G ATE C IT Y JO U RNAL, TH U R SD AY, A P R IL 30, 1936. ROCKVILLE NEWS Felton Duncan ot Nyssa was In Rockville and neighboring com munities Tuesday on business. . Bob McConnell and Miss Opal Ivers made a trip to the lower country Tuesday. The Bud Mattlnglys visited at the Andrew Greeley home Sunday after noon. Jim Bailey called at the Otis Nichols home Sunday. Miss Edna Snyder, Maude Greeley and fam ily motored to Jordan Valley Sunday. Fiank Mullinix and Henry Mas- onholder made a trip to Cow Creek Friday and returned the same day. A Mothers Day picnic and pro gram will be held at Cow Creek on May 1st. All are invited. Frank Baltzor and family were In Rockville Wednesday en route to their home at Jordan. They called on the Roy Strode family while In Rockville. Andrew Cunningham has gone to western Oregon to visit his two small daughters. Mary Strode went to Jordan Sun day. Olen Nichols Is working for Mr. Carter on Cow Creek. Frank Phillips of Nyssa was a business visitor In Rockville and Sheavllle Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Essie Nichols visited Mrs. Nora Wise Thursday afternoon. The Bud Mattinglys visited Mrs. Mattlnglys brother in Parma Fri day and returned the same day. Frank Mullinix and Henry Mas- onholder purchased a Chevrolet coach the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mullinix of Boise were Saturday and Sunday guests at the parental Frank Mul linix home. Mrs. E ffie Frizzell has returned to her home in Emmett after spending a week with her mother, who has been sick. Mrs. Mary Chapman Is with her mother again after a two weeks absence. Miss Bryant, Mrs. Andrew Ma- sonholder and son Henry and Frank Mullinix, the Bud Mattlngleys were among the many folks who at tended the picnic at the Owyhee dam Sunday. SPRUCE UP CARD OF TH AN K S For Spring We wish to thank our friends, neighbors and others who were such a help to us at the time tragedy came Into our home. Let us give your clothes a good cleaning—they will look like new—Bring them in today M. K. Johannessen and family. Subscribe to the Journal, $1.50 a year. Comp in and let us measure you for a K A H N SUIT. Nyssa Tailor Shop USED PARTS —and— Acetylene Welding D. E. M O R G A N , Prop. S W A R M & SONS S -------------------------------- V, ADRIAN NEWS W. C. T. U. PEACE M EETING The W. C. T. U. held a Peace meeting last Tuesday night at the Community Church. Mrs. Floyd White was in charge of the pro gram with the following numbers given. Prayer by Rev. White; duet, Mrs. eJss Spencer and Mrs. J. W. Poage; song; devotionals, Mrs. C. Klinkenberg; Economic Conditions as Cause of War, Rev. White; readings, Mrs. A. V. Pruyn and Mrs. S. B. Davis; benediction. At the close of the program refresh ments were served. On Saturday May 9. the W. C. T. U. will hold a cooked food and apron sale. The place will be an nounced later. OREGON T R A IL Robert Montgomery and Myrna Loy in “ Pctucoac Fever” Quite a number from Oregon Trail attended the celebration at the dam Sunday. Among those who enjoyed the event were Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Adams, Mr. and Mrs. A l fred Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. H. Gardner and family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Hopkins, Annie and Roy Holmes, Carl Ayers and Miss Margaret Polly and Miss Evelyn Rich of Fruitland, Idaho. Mrs. R. W. Holmes is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Toll of Fruitland. Mr. and Mrs. John Bowen and fam ily visited with Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Adams Sunday evening. Peggy Schweizer is working for Mrs. W yatt Smith. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes made a business trip to Ontario and Fruit land Monday. Bill DeGrofft finished planting his 111 acres of sugar beets Tues day. The ways and means committee o f the Oregon Trail P. T. A. are planning an apron drive to raise funds to send two 4-H club members to Corvallis to summer school. Plans are being made for the community picnic the last day of school. At the last P. T. A. meeting the various committees were ap pointed. DREAM LAND in Ontario SUN-MON-TUES., M AY 3, 4, 5, E n g l a n d a* P a r t o f E u r o p e Formerly Pete Dear Wreck ing Business, now located one block west, near high school. BUSINESS England la politically a part of Europe, though when an English man speaks of **the continent of Europe” he Is usually referring to the mainland. AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY f ROBT. D. L Y T L E ATTO RNEY And C O U N SE LO R-A T-LA W First National Bank Bulldtiig Phone 66 vale O r e g o n f y jW \drufUme. un J li You will find us always ready to give you cheer ful, snappy service— Winter is over and now is J. S. C O OPER Business Analysis Accounting Auditing Income & Social Security Tax Specialist. Moore Hotel Bldg. Ontario, Ore. Phone 159 B RAIN TEASER FOR PUZZLE FAN HELU IRONSIDE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Dave Laurance and daughter June of Vale were last Sunday visitors at the Elmer Mol- than home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Laurance mot ored to Prairie City last Wednes day where they attended a stock- mens meeting. Mrs. Joe Silvers and children of Vale visited from last Friday until Sunday at the Fred Laurance home. Those from the Eldorado grange who attend’ d Pomona at Vale Sat urday were Carol Locey, Master, and Mrs. Locey, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Worsham of Malheur City, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lofton, Mr. and Mrs. E. Beam and Mrs. Ernest Locey and Gordon Dickson of Ironside. Eugene Pratt and wife members o f Big Bend grange were visitors of Eldorado Grange on last Friday. Tire Gordon Dickson family mot ored to Baker last Tuesday to take their daughter and son In law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Taylor to their home in Halfway after a visit here. The E. J. Beams visited last Tues- day at the home of their son Ralph and family at Unity. Oscar Presley and wife of Jam ieson visited at the home of their son Omer Pr sley last Sunday. Farmers and stockmen are jub ilant over the fine rain which visit ed this section last Thursday. The Jerry Presleys of Brogran were Ironside visitors Tuesday even ing. Mrs. Floyd White and daughter Norma spent last week end with rel atives at Haines and the formers mother Mrs. H. C. Elms who has been in ]>oor health for the past three months and remains at Haines for medical care. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Welsh have been visiting at the Fred Laurance home. The Gordon Dicksons motored to Vale on Friday to take Ella Mae Dickson and Ida Jones the winners here to the final spelling contest in Vale. Murray Morton, county assessor was In Adrian on business Thurs day. Mrs. Ted Newton and Mrs. Oerrlt Muntjewerff were Ontario visitors Friday. D. T. Holly and R. R. Overstreet were In Ontario on business Friday. Idado Power company had two men out here looking for line Inter ference which has been causing much trouble to radio listeners. Thursday. They located the noise In a transformer here in town. J. E. Holly and son William and A. C. Holly spent most of last week on their mining claims on Willow Creek, above Brogan. C. C. Hockley, state P.W.A. ad ministrator from Portland was here on business Saturday. The school district recently received a P. W. A. allotment from the government for the construction of a schoolhouse here In Adrian. Henry Home, contractor, who was awarded the bid, plans to start in the near future on the construction of the building. Mrs. J. E. Holly and Mrs. H. R Otis attended a meeting of the Kingman Kolony Book Club held In Ontario Saturday. Baseball enthusiastes are urged to help out the team by attending the benefit dance for the Adrian team, to be given at the Big Bend park on Friday night. May 7. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Ashcraft were Emmett visitors Sunday. Adrian Boy Scouts are planning a campfire meeting on Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Holly were in Vale and Ontario Tuesday. AUTO Here Is a little exercise in arithmetic for you to figure out. I f you know of any puz zles that can be printed, send them to the Journal so wz can all share In the fun. Here is the puzzle. What year did you quit school? ............................. Hew many years ago was that? ..........:.................. What year were you iM n ? ............................... How old are you this year? ............................... 3872 I f the answer Isn’t exactly 3872, It shouldn't be off more than one. E f f e c t * o f N e w Ideas New conditions are ever callln. forth new Ideas, and truths uiuy be come untrue. COUNTY P. T. A. EXECUTIVE BOARD TO MEET M AY 2 The county P. T. A. executive board will m;et Saturday May 2 at .he Ontario high schol at 2 o'clock Albert B Hopkins, county publicity -haltman, announed today. Mrs. M. M. Greeling, county piesident. Is anxious to have all members present as several Import ant Items will be discussed and pass'd upon. Lemons for Rheumatism Bring Joyous Relief Want to be rid o f rheumatisim or neuritis pain? W ant to feel good, years younger and enjoy life again? Well, just try this inexpensive and effective lemon juice mixture. Get a pack age o f the R EV PRE SC RIPTIO N. Dissolve it at home in a quart of water, add the juice cf4 lemons. A few cents a day is all it costs. U you’ re not free from pain and feeling better within tw o weeks you can get your money back. For sale, recommended and guaranteed by all leading druggists. A ny druggist will get •he R EV P R E S C R IPT IO N fo r v n » FOR SALE A T NYSSA PH ARM ACY The Two Leading REFRIGERATORS . . . GRUNOW an d KELVINATOR R E PA IR IN G Leading the field because they are: W ELDING — GREASING B E A U TIFU L— ECONOM ICAL— QUIET CONVENIENT— SAFE— Carry a FIVE Y E A R protection plan— Are sold at LO W PRICES on CONVENIENT TERMS. W e Can Fix Your GENERATOR STAR TE R BODY AND FENDERS GENERAL R E PA IR IN G Shield Gas and Oil — See Them A T — O R E G O N T R A IL GARAGE Nordale Furniture Store Ben Lamb, Prop. NYSSA Next to wrecking house OREGON CHEVROLET a good time to change to summer oil and grease New Comfort for Those W ho W ear False Teeth — May we serve you? POWELL’S SERVICE STATION “ Oldest IndependenCStation In Nyssa” Open Day and Night Standard Products Plymouth Cars Anna B. Pritchett No longer need you feel uncom fortable wearing false teeth. Fas- teeth, a greatly improved powder sprinkled on your plates holds them tight and comfortable. No gummy, pasty taste or feeling . Deodorizes. Get Fasteeth at The Nyssa Phar macy or your druggist. Three sizes. —Advertisement. D. O. N o R e l i fi o u . Test Required The Inst clause of Article VI of the Constitution of the United States explicitly declares that "no rellglout test shall ever he required as a q tin 1 mention to any oillce or public trust under the United States.” O STE O PATH Y —And— E LE C TR O TH ER A PY PHONE 201 VALE - - - OREGON Have DRIVE IT ! and drive h om e to yourself this truth: I t 's F I R S T in its field because it's ovdfy com fldetfe ¿ o w -jtrice d Ample Guarantee Work W YCKOFF J E W E L R Y STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific Ontario Oregon O PT O M E TR IST Resources (Doubta-Acfino. Self-Articulating) the t a f » it a n d sm oothest ever developed and Banking facilities to accomodate our customers the smoothed, safest rid e o f a ll Drink S H E L T O N ’S for Energy! ----•§• + ---- Doctors a free that only in milk can be found cer tain energizing: element» which are e*»ential to the well-being: of individual» in every walk» of life. Drink a quart each day! BANK OF MALHEUR VALE, OREGON O N TA R IO OREGON For the Milk Purer In Quality, Call D. E. M ASTER SO N , Cashier Shelton / Dairy I N N E W T U N M E T T O P N O D VES the m ost b e a u tifu l a n d co m fo rta b le bodies ever c re a te d fo r o lo w -p riced ca r B ° TBANSfONEAnoM the new 1936 (Chevrolet is the only complete low-priced car! New P erfected H y d ra u lic g iv in g e ve n b e tte r p e rfo rm a n ce with even le u g e t a n d o il SOLID STEEL on*-pUc« TURRET TOP B o d y m ake it the safest ear bu ilt. a crow n o f b ea u ty, a fo rtre ss o f safe#* Its Im pro ved G lid in g K n ee-A ction G en u in e Kisher No D r a ft V entilation an d S h o ck p ro o f S teer in g * give unm atch ed com fort. A n d its H ig h -C o m p re s s ion V a lv e - SHOCKPROOF STEERING* m a kin g d riv in g e a s ie r a n d sa fe r than e v e r b e fo re ALL THESE FEATURES AT CHEVROLET'S LOW PRICES in -lle a d K n gin e— the sam e typ e o f engine that is em p loy ed hi w o rld - cham pion GENERAL MOTORS INSTALLMENT P L A N - MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT TOUR PURSE HIGH-COMPRESSION VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE B rakes and Solid Steel T u rre t T o p B id e * , GENUINE riSHER NO DRAFT VENTILATION drivina is knowina that TO* ECONOMICAL Its IMPROVED GLIDING KNEE-ACTION RIDE* “ See McFall and See Better” DR. J. A. M cF A L L Eyesight Specialist Seeing is believing an d NEW PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES co S l p o w er bo ats, airplanes and racin g cats— provid es com bined |M>wer an d econom y w ithout equ al. D riv e the new 1936 C h e v .o le ; today! <.HEVBoi.rr Mi-rout oo.. a a ra o rr. ’495 AND UP. l u i e ri** • / V m S#o n J t u d i c u p a a l F lin t, Michigan. W ith bum prrt, tpara tir* mui tira lock. thè l i » t prue l i 920 addi- fumai "Knva-Action nn M ailer M otivi» oniy, 920 otitiiliontii. P rie *s qutMvd in th ii odiar- tuvmvnl ara tilt al f l i n t . Michigan, and suhjeti ta changa withoul natica. A Cvnarai M otori tatua. mich . Cables Chevrolet Co. Phone 62 Ontario, Oregon