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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1936)
GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, APRIL 16,1936 The Gate City Journal BERWYN B U R K E ................. Editor and Publisher INDEPENDENT IN POLITIC 8 AND RELIGION. OPTIMISTIC IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE EXCEPT THOSE OP MALHEUR COUNTY vision under which the bid could be KIND ARROW HEADS accepted any time within 60 days, AT OWYHEE MOUTH while the other offers expired in 30 days. The Republic company got the A cache of approximately 50 an contract. cient Indian arrowhead was found last week by Horace Arment of On SPRING IS HERE FOR CER tario at the confluence of the Owy TAIN . THE MAGAZINE SALES hee and Snake Rivers. A mold MEN WORKING THEIR WAY about them gave rise to the belief THROUGH COLLEGE HAVE AR they had probably been buried in a RIVED. deerskin pouch many years ago. "When I Was 21” “ I voted for V. 8 . Grant for president the day I was 31,” says Silas Cartwright, who lives out in the Big Bend, sect ion, Mr. Cartwright was bom Novem ber 3, 1853 and was Just 21 the day U. S. Grant was running for his second term as president. Mr. Cartwright says he was liv ing in Illinois wh?n President Lincoln was assassinated and while just a youngster, can re member the tragedy very plain ly. "We kids were kept inside the house until they caught the assassin. Those certainly were exciting times for us,” he said. ceased, at the time of his death, in and to that certain piece and parcel of land situate, lying and being In the County of Malheur. State of Oregon, described as follows: Commencing at a point on the section line 679 8 feet N of SW corner of Sec. 33, Twp. 20, 8 . Rng 46 E. W. M., and thence running N on the section line 1960 2 feet: thence E on the center line of said section 519 4 feet; thence 8 22 degrees 45 minutes E 347 feet; thence 8 18 degrees 45 minutes W 308 feet; thence S 44 degrees 30 minutes 1096 feet to the N and S forty acre line; thence S 1247.7 feet along said line; thence W 1323.5 feet to point of beginning, con taining 43.5 acres, more or less. Abstract shall be at the expense of purchaser, and the purchaser to assume taxes becoming due and pay able In 1936. Offers shall be In writing and may be left at the office of Cart H. Coad, attorney for administrator, at Nys sa, Oregon, at any time after the first publication of this notice and before the making of the sale. Dated this 19th day of March, 1936. WM. PEUTZ, Admlnstrator of the Estate of Anton Stanek, Deceased. Date of first publication. March 19, 1936. Date of last publication, April 16, 1936. and water rental payments for a term of years, the expenditure by the United States of America of a sum not to exceed $15.00 per irrig able acre within certain Districts, and providing for the repayment of the same. A copy of said supplemental con tract substantially in the form as approved by the Secretary of the Interior and submitted tc the Board of Directors ls on file in the office of the Secretary of the Owyhee Irri gation District, at Nyssa, Oregon, and may be inspected by all Inter ested persons during business hours. Said election will be held between the hours of 8.00 o’clock in the fore noon and 5:00 o’clock in the after noon of said 25th day of April, 1936, when the polls shall be closed. The Board of Directors has des ignated the South half of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 26, in Township 19, South of Range 46 E. W. M. in Malheur County. State of Oregon, within said District, as the place where said election shall be held. Dated this 25th day of March, 1936, by order of the Board of Dir ectors. FRANK T. MORGAN. Secretary. Owyhee Irrigation District. Date of first publication, March 26, 1936. Date of last publication, April 23, 1936. It's pretty hard on the command PETTINGILL BILL COMES ing officer of a OCC camp when UP FOR DISCUSSION boys leave the service. Last week AT NAMPA MEETING when the enlistment period of 79 ADVERTISING RATES SUBSCRIPTION RATES boys expired and they returned to 30c $1 50 Open rate, per Inch their home. Capt. Tadlock had to 30c 75 Six Months The Associated Chambers of Com sign his name 38 times for each boy 25C .05 81ngle Copies or 38 x 79; figure it out for your merce met Monday evening at the 01 c Classifieds, Per word (Strictly In Advance) Dewey Palace hotel in Nampa, the self. Nyssa club being represented by A. Speaking of figures, Don Graham | L. Fletcher. A. C. Norcott Frank Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. had some 197 registration cards t o ! Halverson and Berwyn Burke. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission sign up voters and Tuesday when | Vigorous opposition to the Petten- through the United States Mails, as second class matter, under the time expired he was cleaned gill long and short railroad bill now the act of March 3, 1879. out of cards. Plenty of interest in | before Congress was voiced by R. H. ZONE SPELLING CONTEST HELD IN NYSSA WEDNESDAY the coming election and politics will Young of Parma and Former Gov be popping for the next few weeks. ernor H. C. Baldrdge. also of Parma. The 56 members in attendance vot with Mrs Darrel Williams April 16. The zone spelling contest for the ed a resolution, urging defeat of the Mr. and Mrs. A1 Bohy and son, measure. Kay Johnson, local agent I grade schools of this locality was Mr and Mrs. Loyd Orris and fam for the Union Pacific railroad at held Wednesday afternoon at the ily. and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bullard Mr. and Mrs. Handley of Walla Payette spoke in favor of the mea Nyssa school with representatives spent Easter at the Roy Brewer Walla. Wash., and their daughter sure, and said he thought the mea from the different schools compet home. Mrs. Jane McClasky of Farmington, sure would actually be a benefit to ing for the right to enter the finals to be held in Vale later in the Washington, visited at the home of this area. their daughter and sister over end. An open meeting is planned for month. Miss Elizabeth Ann Jones Mr Handley and Mrs. McClaskey the near future, at which time had charge of the contest. Winners in the 5th grade were returned to their respective homes business men. farmers and railroad Cecil Leigh had the misfortune Big Bend and Sunday while Mrs. Handley will re to lose one of his best horses Sun officials will have an opirortunity to Jean Mayberry of Arcadia; 6 th main for a longer visit. present their case and any recom Kathleen Loe of day. A leg infection was the cause NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ray Orr is very ill with scarlet of its death. mendation made at the meeting grade, Donald Sopher and lone NOTICE OF ELECTION Benson, both of Oregon Trail; 7th fever. His younger brother Nathan IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE will be forwarded to Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Fritts and The final detaiLs of the new Soil j The meeting will be held In Caldwell grade, Grace Kygar of Owyhee and has the measles. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE family of Vale were Sunday evening OWYHEE IRRIGATION DISTRICT Emily Otis, Kingman Kolony; 8 th The small so nof James Stephen dinner guests at the home of Mr. Conservation* Program are not yet j on Tuesday, April 21st. COUNTY OF MALHEUR. known, according to County Agent NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN. IN THE MATTER has the measles. Mr. Stephens was and Mrs. Clarence Fritts. Annual election of officers was grade, Eleanor Haworth and Flora OF THE R. O. Larson. But. because the pro- [ That an election will be held in the Prosser, boflh of the Wade school. an Ontario visitor on Monday. held, resulting in the selection of The Apple Valley ball teams ESTATE OF MARY J. BLACK- gram may effect 1936 planting Owyhee Irrigation District, in Mal The Owyhee was well represented played Wilder Friday. The Apple W J. Pinney of Ontario to lead the STOCK, Deceased. heur County, Oregon, on the 25th at the banquet given by the Nyssa Valley girls won Bheir game but the plans .the following information is organization for the coming year, LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by day of April. 1936. for the purpose given. business men Friday. Those attend boys lost, the score being 9 to 8 . with H. G. Peckham of Wilder being the undersigned administrator of of authorizing the Board of Direct Benefit payments will be made to NOTICE OF SALE ing were Mr and Mrs. Earl Strick named as vice president and Elmo Ed. Simmerman and Mr. Fred the estate of Mary J. Blackstock, de land. Mr and Mrs. Jake Kollen, Mr. Osterkamp wvlre business visitors cooperating growers at a rate prob Smith of Ontario elected secretary- IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE ors of said District to negotiate and ceased. to the creditors of and all execute a supplemental contract ably somewhere between $5 and $15 treasurer. The next meeting will be and Mrs. Alfred Mitchell, Mr. and in Boise Monday. STATE OF OREGON FOR MAL with the United States of America, persons having claims against the Mrs. Charles Chritton, Mr. and Several mothers and father and per acre for shifting from soil de held in Wilder . HEUR COUNTY. said deceased, to file them with the pleting cro(x> grown in 1935. such as Mrs. James Stephen and Robert their daughters attended the Girl In The Matter of the Estate of AN the Payette-Oregon Slope Irrigation necessary vouchers within six District, the Kingman Colony Irri corn, potatoes, and small grains, to Cox. CARD OF THANKS Reserve banquet in Parma Monday TON STANEK, Deceased. months after the first publication of soil conserving or soli building cro]» The P. T. A. met at the school evening. NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN: gation District, the Slide Irrigation this notice with the undersigned at in 1936. such as red and alsike clov house Friday afternoon. The elec We wish to express our thanks for That pursuant to an order of the District, the Gem Irrigation District, er, alfalfa, sweet clover, i>erennial the many favors shown us. and above entitled Court, made the 18th the Ontario-Nyssa Irrigation Dis his residence in Jordan Valley, Mal tion of officers was post|x>ned until grasses, etc. In order to receive pay especially to the Ladies Aid. W.C.T. day of March. 1936, in the above en trict, the Bench Irrigation District, heur County, Oregon, which resi August. Mrs. Earl Strickland and ments under the new plan, at least U., Sunday School and church for titled matter the undersigned, ad- the Crystal Irrigation District, and dence the undersigned selects as the Mrs. John Hite were appointed by place of business in all matters 15 per cent of the acreage in soil the beautiful flowers sent and many minstrator of the Estate of Anton the Advancement Irrigation the president on the Round-up Dis depleting crops In 1933 must be seed kind acts while Mr. Davis was sick. Stanek. Deceased, will sell at private trict. amending and altering the connected with the said estate. committee for the coming year. Dated at Jordan Valley. Oregon, ed to soil conserving crops in 1936. Mr. Davis is now recovering and sale, in one parcel, to the highest terms and conditions of the original Jerry Rust Is working for Russel this 25th day of March, 1936. Payments will not be made, however hopes to be normal again soon. Patton. bidder, for cash in hand at the time contract of said Owyhee Irrigation First publication March 26. 1936 on more than 15 per cent of the Albert Rust is visiting at the Wm MR. AND MRS. R. J. DAVIS of sale, and subject to confirmation District with the United States of acreage in soil depleting crops In Peutz home. by said County Court, on or after America, of date of October 14. 1926. Last publication April 23, 1936. R o b e r t M c C o n n e l l 1935. Pratt Massey has purchased a new Monday, the 20th day of April, 1936, and providing for a supplemental AdminstrJtor of the Estate of B y John E . Public Ford V 8 . Mr Massey is working at The program will be administered all the right, title, interest and water supply for certain lands of the Mary J. Blackstock. deceased. in the county by a Board of Direct the K S and D ranch. estate of the said Anton Stanek, De- 1 Owyhee Project, fixing construction ors elected at community meetings. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harvey are occupying the Harry West house. Secretary of the Interior Harold L. These community meetings will be Mr. Harvey is working for J. Plaza. Ickes was quite peeved the other held just its soon a complete infor "Vs J- J. Plaza has purchased a new day, and rightly too, when 20 sep mation ls available and the plan electric range. will be explained in detail at these arate bidders offered identical bids Sid Flanagan has finished plant down to the last penny for supply meetings. ing his early crop of potatoes. Mr. ing insulated cable for the Boulder It should bo remembered tliat the Flanagan trains to commence work Dam power house. Ickes pulled a new program has no connection W E RECOMMEND THEM on his sagebrush land west of the fast one and accepted the bid of the with the old Wheat, or Corn-Hog Robert Cox ranch soon. concern located the fartherest away, programs carried on in 1934 and The directors of the Owyhee saying "additional employment 1935. This program is giving consid school held a meeting Monday night would be opened by transporting the eration to the building up of soli FACTS ABOUT NYSSA and elected the teaclrers for the material Involved to the site.” The Instead of the reducing of crop A. L. FLETCHER coming year. Mrs. Charles Schwelzer secretary said, ‘‘when 20 companies acreage. f c A R L H. COAD was elected for the upper room and in cities as far apart os Los Angeles. In addition to the payments for Try this Population, (1930) ___________ 821 Mrs. Jane McClaskey for the pri California: Butte, Montana; Den the shift to soil conserving crops ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Soothing Recent estimates _____________ 1000 mary grades. ver. Colorado and Boston, Massa there will also be a special payment Elevation ...................................... 2186 chusetts, submit identical bids for for flax and sugar beets. The NYSSA :-: OREGON NYSSA ! OREGON the deliver of insulated cable at amount of these payments however, City Officers Boulder Dam. there is a prims cannot be determined until all the Mayor ______________ Don Graham facie evidenceof collusion. No per details for the county arc known. Councllmen __ Art Norcott, Mrs Ernest Barker is on the sick son is so naive as to believe that T U S T rub a little Rexall Foot A1 Thompson, Dick Tensen, Dean this is coincidence or even friendly I.ONG HAS BEST RECORD Balm on the feet at night and list this week. Smith. in the morning. See how quickly Loyd Orris had tihe misfortune to collaboration.” IN ORGEON FOR MARCH DR. E. D. NORCOTT City Clerk ___________ A. R. MUlar DR. C. A. ABBOTT it comforts tired, hot, perspiring have his truck run Into by another D E N T I S T City Treasurer.......... Arthur Boy (Jell feet. Aids in relieving chilblains, motorist last week on the road be Another case of Identical bidding Robert “ Pud" Long topped all the CHIROPRACTIC Marshall ______________ A. V. Cook too. tween Oregon Camp and Prairie turned up when four concerns bid hunters working under the Biolog Office Phone 35F2 PHYSICIAN Watermaster ............N. H. Pinkerton City. His truck was quite badly on supplying cement for use In con ical Survey in March by getting 34 X-RAY EXAMINATIONS Health O ffice r __ Dr. J. J. Sarazln Office In Residence wrecked Mrs. Orris and baby were struction of the Arnold dam and adult coyotes during the month completion of the Hamilton dam on and also destroyed 22 unborn coy with him but were uninjured. Three blocks So. M. E. Church County Officers NYSSA OREGON Mr and Mrs. Otis Bullard and the Colorado river in Texas. The otes and five pups. His nearest PHONE 25 family and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dale j contract called for delivery of 20,000 competitor was A. B Richey of County Judge ...... David F. Graham Mr. and Mrs. John Zittercob and barreLs of standard bulk cement. Klamath county who accounted for Commissioners ............. Ora Clark, standard sack 30 adult coyotes during the month. family spent Easter Sunday at the 5.000 barrels of E. H. Brumbach. cement, 290,000 barreLs of modified Owyhee Darn. Sheriff ............................C. W. Glenn A1 Bohy cut his wrist quite badly sack cement and 50,000 barrels of WILSON’S MUSIC PUPILS Nyssa Aerie NYSSA LIBRARY Clerk ___________________ Roy Daley NYSSA PHARMACY last Friday while Sharpening a plow. modified bulk cement for a total of GIVE RECITAL TUESDAY Assessor ________Murray Morton F. O. E. No. 2134 OPEN SATURDAY Kenneth Vander)xx>l was an over $835,159. Four identical bids were Treasurer _________ Mrs. Ora Hope Nyssa Oregon hlght guest of Delman Kerns Tues received except that the bid of the VfEETS WEDNESDAY NIGHT A recital was given Tuesday even County Attorney ...........M. A. Biggs Town Patrons..... 3:30 to 5:30 Republic Portland Cement Company ing at the Methodist church by the day. AT EAGLES HALL County Surveyor, J. Edwin Johnson Out-of-town patrons The Sew and Sew club will meet of San Antonio contained a pro- music students of Mr. and Mrs. County Physician,...... Dr. Anna B SAVE with SAFETY at Visiting Eagles Welcome 2:30 to 7:30 Charles Wilson. A very enjoyable Pritchett. program was given and a large /foe DRUG STORE Coroner ____________ R. A. Tacke WARREN McHARGUE, Pres. ALL PATRONS WELCOME crowd attended. Superintendent. Kathryn Claypool KERMIT LIENKAEMPER Mrs. Fred Marshall, Librarian Nyssa Public Schools Secretary Superintendent ...... Leo Hollenberg OWYHEE NOTES APPLE V A LLEY NEW GOVERNMENT CROP CONTROL PLAN CONSIDERED Squirts FROM THE LINOTYPE NYSSA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY .r FOOT BALM ARCADIA NEWS J FOOT BALM 35c Cut Building Costs Use 4-Square Lumber to get the lowest cost per 'Board-Foot-Year.' Increase the value of your investment! SEEDS Facts About Owyhee Project ON THE OLD JOB H. D. Holme« 4 -S q u a re L a s ts Lo n g er T I ioumhim I n o f ilollnr* w orth o f kiln-dry Injr etluipnit’ iH a n d A ir -d r y in g yards m ake each l>ltHv o f 4-S qun m pro|N*rly seasoned b efore II leave» tin» m ill. B ew are o f green lum ber! It will cauae expen sive repair bill» later on. Lab o r C o sts A re Low ered T I m * n e e u rn to iy m jim red e n d » o f 4 -S q u a r e lu m b e r s a v e m a n y h o u r » o f v a lu a b le tim e U N t m ll y » p e n t In h a n d s q u a r in g . F u ll le n g th * , a I mo , a re g u a r a n te e d , w h ic h nave« m u c h e x - pem tive c o n e t r a o t lo n la b o r . U se Less L u m b e r lk r it u M ' 4 -S q u a r e le n g th » art* a c c u r a te ly m ca a tircd , q u a n title a a re g a u g e d ea sily . T h e r e 1» little w a s te fr o m h a n d s q u a r in g , a n d s p lit o r d a m a g e d lu m b e r 1» m ln lm U e d b y iwo W aging .S pecify 1 -S q u a re w h e u you b u ild ! Headquarters for Your GARDEN SEEDS ■THKKK‘8 A YARD NF.AR YOU” All Kinds of Hanling In City Limita NYSSA, OREGON Phone S Look over our assortment of LAWN MOWERS— $7.95 up Garden hoes, rakes, spading forks, etc . . . Gar den Time is here —fill your needs at our store. S ta rt Y o u r B u ild in g l i a n a With a Visit to Boise Payette Lumber Co. TRANSFER and BAGGAGE Baldridge Implement Co. NYSSA : : : : OREGON Cost of Owyhee Dam ........ $ 6 , 009 ,000 1% miles of Tunnel _____ $4,000.000 Siphons, canals, etc.............$3.000,000 Owyhee dam storage capacity___ ____________ 716,000 acre feet Helghth of dam .................520 feet From lowest point of foundation to top. Leading project city, Nyssa, Oregon Elevation of land ...... 2,250 to 2.500 Acres In Owyhee project, 100,00 acres Principal products ............ hay. corn, dairying, s t o ck raising, grains, potatoes, clover seed, peas, lettuce, onions and carrots. CITY TRANSFER TRUCKING and TRANSFERRING Phone 15 and Phone 28 C. Klinkenberg Distances to Other Points JOURNAL PRINTING IS DISTINCTIVE . . . Has THAT Touch To Distinguish It FYom Ordinary Printing! PRINTING WITH A PERSONALITY "We Make Type Talk- —Eastbound— Caldwell Nampa B o ise ___ Pocatello Salt Lake C it y __________ —Westbound— O n ta r io __ Vale Bakex La Grand* Pendleton _ The Dalles Portland _ B u m s ____ 28 37 . 57 328 516 .. . 12 20 96 146 193 343 436 156 TOWNSEND CLUB MEETINGS Meetings of the Townsend Club are held the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. The Public is Invited D. R. D eG ross__ Mrs. A. V. Pruyn Pres. . Seel