increased patron age, and pledge continued prog ress. J PETERSON FUNERAL HOME Call Thomas Nordale Furniture Store Phone 94 WESTERN RAILROADS and TH E P U L L M A N C O M P A N Y Fill’er Up There’s a reason why our customers keep coming back day after day, year after year. W e give honest service, sell good products and never over-charge— and our customers like it! You will too, so get in the habit of stopping at— POWELL’S SERVICE STATION “ Oldest Independent Station In Nyssa” Free Trip Service John Y o u can t beat the im proved travel comfort in coaches and sleeping car*. It's a good thing movies don’t nave suen restful seats — most folks would sure fall asleep. a W e have Ice cream and frozen bars In a big variety. Stop and let us serve you. CONOCO Gas and Germ-Processed Oil. SCOTTY’S PLACE Considering how fine this railroad transportation is nowadays, you can 't travel any cheaper. Fares lowest in h istory— substantial sav ings on round trip tickets. So why not take the train? I t ’s safer. I t ’s more dependable. • W h at’s more, the railroads believe in “safety first“ Last year not one passenger was killed in a train acci dent on western railroads, a NOW. THEREFORE, in pursuance o f said execution. I have duly levied | upon the real property hereinafter described, and I will, on Friday, the 28th day of August, 1936, at 11 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court House, in the City of Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, all the fol lowing described real premises, to- wit: A ll the right, title, and Interest of said defendant in and to Lots 15, 16. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22 in Block 2 in the town of Nyssa, Malheur County, State of Oregon. c0> / Open Day and Night Standard Products Plymouth Cars J ’ A ttention G rain G rowers Before You Sell Your Grain It will be to your interest to CALL ON US FOR PRICES As we are paying, and will pay right up to the market on all grains delivered at our Elevators. Satisfactory and courteous treatment assured. parts and specialty work. The outfit is portable and can be taken right to your job. Don’t throw it away—Weld it! PHONE 56F2 E. W. PRUYN Auto Repairing NYSSA, OREGON The Nyssa Elevator NYSSA • • • • OREGON •V 0102485323485332232353484853010001010201015353485389915353535353532323232323535348485353