THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1936 The (ìate City Journal business ■ a« ,'nt ° f u‘ <- woodsawyers union in Portland to beat up and maim for Hie a woodsawyer who re­ fused to Join that particular union The business agent is now serving a long term in the state penitentiary as a result of his conviction, and yet there has never been one word of repudiation of that labor thug from the labor leaders 6f Portland or Ore- Squirts FROM THE LINOTYPE BERWYN B l'R K E ................. Editor and Publisher INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIGION, OPTIMISTIC IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE EXCEPT THOSE OF MALHEUR COUNTY SUBSCRIPTION RATES $1 50 75 05 (Strictly in Advance) 4 I i ----------- Mr and Mrs. T. C. Nielson and family enjoyed a picnic at Owyhee dam Sunday. Miss Ruth Chindgren, Home Ec­ onomics Teacher, called at the Chamberlain home Monday evening, Mrs. Mae Chapman and David n io c t .e o f h o Rees were dinner guests at t the Archie Hawkins home Sunday. g o n - We all remember the more recent attack on working men of a timber ing from an appendix operation. The Andrew Greeley family at­ tended the circus in Caldwell Sat- urday. Ilanthia Green returned to her , home Tuesday after a month’s work I at Mrs chan Warner's home. --------- • Sidney Boren and Ray Ashcraft visited in Nampa Sunday aand Mon­ day. Friends of Lott Brown, form er' « * « • ’ , and ’°* gcrs' . Nyssa attorney, will be sorry to learn Seasld<;; ‘n " sev era lp en on s that he lost the Democratic nomln- wer^ kUed and numerous otters ser- Mr. and Mrs. Newt Thomason will ation for District Attorney over in ‘° us * wounded. The attacking party spend this week end at Coding, Ida., Baker county by the narrow margin ° ^ val union members was led that Emil John has been in this neigh­ visiting Mrs. Gamble and family. of 37 votes The successful candl- bloody morning by the business borhood the past week. agent of the union, who was shot date was Howard Bergman. and seriously wounded in the result­ Miss Edna Snyder has returned to ------------- 4* ■#< her home in Davenport, Iowa. We are glad to see so much clean­ ant gunplay. “ For many weeks last summer, Mr. and Mrs. Emiel Claude were up and painting work being done. Rockville visitors the last of the j However, there is more needed, and non-union timber and sawmill week. Nyssa will especially want to put workers were beaten up and maimed their best foot forward when the by thugs during a prolonged labor Mrs. Angus Mclvor and small disturbance. Many times during the Land Seekers tour arrives here daughter Betty were in Rockville June 23rd for a three-day stay. Let's year state police were required to Friday. Mrs. Mclvor was clerk on have the town shining like a new \ suppress these labor riots, the election board. Good Yellow DENT dime when these folks from the "When the state police law was The school picnic was greatly en­ seed corn; 99 per cent middle west arrive to judge us and enacted five years ago, ^ the ^labor joyed Thursday at Sullivan Springs lobby at Salem was powerful enough, germination test — our land. and there were about twenty-one to coecre the legislators into Insert- present. Last Friday was National Straw a clause denying state police the - - Mrs. Mary Strode is slowly recov- j Hat day. the day when every man right to protect life and property in ering from an attact of quinsey. She time of labor distorders. It was not g e m CHICK was supposed to put the felt hat in is with her mother Mrs. Robert Mc­ STARTER moth balls and blossom out in a new until the last regular session that ¡ 9 3 ) 's Academy Award win­ Connell at Cow Creek. straw bonnet. Mayors of several the law was amended, and it was and Developer Mash Mrs. Bud Mattingly visited at the ner, V I C T O R M c L A G k E N , southern Idaho towns issued a proc­ due largely to the splendid manner You need these for Andrew Greeley home Friday. lamation and everyone had a a lot in which state police have since again plays a magnificent warrior Mrs. Essie Nichols and Nora Wise your baby chicks of fun ceremoniously putting away functioned during labor disorders in 20th Century’s “ Under Tw o called on Mrs. Henry Masonholder the old felt chapeaux and donning that there has been less loss of life Flags”, a picture o f flam ing con­ Wednesday. and property. a new straw. —0 — Otis Nichols and family motored “Organized labor could and should flic t and tumultuous lore under HH ■§■ ■#* to Nyssa Saturday. Prune producers of this section be a vital force in improving the Sahara stars. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Masonholder don’t know whether to laugh or cry. employment conditions of working visited at the parental Andrew Trees bloomed heavily but the fruit men and women. It could and Masonholder home Friday. dropped heavily a few days after should be a force that could com­ Otis Nichols family made a trip setting. The crop is expected to be mand the respect and confidence of to Nampa and Caldwell Sunday. “The Farmer's Own Co-Op” not more than 25 per cent of nor­ the public generally. But organized Normand McKenzie is expected mal; and other prune districts are labor has fallen into ill repute and Phone 26 Nyssa School closed Thursday with a home from the hospital at Nampa in the same fix. This will probably will continue in that lowly estate the last of this week. He is recover- result in high prices, but with a until there is regeneration of its picnic on the school grounds. In the short crop; prune growers are un­ present leadership. afternoon a short P. T. A. meeting "If the working men and women certain as to how they will fare this are powerless to remove these false was held, followed by a ball game year. leaders, the time has come for the with the farmers winning 11 to 9. people, through their lawmakers, to Several high school pupils attended. CHARGE LABOR place reasonable restrictions on Friday after a ball game with We have just received a large stock of these radical labor leaders in order White Settlement with them win­ LEADERS WITH that organized labor— a great and ning a victory of 8 to 2, all the pupils FOSTORIA ROCK CRYSTAL GLASSWARE EXPLOITATION good movement for the betterment from the 4th grade up enjoyed a of the working class—might survive. swim at the Vale natatorium, a Prices are very reasonable and quality of the highest, Would i “A labor leader who refers to all treat of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mar­ make a wonderful wedding present or gifts. Ontario May 21—Hundreds of thousands of dollars are wrung every police officers as "cossacks” is not a shall. The pupils also received their year from the working men and fit person to direct the activities of report cards Friday with everyone WATCHES DIAMONDS passing. GINZEL JEWELRY women of Oregon in order that the labor movement . GIFTS SILVERWARE The high school pupils are taking their paid business agents and sal­ and Gift Shop exams Wednesday and Thursday. aried leaders might live and travel ONTARIO, OREGON Those on Willis’s bus plan a picnic in luxury, according to officials of the Oregon Producers and Shippers Association, who are sponsoring a campaign to strip this arrogant Miss Genieve Dixon left Saturday J - labor leadership from the false for her home in Oregon where she glamour which surrounds it. plans to spend the vacation. Henry Otani has a crew of nine­ Not only have the working people paid by their bitter toil for the teen weeding onions for him on the countless luxuries enjoyed by their Nelson ranch. The work started WE RECOMMEND THEM leaders, but their dollars likewise Monday. C. D. Vertrees also has a crew of have been employed to further acts of violence, including murderous ten weeding onions on his ranch. Mrs. Stanley Stout and Marvin asasults, according to the report of W H. Perkins, manager of the labor and Norma were visitors in Nampa A. L. FLETCHER C A U L II. C O A l ) situation as it exists in Oregon to­ Wednesday afternoon. A large crowd attended the last day. Population, (1930) _____________ 821 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW “We need to refer only to court day of school picnic Friday. The ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Recent estimates --------- 1000 records to disclose the damnable program was exceptionally well Elevation .......................................2186 ty|>e of labor leadership which has given, especially good was the OREGON NYSSA NYSSA : OREGON been prevalent in this state during dance performed by Duane Johnson City Officer* Every and Anna Fritts. They were dressed recent months,” he stated. Mayor ______________ Don Graham citizen of Oregon should recall the In quaint Dutch costumes. Games Councllmen ................ Art Norcott, employment of hired gunmen by the | were enjoyed In the afternoon. A1 Thompson, Dick Tensen, Dean Smith. DR. E. D. NORCOTT DR. C. A. ABBOTT City Clerk ___________ A. R. Millar D E N T I S T City Treasurer .......... Arthur Boy