Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1936)
GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1936 to read at least one book suitable turkeys, all popular breeds. Cus- 40 acres seeded and 80 acres to be Two Funny Fellows Want Ad» tom hatching. Cain's Hatchery, cleared. Tom Lowe. Mitchell Butte. for their grade, each month from Opposite Post Office, Ontario. Ore- ltc. September to June inclusive. Every FOR SALE gon. F6 tf. I --------------------------------------- child, except one, has kept the FOR SALE—A 2-room house at j Dunaway. 2nd hou*? after you cross WANTED: Clean cotton rags at the pledge so far. Dunaway. Inquire at F. G. Holmes i canal and railroad tracks. 4-16-2tp Journal office—5c per pound. This project Is carried on by the METHODIST CHURCH ranch. A9-30 pd. Oregon State Library. It presents FOR RENT Wade P. T. A. unit issued an invi FOR SALE—10-18 Case Tractor to the Individual children Floyd E. White, pastor tation to the County Council to awards $300, new magneto, motor com FOR SALE—Bliss Triumph Seed RENT AT ONCE—About 75 to the room In which 50 per Sunday School 10 o'clock. Mr. D. Potatoes. First year out of certl- j pletely overhauled, ready for work. FOP meet with them at the Wade school also of acre of fine pasture and several the members have completed Ontario, Phone 340J1. Mar 26 tfc R. DeGross, superintendent. Mrs. | house Saturday, April eighteenth. cent fication. F. L. Steinhaus, 214 miles acres for gardens, ttc., on north end pledges and the teacher has Laura Fisher, assistant superintend- | west of Cairo Junction. Apr2-3tp This will add one more project to their cf the White p’aee across the river. WANTED read twenty-five children's books ent. Mrs. J. W Poague. primary tlve number which has been planned during waste water to irrigate with— the year. superintendent. Mrs. DeGross, pri FOR SALE—45 bushels of seed corn j WANTED Washing and ironing for ETee and successfully carried out during no house but tent could be used for that took first prize at State Fair, j “Peterkin Posture” Health Club, mary assistant superintendent. Mrs. the school year. movable buildings. Price $100 for gents. Leave laundry at Schlitz you pick out the choice ears at 2c president Eleanor Haworth, vice A. V. Pruyn. Home Department sup A very successful summer round president, Jimmy Miller, secretary. year; $50 cash, balance time. Phone Tavern Poolhall. A9 pd. per hundred on the cob. 98 per cent erintendent. up was carried out, when a doctor Flora Prosser. Local leader Mrs. 19 for information, ltc. germination test. Grant Rawson. Sunday School Lesson title: God, and dentist examined all the pupils Charles E. Sohweizer. Other mem WANTED Contract for grubbing. 4-2-4tc. MISCELLANEOUS the*Forgiving Father. Luke 15. and pronounced them In excellent bers, George Cartright, Sidney plowing and discing land. Carl Se Morning Worship 11:15. Sermon FOR SALE 2400 acre stock ranch bum. 3-4 miles north of Nyssa. physical condition to start the Snapp, Johnny Timmerman. Bobby HAULING—All Oregon and theme: Jesus, the Light of the equipped; 300 acres cultivated: Phone 78F21. A9tf Idaho License. kinds, school year. Hugh Gibson. Nellie Wright, Laura Pros World. two reservoirs. Located at Creston, 12 1 WANTEO—Someone to rent or l i e Phone 36-F3. Jan 16tf. Olasgow. At the first regular P. T. A. meet Betty Joan Eachus, Phyllis Ha Epworth League 7:30. Eldon Morse miles east of Riverside, Oregon, In j ing the county president, Mrs. M. M. ser, Keith Eachus and Elbert president. heart best range. $10,000. T. R Creeling, gave a very instructive worth, Hatch. The O and U class will go to Owy Beers. of Ontario, Oregon. 3-26-4tc. talk on the different divisions of The club meets every Thursday hee Dam Sunday after church ser Parent-Teacher work, instructed afternoon from 2:45 to 3:30, and vices for a picnic dinner. FOR SALE—1931 long wheel base. each officer or chairman in work follows the program sent out by Ford truck. J. O. Gray. One mile their office required. She also out the state office which is planned to LINCOLN NEWS north Owyhee school house. 4-0-2tp lined her plans so that by following cover the work of the new Health Is Not Cheap them all the units would work in texa books. FOR SALE Mastadon Everbearing] Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy in CHEAP INSURANCE IS NOT GOOD unison with the stae program. Strawberry plants. 75c per 100 “The Bohemian Girl” sent a sample of water from A teachers reception was held at the They plants. Mrs. Charles Bradley, 114 Agnes Redsull ¡had the misfor Insure with a Reliable Agency school well to the State Board Sunday-Monday-Tuesday at the tune to catch her left hand in the miles west of Owyhee school house. the school house, and the patrons of Health which received an A Dreamland in Ontario. met to welcome the teachers and as grade. potato planter, breaking one finger Mar26 tf. sure them of their support. and cutting it quite badly. The whole school 'has been im FOR SALE—Sudan grass seed. W. 1 Early in the season the pupils proved In health by following the MILK CONTROL BOARD Those entering the spelling con H. half mile north of Ros ntarted playing basketball and en new —PHONE 31— test at Ontario Wednesday were, 8th well, Kniefel, Education Manual, Parma, Idaho. 3-26-4tp. TO HOLD HEARING REPRESENTING joyed games with the various schools learning Physical Hooka Atagl and La Rose Rogers; singing games and folk Insurance Co. of North America in their circuit. Under the wise sup 7th, Thelma DuPre and Opal Red- FOR SALE—Bliss seed potatoes, Aetna, Liverpool, London and Globe ervision of their teachers, they were dances. sun; 6th, Joe Chamberlain and raised on new ground, $1 per Cooking Club, president Betty The Oregon Milk Control Board Dorothy Mae Thomas; 5th, Mary hundred. D. L. Anderson, one mile instructed in the true principles of Jean Eacus, vice president Evelyn will hold a hearing in Baker on Brooks and Lorraine Blanton. sportsmanship. north, 3-4 wrest of Adrian, ltc secretary, Phyllis Ha Since the Christmas treat, cos Campbell, Miss Kathryn Nielson is ill with FOR SALE Everbearing Red Rasp Wednesday, April 22 at 10:00 a. m. worth. Local Leader, Mrs. Pearl tumes and decorations are provided Parker. Other members, Gladys for the purpose of securing infor the mumps. by the Unit, a negro minstrel show Sparks, Iola Parker. Laura Prosser. mation and evidence regarding the A group of boys and girls and berry plants $1.00 per hundred. was given to raise the funds. This Mrs. Wes Blanton hiked to and Red Currant plants 50c per dozen. meet Friday afternoons at the production, sale and distribution of climbed was a home talent play put on by They Butte Sunday. fluid milk In this territory by pro Mr. and the Mrs. T. Long ranch. Nyssa. Mar. 12- _ home. patrons within the district and leaders Fred Trenkel spent J. _______________________________________ Sewing Club, president Eleanor ducers, distributors and consumers. Sunday at the Dave brought out talent which was a Haworth, Sloane home in FOR SALE—Fresh Holstein cow. L. Nellie This hearing will cover Baker, Mal New' Plymouth. Mrs. Sloane and L. Patterson, pleasant surprise since it came from Loca Header vice Mrs. president, on other side of I heur and Grant counties and is one Eleanor Roberts. such unexpected quarters. Mrs. Trenkel were roommates in Ft )R SALE Baby chicks and baby of a series of six which will be held Wright, secretary, Flora Prosser. < DjtWEUt The Christmas program prepared No otiher members. They meet Fri In eastern Oregon next week cover college. by the teachers and carried out by day Mr. and Mrs. Will Reed and Mrs. ing all counties east of the Cascade I afternoons at the leaders home. the pupiLs is always a genuine treat Dairy Calf Club, president Keith Range with the exception of Lake Vernon Reed spent Sunday at the to the community. The true spirit Eachus, vice president Clarence and Klamath. Rogers home. of Christmas is emphasized and to Hight, AUTO REPAIRING secretary Elbert Hatch. Local show their appreciation the patrons leader Charles You will find us always ready to give you cheer NOTICE WELDING — GREASING Other members MANY FARMERS BUY turn out in such numbers that the Francis Hight. Weir. Meet at school house TRACTOR EQUIPMENT Registered Shire Stallion for pub- | ful, snappy service—Winter is over and now is school house hardly furnishes room Friday afternoon. to comfortably seat all, but physical The Wade P. T. A. unit is rais lie service. Age 8, weight 2000 We Can Fix Your a good time to change to summer oil and grease inconvenience is forgotten in the ing money to send two of their club pounds. International champion. GENERATOR true enjoyment of the occasion. Several of the Nyssa bench set Gentle, sound and true. He has workers to Corvallis to the two —May we serve you? Aside from the regular routine of weeks summer school and to help tlers have recently purchased new proven a wonderful breeder. Demand STARTER tractors and are busy sending them school work the upper room joined raise a registered, licensed, heavyboned BODY AND FENDERS money for this project the round and round the fields getting stallion. It costs no more and pays the Oregon Children's Book League teachers presented the following in September, pledging themselves program spring work done. Among those better. Write Neil Dimmick, Nyssa, GENERAL REPAIRING and the ladies sold pie, the who are R. Cornell, Mrs. coffee, candy and pop com balls. F. M. bought Chase, D. H. Curran and A. L. Oregon. 4-9-2tc. OREGON TRAIL Playlet, The Vegetable Man's “Oldest Independent Station In Nyssa” -------------------------------------- V, dance. Playlet, Good Will, The Mag- Pfeiler. All the tractors are Farm- alls except Mr. Pfeilers, which is FOR SALE—Brand new pump jack, GARAGE Children, Including an Italian Folk an Oliver. Farm work is progress split pulley. H. H. Weideman. 4- Open Day and Night Ben Lamb. Prop. iclan, leaturing children of many ing at a fast pace In order to be 16-tfc. Standard Products Plymouth Cars lands. Playlet. Little Goat Lady, a ready for the water when it is I Next to wrecking house AND PROFESSIONAL story of the Swiss Alps. Folk dances, turned into the ditches. Use Journal Ads—They Pay! Russian Peasant dance, Blcking, Danlh Dance, Irish Lilt. The officers for the new year were ■ n __________________________ - f elected at the last meeting are Mrs. Elmer Prosser, president; Mrs. W. J. Gibson, vice president and Mrs. ROBT. D. LYTLE Dyre Roberts, secretary-treasurer. ATTORNEY At the Easter services Sunday And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW morning at the Episcopal church the First National Bank Building presentation of the mite boxes was Phone 66 held. vale O reg o n David Graham, county judge, and who is a candidate for réélection, at tended the Townsend meeting here Wednesday night and stopped at J. S. COOPER the Journal on a social call. Business Analysis Accounting Auditing The Warren McHargue family IT'S G R EA T F O R Income & Social Security Tax spent Easter at the Rush McHargue home In Vale. Specialist. SM OOTH DRIVING HOW DO YO U L IK E Moore Hotel Bldg. Mrs. J. H. Hunter left Friday Ontario, Ore. Phone 159 morning to spend Easter with her - SAVES ME MONEY V E L T E X B O U LEV A R D ? husband in The Dalles. Wade P T A Gives Report ForThe Year Church News GOOD INSURANCE Frank T. Morgan POWELL’S SERVICE STATION BUSINESS DIRECTORY It COSTS Less to Drive On VE LTEX BOULEVARD TO O ! Anna B. Pritchett D. O. OSTEOPATHY —And— ELECTROTHERAPY PHONE 201 VALE - - - OREGON -ONTARIO SUN-MON-TUES T H R E E Guarantee Work j WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE ! Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific j Ontario Oregon 2 ~ — .............................................. «R E A T Here's What We Mean By “ VELTEX Boulevard99 S T A R ' ...u n ited in dongef ...lough'er ...and level WMJLMit KIM --------------------------------------------------------- --- OPTOMETRIST “See McFall and See Better" M EU A *f MAIE * DR. J. A. McFALL Eyesight Specialist ONTARIO OREGON “ A“ S i m « « * " o DA«*- „d », t"»” ‘ Veltex Boulevard is any street or road you travel, with V E L T E X Products and V E L T E X Service. Th e consistent use of V E L T E X Products plus the efficient, accommodating serv ice of V E L T E X service men will add to your driving pleas- un and economy; result in longer life for your car, and give you a m aximum of care free driving. T H A T 'S V E L T E X BOULEVARD! Yes, the consistent use of V E L T E X Prod ucts assures you a m aximum of care-free driving at m inim um cost. Here's why it costs less; 1. V E L T E X Gasoline gives you an extra measure of mileage to every tankfuf. It's a F IR S T -G R A D E , E X T R A - R E FIN ED Gasoline, perfectly adapted to driving conditions in the Northwest. 2. V E L T E X M otor Oil is an EA S TE R N Paraffin-Bese M otor O il, guaranteed to be as fine an oil as ever went into the crank-case of your car. Because it comes to you via a direct and simplified mar keting system, your V E L T E X dealer is able to sell it at just 25c a quart; a rem arkably low price for so fine an oil; and a real saving to you ! Save Money . . . 3 . 4 . V E L T E X Specialized Lubrication (the Chek - Chart System) assures you of m inim um wear of all working parts of your car. Th e V E L T E X Service Man checks your car with an actual factory chart, and makes certain that every lub rication point gets the R IG H T GREASE or O IL . It's the best and safest lubrica tion system for any car. Th e V E L T E X Service Man in your com m unity is a conscientious neighbor, eager to give you every possible service to keep your car running smoothly and economi- Travel VELTEX Boulevard: F L E T C H E R OIL C O M P A N Y I Otdaat amé Largest («dependent Petoleem M arketers la Ike Northwest 1