Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1936)
GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, APRIL lé, 1936 IRONSIDE NEWS Sunday to move back sdme of Bill Loftons cattle. Ralph Boor and wife, who have spent the winter at Frultland feed ing their cattle, spent several days last week at their home here. Mrs. Lloyd Judy of Unity visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R Lofton several days last week. Raleigh Van Burens are moving to the Chas. Seton place which they have leased. Mr. Seton is moving to New Plymouth. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Van Buren of Baker visited relatives here last week. Raymond Lamberson spent a week visiting his parent at Little Valley. Mrs. Floyd White was hostess to the Ladies Club Wednesday with a large crowd present. It was a business meeting. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Mr. and Mr. Herbert Van Cleave and children spent the week end at the parental E. J. Beam home. On Saturday they all motored to Prairie City and visited at the Walter Lau rence home. Earl Lofton motored to Vale last Wednesday for some saddle horses. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Van Buren returned to their home here after spending the winter in Vale. Mr. and Mrs. Len Birge of the Malheur river visited their daughter Ida Jones at the Fred Laurence home last week end . The zone spelling contest with Mrs. Fred Nightingale in charge will be held here at the school house on April 16th. Miss Adeline Fish, who was oper ated on recently for apirendicitis, returned to her home here last Monday and will soon be able to re sume her school duties at Ontario high. J. L. Lamberson of Little Valley was here last Wednesday for a load of seed grain. Mrs. Bud Sherman is visiting at Robinette with her parents and her two daughters. An Easter picnic was held at the school house Snuday. A small crowd was present but a very enjoyable time was had. A dinned was enjoyed followed by ball games. check for not less than 10 per cent day of March, 1936. BROTHER STRICKEN O. W. GLENN BY HEART ATTACK of the amount of the bid. MARK SKINNER. Superintendent oi Banks of the State of Oregon, in charge of the liquidation of Malheur County Bank, Nyssa, Oregon. 4-9 to 4-23. 2, Section 31, Township 7 North, Range 5, West Boise Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Lillian Wilson, Clerk of District Court, at Payette, Idaho, on the 19th day of May, 1936. Claimant names as witnesses: Earl Sullivan, Tony Mazar, A. J. Ritchie, all oi Nyssa, Oregon; Merle I. Smith of Ontario, Oregon. Source of water right is Electric Pump. Volume is 120”. IRA H. MASTERS, Register. Sheriff, Malheur County, Oregon Date of first publication, April 9. Ironside—Eldorado gran«» met on Samuel 8. Winn, 75, resident of 1936. Paul. Idaho, for the past 14 years Date of last publication. May 7, the 10th. The lecturer had an Inter was stricken a week ago Friday 1936. esting program One of the amusing morning with a heart attack and Date of sale. May 9, 1936, at features was an Easter bonnet par died instantly. Although in feeble 10:30 A. M. ade by all the men, who were sup health for some time, he was looking NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Lytle & Coad, Vale, Oregon, attor posed to make and wear an Easter after his morning chores and was neys for plaintiff. bonnet. Nick Worsham was the win carrying a bag of grain for chicken By virtue of an execution in fore ner with the most handsome bon feed when death came. He was a closure issued out of the Circuit NOTICE OF PUBLICATION net and received a box of candy as Court of the State of Oregon for brother of Mrs. Phobe Nye of Nyssa. No. 044495 a prize. The home economics club the County of Malheur on the 18th Funeral services were held last Department of The Interior sold pies. Each man bringing a pie Tuesday at the L. D. S. church In day of March. 1936, pursuant to a U. S Land Office at Blackfoot, Ida and the ladles buying them, paying judgment rendered on the 18th day ho, March 30. 1936. Paul. one-half cent a pound for the weight of March, 1936, in a suit wherein NOTICE 1s hereby given that of the man. *9.75 was netted from The Federal Land Bank of Spokane, Ernest A. Bodmer of Nyssa, Oregon, the sale and a nice lunch of pie a corporation, is plaintiff, and Guy who on April 10, 1930, made Desert ROCKVILLE NEWS and coffee was enjoyed. Edwin J. Johnston and Effie Johnston, land entry, Serial No. 044495, for Johnson, pomona master and wife, husband and wife; Jesse Johnston Lot 6 Sec. 29; lots 1, 2. Sec. 30; lot Mrs. C. E. Charles and C. E. Howell Anna Johnson, husband and Mr. and Mrs. Otis Nichols and two and all members of the Vale grange were wife; C’ Ceal Boswell, a widow; Lula small daughters Irene and Lucile visitors and made interesting talks. Thomas and Charles O. Thomas, visited the Ouy Wise family Sunday Raymond Prey and Norma White wife and husband; Arvilla Beedle, We are delivering high test Guernsey Milk pro afternoon. of Boise spent Easter at the Floyd same person as Villa Kelley, and duced in a modern and sanitary plant. May we Lewis Dow-11 from Homedale Roy F. Beedle, wife and husband; White home. add you to our list of satisfied customers? made a trip to the feeding ground Grace Unrah, whose true name is Rouses of Unity fed a bunch of in Succor Creek canyon Sunday. Grace Unruh, and Lee M. Unrah, cattle at Earl Loftons on Sunday —and— We also sell high standard Holstein milk, con Two friends accompanied him. whose true name is Lee M. Unruh, night .which they were delivering Guy Wise and family motored to wife and husband; Gertrude Schultz sidered by many medical authorities as best fol to Brogan to a buyer. Acetylene Welding Sullivan Springs Sunday. and William Schultz, wife and hus ly bies and growing children. Arthur Beam went to Unity on Andrew Greeley made a trip to band; Bertha Gibson and Albert P. —at— Caldwell Tuesday, returning the Gibson, wife and husband; Agnes same day. Holly and John E. Holly, wife and SWARM & SONS Mrs. Nora Wise called on Maude husband; Earl Johnston and Rose ley will be Saturday April 11 instead Johnston, husband and wife; L. K. Formerly Pete Dear Wreck Greeley Tuesday. Bullock and Myrtle Bullock, hus ing Business, now located one The spelling match in Jordan Val- band and wife; Claude Bullock and block west, near high school. of in May as it was last year. Jane Doe Bullock, husband and Mrs. Bud Mattingly has been wife; W. E. Olsen and Martha Olsen, quite sick the past week and her husband and wife; Ontario National daughter Mrs. Arthur Chapman of Farm Loan Association, a corpora tion; the unknown heirs of John C. Nyssa Is staying with her. Mrs. Irma Sheridan lias been Johnston, deceased; the unknown suffering from an infected ear fol heirs of Della Bullock, deceased; lowing an attack of the flu. She Also all other persons or parties un made a trip to Jordan Valley for known claiming any right, title, en joy treatment and is now reported to be estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint improved. Certain things come, with the The H. E. C. ladies- met Saturday herein, are defendants, said writ years, to be an expected being directed to me and command at the Ditton home. part of every occasion. With Norma Nichols called at the Roy ing me to sell the hereinafter de Electrically in our profession, this regard scribed real property, I will on Sat Strode home on Tuesday evening. for the traditional must be Miss Mary Ellen Greeley called on urday, the 9th day of May, 1936, at combined with new stejw 10:30 o’clock in the forenoon of said Mrs. Mary Strode Wednesday. toward perfection. Their suc day, at the north main entrance Mrs. Maude Greeley, Miss Edna cessful combination at all door of the County Court House at Snyder, Miss Ruth Miller and Lee times is but one of the stand Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, sell, Strode accompanied Mr. and Mrs. ards of marking a service by Roy Strode to Jordan Valley Thurs subject to the statutory right of re The Nyssa Funeral Home. demption, all of the right, title and day evening. Mrs. Art Chapman called on the interest of the above named defend THE NYSSA Read our ads and save money. Greeleys and Strodes Thursday ants in and to the following describ Today, more than ever before, ed real property, to-wit: BE'iNEtt FUNERAL HOME Subscribe to the Journal, *1.50 morning. the modern family in a modern of Sec. 34, Twp. 21, S„ Rng. 46 E. W. Otis Nichols and family made a year. trip to Nyssa Saturday. They re M, containing 40 acres, in Malheur home requires a constant supply of County, State of Oregon, together turned Sunday. HOT W ATER at LOW COST to with all water and water rights used Mrs. Maude Greeley gave an meet the daily needs of the entire Easter Egg hunt and party for the upon or appurtenant to said lands children Friday Eighteen little and particularly four shares of stock household. Electricity provides the in the Riverside Irrigation District, guests were present. most satisfactory method of heat Frank Mullinlx called at the Wise Ltd., evidenced by certificate No. The Finest Gift of All— ing water. NEW LOW RATES for 365 , to satisfy a Judgment in favor home Saturday. A W atch water heating and other home ser Henry Masonhoider and Miss of the plaintiff in the sum of made a trip to Caldwell $1407.27, with interest on *1439.63 Oinzel’s have a complete stock of F.lgins, Hamiltons, Walthams, Bryant vice, which are now in effect, thereof at the rate of 5 per cent per Friday and returned Saturday. Oruens and lower priced Swiss Models. makes Electric W ater Heating annum from November 29, 1935, for Jim Bailey is confined to his bed We invite you to come in and see our fine selection. A small deposit will hold any article until graduation. more economical than ever before. $81.20 costs, and for such additional with a severe attack of the flu. costs as may accrue. WATCHES DIAMONDS JEW ELRY Once installed, a n Electric Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 18th LEGAI. ADVERTISING GIFTS SILVERWARE G1NZEL and Gift Shop W ater H eater will furnish your r 1 GUERNSEY M ILK USED PARTS Sunshine Dairy H ot W a t e r N ow and at the New Low Rates For Graduation ONTARIO, OREGON An Automobile and It’s Liability ARE INSEPARABLE You can’t buy the first without taking the second, and the cost of SAFE PROTECTION for this liability should be considered as part of the car’s expense and upkeep, Just as are oil, gas and tires. The cost of dependable insurance in a financially strong company is low compared with the high cost of taking a chance. Nyssa DON Insurance Agency M. GRAHAM, Manager Nyssa Golfers You are cordially invited to play on the Nyssa Golf Course FEES: $5.00 Membership per season. 50c per day on Sundays and holidays, (non- members). 25c per day on week days (non-members) Seasonal membership entitles husband, wife and children under 18 years of age to play. JOIN THE NYSSA GOLF CLUB TODAY R. W. Adams, Secretary home with a constant supply of HOT W ATER every hour of the day and night, for every purpose to which hot water is put. NOTICE OF SALE OF REMAINING ASSETS OF MAI.HEUR COUNTY BANK, IN LIQUIDATION. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR. In the Matter of the Liquidation of MALHEUR COUNTY BANK, Nyssa, Oregon. Pursuant to an order made by the above entitled court, notice is hereby given that the Superintend ent of Banks of the State of Oregon will sell the assets remaining in the liquidation of the Malheur County, Bank. Nyssa, Oregon, to the high est bidder for cash. Bids will be re ceived for such assets as a whole, or for separate items thereof. Sched ules of the assets to be sold are on file and open to inspection in the above entitled court and matter and in the Wfice of the Superintendent of Banks at Salem, Oregon. The Superintendent of Banks re serves the right to reject any and all bids. Any and all bids accepted by the Superintendent of Banks are subject to confirmation by the court. All persons who desire to submit bids for the purchase of all or any part of the assests remaining in such liquidation are hereby notified to present sealed bids to the Superin tendent of Banks at his office in Salem. Oregon on or before the 30th day of April. 1936. Each bid must be accompanied by cash or a certified Grasp This SPECIAL OFFER On Westinghouse and Hot Point Energy! Doctors agree that only in milk can be found cer tain energizing elements which are essential to the well-being of individuals in every walks of life. Drink a quart each day! For the Milk Purer In Quality, Call Shelton Dairy We Carry a Full Line Of Farm and Garden SEEDS it will pay well for you to investigate our line before buying elsewhere. W e have some extra good oat* and barley seed— Clover, Alfalfa and Grass Seeds ANDREW SEEDS CO. Phone 452 o $ 845 Drink SHELTON’S for Ontario, Ore. CASH Completely Installed Right now, before you discontinue the use of your furnace for the winter, is the time to install an Electric W ater H eater in your home. You pay for heating w ater by some method, why not have this better, more con venient service. The low cost of the water heater installed is really amazing. And with easy terms of *3.00 DOWN, the balance In convenient monthly pay ments—and new low rate*— the hot water problem is easily solved. DOWN Let us tell you the whole story about the advantages and benefit of electric water heating. Come in and see the new models in Electric W ater Heaters. (DAMO Y POWER C Ù X & U C ÎÛ J... Does So MUCH-Costs So LITTLE! Electricity . . Does So M U C H . . Costs So L I T T L E