GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1936, ADRIAN NEWS W. C. T. P. WILL HOLD OREGON TRAIL SCHOOL pared for their special number FORMER EDITOR Wooden Soldiers." Pupils taking PEACE MEETING NEXT HAS EASTER EGG HUNT part are Robert Bowen. Kenneth NOW AT NEWBERG TUESDAY EVENING Chard, Cecil Whitman, and JUnniei Easter Sunday was the scene of Reid. James Dement, who edited The many automobile tours, visits with The W. C. T. U. will hold a Peace The school enjoyed an Easter Egg The Cairo school defeated the Gate City Journal for a short time relatives, dinners etc., in Adrian. meeting next Tuesday evening at and Treasure hunt Friday prepared Oregon Trail first and second base- several years ago writes us that he The Chas. McConnell family spent by the teachers. Mr. and Mrs. Albert ball teams last Friday. Outstanding the Methodist church. Rev. and is now located at Newberg, Oregon, the day with relatives in Boise. The Mrs. Floyd White will have charge B. Hopkins. Prizes for the largest sportmanship was practiced by both where he is associated with the pub D. T. and J. E. Holly families spent number of eggs went to Elsie Keck ! schools. the afternoon in Succor Creek can of the meeting and the public Is In High school pupils that visited lication of the Newberg Graphic. yon where they reported many were vited to attend. A special invitation and Junior DeCrofft in the upper Many of the older residents will re room and to Mary Lou Thomason Oregon Trail sahool last week were spending the day seeing the sights is Issued to te young people. and Harold Wilson in the primary Rosie Keck, Renia Mitchell, Bill member Mr. Dement and family. of the canyon. The H. R. Otis family On Saturday, May 9, Mrs. A. V. attended the Kingman Kolony Sun Pruyn’s division of the local unit prizes to pupils for the firding of ■ I Lucille Johnston and Mrs. Franklin day school picnic. The Clark Enos will hold an apron and cooked food turkey and banty eggs. Prizes went Fry visited the primary room. family visited relatives in Payette. sale. to Elsie Keck. lone Benson and Easter was observed by the Oregon Mr. and Mrs James McGinnis had Donald Sopher. Trail Sunday School. Each class dinner with the W. W. Smiths on Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Schaffer were the Owyhee. Mr. Hopkins announced tihat the presented one number on the pro DREAM LAND spelling winners are 5th grade, gram. After Sunday school an egg Sunday dinner guests at the Oscar The Jolly Janes met Thursday at Junior Holmes and Charles Land- hunt was enjoyed by the younger Schaffer home. the home of Mrs. James McGinnis. reth; 6th, Donald Sopher and lone people. Mrs. A. T. Patterson, Sr„ was A shower for one of the members Benson; 7th, Vance Smith and Jun hostess for the Friendly Neighbor Mr. and Mrs. John Bowen and took up most of She afternoon. A ior DeGrofft. These pupils competed family spent Easter in Boise at the Club on Wednesday of last week. delightful luncheon was served at at the zone contest at Nyssa. Wm. Price home. Mrs. Dollie McCreary, Mrs. Susie the close of the party. Guests in The school will select entries for Mrs. Alma White was honored by | Johnson and Mr. Fred Snively visit- cluded Mrs. J. E. Holly. Mrs. Alvon the music festival this week. The a miscellaneous shower last Wed- ed at the C. E. Elliott home Wed- McGinnis, Mrs. D. T. Holly and Mrs. upper room special number In nesday afternoon at the home of her nesday evening. Sue Ashcraft. cludes lone Benson, Madonna mother Mrs. J. R. Ashby. The after Mr. and Mrs. Fredericks were Mrs. L. E. Pillsbury and Mrs. J. Kressly, Betty Chard and Elsie noon was spent in playing games Sunday dinner guests at the home W. Gebson of Big Bend visited in at Keck in a folk dance. This dance U and visiting. Many nice gifts were of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harrison. the D. T. Holy home Friday after very beautiful with crepe paper cos received by the guest of honor. Mrs. A. T. Patterson, Jr., spent noon. tumes. The piimary room has pre- Howard Hatch of Big Bend ha' Mr. and Mrs. Ray Marks and Sunday with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. been putting considerable work in family left Sunday for Nebraska Zeb Wilson of Big Bend. where Mr. Marks has been transfer Mr. and Mrs. Manford Stroup and on his lots these past few spring red to work. He is employed by Elmer of Boise, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. days making ready for building I Tt rtelings. Elliott and sons and Mr. and Mrs. which he plans to do in the near Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes made Sandy Patterson were dinner guests future. Arch Parker is helping him J. E. Holly was on Ontario busi a business trip to Vale and Ontario at the T. T. Elliott home Sunday. Monday. The CCC boys were burning w'eeds ness visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Enos and Mrs. Henry Sherill is spending a along the drainage ditch near the few days at the home of her par T. T. Elliott home Friday, when daughter Lois were Boise visitors ents Mr. and Mrs. Lem Wilson. suddenly they lost control of the fire Thursday. Mrs. John Holly visited in Che Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Holmes were and only the combined efforts of Wm. Roberts home in Roswell Wed hosts at an Easter dinner Sunday. the neighbors and the CCC boys nesday afternoon. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. F. G. were they able to save the haystack C. W. Doty hauled many tons of Holmes and family, Mr. and Mrs. and barn. hay into the upper Succor Creek F. S. Byers and family and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Manford Stroup, Mr. country last week and first part of Let us figure with you on Margaret Polly of Fruitland. and Mrs. T. T. Elliott and Mrs. this week for sheep Which were Your Plumbing Needs Misses Margaret Polly, Eleanor Sandy Patterson drove to the Owy starving due to weather conditions. Cox and Annie Holmes and Carl hee dam Sunday afternoon. These last few warm spring days Ayers, Ray and Bob Holmes motored A large crowd attended Sunday caused a rapid growth of the grass to Boise Sunday afternoon. School Sunday. Mrs. Kurtz, Mrs. and the hay is no longer needed. Plumber A shower honoring Mrs. R. W. Newbill and Mrs. Toombs had Frank and R. Miller took their Holmes was given Thursday after charge of the Easter program. Fol sheep to the hills Thursday and PARMA PHONE 134-J-2 noon at the F. G. Holmes home. The lowing the services a community Dudley Marston of Arena Valley afternoon was spent in sewing and dinner and Easter egg hunt was passed thru Saturday taking his visiting. The honor guest received enjoyed by all. to the hills above Adrian. many nice gifts. Mrs. M. L. Kurtz entertained a J. E. Holly, local scoutmaster Members of the Oregon Trail P. T. large group of young people at her helped organize a group of boy | A. should plan to attend the rgeular home one evening this week. Wein scouts in the Lower Big Bend Wed | meeting Friday evening, April 17th ers were roasted outdoors and games Officers for the coming year are to were played. Later marshmallows ! be installed. were roasted in the fireplace, SCHOOL NEWS Both the boys and girls baseball Tell our Advertisers you teams from the Kolony grade school saw their ad in the Journal were victorious in their first games For of the season which were played Electric wiring, repair work with Owyhee school last Friday for all electrical appliances. afternoon. The boys won 18 to 9 and the girls won with a score of 25 to 17. Both teams drove to Owyhee in Bill Toomb’s school bus. The Kol ony school will play the Oregon Trail school next Monday afternoon. 1934 MASTER CHEVROLET The Kingamn Kolony school will SEDAN—Original Duco finish, be represented at the Malheur clean upholstery, tires that County Music Festival which is to show little wear. r. Thoroughly be held next Friday at Vale by a re-conditioned and backed by large number of talented young an “OK that singers from all grades. About twen counts. See this ty are planning to go in Mr. Roger's big bargain Locally grown from school bus. The Kolony grade school was rep Montana grown seed. resented at the zone 5 spelling con 1934 V8 TUDOR SEDAN— test held Wednesday, April 15 by the Motor in fine conditlon, new eight champion spellers chosen from Any quantity up to 6 ply tlres, for sale to thè * * * '' w v i s e 1 first 11 the upper grades. They have been 2000 bags. lucky buyer at working hard and are very anxious thè low price to repreesnt zone 5 in the finals at of ........ Vale which will be held April 24th. CLUB NEWS The Kingman Kraftsmen held 1933 CHEVROLET COUPE— their weekly meeting at the home Act today if you want to buy of Ronald Lane last Saturday. A a slightly used, slx-clyinder number of new projects were start Chevrolet coupe at a low ed and Paul Thiel gave an interest price. Motor in ing report on varnishing and paint “The Farmer’s Own Co-Op” perfect conditiorl ing furniture. The club voted to Phone 26 Nyssa hold an all day meeting some time and ready to g o , in the near future. nesday night. Charles McConnell and Clark Enos attended a meeting of the Masonic lodge in Nyssa Monday night. Paul Hatch has moved his trailer house to Weiser where ne will be closer to his work. J. E. Holly and son William, Gen Seybold and A. C. Holly of Big Bend spent Friday looking after mining KINGMAN KOLONY interests on Willow Creek. Mrs. J. E. Holly accompanied them to Vale where she spent the day visiting her sister Mrs. C’Ceal Boswell. The E. Fomworth family arrived here Saturday from Grace, Idaho, where they will take over some new land northwest of Adrian on the Owyhee project. WANT ADS PAY BIG DIVIDENDS HU ET ER PAINT °uit. « I’ : ; ONTARIO SUN-MON-TUES. APRIL 19, 20, 21 JJ Good Paint Means Low Cost Housing" When you are budgeting funds for paint, con sider Bass-Hueter Mixed Paint— it costs less on the job. This quality exterior paint gives protection and beauty that lasts for years, that wears smoothly and covers more. Its 25 spar kling colors are especially developed to with stand western weather conditions. BASS-HUETtR MIXED PAINT Quart Gallon ^3.30 50 foot Garden H o se .......... $2.40 GEO. J. KINZER See HARRY SAYLES M.00 14 inch Garden R a k e................. 85c 7 inch H o e s .................................. 80c 18 inch, 5 blade Lawn Mower ....... ................................... $7.50 up Eder Hardware Co. NYSSA : ADRIAN BLISS TRIUMPH Seed Potatoes Extra Good W e W ant To DYE AI Thompson So why throw away that last year’s Spring Swagger Suit, Coat, BoueLe Knit, or what have you? . . . Any of these articles Dye beautifully. Sw agge r Su its Sprin g C oats Boucle Knit Dresses $3 . 5 0 and up ?3 '5 0 and up $ 3 .2 5 up These garments are thoroughly cleaned, We Have Ample Resources and Banking facilities to accomodate our customers dyed, re-shaped, and sized to fit your form. LET US GIVE THEM NEW LIFE! Ontario Pressary Ontario, Oregon Phone 99 $540 *50to*75 $475 i $425 For You BANK OF MALHEUR VALE, OREGON D. E. MASTERSON, Cashier You can save 1933 PLYMOUTH COUPE— This slightly used motor car Is In perfect running condi tion. Has heater new tires and I in good shape at this great spring clearance sale of USED CARS with an that counts SMALL DOWN PAYMENTS Easy Monthly Tenus , $425 1931 CHEVROLET COUPE— If you are looking for a real bargain in an attractive car, y o u can’t go wrong on this I one for ... 1929 CHEVROLET COUPE— Here is low cost transporta tion for you and is a dandy little car hav ing many un- I used miles $200 1930 FORD COACH—Just traded In on a new Chevrolet Six, and the entire car has been re-conditioned, carrying t h e red tag guaranteed OKI Price .......... 1931 CHEVROLET COUPE— Entire car has been recondi tioned. To see this excellent buy will con vince you the I price is right 1929 CHEVROLET COUPE— This clean, two-passenger coupe is Just the car for the man looking for a car to drive to and from work Priced at 1930 FORD COACH—A bar gain price on a used car and a car the family will enjoy. Don’t fail to see tills unusual I bargain 1929 CHEVROLET COACH— A family car at a price anyone can afford. Good terms to re sponsible parties and ready for ( the road 1929 CHEVROLET COACH— We want you to sec this car and compare It with anything you ever saw offered. Thor oughly re-con ditioned and ( ready to go< $285 $285 1930 CHEVROLET SEDAN— Read that price! See for your self the genuine bargain we are offering, and backed "by an OK that counts. Priced I at only __ $275 $200 $225 $260 $260 $225 SEE US FOR BEST VALUES-TODAY! Cables Chevrolet Co. Phone 6 2 O ntario, O re go n