Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1936)
THE GATE CITY TOURNAI - Published At Nyssa, Oregon GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS VOLUME XXX. NO. 18? Fastest Growing Town in Oregon NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1936 Commencement Exercises Planned For Thurs., May 21 NYSSA GOLFERS WIN MATCH WITH PARMA COMING MAY 15TH *1-50 PER YEAR Owyhee Canyon Days Fri. and Sai. Promise Excitement Nine Nyssa golfers went to Parma Sunday to play a match with the j Parma team and the locals walked off with the honors. Dick Adams, Helen Enebeck Wins High Each Party Presents Full I Nyssa's sharp-shooting mashie Honors For High School >*<'** ■*< Lineup of Candidates at wielder walked off with low round [ honors, shooting a 37. Dr. Norcott Course— Leonard Nich HAROLD WILLIAM ANDERSON Business Men To Work At Election Next Friday. and Warren Larsen were tied for the ols Second. Gym Tonight To Pre best average for the 18 holes. WALTER ASHBY Those from here who took part pare For Big Show. ARTHUR VERNON COOK, Jr. Friday, May 15th is Primary Elec Arthur Boydell, Dick Young, E. D. School is to end this year on the FLORENCE MARGARET BOREN tion day in Oregon and voters will Norcott, Dick Adams, C. C. Hunt, 22nd of May with Commencement go to the polls on that day to cast j Warren and Howard Larsen, Wm. Staid business men will abandon exercises for the graduating class to MILDRED LOUISE CORNELL their vote for the candidates of their Schlreman and Jim Farmer, This Charley Overstreet proved last [ their customary restraint Friday be held Thursday evening, May 21st EUNICE FERN COCHRUN choice. The registration this year Sunday the Parma boys are to be Labor Problem and Beet week that clearing sagebrush land and Saturday nights and for a in tne high school gymnasium. has been heavy with the interest guests of the locals on the home PAUL ALBERT COX Piler To Be Discussed and putting in a new crop was not brief time will become the loudest While the program is not com shown in the campaign, the polling golf course. a job to hold any terrors. Hows this kind of barkers; slick 21 dealers, plete, the numbers planned up to RUTH ALTA EDWARDS should be heavy. Candidates forj -------- ---------------- At Growers Meeting. for a record: dice throwers and mustard spread date include the class prophecy by HELEN LENORE ENEBECK county offices are as follows: Mr. Overstreet started work on a ers as the Owyhee Canyon Days cel Paul Cox, class will by Jake Groot, Republican 40 acre tract of raw sagebrush land; ebration opens this week end in the class history by Helen Pond, presi BRUCE ARTHUR FAHRNEY A meeting of beet growers has leveled it, plowed, harrowed, floated, high school gym. It is the Commer State Senator; Eugene Pratt, dent's address by Raymond Holly, CURTIS WRIGHT FOSTER been called for Wednesday, May 13 drilled, harrowed again corrugated cial Club's annual show and each Nyssa; Robert M. Duncan, Burns. valedictory by Helen Enebeck and i in the Owyhee Irrigation office. The and built the ditches on the place, year attracts a larger crowd as the JOHN JACOB GROOT Representative: V. B. Staples, On- j saluatory by Leonard Nichols. I meeting is to start at eight o’clock all in eight days. popularity of the show spreads. tario; Carl Coad, Nyssa. The class numbers 37 this year and ALICE Y. HASHJTANI j and it is of vital interest to beet There was no black magic attach It will be a big time in Nyssa Assessor: Robert Overstreet, Nys is four more than were numbered in MABLE DORIS HEARRON growers that they be present at the ed to the feat and it was done with Friday and Saturday nights as the sa; Mrs. Jean Burrelle, C. C. Coats -------- the graduating class last year. The MILDRED LUCILLE HEARRON meeting. the help of his faithful tractor. candy wheel, the dice and 21 tables, and John Bennett, Vale. L , . class motto this year is "Life is like Among the subjects to come up Leveling v/ork was done partially by beano game, and other amusement County Judge: D. C. Deming, Vale; school, Churches a n d RAYMOND HAROLD HOLLY a picture; paint it well." The colors at the meting will be the labor ques- and partially by a a big land devices swing into action. Long J. D. Fatrman, Ontario; David F. Civic Chorus Put On l tion for the coming season and also fresno are crimson and silver and the class DOROTHY MAE LOWE leveler, after which the land was bearded and loudly dressed gamb Graham, Vale. flower is the bleeding heart. the best location for the beet piler plowed and harrowed and Just be lers will conduct the games for the Elaborate Programs. County Clerk: Roy Daley, Chas. LaVERNE LATHAM The Amalgamated Sugar Company fore going on with the drill a float amusement of the crowd while E. Howell, Vale. Baccalaureate services are in promised the local growers a beet was run over the land, putting the dance lovers will join the crowd of County Treasurer: Mrs. Ora Hope charge of Rev. Stanley Moore of the LLOYD BURRELL LANDRETH Vale; Walter Marshall, Nyssa. Episcopal church and will be held LEONARD DEAN NICHOLS National Music Week was fit piler If they contracted a total of seed bed in excellent condition. He merry makers on the big floor of Sheriff: A. V. Cook, Nyssa. May 17th in either the Community tingly observed in Nyssa this week 500 acres In this vicinity. This has then drilled the 40 acres into grain, the gym. VIVIAN ADA PATTERSON Every business man in Nyssa is County Commissioner: W. S. with two very nice programs at the been done and more. Out of the 760 with a harrow attached behind the church or the high school gym. acres of sugar beets in Malheur drill, doing this all in one opera expected to bring his favorite ham Skinner, Jordan Valley; I. G. Friz Community church. The program ____. The arrangements for this affair j JOHN COLBY POAGE , ... . zell and L. P. Peterson, Vale. Tuesday night was given by the of theJ" a" tributary to tion. He used a 21 foot corrugator mer, saw and other tools and Join have not been completed as yet. | I HELEN MARJORIE POND Tu/rv tWCSlHIa d fn c o are va K n in rr Nyssa. Two possible sites being he built himself, which makes 8 cor in the work of setting up for the Surveyor: J. Edwin Johnson, Vale. I church and school co-operating " and NvSSfl I considered and the company would rugations at the time, has an auto show tonight. Finishing touches will WILLIAM PEUTZ, Jr. the program was attended by a Democratic I’LAY DAY IN I that filled the church nicely, j **£ gro^ ra 0,^‘llon “ to matic leveling devise, and is also be put on Friday but the big maj AGNES ELEANOR RAY State Senator: Robert E. Lees, crowd _ _ 3 where they would like it located. tractor operated. The final work was ority of the work must be done VALE TOMORROW Ontario. le program ue. ay consisted of R H. Tallman, dtstriot manager building ditches for the place with a tonight. MORGAN ELLIS RUST Representative: Orrin Currey, P an so o y rs. Malcolm Craw- from Twin Falls, will be present to big ditcher, and the work was tum- The decision to change to the ROLAND RICHARD WHITMAN Juntura. ! ford, a duet by Mrs. J. W. Poage and meet with the growers. The com- ed over to the irrigator. high school gym came Sunday night All the grade schools in the coun Assessor: Murray Morton. Ontario Mr*- Jess Spencer; a solo by Mr. D. pany Ls anxioUS that every grower The 40 acre place belongs to W. L. as business men gathered in the ty will meet Friday in Vale for the Harry Looney, Big Bend. ' . 11 r£Tson anc* a num^)er by the attend the meeting as the problems Karrer of Boise and is located near basement of the Eagles hall and took annual play day program. A day of County Judge: Fred J. Clemo and choir. The schools part of the pro- to be discussed will affect every Chalk Butte. stock of the situation. It was de games, sports and special entertain Theron Beers, Ontario. gram was arranged by Miss Eliza- sugar beet grower in this section, cided that with some changes In the ment is planned, including a picnic. ______, , , County Commissioner: John Mol- beth Ann Jones and as two children gym, more room would be available enaar Ontario; Sam Corliss, Vale; read from the "Musical Scrap “ T D A N S A F T l f l l U T A Y " than at the Eagles hall, with more B o o k ." the t h e various v a r io u s rm rfa of o f t.hp 1 1 . 0 r - \ i Iv^Ix I A A parts the hook- book E. H. Brumbach, Big Bend. spoce left for dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Blair Johnson were were set to appropriate music. The Sheriff: C. W. Glenn, Vale. TO BE SPEAKERS It has been a busy week for Nyssa Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and readers were Delma Ward and R. D. business men preparing to put the Non-Partisan SUBJECT TUESDAY Mrs. B. F. McCarroll in Payettee. Jordan. Miss Mice Hashitani sang show over in an even grander style Circuit Judge: M. A. Biggs and two songs accompanied by Mrs. John than last year. A group went to Claud Wilson was elected Worthy j Charles W. Ellis, Ontario. | Young; June Wilson and Evelyn Payette to the Blossom Festival and The “Transaction Tax" that much Mr. and Mrs. Ross Soward of President at the election of officers [ School Superintendent: Kathryn Haworth entertained entered the parade as an adver 11 | I discussed features of the Townsend Boise were visiting Miss Eva Boy held Wednesday night by the Nyssa j Claypool, Vale; Albert Hopkins, | a piano duet and a group of w grade . . . . . , grade plan wllj bc the subject of a taik tising stunt, and attracted consid dell and other relatives Sunday. Aerie Fraternal Order of Eagles. Nyssa and Mrs. E. M. Crail, Vale, The Nyssa Eagles and Auxiliary schoo boys dressed in overalls and ----- ^ ----- Xuesday pveni erable attention toward the coming — v n ig iiic Other officers selected were as fol are planning a Mother’s Day pro Election Polling Places carrying fish poles sang ”T" J B show. Those who went to Payette „ i , ‘ I Burr, speaker sent out by the state lows: Past Worthy President, War In this vicinity the various polling I Shade of the Old Apple Tree." The committee. A wire was received from gram for Sunday evening in the Monday to help advertise the show Farnham and Les Sills were in ren McHargue; Worthy Vice Presi Community Church. Special music places are as follows North Nyssa; | most elaborate number of the pro- Mr. Burr Wednesday saying he ls being arranged, including two were Bernard Frost, Sam and Jim Canyon City from Sunday until dent C. J. Keizer; Worthy Chaplain, Eagles Hall; South Nyssa, Irrigation; sram was the “Japanese Fan Tuesday night on business. Charles Leuck; Worthy Conductor, office; Big Bend, at the park; Me- j Dance,” sang and acted by 20 girls positivtely would be here Tuesday. numbers by the Civic Chorus. A Caldwell, Don Graham. R. Isham, The meeting will be held in the special speaker will be present and Dr. Norcott and Berwyn Burke. Herbert Fisher; Inside Guard, Otto Dermitt, at the hotel; Arcadia, Fred | in Japanese costumes. This was the Every committee head has made Prawitz; Outside Guard, R. E. j Koopman home; Owyhee, school same number put on at the county Community church and a real treat every one is Invited to be present arrangements for his part of the The boards of directors of the seems in store for his audience. for the program. Conklin; Secretary, K. K. Lien- house; Rockville, school h o u se : musical festival last week. Four show and for the most part, assist Owyhee Irrigation District, Shoe Everyone is invited to be present U1r1er' Ral^1} J Rome, grange hall; Magohany, Dit- high school boys, Bob Jackson. ants have been selected. Those not string district and the Ontario- ^®f?ii!f.r.L.'IXe^S ken;Trustee for three years, E D, ton ranch; Cairo, Grange hall; Ad- Warren Larsen, Donald Boren and and hear Mr. Burr discuss this vital TWO MEN DRAW definitely assigned to a task are ex Nyssa met Tuesday to canvass the Frost; and Lloyd Marshall was subject. SENTENCES IN PEN pected to be on hand to fill In Frank Pierson sang "We Saw the rian, Holly Bros. election held April 25th. elected trustee to finish out the un Sea” and the program ended with where needed and help the crowd. expired term of Archie Howell. the “Cradle Song” by Ruth Flanary. The show will be entirely at night, The Eagles Auxiliary held their Jack Bowen, little son of Mr. and John Hammack and Abner Hick with no rides or concessions as was Civic Chorus Program ey, who were convicted In circuit contemplated for a time. Everyone Mrs. John Bowen fell Wednesday election of officers Friday night and The Civic Chorus put on the pro court this week of "assault with In who has ever attended an Owhyee and cut a nasty gash on his neck on selected Mrs. Earl Danley as Madam gram Wednesday night in the tent to rob by putting In fear” were Canyon Day show In Nyssa will be a nail. Dr. Sarazin attended it and President; Mrs. Chas. Leuck as church, which was decorated in sentenced Thursday morning. Judge on hand and if you have never been today the little fellow had recovered Madam Vice President; Mrs. N. H. spring flowers, Mrs. Ray Emmott Ellis sentenced Hammack to four to the show, don’t overlook going enough to be out in the yard play Pinkerton as Madam Chaplain; Mrs. being in charge of decorations. Tire Archie Howell as Inside Guard; years In the penitentiary and Hickey this year because you will miss a lot ing. program was directed by Mrs. Laura Mrs. Les Ernest as Outside Guard; I ----------- drew a sentence of 414 years. The of fun if you don’t. Fisher and was arranged by Mrs. Mrs. Elizabeth Turner of Victoria Mae Keizer as Secretary; and Mrs. | “Wandering Spooks,’ a three act John Young. Max Gilchrist was the Nyssa got off to a rather bad case grew out of the robbery of B. C., who has spent the past ten Bernard Frost, treasurer. Mrs. A. V. | mystery comedy has been chosen by commentator and explained each start Sunday in the opening game Chas. Pettit of Ontario near the C. C. HUNT TO HANDLE weeks visiting with her sister, Mrs. Cook is the Past Madam President. the senior class of the local high number on the program while Mrs. of the Idaho-Oregon baseball fairgrounds last fall. GOVERNMENT HOMESTEAD school for their class play this year Dick Tensen and Mrs. John Young league, dropping the first game to Harry Burke, who was In Nyssa Margaret Pashley, left Wednesday LAND WHICH OPENS MAY 18 and the cast are practicing faith accompanied on the piano. evening for her home. En route she Ontario 12 to 6. It was a ragged for a time last fall, was picked up fully every day. The play will be at Welser Wednesday and taken to will stop at Kirkland Washington game with both teams making er Tlie scene was greatly enchanced <7 C. Hunt has been appointed to given Friday night. May 15th In the . . . . . , . , . . rors, Ontario being charged with six Vale to face charge of writing bad to visit friends. / „„L, I by the pastel colored dresses worn by checks. He was to go before the handle the details in connection high school gym. starting at eight _. . . , . __ . . . and Nyssa four. ' lock the ladles of the chorus while the Jess Thompson returned Tuesday The whole story is told In the court thla afternoon and said he with the opening of 107 farm unite men wore dark suits; which made a on the Owyhee project on May 16th. Miss Eleanor Pashley became the night from Salt Lake City where he The cast of characters Includes slght agalnst the back_ number of hits gathered by each of expected to plead guilty. These land units are being thrown made a trip after his daughter Mrs. bride of Jed Larry Newby at a Morgan Rust, who -plays the part of the teams. Ontario batted the horse- ground of spring flowers. Margaret Dean Renner of Boise open by the government for home Delbert Taylor and son. Mrs. Taylor pretty ceremony Tuesday evening at an old Janitor around the theatre; hide for 18 safe ones, while the The program started with two locals only made six safe hits. Rob was in Nyssa Thursday delivering stead entry, with veterans of the will join her husband here and plan 8 o’clock in the Blessed Sacrament Alice Hashitanl, the colored maid: to make Nyssa their home again. Church in Ontario with the Rev. Roland Whitman is a young news numbers by Chas. Wilsons orchestra, erts pitched the game for Ontario pictures which she had taken last armed forces having a 90 day pref Mr. Taylor is employed by the Father Loeser officiating The bride paper reporter; Mable Hearron is “Here Comes the Band” and "The while Terry served on the mound week while having her studio at the erence. Applications filed from May 18 to was given in marriage by Mr. A1 the vaudeville star while Eunice Merrymakers.’ The entire chorus for Nyssa for the first four Innings | Crawford Beauty shop, Thompson Oil Company. 28th will be considered to have been _ . , sang ’Dear Land of Home and In and Frank Rambaud the last five. Green, uncle of the groom. The Cochrun plays the part of an usher . . . .. .. . A Persian Market followed by two Long caught for Ontario and Young bride was becomingly dressed in a ■ Harry Barry, George Baxter, Mrs. filed simultaneously on the Owyhee NYSSA BOY MAKES in the theatre. 1 3 solo numbers by Robert Btrlngfellow fbr Nyssa. blue chiffon voile dress with white R. G. Lacy, Harold Yeamans, Mr. lands and all subsequuent filing will Arthur Cook. Jr. is the wealthy “On the Road to Mandalay" and GOOD IN NAVY accessories. The couple was attend and Mrs, Clay Cox, all of Buhl appear lower on the list. In order to Vale Play Here ed by Miss Betty Vauchier of Pay young writer and Dorothy Lowe has “Silvia.’’ stopped briefly at the Journal of qualify the applicant must be In Vale also lost their game Sunday, fice Thursday afternoon. They were good health, have at least two years A trio In costume proved a pop ette and Mr. Joe Forester. Imme an interesting part as the mind reader. Florence Boren acts out the as they sang “Three Payette winning 5 to 4 but It was enroute home from the Idaho Dem actual farming experience and cap Word has been received that Ken diately after the ceremony the wed part of a society lady while the j ular number from' neth Williams has passed his ex ding party returned to the Pashley two detectives are Curtis Foster and I Little Maids from School.’’ They Musser's home run in the 8th with ocratic convention held at Lewis ital of $2.000 or its equivalent in farm equipment. were Mrs. Elmo Higginson, Eliza two on that saved the day for the ton. amination for a first class seaman. home in Nyssa for a buffet supper. Paul Cox. beth Ann Jones and LaVem Lath Idaho team. Vale comes here Sun He is the only one from his ship to Those attending the wedding were am. Mrs. Herbert Fisher enter- day to meet the locals and Indica Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Henley motored pass this year. He is on the battle Mrs. Pashley, and her sister, Mrs. Mrs. Les Ernest and Miss Georgia tions are that the locals will have to to Boise Tuesday evening on busi (Continued on page 6) ship Golden Star and is in Asiatic Elizabeth Turner of Victoria, B. C.; Dennis attended the Apple Blos be playing their best If they hope ness. waters with headquarters at Guam. Mrs. Rena Rambaud and Mr. Green. som Festival Monday. to win. Nyssa defeated Vale In a Kenneth is the son of Mr. and Mrs. The bride ls the daughter of Mrs. practice game 8 to 0 but Vale’s line NOTICE TO CANDIDATES H. D. Williams of the Kolony and is Margaret Pashley and a popular up Included several who were not OWYHEE DAM POPULAR PLACE (Please phone Journal to have your Mrs. Geo. Henley entertained a a graduate of the Nyssa high school. member of the younger set. She was date In this column) AND CORRESPONDENTS regulars. foursome of bridge Wednesday a junior in the Nyssa high school. Tonight- Work at gym afternoon. Mrs. Dewey Ray enter The groom is the son of Mr. and As usual the Owyhee dam was the HIGH SCHOOL WINS tained another foursome at her Friday and Saturday—Owyhee Mrs. James Newby of St.’ Anthony Next Friday, May 15th ls TWO FROM HARPER mecca of many picnickers and sight Canyon Days. and is employed by Mr. John Klug home Tuesday afternoon. election day and many can seeing parties Sunday. Among those Sunday-G olf tournament with on the construction work. didates will no doubt want to The local high school ball team visiting the dam Sunday were Mr. Parma here. Dr. E. D. Norcott attended a give a last message to the and Mrs. Earl Harman and Jean. won two games with Harper the past Mr. and Mrs. Newby have made denta] meeting in Ontario Tuesday Haile Selassie being fixed up for Sunday—Vale vs. Nyssa here. public before they go to the week. Friday the Harper team came Mr. and Mrs. Dick Adams, Mr. and Payette parade by Roy Pounds and various short motor trips to nearby polls. For this reason the Sunday evening—Mother’s Day Hollingsworth and to Nyssa and were turned back 9 to Mrs. Ralph A deal has been completed where Don Todd . . . Neat signs appearing towns during the week, and also Journal expects to come out Program at Church. children of Homedale and Mr. and plan a trip to Mr. Newby's home In 1 and Tuesday the locals went to by F. B. Halverson has bought the on Thompson Oil Company building a few hours early In order that Tuesday Townsend speaker here. Harper, where they again won, the Mrs W F. McLlng of Emmett, who A. V. Cook house In Nyssa. making . . . Picture gallery established in St. Anthony. The Journal may go on the made up a party. The Malcolm score this time being 8 o 1. Wednesday Beet growers meeting as part payment a house In Vale tent on Main St. . .. Serivce stations routes Thursday Instead of The team will go to Vale tomorrow Crawfords and the Elmo Hlgglnsons Mr. Cook has purchased the Foster worried about "gas savers" being put Wednesday—Eagles Charity dance Friday. For this reason we made up another party. Miss Eva for a game, which will close the Friends of Mrs. BUI Olenn are house and will move into It In the on cars . . . Glass being set In new May 15- -Primary Election. would appreciate It If all Boydell accompanied the J. J. Sar present season. Boise Payette office .. Jess Thomp glad that she was able to return to near future. correspondents would make May 15—Senior Class Play. azin family. The Aden Wilsons. son telling about snow storm he ran her home In Oregon Trail after an effort to get their material Lester Crocker, son of Mr. and Nick Rudlicks and Klaus Tensen* May 17—Baccalaureate Sermon. A group of truckers and fanners Into . . . Candidates busy as election having spent several months In On In earlier and all candidates Mrs E. E. Crocker has been quite 111 were another group to see the sights tario receiving medical care. She met Wednesday evening the city May 21 —Commencement. day draws near . . . Eagles planning arrange to have their copy In with scarlet fever. The family lives at the dam. The Arthur Boydell* ls reported to be very much Improv hall to discuss rates for hauling charity dance for the 13th. May 22—End of School. our hands by Tuesday. on some of the new land of the and Wm Schlreman« also made the ed. although still confined to her beets to be presented at the truckers trip to the dam Sunday. Owyhee project. meeting In Ontario this week end. bed. Class Roll BEET GROWERS 10 MEET WEDNESDAY 40 Acres New î Land Cleared Seeded 8 Days TWO PROGRAMS HEED MUSIC WEEK EAGLES ELECT NEW OFFICERS MOTHERS’ DAY SENIORS TO GIVE PLAY NEXT FRIDAY NYSSA LOSES 10 ONTARIO HITTERS P a s h le y -N e w b y EVENT CALENDAR ’ROUND TOWN • I llllllllllllllll. II /