Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1936)
GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1936 N o tic e T o L iv e sto c k M en The County Court would like to meet with the Livestock men of the County in the Courthouse at Vale, at 10 a. m., on Wednesday morning, April 22nd, 1936, to consider with them, the subject of a Policy which should be followed by the County in the matter of the Sale of Range lands, owned or to be owned by the county, as the result of Tax Foreclosures. The meeting should be an important one and the Court would like as large an attendance as pos sible. rJoolmah/ of CliahadeA/ It doesn't take a lot of adjectives to . describe the beauty of this style by the S t « Brand Shoemakers, nor is it necessary to tell you o l its perfect fil and fine quality. Just slip a pair 61 them on and let your feet decide. Stop m tomorrow CAUL Delbert Taylor arrived Monday morning from Salt Lake. He will be employed at the Thompson Oil Jackie, small son of Mr and Mrs company. Mrs. Taylor and son will Tom Newby of Homedale, and come later. grandson of Mrs. Lillian Newby, cut the end of this thumb quite badly Sunday while playing with a sharp --- ♦ I axe. Mrs. Newby brought him to Nyssa Tuesday for treatment and while here attended the Wilson re cital. TO YOUR GUEST CUTS THUMB The Sumner Jones family enter tained the Wm. Duffy family for dinner Easter. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Sherwood called on John Reece at the On tario hospital Sunday. Dick iDadi Holmes has been con fined to his home since Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Henley were by illness. Mrs. Jean Burrelle, candidate for »he Republican nomination for Boise visitors Monday. Miss Thelma Cook spent the week assessor, was in Nyssa Wednesday. end at the parental A. V. Cook Eph Frost spent Sunday In Nampa Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Sarazin and visiting with hks brother O. M home. children enjoyed a picnic Sunday Frost. G. E. Bertsch came in from the on Jump Creek. CCC camp to spend Easter at his Mr. and Mrs. Thos. B. Nordale home. Mrs. Dick Tensen and her mother spent Easter with the Roy Sterling Chas. Howell, who is seeking the Mrs. Betty LaFrenz and Mrs. Prank j family In Payette. Republican nomination for county Morgan and son Ted were Boise The John Lewellen family of clerk, was in Nyssa Wednesday. visitors Tuesday. Bonita visited at the parental C. David Austin motored to Baker Mrs. Arthur Chapman has been Klinkenberg home Monday evening. Monday in company with a party of spending some time in Rockville The Barney Wilson family pic friends from Ontario. with her mother, Mrs. Bud Matt nicked at the Julia Davis park at ingly. who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boor and son Boise Sunday. Bill spent Easter Sunday In Home- Mr. and Mrs. Blair Johnson spent Miss Tlllie Truelson from Seaside, dale at the Earl Boor home. Easter with the P. S. Pride family in Kuna. They also enjoyed a drive to Oregon, is visiting with her aunt The Prawitz family motored to and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Swan Palls. Huntington Sunday and returned Truelson of the Owyee. late Sunday night. Harold Snell, Rubye Lou Hemen- Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thompson way and Beatrice Marshall came moved their trailor house to Ontario down from Boise to attend the fight last Thursday so they would be lawn Saturday. Ice cream was serv card here '’’hursday night. closer to Mr. Thomiison's work. ed during the afternoon. Mr. H. Dick, who has been taking Theron Beers, of Ontario, Repub treatments at the Ontario hospital lican candidate for county judge, expects to be able to return home was a caller in Nyssa Wednesday this week. evening. Busekrus at Kansas City, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Garrison and Mrs. J. B. Smith returned to her home in Oregon Trail last Thursday daughter Jo Anne spent Sunday at after spending several days with the parental Ed DuPre home near her brother Emil Dean and tamily Ontario. camp on Easter. at Emmett. M Vr, M irg av t Pinfcerton spent Little Evelyn Long has been quite the Easter week end at the parental ill the past week wiHh scarlet fever N. H. Pinkerton home. She returned Bob Jackson returned Tuesday to the College of Idaho at Caldwell of Mr. and Mrs. A. Chadwick. from Portland where he spent the Monday. spring vacation with friends. Mrs. Weddle, mother of M rs Earl Danley, came from Coquille last Mr. and Mss. Dick Adams, Mr week and Is visiting the Danleys and and Mrs. Farnham Sills and Mr. helping care for Edward Danley, started in the first year. and Mrs. Herbert Snyder of Boise who is still quite 111 at the Ontario were among the many visitors at hospital. Owyhee dam Sunday. Mrs. George Henly had as her Mrs. Geo. McKee called on Mrs. guests Wednesday, Mrs. Barr Doo of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bililngsley. Bill Glenn in Ontario Thursday. little, Mrs. George Stacey and Mrs. She reports that Mrs. Glenn is still Adler. The party motored to On confined to her bed, but is some tario to attend the Cooking school what improved and may be able to and were also guests of Mrs. Henly mett. return home next month. for luncheon at the Moore hotel. s A. Chadwick has been bus Mrs. Hazel D. Gildea, who has week painting his new service stat- Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Long and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Thompson were dinner been suffering from chronic bron guests Easter of Mr. and Mrs. Her- chitis for the past five months has schel Thompson in Ontario. While been severely ill the past 10 days in green. there Mrs. Long and Mrs Thompson with an infected throat and this week had a relapse, but Is slowly called on Mrs. Robert Martin. improving. Shop, 8c a yard. Let A. V. Pruyn help you in your house cleaning. Painting, kalsomin- lng and paper hanging. 4-9-2tc , A Courtesy Mrs. Ted Newell and daughter re turned home after an extended visit at Mrs. Newell's former home In Washington. (IAH BRAND SH O i W ilso n Drygoods NYSSA OREGON SPECIALS For Friday, April 17 and Saturday, April 18 Tall cans, Pink 1 lb. can each Salmon Catsup Coffee large size bottles Overbrook, Vac uum packed, 1 lb. cans 10c 10c 21c Puffed W h eat Quaker> 3 for 25c Beans Salk Syrup Red Mexicans 4 lbs. 14c Iodized, 2 pkgs. 15c Log Cabin, Medium size, ea. 39c Shorten ¡ng Onions Lemons lib . pkg. Bermuda, Fancy 3 lbs. 300 size, Sunkist Dozen 12c 19c 33c All Vegetable# are kept ice cold in our Vegetable Display Green Onions, (1 bunches Radishes, 3 bunches .................. Rhubarb, Fancy Hothouse, 3 lbs. Lettuce, Large crisp heads, 2 for 10c 10c 20c 15c SEE AD IN STATESMAN, FOR REGULAR GROCERY AD. W ilson G rocery A Dependable Food Store NYSSA OREGON Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mc Clure on Easter were the C. O. Mc Clure family, O. Latture family and Mias Dorothy Babcock all of Cald well and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mc Clure and daughter Joy of Nyssa. Trade at Hom e Every dollar you spend at Home helps your local M erchant build a community th at in turn in creases the value of your own property. Boost Nyssa, by trading at home, is to your advan- tage. it F r id a y a n d S a tu r d a y Sugar “ Relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs H. B. Williams who spent Easter Sunday at the Owyhee dam were Mrs. Williams parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Johnson and son Leo; Mr and Mrs. Oeo. 8. Johnson and fam ily; Mr. and Mrs Earl Johnson and family, all of Huston: Mr and Mrs J. D. Allen and family of Nampa and Mr and Mrs Leslie Crandall and family of Nampa. Quite a large crowd of Nyssa folks made up a party enjoying a picnic it Owylvee dam Sunday. Among them were the Hugh Olasgow fam ily. Mrs. Pearl Price, Mrs Jess Mel ton. Mr and Mrs. Elwood lan k - ford, Miss Stella Day of Nampa. Miss Vivian Smith, Roy Bames. Hampton Claunch and Miss Myrtle Booth. 40 c Porkand Beans 25c ki 11L IK BrOOmS Van Camps, 6 for Salted Sodas, 35c Carnation, 10 cans 59c 1« bulk, regular 25c special. Lb. 17c Swifts Silver Leaf, 4 lbs. 49c Special, Each 35c M eats o f Qu<ality « o « * 0“ !.. Mrs. Joint Ray, Sr., entertained with a family dinner on Sunday. Those present were the Harley Div- ett family of Caldwell, Harry Gosh- ert family of Emmett, and the Dwight Smith, Artie Robertson. John Ray and George Ray families of Nyssa. Mr and Mrs Harvey Bennett and little daughter of Adrian. Mr. and Mrs. C. Kneifel and son Robert of Parma. Mr. and Mrs. C. Council man and two daughters of Roswell and Miss Johnson of Portland help- brate their birthdays at the home of ed Robert and Fred Marshall cele- t)he latter on Easter. Gallon Fruits 1 !.a _ _ TO J Mr and Mi’s. Jess Thompson and son Bob and Evelyn Lackey made a trip to Portland Sunday, Bob re maining to bring home a new truck for the Thompson Oil Company while the balance of the party re turned home Tuesday. $1.33 In glass jars, 1 lb. Tee Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Snyder came down from Boise to spend the day with the Farnham Sills family Mrs. Sills accompanied them home Sunday evening and returned to Nyssa Monday evening. A1 Thompson went to - Ontario Tuesday and took John Reece on an Inspection trip of his farms. Mr Reece, who has been confined to the hospital for some time with a brok en leg, is recovering rapidly, but will probably 'have to be there for two more weeks. y0n* 25c Peanut B u tte r24 oz jar 25C Pini i r 49 Family Patent riour lb. bag & 99c 1X11 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Francis a r rived Friday from De|>oe Bay to make their annual visit in Nyssa and to look after property here They are staying at the Chas. Mc Connell home. tioned in the columns of this newspaper. The nicest court esy is to show your friends is to let them learn of your visit through this newspaper when you go away. Even we will consider it a courtesy when ever you give us an Item of any kind. Mail them to us or call us by phone. Telephone 19 The Gate City Journal. P. J. White of Portland arrived here Monday and is helping at the Nyssa branch of the First National Bank while Mr. Mitchell Is in Jor dan Valley this week on a business trip. f*,. -_L_ trackers Iß ijouke A ajfi^e/tatoï-w iàe — ijOutJl h e n ic e s t c o u r t e s y Mrs. Jess Melton arrived in Nyssa last Tuesday from Rawlins, Wyo. Mr. Melton is expected to arrive this week. Mrs. Melton is staying with her mother Mrs. Claunch. r Coffee Oi T you can show your guests is to have their visits men Y e a r a ft» year those who are “ in the know " look to Norge for newest development« in refrigeration. Today we offer yon w hat is, by a wide margin, the greatest Norge of all time. One look will convince yon th at no more beautiful refrigerator has ever been built. Closer inspection w ill reveal many cxduai ve qual ity features—practical features that save time and w ork, add materially to Norge conven ience, cleanliness, efficiency. Actual testimony from own ers proves that Norge effects sav ings np to $11 a month. And we can show you how the 1936 Norge is even sasrv economical than previous models which effected those savings. Before you face another sum mer, be sure you have safe pro tection for your foods. Shop if you like—compare values. But, by all means, see the Norge be fore you buy. A FEW OF MANY NORQE FEATURE S.— Sliding U tility Basket • Combination Bottle ami Dairy Back • Adjustable Sbolf e Odor- Proof Door on let Compart ment • Automatic Flood Light Clostly Spacid Shelf Bars Im proved LaZflatcb o A ll Screw Heads Concealed • Improved Rol lator Mechanism. • thc • Pound Veal Steak Pound Veal Roast p °und Picnic HamS 19c 17V2C 12V2C Pound 20c Ring Bologna Ea<* 10c Cottage Cheese 13c Veal Stew B e e f Stew p i”t 6c p °und p°und 8c Round Steak Pound 20c aocL sroa e o i t a a i s t o a .. smooth, e o n rolling p o u o r h t t t e e j o f h u r r ie d heck • em i ■ forth « S h e R em it — more void for the cerrreut uteri. O nb S erge h ot the RoOeter. NORGE rxJcrxxfJiraZLon u. •. r*r. «r?, (/ ' Eder Hardware Co. Nyssa Swiss Steak Adrian WE DELIVER PHONE 3 H A L V E R S O N ’S PURE FO O D STO R E NYSSA : : : : OREGON