THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1986 LINCOLN NEWS Although several fanners had part of their hay In the stack, others had part of It cut, while the rest had not begun cutting the the rain and wind did considerable damage to both that down and that still stand ing. The Misses Hooka Atagl and La Rose Rogers were among the ones receiving diplomas at Valley View Thursday night. The young men of Lincoln played against those of White Settlement Sunday, the score being 26 to 6 in favor of White Settlement. Mr and Mrs. Charlie Redsull. Sr., are visiting at the Whit Redsull home. Several attended the Grange dance Friday night from here. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Rogers and family and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cannon of Emmett spent Memorial Day in Payette and New Plymouth. T. C. Nielson returned this week from the coast where he was on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. John Huenneken of Payette spent Thursday at the home of their son Steve. Bert and Fred Hawkins attended the wedding of Esther Johnson Sun day. Miss La Rose Rogers is spending the week with Mrs. Vernon Reed of Ontario while Mr Reed is attending the Lion's Club convention at Logan Utah. Mrs. Shatto of California has been visiting at the DuPre home for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Thomas spent week end and spent the day with west and Vt mile south of the Ore-, her son Bill who is working there. | gon Trail school. Wyatt Smith. I They returned home Sunday. June 4-ltp. Mrs. Gene Reed and son Allan I FOR SALE— S ow with pigs. Jake J. Barker was hurt Sunday in an motored to Nampa Monday to visit auto accident which occurred be with their old friends and neigh Fischer. 5-28-2tp. tween Boise and Meridian. Mr. bors, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Meyers SALE— Weiner pigs. Chas Barker had taken his wife, and two and daughter Kathryn. Mr. and Mrs FOR children to Boise and had started Meyers formerly lived in Apple Val Newbill, Kingman Kolony. 5-28-2p Don’t “CYPHER” a new car—Bring back to Meridian. Mr. Barker went ley but moved to Kansas last year. FOR SALE—Strawberries, 1*4 miles to pass a car which crowded over Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Vertrees and west of Owyhee school house. Mrs. in the old one and have a Shellubrica- on the road. He then found himself family, Chas. Bradley, ltc. and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Ver in a ditch against a telephone pole trees and son Harold attended the tion job and it filled with Shell Gas and FOR SALE—City lots, cheap. Also after turning over several times. Barnes circus In Nampa Friday. good wagon spraying machine. The car, a new 1936 Terraplane, was Bonnie Newgen is staying at the Tom Oil and your car will run like new. Coward. May 14-June4 badly wrecked. Mr. Barker received Leigh home while her mother is in a gash over his eye, which required California visiting. WANTED several stiches and had bad head Mr. and Mrs. Eurya Robinson and WANTED—Cars to wreck at Nyssa and face bruises. attended the circus in Motor and Salvage Co. ltp. Mr. and Mrs Henry Otani and son daughter George were business visitors in Nampa Friday. interested in W. W. Deal was a dinner guest at WANTED—Someone Nampa Friday. building combined Business and the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Pettit Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Henshaw and Nyssa, Oregon Residence building in Nyssa. Lessee Sunday. children returned Friday from Al will pay good rent and take on long bion bringing their son Dan home Mr. Smalley came down from Mc term lease. Address P O Box 702, with them. Dan had been visiting Call over the week end and took relatives there when he became ill. j Mrs. Smalley and children back Nyssa, Oregon. Maxine Wyatt has recently recov J with him. WANTED—Contract for grubbing, ered from an attack of the measles. Mrs. Gus Ostermier of McCall plowing and discing land. Carl Se Milt Freeman and small daughter 1 motored down Saturday to visit with bum, 3-4 miles north of Nyssa. Phyllis made a business trip to her sister Mrs. Clarence Fritts and Phone 78F21. A9tf Caldwell Thursday. family and her parents Mr. and MISCELLANEOUS The Ladies Aid are planning to Mrs. Tuning of Roswell. She return have a bazaar and a ice cream sup ed home Monday. HAULING—All kinds. Oregon and per during the month of June. Idaho License. Hugh Glasgow. Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Caldwell and ST. PAUL’S GUILD Phone 36-F3. Jan 16tf. children and Mr. and Mrs. Glen MILK Johnson and son attended the circus ! in Nampa Friday. Fred Marshall and H. CRttff Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fritts and R. Mesdames Sherwood will be hostess for St. AUTO REPAIRING children attended a family reunion Paul's Guild next after All Types of pt the home of her parents, Mr. and noon, June 10 at Wednesday the Sherwood Acetylene Welding Mrs. Tuning of Roswell. We are delivering high test Guernsey Milk pro country home. Everyone Is cordially and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Otani and Invited to attend. duced in a modern and sanitary plant. May we children spent Memorial Day in Brazing add you to our list of satisfied customers? Boise and attended the circus. Body and Fender Lawrence Friece has purchased a We also sell high standard Holstein milk, con MARKET^FINDER 1935 Ford pickup. Repairing The Stanley Stout family called on Try our Market Finder to dls- sidered by many medical authorities as best for Tom Ferguson at the Caldwell san i pose of surplus goods, rent a j Battery Charging . . . Auto hr bies and growing children. Electrical Work. itarium Sunday afternoon. Mr. { house, find lost articles, to buy or j SHIELD GAS AND OIL Ferguson is improving quite rap Î sell produce and many other uses. ! idly and is expected to be able to j Rates one cent a word per inser- j OREGON TRAIL come home around July 1. j E. E. Simerman is staying at the i tlon. Minimum 15c. GARAGE Ben Lamb. Prop. home of his parents in Caldwell and attending summer school. Mrs. Sim Next to wrecking house LOST erman has gone to North Dakota for a visit with her parents and rela LOST: Wheel off fresno, between tives. Nyssa and CCC camp. Finder Mrs. William Matzen and son please notify F. J. Cahill, Nyssa and John drove to John Day over the get reward. 6-4-2tp. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LOST—Wheel off fresno, between Nyssa and CCC Camp. Reward. INVITATION TO BIDDERS Finder please notify F. J. Cahill, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Nyssa. M21-28 pd FOR SALE that sealed bids will be received at the Oregon Trail School House, Dis FOR SALE—Gooseberries, 20c a gal trict No. 39, Malheur County, Ore lon, you pick them. Mrs. R. J. gon, up to the hour of 8:30 o'clock P. M. on Monday, the 22nd day of Davis. June 4 ltp. June. 1936, at which time bids will FOR SALE—Four wheel trailer; two be publicly opened at a meeting of wheel trailer; electric fan; Deer- the Board of Directors of said school ing mower; springtooth harrow; building. used car parts atr Nyssa Motor and Bids shall be submitted for the Salvage Co. ltp. following improvements: a high SALE—Six weaner pigs and 1 pressure water system, two drinking FOR fountains, two wash basins, two Jersey Cow, 4 years old. 1 mile toilets, septic tank and other im provements. a more complete detail of the specifications including the material to be used and the type of work to be done and performed may be had at the home of Mrs. Alice Holmes at Nyssa, Oregon. Each bid must be inclosed in a sealed envelope and directed to Mrs. Alice Holmes. Chairman of the TS School Board, District No. 39, at Nyssa. Oregon and marked “Bid on Improvements and Repairs, School District No. 39.” Bidders must specify in their pro posal that if the work shall be awarded to them, that they will bind themselves to finish and com plete the same within 60 days after , Drink SHELTON’S the bid is awarded to them. Bidders shall furnish satisfactory for evidence of their financial ability to complete the work in the specified time, free of all encumbrances or liens if the contract should be • Why not turn drear drudgery into fun? You can really make Mi>k is the most import awarded to them. a pleasure of dishwashing! With plenty of piping hot water on ant factor in the grow The Board of Directors reserve ing child’s diet for its the right to accept or reject any or tap in your kitchen—well, “doing dishes” is a lark. Creamy suds strength—and health-giv all bids submitted them either in to soak off clinging food from dishes, pots and pans . . . steaming ing qualities. And he likes whole or in part, and to accept the the taste of SHELTON’S said bid. if any, that shall be for the 14,8 80 8 im P ,e ' W h a t ’S more best interest of said School District. 1 products. UTOMATIC ELECTRIC HOT WATER provides abundant hot Done under and by order of the WaterJ ° r bathing, laundry, shaving and dozens of other household Board of Directors of School District j For the Milk Purer best thing about it is you have hot water ANY TIME No. 39. Malheur County. Oregon. In Quality, Try DAY OR NIGHT. No fuss. No bother “heating up.” No waiting SCHOOL DISTRICT NO 39 j MALHEUR COUNTY. OREGON 1 I he convenient time-payment plan is irresistible. By Mrs. Alice Holmes. Chairman I By Iva Adams. Clerk. Saturday at the Henry Baker home. Lloyd Cox returned home from Klamath Falls where he has been visiting his mother and sister. Paul Stevens is seriously 111 with the mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Castro and fam ily of Harper spent Tuesday at the Du Pre home. Mr Paulson having quite bad luck with his well drill at DuPre’s. He broke the casing recently. Mr. and Mrs. Cap Huenneken of Emmett were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Huenneken Tuesday. The P. T. A. members and other friends enjoyed a picnic on the river last Sunday. After dinner climbing the Buttle, swimming and motorcycling were enjoyed. The Misses Maxine Westcott and Colleen Fenton were outside guests. Mrs. Ed Du Pre took Ray Steln- haus to his home In Apple Valley last Monday. On the way home she visited with her daughter Mrs. Dale Garrison. Miss Marjorie Nielson is working at the Huffman home in town. Mrs. V. L. Chamberlain left Sat urday for a visit with friends and relatives in Vancouver, Wash. She went up with some of the Ontario teachers. Mr. and Mrs. Ooerge Markham at tended the L.DS. banquet in On tario Friday night. Archie Hawkins left last week for California to bring back his father and his small daughter, Althea, who spent the winter with her grand mother there. Allen Hunter was a business visit or in La Grande over the week end. See Us For DEPENDABLE, LOW PRICED Hay Insurance You can’t afford to take the risk of having your hay burn and lose hundreds of dollars. Let us take the risk. Don’t delay another day, see . . . Nyssa DON Insurance Agency M. GRAHAM, Manager Outing Season! Do you hear the call of the great outdoors? If so, be prepared. Many housewives buy their roasts large enough to run two days, cooking them on Saturday, and have cold meat for lunch in the hills Sunday, thereby cutting fuel and lab or in two. We have choice Prime Rib Roasts of Steer Beef, young Pork and milk-fed Veal. Take your choice. EAT MORE MEAT NYSSA PACKING OREGON CO. NYSSA “CYPHER” APPLE VALLEY Norcott Service 1 GUERNSEY MILK Sunshine Dairy To Women Who Dislike Washing Dishes Growth ELEC T R IC H O T W A TER W ill Make It a Pleasure Shelton Dairy I. W. W. A «l«l C o m fo r t A. C o n v e n ie n c e Remarkable changes in your oki home are possi ble. Additional m>ms, conversion of basement or attic and other modernization ideas will increase comfort. BoUc P ayette’* free pht lining **rvlc* . . . U** 4-Square L um ber for low- rut final coat. U n Boise P a y ette 's F inancial I>e- p a rtm e n t to obtain ea»y m onthly paym ent* under the F.If.A. plan. See your Bol*o P ayette m an at > ur earliest convenience. A*k for free Hom e - i ’UtauliiK booklet. Vm K iln-D ried A nd Seasoned Framing Lum bar M a k e * Betta* C o n s t r u c t io n Start V i e r ItaitWtiM« P lan * W it * a V M t V » Pity e l f e L u m b e r L o . "T H K R K '8 A Y A R D YEAH YOU” / CUSTOMERS Information—Wind—Water I. W. W. customers find Powell’s Service unfail ingly courteous—the kind of service that brings them back for a tank of gas and a quart of oil. May we serve your car too? POWELL’S SERVICE STATION “Oldest Independent Station In Nyssa” Open Day and Night Standard Products Plymouth Cars HOTPOINT AND WESTINGHOUSE Automatic Electric WATER HEATERS CASH 24 Months to Pay the Balance Completely Installed I D C C A et& H O V POWER uciÛ j ...Does So MUCH-Costs So LITTLE !