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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL Published At Nyssa, Oregon GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS VOLUME XXX. NO. 15. STOCKMEN GALLED TO VALE TO TALK GRAZING APRIL 22 TT“ UNION PACIFIC TO HAVE LAND SEEKERS EXCURSIONS THIS YEAR Earle G. Reid, agricultural advisor for the Union Pacific railroad met with ‘the members of the Vale- Owyhee Land Settlement committee Friday and discussed the railroads relationship to the new project. Mr Reid was very much Impressed with the country here and pledged the railrads support toward seeing that the entire project was settled. Mr. Reid said the railroad was planning on two "Land-Ueekers Excursions” to start at Chicago and pick up people interested in the new project. These special excursions will be advertised far and wide and are expected to be well patronized. The first excursion will be in June and the next in August of this year. hastest Growing Town in Oregon NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1936. LONG DELAYED LETTER ARRIVES New Settlers Entertained At Big Banquet Friday Night Sponsored By Nyssa Commercial Club The postofifee department gives very fine service as a rule, with a record of speedy transmission of mail and packages that is outstanding. When something happens, such as happened last week, that is news. Here is the yarn: The Nyssa Realty Company received a letter stamped September 30, 1927 from Glenns Ferry, Idaho; a dis tance of about 175 miles. It took almost nine years or to get statistical, the letter trav eled 19 H miles a year or 282 feet a day. The letter was ad dressed to J. Boydell, former owner of the Nyssa Realty and now deceased. There was nothing on the letter to indi cate what caused the delay, * nor where it had been since J it was written nine years ago. ¡51.6U PER YEAR CANYON DAYS 10 BE HELD MAY 8-9 AT EAGLES’ HALL The New Settlers banquet held »greatly as the years roll by ^ President Fletcher's address of Friday night at the high school gym welcome was responded to by Mrs. by the Nyssa Commercial Club a t i^jiiuucican u u u , ucieu us Jack Simpson, one of the new set- tracted a crowd that took every toastmaster and introduced the var tiers, who expressed appreciation in available seat with an overflow ious features of the program. Frank behalf of the newcomers and also crowd accomodated at emergency Morgan, secretary of the Vale-Owy said that while the newcomers were tables. Nearly 275 men and women hee Land Settlement Association, in the minority now, they were rap Committee Heads Have Expression of Opinion attended the affair probably the introduced every man and woman idly becoming a majority and that Been Appointed T o biggest banquet ever held in Nyssa. in the hall, and as they stood they hoped to be able to do some Wanted from Stockmen Handle Celebration. There were over 100 more present briefly, each received a round of ap thing for the business men and old Says Judge Graham than at the big banquet the year plause. timers later on. before, which indicates that the new R. J. Newell, engineer in charge The various talks were interspers Active work was started on the settlers are coming onto the land of the Owyhee project gave a short ed with musical numbers by the Owyhee Canyon Days this week, All livestockmen of Malheur coun here at a rapiw* rate. after dinner talk and said that the i Ni ssa Civic Chorus, two vocal solo6 with the appointment of committee ty have been invited to meet at the E. G. Harland, manager of the construction part of the Owyhee ^ Malcolm Ciawford, two violin heads and setting of the date of the courthouse in Vale on Wednesday ^ Mrs. Herbert Fisher, and affair. The Owyhee Canyon Days Boise Chamber of Commerce was project was rapidly drawing to a morning, April 22, to talk over the close and in the future you would I ^allce numbers by Miss Hlnemoa will be held this year on May 8 and policy of county range lands. "Hiis the princi|>al speaker of the evening Clonlnger and Archie Latham. is an imixrrtant meeting and means and he gave a sparkling talk, paint see more settlers and less construc The Ladies Aid prepared and 9 in the Eagles hall. The decision to considerable to the future of the ing a pleasing picture of small irri tion men. He pointed out that while served the banquet, being assisted use the Eagles 'hall came Wednesday it was extremely gratifying to all to livestock industry in Malheur coun gated farms of the west and partic by several of Nyssa's young ladies. at the noon luncheon of the Com ty," Judge Graham said Monday. ularly the Owyhee Project. He said see tlie ample supply of water in the The affair served its purpose in help mercial Club, sponsors of Bhe af the tendency was toward smaller Owyhee reservoir, their task was to ing to get the new comers acquaint fair. It was thought that the addi The county court wishes to meet farms with an assured water supply see that every settlor had an ample ed with the old timers and many tion of the school rooms in the gym with the livestock producers and and that the Owyhee project was supply of water and he pledged compliments were heard on the would so cut down the floor space consider the matter of the sale of particularly well situated. Here we himself and his organization to do splendid banquet served by the that It would be difficult to 'hold the range lands, owned or to be owned are free from floods, tornadoes, dust their very best to see that they did ladies, the fine program and the in affair there. The basement of Eagels by the county as a result of tax storms, earthquakes and other vio have water when they wanted it and spiring talks. Each guest was pre hall can be utilized for the games foreclosures. It is likely the question lent disturbances of nature; and in copious quantities. of whether these lands should be The fights Thursday night drew a sented with a beautlut daffodil as a and the upper floor for dancing, L. G. Bowns, who has charge of souvenir and baskets of flowers with Bhe outside door to the base that this country v attracting sold in the near future to the high fair sized crowd and all of the bouts more and more ention. He the work done on the propect by formed the centerpiece for the var ment thrown open to make it easier est bidder or whether they should were good with the exception of one. thought the new fai.—, now being the CCC boys told something of the ious tables, all through the courtesy to handle the crowd. be left with the county until the The Everett Regan-Jack Redman Committee heads have been an put under cultivation would always work done by this organization and of the Otnarlo Floral Company. It governments' range policy is deter affair tumend out to be sour, with and each committee three foremen, was an affair that will go down in nounced, be in demand and that the settlers introduced the mined. the boys going into the ring appar Rehearsals are well under way for coming onto tho land were building Messrs, Theo. F. Anderson, H. R. Nyssa history as one of the out chairman Is to select their own ently to see how little damage they “The Road To Glory,” a musical up a valuation that would increase Hatch and Kenneth O. Merrifield. helpers. The general supervisory standing events ever held here. KLUG TO START ON could do and collect their money committee will be composed of A. C. CONTRACT NEXT MONTH with the least amount of work The comedy in two acts which The Am Norcott, Dean Smith and A. L. erican Legion Auxiliary will present fans were well satisfied to have the at The Liberty Theatre, Tuesday, Fletcher. Financial committee will thing over in the third round when be A. H. Boydell and A. R. Millar; John Klug. who recently was Regan waved his glove and Redman April 28. BIG STURGEON publicity, Berwyn Burke and Artie This will probably be the most awarded the contract for the re collapsed to the canvas in an act Robertson; Beano game, Dr. E. D. GETS ATTENTION construction of the spillway of that would have been appreciated in elaborate amateur production ever Norcott; Crap games. Aden Wilson; given in Nyssa, featuring as it does Kachess Dam, Yakima project, j Hollywood Black jack games, Ronald Burke; a cast of seventy-five local people Washington, expects to start on this Candy Wheel, Eddie Powell; Dance incuding fourteen costumed danc The main event of the evening “I don’t believe It,” was the contract about May 1st. His bid on and Music. Jess Thompson; Lunch turned Into a genuine slug feat with ing choruses and specialty numbers. comment heard last Friday, t'he job was $48,778. and hamburger stands, Sid Bur- The setting of the musical comedy meaning they couldn't believe At the present time Mr. Klug isj Bentley winning the fight in the Dean Frank Rhea St. Michael’s Friends and acquaintances were bidge. their eyes when they saw the working on the Lockett Gulch sixth round by a technical knockout. is laid in a mountain state in Mex- shocked Tuesday morning to learn big nine foot sturgeon captur Wasteway, which contract he ex There was nothing tame about this ica with Bhe plot woven around an Episcopal Cathedral, Boise, will be of the death Monday night of Beryl ed by “Pud" Long. The fish pects to complete this month and fight, with Les Berry of Emmett exciting election, with the hero, an the speaker at the annual county Cairns, wife of Nelton Cairns of was caught in Snake river then will move his equipment and taking a terrific amount of punish American, as candidate for Gover council of Parents and Teachers Nyssa and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. near Adrian and weighed 320 establish headquarters to work on ment before the referee stopped the nor. There is abundant comedy, Saturday, April 18. at the Wade James Nelson of 324 10th Ave. North fight. Berry was still standing, out furnished mainly by one. Prof. school in Big Bend instead of at pounds. It was one of the his Yakima project contract. Nam(>a. Idaho. She passed away at on his feet, and helpless, but still Buggsby, who persistently pursues the Big Bend park as first announc largest sturgeon caught in re the Ontario hospital. gamely attempting to fight back. certain rare numbers hi the Insect ed. cent years and Indeed it was Albert B. Hopkins, county pub Funeral services were held this In the early stages of the fight he line. hard to believe that such a The Wild Life League held an “Tire Road To Glory” will be licity chairman, announces that afternoon at 2:30 from the Robinson landed some stiff jolts and floored big fish can be caught in the Funeral Home in Nampa, with In open house Tuesday evening in the Bentley in the third round. Bentley under the direction of a professional the business meeting will be called Snake river right at our door terment in the Meridian cemetery. basement of the Eagles hall and an was dazes some, staying on one knee director who is in Nyssa for that at ten o'clock by the presdent, step. Interesting business and social time Mrs. M. M. Greeling. Reports from until the count of eight. The fourth purpose. After Mr. Long hooked him Mrs. Cairns is survived by her enjoyed. George K. Aiken of On various units will be asked for. Sev was a furious round, with Berry the fish made a dash for free parents, tier husband, baby son and Postpone Banquet tario was present and told of the eral county department chairman dom, getting the line tangled APPLE VALLEY—Tom Furgeson, starting to get the worst of it. In the by three sisters, Mrs. Rush of On meeting of Bhe state game commis The Auxiliary Fathers and Sons are planning an exhibit of their fifth Berry was in bad shape, around a big rock ui the cen tario; Ruth Nelson, attending school sion held in Portland over tlie week driver of the Apple Valley bus banquet, which had been planned ter of the river, which added at Albion Normal in Idaho and Bet end. He discussed the concentration was badly burned Friday night in hanging on and taking a beating, for April 24th, has been postponed years work. An all day affair is planned. to the difficulty of landing ty Nelson, a senior in Bhe Nampa of deer on some of the livestock a fire which destroyed the school which was repeated in the sixth until a later date. The program committee is very him. He was drug out onto the high school. The young couple liad range but said stockmen as a whole truck and garage housing it. The until the referee stopped the fight. fortunate to secure the services of bank in less than an hour, made many friends while in Nyssa were not opposed to the deer and an latest word from the hospital re Th semi-final between Jake Green Dean Rhea. Other special features and the tragedy was a shock to all investigation had shown th at little however. Mr. Long also caught ported Mr. Ferguson Is a very ser and Buddy Edwards, ended in a WATER TURNED IN by the committee. and the sympathy of the community actual damage was being suffered. a sturgeon Thursday, a small ious condition. Mrs. Ferguson is popular draw decision. Buddy was CANAL WEDNESDAY are A planned large crowd is expected at goes out to the bereaved family. er one weighing 100 pounds. staying at the hospital most of the leading on points until the final Mr. Aiken prophesied a marked lunch to be served by the Wade P. The baby Is reported to be getting Increase In the deer in this section time while the children are staying round with only seconds to go. T. A. at the noon hour. Proceeds along nicely. at the home of her mother, Mrs. Green floored him twice just before and said more deer are being re Water from the Owyhee reservoir will be used to sponsor 4-H summer Hatch in Big Bend. ported in this section each year. the bell but the referee and the was turned into the main canal school awards at the Oregon State The tragedy happened last Friday crowd thought Edwards had earned Wednesday and deliveries will start Speaking of fishing he said 50,000 Garden Program College. about 10 o'clock when Mr. Furguson a draw for his good showing up to today or possibly tomorrow. The rainbow trout are being planted in At Civic Club the Beulah Dam and it Is likely that returned home and noticed a fire that point. first head in the canal is small, but P. O. BUSINESS in the garage housing the school from 25,000 to 50,000 eastern brook The fight between Homer Fincher will be Increased as the demand for truck. He threw open the door and of Boise and Larry O'Collins furn water becomes greater. will be planted in the Owyhee res SHOWS GAIN the resultant draft caused a 50 ished the comedy relief of the even The regular monthly meeting of ervoir. The high school baseball team At the dam the water has been gallon drum of gasoline to explode, ing. O'Collins received a bloody running through the ring gate at Artie Robertson and Roy Pounds The postal business at the local showed considerable strength in a the Civic Club was held Wednesday throwing flaming gasoline in all dir the rate of from 5,000 to 6,000 feet a postoffice has shown a steady gain practice gnme Tuesday evening with afternoon with a good attendance reported on the Dunaway bass nose in the first round that gave ections, part of which covered Mr. present to hear an Interesting bad pond and the effort made to get him a particularly vicious appear day, and for a time the crest of during the past year with another Furguson. He rolled around in the ance and although he landed some water going over the gate was five substantial gain registered during the local town team, putting the ness meeting and entertaining pro some big bass last Sunday out of older players to shame to the tune gram. During the business meeting Adams slough for immediate stock grass in an effort to extinguish the round houses that must of hurt, his feet in depth. The Owyhee river is the quarter ending March 31st. If flames but a good percentage of his jaw proved a good target for Finch carrying considerable water almost the present gain continues, Nyssa of 4 to 1. It was the first baseball the ladles decided to buy material ing purposes. The fishing at the body was covered with bums. He er’s jabs. O’Collins was alternately approaching flood stage. It Is esti has a fair chance of becoming a action of the year and quite a crowd for tables to be built at the the slough was not particularly success was rushed to the Caldwell hospital up and down during the fight which mated that if the ring gate were to second class office with correspond of townspeople were out to witness picnic grounds at the Owyhee Dam. ful, due to the fact that Bhe wrong the game. by Mr. Simmerman and has been In The building of the picnic grounds kind of equipment was used and on ended in the third with O'Collins be raised, the dam could be filled to ing better facilities and possibly a a serious condition ever since. new building. Both teams went along scoreless Is being sponsored by the Pomona account of the high water. It was head under a ringside seat and his the brim in a week or ten days. decided to postpone further fishing The Parma fire department was legs dangling over the bottom rope. Last year the business done dur- until the 4th Inning Wlien Paul Grange. called but there was nothing they The ladles decided to postpone operations until the water lowers. inging the quarter ending March 31 Johnston got a single and Graham could do except keep the flames The curtain raiser was one of the LAND BEING SOLD was $1.454.89 while this year it was got on base by an error. Cook their May meeting one week due to Don Todd reported on poisoning of from spreading. The cause of the best battles, the show being opened AT RAPID PACE $1.843. 47. Shaking in round num cracked out a healthy double, scor Commencement Week at the local magpies and crows, and said many lire is a mystery but the theory of with a four round battle between bers, the quarter ending last June ing Johnston and Graiham for the high school. The May meeting will of Blie j jests had been destroyed. In speaking of the Oregon Wild defective wiring has been advanced. Alfred Parrish of Nyssa and “Little" showed an increase of $300 over the first scores for the game. Harold be the 27th and will be guest day, Since the accident, arrangements Milligan of Payette. It was a slug year before; the September quarter Anderson, high school pitcher fol with the spring flower display being Life Council, Jim Davenport of On Land on the Owyhee project is go tario advised the clubs not to join have been made for the Hotob’s ging match from start to finish, ing forward at a rapid rate and , showed a $300 gain, the December lowed Cook and he hit one far over one of the features. 1 ruck to take the children to school. and ended in a draw. These boys farmers from all parts of the United quarter another $300 gain while the the left fielders head for a home During the program hour Wednes at the present time but thought a should be good for a re-match. run and more scores. The town boys day, Mrs. Sarazin told of the early county council should be organized States and Canada are picking out | Past quarter gained nearly $400. MITCHELL BUTTE scored their run in the fifth when gardens. Including the Garden of os soon as possible In order that this choice pieces of land on the Owyhee, [ ~ MANY EXPECT TO Johnston got on base through error Eden and the Hanging Gardens of county may have some word In fish HOT SPRINGS IS recognized as having a water right j DAUGHTER BORN and game matters affecting Uhls Babylon. Egyptian Gardens was the part of Oregon. to none and the best soil to Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Anderson of and scored when Price doubled. PIC NIC GROUND ATTEND PICNIC AT second be found anywhere. j the Adrian Bench are the proud Rambaud pitched four of topic discussed by Mrs. Emmott DAM SUNDAY, 26th During the past 30 days there has parents of a 8 3-4 pound baby the Frank six innings and Terry, new while Mrs. Jackson told Interesting been 2207 acres of land actually sold daughter born at 5:50 this morning, player from Texas, pitched the last facts about Japanese and Chinese Tom Lowe of Mitchell Butte says on the project and land seekers ar- This makes three boys and a girl two innings. Harold Anderson gardens. Mrs. Garret Siam told of t at from 25 to 30 cars of picnickers famous European gardens. Mrs. Considerable interest is being rive every day to look over the for the Anderson family. Both moth- pitched for the high school. w re at the hot springs Sunday to Larsen sang a solo during Bhe pro enjoy an outing in the pleasant shown in the picnic to be held at lands. No date has been set as yet er and little daughter are getting Players for the high school were su roundings there. Many of the j the Owyhee Dam on Sunday. April for throwing open the homestead ■ along fine. Dr. Sarazin attended Johnston, Wilson, Graham, Cook, gram, her selection being “Miss (Please phone Journal to have your Rase,” and was accompanied by ra ’s were from Idaho, he says; and 26th. The affair is being sponsored, lands held by the government, b u t,th e case date in this column) Anderson, Crocker, Poage, Groot Mrs. Jackson. by the Vale-Owyhee Land Settle this word is expected to come any scarcely a day passes but what a few and R. Wilson. For the town team: Today—Ball game, Nyssa vs. Col ment Association and will be in the day now. Many inquiries have been WHISKER LAW” PUT Price, Johnston, Long, Terry, Hash- Mrs. Bernard Frost was hostess lege cars journey there for an outing. of Idaho. nature of an open-house at the dam. received on this land and it is ex for the afternoon with Mrs. W. C. Friday—Emmett vs. Nyssa high INTO EFFECT AGAIN itanl, 8chweizer, Serve*», Hoxie, Jackson Visitors will be shown through the pected to go fast. being In charge of the pro school. Rambaud, Burky and Burke. dam free of charge, and will have gram. Assistant 'hostesses were Mrs Saturday Malheur county Coun an opportunity to see the various MUSIC FESTIVAL Whiskers are to be in style Dean Smith, Mrs. Wesley Browne cil of Parents and Teachers at Wade CHILDERS SPEAKER features in operation. in Nyssa for the next three and Mrs. Eldon Jensen. schoolhouse. AT TOWNSEND .MEETING AT VALE FRIDAY weeks, and already some of the There is to be a basket lunch at Sunday—Grange picnic at dam. business men have jumped the Big gas trucks arriving at Thomp noon, and facilities will also be pres GRANGES TO HOLD Tuesday—Vale vs. Nyssa H. 3. gun by getting their facial ent for the purchase of lunch and son Oil . . . Spring weather boon to PICNIC THIS SUNDAY here. Mr. Childers, speaker sent out by underbrush started. The streets golf and fishing fans . . . Sewer soft drinks. The road Is In good The Malheur county music fest AT OWYHEE DAM Tuesday—Monthly meeting Com Bhe Townsend speakers pool in of Nyssa will resemble the days machine working its way down the j shape and many cars from distant ival for rural and city schooLs is to mercial Club. Oregon addrensed the local club of '49, with grey beards vying street near the elevator . . . Seniors j points are expected to be present be held in Vale at the Community Wednesday. Stockmens meeting Wednesday night at the church and with thr red and black ones for planning sneak day next week along with hundred of cars from hall. Friday, April 17th. The pro a very appreciative audience was The granges of the county are at Vale. attention—and a1! in a spirit of gram is to start at 2 o'clock and the (guess when) . . . Owen Price and this vicinity. April 23 Fights at Eagle Hall. present. The club boasts 315 mem holding a basket picnic at the Owy fun for the coming Owyhee As a safety feature, the state public is invited to attend. V rnal Shoemaker wishing for in April 26 Celebration at dam. hee dam this Sunday, April 19th and bers at the present time and is Days. It is going to he a serious There will be special numbers police will handle traffic and the vitations out to dinner . . . Bernard April 2$ Auxilary home talent expect to put In part of the time growing steadily, offense to display a clean from each school of the county and road to the dam will be one way only Frost with a big hat for sale . . . play. working on the picnic grounds the At the meeting last Thursday shaven face in Nyssa and the a combined chorus using numbers Business men with whiskers sprout up until two olock and then one night, Lewis Williams of Boise ad Pomona Grange Is sponsoring at Bhe May 8, 9 Owyhee Canyon Day.« Vigilante committee will rail on way return, thus making it perfectly from the mask; text book with mem ing here and there . . . May 15 Primary Election. dressed the club and brought up dam. The public is invited to attend the violators of the Whisker safe and no danger of meeting cars bers of the rtiorus drawn from the the affair. many points new to the members Law.” best singers of the various school. at unexpected places. Bentley Scores Technical K 0 Over Les Berry AUXiUARY PLANS HOME TALENT PLAY COUNTY COUNCIL OE P.T.A. SATURDAY 15 CALLEO BY DEATH Wild Life Talked At Tues. Meeting Bus Driver Is Badly Burned High School Wins From Town Team EVENT CALENDAR T B btw T II