Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1936)
HIGH SCHOOL JOURNAL APRIL 16, 1936 VOLUME 1. NO. 28. Ylooking. It's a secret, but there Is SOPHOMORE STAFF going on among Seniors Editor ............ ......... Russell Patton a and buzz we think they are planning Class News .......... Luclle Thrasher their Sneak Day. They are also Bessie Ashby waiting patiently, lor the banquet G.A.A. News ................. Viola Pullen The Freshmen will give the Boy’s Athletics ............. Bill Kurtz dance after the Junior-Senior ban Jack McKee quet and we sincerely hope it will Jokes ......................Ellen McConnell be the biggest and best dance of Ted Morgan the year. Around School........Betty McHargue Gerald Rust is working at the Society ........................ Irene Poage Russell Patton ranch. Marzene Hollenberg —NHS - Miss Margaret Young is ill and was unable to return to school EDITORIAL from her vacation spent in Mad It won’t be long until we’ll be ras. Mrs. Dick Young is taking her swimming, and sleeping most of the classes. time and we’ll forget all about Miss Eva Boydell spent part of school. But now. everyone is an her vacation in Boise and Moun xious for the end to come. We all have our idea that, that exception tain Home. ally nice spring vacation had Mrs. Shoemaker stayed at Elgin something to do with it. where the Shoemaker's spent their We have quite a lot of things to spring vacation. She is remaining do yet as in English you must to help care for Mr. Shoemaker’s have the required number of book mother who is ill. reports before you get your credit; iMss Rettie reports a nice vaca In biology the Sophomores are re quired to have in a collection of tion spent in Portland. some sort for the year. English III Mr. Hollenberg enjoyed the vaca students are required to make a tion and the Inland Teachers note book of "The History of Am meetin gat Spokane. erican Literature.’ The public —NHS— shaking class is going to give sev eral one act plays. The Health Ed AROUND SCHOOL class is going to spend two weeks on We all pity Larry because he is First Aid. There is plenty of work for so young and inexperienced to be everyone from now on so we had the victim of a threat—Warren likes better get busy. Just five more his golf about as well as Popeye weeks, let's make the most of likes his spinach. The Juniors are rushing around all the time now them. preparing for the Junior-Senior NHS banquet. Tire Sophomore girls who are planning to serve are trying CLASS NEWS hard to find white slacks to wear. The Seniors have received the Nellie Jean missed the bus Tuesday proofs of their pictures. There were morning; she had to walk back some disappointments while others home and drive the “Ole Lizz" to didn't know they were so good school. GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1936 BIG BEND NEWS Dean Rhea of Boise will be the main speaker at the County Council P. T. A. held at Wade schoolhouse April 18 to which all are cordial in vited. Gilbert Place of Long Beach, California, arrived Saturday for a visit with his relatives, the B. G. Roberts family. The E. E. Parker. Elmer Parker and LaRue families enjoyed a pic nic dinner Easter Sunday at the park. Mrs. N. S. Phelan was called to Caldwell Sunday by Che death of her brother, Clarence Taylor, whose funeral was held from the Pres byterian church Wednesday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Miller and family enjoyed their Easter din ner at Nampa, and also attended j rived on the Portland Rose Sunday j for a visit with hei famly. On Mon- the show afterwards. The Ferguson children of Apple | day John Samer entered a Boise Valley are staying with their grand hospital for treatment. parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Hatch, A large crowd gathered at Wade while their moBher is in Caldwell schoolhouse Tuesday evening and with her husband, Tom Ferguson, enjoyed the program who is in the sanitarium suffering thoroughly by the Lions Club of from bums received when a gasoline presented Parma and the young people from can exploded. of Idaho under the spon Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eachus and College of Miss Louise Blackwell family visited their little daughter sorship Big Bend grange served a lunch at Dolores, who is staying in Boise the close of the meeting. while receiving treatments for Mr. and Mrs. Rester and family asOhma Saturday. Mr.- and- Mrs. Bob Peck and little of Emmett were Easter guests of son of Arrowrock were Easter their parents Mr. and Mrs. Thom ason. guests in the C. E. Peck home. Mrs. B. G. Roberts, Mrs. Clyde Frank Lynch went to Pendleton Riggs and children, Mrs. Dyre Rob erts and baby and Gilbert Place where he has work shearing sheep. spent Wednesday visiting in the Eldon Johnson returned to his Wesley Roberts home in Ontario. home in Burns after a few weeks Miss Mary Samer of Portland ar- visit at the Warren McHargue home Journal Political Announcements FRED J. CLEMO FOR COUNTY JUDGE— I hereby announce my candidacy for the Democratic nomination as County Judge of Malheur county, subject to the will of the voters in the primary election. May 15th. I pledge courteous treatment to all, and special favors to none. I promise an economical and business like ad ministration of the duties of the of fice. I pledge to serve all the people. Political Advertisement paid for by Fred J. Clemo of Ontario, Oregon. CCC Boys At Beulah Camp Developing Range Resources D. C. DEMING For State Senator ¡EUGENE PRATT FOR STATE SENATOR— I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination cn the Repub 1- I can ticket for the office of State Senator from the 22nd District, com prising the counties of Malheur, Harney and Grant. Your support at the polls would be appreciated. (Political advertising paid for by Eugene Pratt, Nyssa, Oregon.) For Superintendent FOR COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT Mrs* E. M. Crail Chas. E. Howell I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination as County Clerk, subject to the will of the Republi can voters at the Primary Election, May 15th. If nominated and elected, I promise a sober. Industrious and honest administration. Political advertisement paid for by Charles E. Howell, Vale, Oregon. For County Judge J. D. FAIRMAN FOR COUNTY JUDGE— I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Judge on the Republican ticket, subject to the will of the voters at the Primary Election, May 15, 1936. PAST MASTER POMONA GRANGE Political advertisement paid for by Soliciting your support for the J. D. Fairman, Ontario, Oregon. Republican nomination for COUNTY JUDGE DAVID F. GRAHAM Pledged to a courteous, efficient and FOR COUNTY JUDGE— impartial business management of your county affairs. (Political Ad Herewith I beg to advise you I shall vertising paid for by D. C. Deming, be a candidate for the nomination With camp site construction work Vale, NEWS OF RECORD completed, Oregon) to the office of County Judge on SCS company 2505, Real Estate Transfers Recorded your ticket at the Primaries to be Civilian Conservation Corps, boys held May 15, 1936; and that I will For Commissioner near Beulah, Oregon, were con Wilson A. Woods et ux to Simon appreciate your support, very much. centrating on development of Servatis, Jr„ All section 34, 15, 42. Political advertisement paid for by springs, wells and small reservoirs L. P. PETE” PETERSON 3, 31, 36. $150. David F. Graham, Vale, Oregon. Charles H. Spicer et ux to Fran in the range area as the observance FOR COMMISSIONER— cis M. Dishion, Lots 54, 55, 73, 74, of the third anniversary of CCC was I hereby announce my candidacy and 5 to 12 inc., Blk 18 Townsite of held at the camp March 31. Work for nomination for county commis For Assessor on spring development, an import sioner, subject to the will of the Annex, 9, 11, 33. $425. ant part of the range program, was Coast Land Co. Ltd. to Mrs. Repulican voters at the Primary Maud Elizabeth Martin, N'aSW 'i- well under way, two having been Election, May 15, 1936. My slogan MURRAY MORTON already completed. SE'4 Sec. 27, 31, 41, cont. 20 acres. is “Justice to All.” Your support FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR— These springs are expected to help will 6, 18, 35. $10. be greatly appreciated. hereby announce my candidacy T. W. Ware et ux to L. F. Hucker gain a uniform distribution of stock Pollcital advertisement paid for by for I the of Assessor of Malheur Lot 1, Blk 5, Harper, 3, 5, 36. $50. to be pastured without overgrazing. L. P. “Pete” Peterson, Vale, Oregon. County, office subject to the will of the Mrs. Sarah A. Welch to L. F. To further develop the range pro voters at the Democratic Primary Hucker, Lot 7, Blk 5, Harper 3, 5, 36. gram, salting grounds and stock W. S. SKINNER election, May 15th, 1936. Your vote driveways are to be marked. $350. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER— will be appreciated. Ada M. Sheffield et al to Frank Following receipt of approximately hereby announce my candidacy Political T. Morgan, NE'4 Sec 19, 19, 47, to two tons of various grass seeds to be for I the advertisement paid for by Republican nomination as Murray Morton, gether with 78 shares of stock in used on demonstrational plots and County Commissioner, Ontario, Oregon. subject to the Owyhee Ditch Co. 2, 10, 36. $10,- other small acreages, work has been the will of the voters at the Primary starting on one of this area's 000 . May 15th. Your support HARRY LOONEY C. W. Glenn, Sheriff to Lotta E. ranches. Various experimental plots election, Phillips. South 65 feet of Lot 6, Blk are being seeded in order to demon will be appreciated. FOR ASSESSOR— strate practicability of erosion con Political advertisement paid for by I hereby announce my candidacy 12, Nyssa. 4, 14 ,34. $53.75. Miles H. Rogers et ux to Harvey trol to other ranchers in the dis W. S. Skinner, Jordan Valley, Ore. for the office of County Assessor for Sample et ux, Blks. 29 and 30, trict. Malheur County subject to the will G. FRIZZELL Second Survey of Townsite of An Company 2505, comprised mostly I. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER— of the Democratic voters at the Pri of boys from Kentucky, was formed I hereby nex, 10, 9, 35. $1. announce my candidacy mary Election to be held May 15th, N. E. Hasson to Charles G. Has in September, 1935. The first month the Republican nomination as 1936. son. Lots 1 and 2, Blk 11. Ontario was spent at the SCS camp at for Commissioner, subject to the Political advertisement paid for by Gardena, Idaho, the boys being County 3, 21, 36. $10. will of the voters at the Primary Harry Looney, Big Bend. C. W. Glenn. Sheriff to Kingman engaged in fire prevention and road election Colony Irrigation Co., Lot 1 and & maintenance work. The company preciated. Your support will be ap ROBERT R. OVERSTREET E 'i of Lot 2, Sec. 1-21-46, together was moved to Beulah by trucks with 60 *4 shares stock in Kingman October 17, 1935, here they im Political Advertisement paid for by FOR ASSESSOR— Colony Irrigation Co. 3-30-36. $481. mediately began construction of SCS I. G. Frizzell of Vale, Oregon. I wish to announce that I intend buildings and cleaning up the camp E. II. BRUMBACII 63. to be a candidate for the office of W J. Winslow et ux to Will Haw area. This work was completed in FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER—. Assessor in the coming Republican thorne, S'-jNW'i Sec. 35, 16, 43. 4, the short space of two weeks. Primary Election and respectfully I wish to announce that I will be Working in cooperation with the 2, 36. $1600. you to consider my candidacy. Inga H. Arneson et vir to the Bureau of Reclamation during the a candidate for the Democratic wish I have been a taxpayer in Malheur nomination as County Commissioner United State of America, Right of winter, the Kentuckians busied county for 31 years, and am fam way, cont. 17.25 acres, situated in themselves clearing 276 acres of at the Primary Election May 15th. I iliar with the duties and obligations the NEVlt NW’4, SE14, Sec. 9, 18, 46 willows from the Agency Valley would appreciate your support at of assessor. Reservoir. This was necessary to the polls. 3, 12, 36, $177.50. advertisement paid for by Ann T. McGlvem et al to J. H. prevent clogging of gates and valves Political advertising paid for by E. Political Robert R. Overstreet, Nyssa, Oregon. Hinton, All that portion of N'iNW 'i by willows which, after being under H. Brumbach, Parma, Route 3. and SW'iNW%, Sec. 23, 21, 46, water for a .short time, release their JOHN E. BENNETT lying south of right of way for high footing and float away with the A. V. COOK FOR ASSESSOR— FOR SHERIFF— way purposes, extending from Snake current. to announce my candidacy River bridge and north of Junction November marked the beginning I wish to announce that I will be for I wish the office of assessor for the of said right of way with the right of construction of a 5*4 mile tele a candidate for the Republican County of Malheur, State of Ore of way of Nyssa-Jordan Valley high phone line between the enrollees’ nomination as sheriff at the Primary gon, subject to the will of the vot way, and lying east of tire right of camp and Beulah. In order to secure Election, May 15th. Your support ers of the Republican party at the way of Nyssa-Jordan Valley high telephone poles for the new line, will be appreciated. primary election to be held May 15, way and lying west of high water eight miles of old road, leading past Political advertising paid for by A. 1936. line on West bank of Snake River. Castel Rock into the timber, was V. Cook, Nyssa, Oregon. Political advertisement paid for by Also all that portion of SE'.NEV« prepared. Telephone line construc John E. Bennett, Vale, Ore. and NEV4SE>4 Sec. 22-21-46, lying tion work was completed during For Representative Erst of west bank of Snake river. December. C. C. COATS 3, 27, 36. $79. CARL H. COAI) FOR ASSESSOR— Luke A. Cornell et ux to Richard JOHN STRINGER FOR REPRESENTATIVE— A Thompson et ux All Sec. 33, 8*4 BUYS 3,00« HEAD OF hereby announce my candidacy For nomination as candidate for for I the and SW'i. Sec. 34, 44, 41, 1. 4, 35. office of County Assesor sub SHEEP FROM BAKER State Representative on the Repub $i250. ject to the will of the Republican lican Ticket. S J. Bean to Martha E. Bean, at the Primary Election to be E'iSEV., SW*/4SE*4. SEV4SWV4; John 8tringer, sheepman of On Political advertisement paid for by voters held May 15th, 1936. Carl H. Coad, Nyssa, Oregon. also strip 12 rods wide off south tario bought some 3,000 sheep last Political advertisement paid for by side of NE’4SW‘4; also strip 15 rods week from the Snake River Sheep V, B. STAPLES C. C. Coats, Vale, Oregon. wide off south side NWV4SE*/4 Sec. company, which is controlled by W. FOR REPRESENTATIVE— 13. 18, 45, cont. 173*4 acres. Lots 3 E. Baker, of Home Oregon. Mr Bak I will be a candidate for nomina JEAN BURRELLE and 4. Blk 25’. Eldredge Addn, Vale. er expects to retire from the sheep tion as State Representative from FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR— 8. 20, 34. Gift Deed. business and devote his entire time Malheur county on the Republican I hereby announce my candidacy Dick Tensen et ux to Town of Ticket at the Primary election, May for the office of Assessor for the Nvssa. Lots 1 and 2, Blk 6. Orig. to orchard interests. 15th. I am willing to stand on my County of Malheur, State of Oregon, Townsite of Nyssa. 3, 9, 36 $100. record in the two hegular sessions subject to the will of the voters of Coast Land Company Ltd. to R. and three special sessions in which the Republican Party at the Pri Marriage Licenses Issued W Cook. N4NW*.NE*i Sec. 3, 32. Election to be held May 15th, Silas Monroe Tapp and Margaret I have represented the county at mary 41, cont. 20 acres. 2, 5, 35. $58. 1936. the state legislature. City of Ontario to Joseph R. Pen- Helen Morgan. 4, 9, 36. gier. Lots 9 and 10. Blk 16. Ontario Chester Arthur Stephens and Political Advertising paid for by V. Political advertisement paid for by B. Staples. Ontario, Oregon. 12. 5. 30. $151 66. Rhoda Melvlna Smith. 4, 9, 36. Jean Burrelle, Vale, Oregon. For County Clerk ROY DALEY FOR COUNTY CLERK— I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Clerk for Malheur county subject to the will of the Republican voters at the Pri mary Election to be held May 15th, 1936. Political advertisement paid for by Roy, Daley, Vale, Oregon. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of school superintend ent of Malheur county, subject to the will of the voters at the Non partisan Primary Election to be held May 15, 1936. Political advertising paid for by Mrs. E. M. Crail, Vale, Oregon. KATHRYN CLAYPOOL FOR SUPERINTENDENT— I hereby announce my candidacy for County School Superintendent, subject to the will of the voters at the Primaries. May 15. This is a Nonpartisan office. If elected, I as sure the people my continued ser vice for our schools. Policital advertising paid for by Kathryn Claypool, Vale, Ore. For Treasurer Get Your SUN HAT —At— JOHNSON VARIETY I wish to announce my candidacy for re-election as County Treasurer, subject to the will of the Republican voters at the Primary election to be held May 15, 1936. MRS. ORA HOPE I herewith announce my candi Political advertisement paid for by dacy for nomination as County Mrs. Ora Hope, Vale, Oregon. Judge, subject to the Democratic —NOW— voters at the Primaries, on May 15, N orth ern m o it P oin t in U. S. 1936. If nominated and elected I will The northernmost point in the | And keep cool during conduct this office in an honest, ef United is the center of j the hot weather. ficient manner, with fairness and Northwest State* Angle Inlet of the Lake courtesy to all who may have oc >f the Woods, Minnesota. casion to call on this office, with special privileges to none, regardless of financial or social standing. I will give all problems earnest and delib erate consideration, with the best interest of Malheur County and its people at heart. Political advertisement paid for by —FOR— Theron R. Beers, Ontario, Oregon. Theron R. Beers A LBER T B. H O PK IN S For Circuit Judge CHARLES W. ELLIS FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE— Having served for some months as Circuit Judge of the Ninth Judicial District by appointment, I hereby announce myself a candidate for such office and solicit the nomina tion for an elective term at the hands of the voters at the Non partisan Judiciary Primary Election to be held May 15th, 1936. Having had a long experence in general practice, plus my experience on the bench since the latter part of 1934, I know I can pledge an administra tion of the office which will be fair, economical, sensible, and humane, in accord with the oath. From 1907 to 1935 my residence was in Harney County, and in 1935 it became Mal heur County, due to the extra term per year there and the larger vol ume of court work in Malheur over that in Grant and Hamey. Charles W. Ellis Ontario, Oregon Political Advertising paid for by Charles W. Ellis of Ontario, Oregon. Save! TIME TROUBLE MONEY How? Simply by treating your car like what it is . . .a deli cate piece of machinery that needs constant care at small cost to keep it running satis factory day after day. Those minor adjustments needed after a long hard win ter cost very little . .. and the insurance of a thorough in spection costs much less than any other form of insurance. Put it in rondition for spring Now! E. W. PRUYN Auto Repairing NYSSA, OREGON C o u n ty Sch o o l Su p e rin te n d e n t A SUBSTANTIAL SCHOOL MAN WHO IS: 1. Honest; energetic; and capable in the performance of school duties. 2. Ever ready to work in co-operation with others for the advancement of the county 3. Open to advice and constructive criticism. 4. Out for the office in a field in which he Is well acquainted. 5. Backed by his school board and supported by his community. EXPERIENCED AND QUALIFIED Vote for Hopkins Springtime is Furniture Time Now is the season of the year when houseclean ing and renovating is in order . . . and now is a good time to buy that furniture you have been needing. For one thing, does the kitchen floor need new linoleum? We have it in a large variety of beautiful patterns and prices start at 55c a yard. A SPRING-FILLED MATTRESS MEANS RESTFUL SLEEP We have sold many spring-filled mattresses, and never had a complaint. You will like yours too and you can have one for $18, or if you want a better one, prices go on up to $32.50. STUDIO COUCHES—Beautiful new models just received, priced from $31.50 and up. . . be sure to see these. Nordale Furniture Store NYSSA : : : : OREGON