GATE CITY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1936. OREGON TRAIL CLUB NEWS JOURNAL POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS C andidate« Should H ave T heir A nnouncem ents A ppear U nder T h is Colum n R egularly For B est R esults For R epresentative For County Ju dge DAVID F. GRAHAM FOR COUNTV JUDGE— Herewith I beg to advise you I shall be a candidate (or the nomination to the office of County Judge on your ticket at the Primaries to be held May 15, 1936; and that I will appreciate your support, very much. Political advertisement paid for by David F. Graham, Vale, Oregon. v. B. STAPLES FOR REPRESENTATIVE— I will be a candidate for nomina­ tion as State Representative from Malheur county on the Republican Ticket at the Primary election. May 15th. I am willing to stand on my record in the two hegular sessions and three special sessions in which I have represented the county at the state legislature. Political Advertising paid for by V. B. Staples, Ontario, Oregon. The Oregon Trail 4-H Calf Club met at the home of the president, Dewey Thomason, last week end. The meeting was called to order by the president. The Oregon State song was sung by the members led by Junior Holmes. Afterward, the regular procedure of the meeting was taken care of. The boys decided to extend guest of honor invitations at the next meeting which will be at the heme of Junior Holmes. Topics of discussion on Diary Breeds and Methods of Feeding were carried on by Frankie Wilson and Dewey Thomason. Albert B. Hopkins, club leader, examined the boys' record books and made proper corrections and sug­ gestions. The boys retired to the barn after the meeting to inspect the calf of their president. Mr. Hopkins ex­ plained to the boys the proper way of leading and handling the calf. Jack Marshall will have charge of the program at the next meeting. Refreshments were served. HIGH SCHOOL JOURNAL VOLUME 1. NO 27. APRIL 9. 1936 If the full moon matures upon Sunday Easter Sunday is the first Editor .... Russell Patton Sunday following. Class News ......... Lucile Thrasher -N H S — Bessie Ashby SENIORS G A.A. N ew s...................Viola Pullen Helen Enebeck has gone here to Boy’s Athletics ................Bill Kurtz Jack McKee school for two years and one year Jokes .....................Ellen McConnell to Caldwell high school and is com­ Ted Morgan pleting high school in just three years. She gets l ’s in all subjects Around School Betty McHargue and is president of the Senior class. Society ....................... Irene Poage Morgan Rust went to grade school Marzene Hollenberg in Owyhee and all four years to Nyssa high school. He plays in most APRIL BRINGS THE PRIMROSE of the sports and is a letterman. Helen Pond went to school In SWEET, SCATTERS DAISIES AT Boise for one-half of her Sophomore OUR FEET. year but the rest of the time she This is the month that Easter, has gone here. Site is a very good the Christian spring festival com- student but has missed much this morating the resurrection is enjoy­ year because of illness. —NHS— ed. The term in the Teutonic and CLASS NEWS Anglo-Saxon language is derived SOPHOMORE STAFF and delinquent for drainage dlstrt assessments for the years. 1929, 193 and 1931, and for the State am County taxes for the years 1929 am 1930, together with Interest ano costs thereon upon the real prop­ erty assessed to J. L. Beckley, of which Jess L. Beckley is the ownet as appears of record, situated ir said County and State, and partic­ ularly described as follows: The South hair (SH ) of the Northwest quarter (NW-4) and the Northwest quarter (NWK) of the Southwest quarter (8WI4), all of Section 11, Township 21, South of Range 46 E. W M. Commencing at a point on the section line 679.8 feet N of SW corner of Sec. 33, Twp. 20, S. Rng 46 E. W M , and thenoe running N on the section line 1960.2 feet; thence E on the center line of said section 519.4 feet; thence S 22 degrees 45 minutes E 347 feet; thence S 18 degrees 45 minutes W 308 feet; thence S 44 degrees 30 minutes 1096 feet to the N and S forty acre line; thence S 1247.7 feet along said line; thence W 1323.5 feet to point of beginning, con­ taining 43.5 acres, more or less. Abstract shall be at the expense of purchaser, and the purchaser to assume taxes becoming due and pay­ able in 1936. Offers shall be in writing and may be left at the office of Carl H. Coad, attorney for administrator, at Nys­ sa, Oregon, at any time after the first publication of this notice and before the making of the sale. Dated this 19th day of March, 1936. WM. PEUTZ, Adminstrator of the Estate of Anton Stanek. Deceased. Date of tiret publication, March 19, 193 g Date of last publication, April 16, 1936. Said Jess L. Brckley. also known as J. L. Beckley, as the owner of the legal title of the above described property as the same appears of record, The Estate of Jess L. Beck­ ley, Deceased, Carrie Beckley, Dean Beckley, Garrett Beckley, Lucille Beckley Conway, Evelyn Beckley J. D. FAIRMAN Doe, The unknown heirs or devisees, FOR COUNTV JUDGE— if any, of Jess L. Beckley, Deceased, and the unknown owner or owners I hereby announce my candidacy CARL H. COAD FOR REPRESENTATIVE— of the real property hereinabove de­ for the office of County Judge on For nomination as candidate for scribed, and each of. them are hereby the Republican ticket, subject to the 8 tate Representative on the Repub­ further notified that the Kingman from Ostara, divinity of spring to The Freshmen had class group Colony Drainage District will apply will of the voters at the Primary lican Ticket. the ancient Norsemen. Besides being picture taken Thursday. to the Circuit Court of the County Election, May 15, 1936. Political advertisement paid for by For Com m issioner commencement of the resurrection Grade slips were given out Friday and State aforesaid for a decree Carl H. Coad, Nyssa, Oregon. of Christ from the dead, the Easter morning. foreclosing the liens against the Political advertisement paid for by I. G. FRIZZELL Festival of modern times is a mem­ —NHS - property above described and men­ NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE J. D. Fairman, Ontario, Oregon. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER— orial of the Christian passover from For County Clerk tioned In said certificates. And you, I hereby announce my candidacy the Old Dispensation of the moral JOKES By virtue of an execution in fore­ and each of you, hereby are sum­ for the Republican nomination as l a w to the New Dispensation, FRED J. CLEMO closure issued out of the Circuit ROY DALEY moned to appear within sixty days Mr. Shoemaker was putting ques­ County Commissioner, subject to the wrought by the sacrifice for unity in Court of the State of Oregon for FOR COUNTY JUDGE— FOR COUNTY CLERK— will of the voters at the Primary the innocent death of Christ upon tions to the class: “What do we after the first publication of this the County of Malheur on the 18th I hereby announce my candidacy summons, exclusive of the day of call a man" he said, “who keeps on I hereby announce my candidacy election Your support will be ap­ day of March, 1936, pursuant to a the cross. for the Democratic nomination as for the office of County Clerk for talking and talking when other said first publication, and defend judgment rendered on the 18th day At first the Christian passover people are no longer Interested?" County Judge of Malheur county, Malheur county subject to the will preciated. this action or pay the amount due subject to the will of the voters in of the Republican voters at the Pri­ Political Advertisement paid for by was celebrated, as the Hebrew, the “If you ask me,” replied Jack Mc­ as above shown, together with costs of March, 1936, In a suit wherein 14th day of Nison (April). But the Kee “It’s the teacher.” the primary election, May 15th. I mary Ejection to be held May 15th, I. G. Frizzell of Vale, Oregon. and accrued Interest, and in case of The Federal Land Bank of Spokane, Church of Rome soon changed this pledge courteous treatment to all, 1936. your failure to do so, a decree will be a corporation, is plaintiff, and Ouy to the Sunday after the 14th day Paul Johnston, “Are you growing rendered foreclosing the lien of said J. Johnston and Effie Johnston, and special favors to none. I promise Political advertisement paid for by W. S. SKINNER an economical and business like ad­ Roy, Daley, Vale, Oregon. taxes against the land and the husband and wife; Jesse Johnston FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER— of Nison to distinguish the differ­ taller all the time?” ence between Judaism and Christ­ Hollenberg, “No, Why?’ ministration of the duties of the of­ premises above named and describ­ and Anna Johnson, husband and I hereby announce my candidacy ianity. wife; C'Ceal Boswell, a widow; Lula fice. I pledge to serve all the people. Paul: “I just noticed your head is ed. for the Republican nomination as Thomas and Charles O. Thomas, CHARLES E. HOWELL Easter Sunday is now determined poking up through your hair.’ This summons is published by or­ County Commissioner, subject to as the first Sunday after the Political Advertisement paid for by FOR COUNTY CLERK— der of the Honorable Charles W. wife and husband; Arvilla Beedle, the will of the voters at the Primary pachal full moon, that is the 14th Fred J. Clemo of Ontario, Oregon. Bill Case, rushing into restaurant Ellis Judge of the Circuit Court of same person as Villa Kelley, and I hereby announce my candidacy election. May 15th. Your support day of the calendar moon, or the “Do you serve shrimps here?” for nomination as County Clerk, the State of Oregon for the County Roy F. Beedle, wife and husband; will be appreciated. Nellie Jean Schweizer: “Yes, what of Malheur, and said order was Grace Unrah, whose true name is THERON R. BEERS next full moon that matures upon subject to the will of the Republi­ will you have?” can voters at the Primary Election, Political advertisement paid for by or next after the 21th of March. FOR COUNTY JUDGE— made and dated the 11 th day of Grace Unruh, and Lee M. Unrah, whose true name is Lee M. Unruh, March, 1936. I herewith announce my candi­ May 15th. If nominated and elected, W. S. Skinner, Jordan Valley, Ore. wife and husband; Gertrude Schultz dacy for nomination as County I promise a sober, industrious and CARL H. COAD and William Schultz, wife and hus­ Judge, subject to the Democratic honest administration. L. P. “PETE” PETERSON Attorney for Plaintiff, Postoffice band; Bertha Gibson and Albert P. Political advertisement paid for by voters at the Primaries, on May 15, FOR COMMISSIONER— and Residence Address, Nyssa, Gibson, wife and husband; Agnes 1936. If nominated and elected I will Charles E. Howell, Vale, Oregon. Oregon. Holly and John E. Holly, wife and I hereby announce my candidacy conduct this office In an honest, ef­ or permanent phase of the Federal Date of first publication, March 12, husband; Earl Johnston and Rose for nomination for county commis­ ficient manner, with fairness and Portland, Ore.—Passage of the 1936. Housing program. Johnston, husband and wife; L. K. sioner, subject to the will of the courtesy to all who may have oc­ For Circuit Judcre Date of last publication April 9, 1936 Bullock and Myrtle Bullock, hus­ Repulican voters at the Primary National Housing Act amendment, casion to call on this office, with LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT band and wife; Claude Bullock and Election. May 15, 1936. My slogan extending the Modernization Credit special privileges to none, regardless Jane Doe Bullock, husband and NOTICE OF PUBLICATION is "Justice to All.” Your support Plan a full year, to April 1, 1937, has SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION of financial or social standing. I will CHARLES W. ELLIS been compfeled by congress and the wife; W. E. Olsen and Martha Olsen, No. 044495 will be greatly appreciated. give all problems earnest and delib­ FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE— husband and wife; Ontario National Department of The Interlor Having served for some months as Policital advertisement paid for by measure is now awaiting the presi­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE erate consideration, with the best dent’s signature, according to infor­ STATE OF OREGON FOR MAL­ U. S. Land Office at Blackfoot, Ida- I Farm Loan Association, a corpora Circuit Judge of the Ninth Judicial interest of Malheur County and Its L. P. “Pete” Peterson, Vale, Oregon. mation received by Jamieon Parker, HEUR COUNTY. tlon; the unknown heirs of John C. District by appointment, I hereby ho, March 30, 1936. people at heart. state FHA director. KINGMAN COLONY DRAINAGE announce myself a candidate for NOTICE is hereby given that Johnston, deceased; the unknown FOR COUNTY JUDGE Political advertisement paid for by such office and solicit the nomina­ As soon as the president has at­ DISTRICT, A Quasi-Public Cor­ Ernest A. Bodmer of Nyssa, Oregon, heirs of Della Bullock, deceased; poration, Plaintiff. Theron R. Beers, Ontario, Oregon. tached his signature, which housing tion for an elective term at the who on April 10, 1930, made Desert Also all other persons or parties un­ vs. officials believe he will do imme­ hands of the voters at the Non­ land entry. Serial No. 044495, for known claiming any right, title, diately, revised regulations and con­ JESS L. BECKLEY, also known as Lot 6 Sec. 29; lots 1, 2, Sec. 30; lot estate, lien or Interest in the real partisan Judiciary Primary Election For A ssessor J. L. BECKLEY, The Estate of 2, Section 31, Township 7 North, estate described In the complaint tracts of insurance will be issued by to be held May 15th, 1936. Having JESS L. BECKLEY, Deceased, Range 5, West Boise Meridian, has herein, are defendants, said writ the Federal Housing Adminstration. had a long experence in general CARRIE BECKLEY, DEAN BEC­ filed notice of intention to make being directed to me and command­ JEAN BURRELLE practice, plus my experience on the Important changes contained in KLEY, GARRETT BECKLEY, final proof, to establish claim to the ing me to sell the hereinafter de­ FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR— bench since the latter part of 1934, the new amendment are: LUCILLE BECKLEY CONWAY, land above described, before Lillian scribed real property, I will on Sat­ I know I can pledge an administra­ Financing of movable equipment I hereby announce my candidacy EVELYN BECKLEY DOE, The Wilson, Clerk of District Court, at urday, the 9th day of May, 1936, at or machinery no longer permitted for the office of Assessor for the tion of the office which will be fair, unknown heirs or devisees, if any, Payette, Idaho, on the 19th day of 10:30 o’clock in the forenoon of said for any type of property where loan County of Malheur, State of Oregon, economical, sensible, and humane, of Jess L. Beckley, Deceased, and May, 1936. day, at the north main entrance for same is less than $ 2 , 000 . subject to the will of the voters of in accord with the oath. From 1907 the unknown owner or owners of Claimant names as witnesses: Earl door of the County Court House at In the future the borrower must the Republican Party at the Pri­ to 1935 my residence was in Harney the real property hereinafter de­ Sullivan, Tony Mazar, A. J. Ritchie, Vale, Malheur County, Oregan, sell, either own property to be improved mary Election to be held May 15th, County, and in 1935 it became Mal­ scribed, Defendants. heur County, due to the extra term all of Nyssa, Oregon; Merle I. Smith subject to the statutory right of re­ or hold it under lease running at 1936. demption, all of the right, title and per year there and the larger vol­ least six months beyond term of To JESS L. BECKLEY, also of Ontario, Oregon. Political advertisement paid for by ume of court work in Malheur over Source of water right is Electric interest of the above named defend­ loan. known as J. L. BECKLEY, The Jean Burrelle, Vale, Oregon. ants in and to the following describ­ that in Grant and Harney. Loans may be made for improved ESTATE of JESS L. BECKLEY, De­ Pump. Volume is 120”. ed real property, to-wit: 8 E%NEVi Charles W. Ellis IRA H. MASTERS, property only, thus eliminating new ceased, CARRIE BECKLEY. DEAN of Sec. 34, Twp. 21, 8 ., Rng. 48 E. W. Ontario, Oregon Register. construction under the moderniza­ BECKLEY, GARRETT BECKLEY, c. c. COATS M, containing 40 acres, in Malheur Political Advertising paid for by tion phase of the program. LUCILLE BECKLEY CONWAY, FOR ASSESSOR— NOTICE OF SALE County, State of Oregon, together Charles W. EJllis of Ontario, Oregon. Approved finanical institutions EVELYN BECKLEY DOE, the un­ I hereby announce my candidacy will be insured against loss up to known heirs or devisees if any, of IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE with all water and water rights used for the office of County Assesor sub­ ten per cent of their total advances, JESS L. BECKLEY, Deceased, and STATE OF OREGON FOR MAL­ upon or appurtenajit lo said lands For Superintendent ject to the will of the Republican and particularly four shares of stock the unknown owner or owners of the instead of 20 per cent. HEUR COUNTY. voters at the Primary Election to be Reserves already accumulated on real property hereinafter described, In The Matter of the Estate of AN­ in the Riverside Irrigation District, KATHRYN CI.AYPOOL held May 15th, 1936. Ltd., evidenced by certificate No. the 20 per cent basis are not applic­ the above named Defendants: TON STANEK, Deceased. FOR SUPERINTENDENT— Political advertisement paid for by able to losses sustained on loans IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN: 365, to satisfy a Judgment in favor I hereby announce my candidacy C. C. Coats, Vale, Oregon. made after March 31. New reserves OREGON: You hereby are notified That pursuant to an order of the of the plaintiff In the sum of for County School Superintendent, $1467.27, with interest on $1439.63 subject to the will of the voters at PAST MASTER POMONA GRANGE must be started beginning April 1, that the Kingman Colony Drainage above entitled Court, made the 18th thereof at the rate of 5 per cent per on a basis of ten per cent. District is the holder of Certificates day of March. 1936, in the above en­ Soliciting your support for the JOHN E. BENNETT the Primaries, May 15. This is a Where a question exists as to the of Delinquency numbered 7867 and titled matter the undersigned, ad­ annum from November 29, 1935, for Republican nomination for Nonpartisan office. If elected, I as­ FOR ASSESSOR— eligibility of a loan. It is suggested 7868, issued on the 4th and 6 th days minstrator of the Estate of Anton $81.20 costs, and for such additional COUNTY JUDGE I wish to announce my candidacy sure the people my continued ser­ that the financial institution defer of January, 1936, respectively, by the Stanek, Deceased, will sell at private costs as may accrue. for the office of assessor for the vice for our schools. Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 18th Pledged to a courteous, efficient and final commitment until the new reg­ Tax Collector of the County of Mal­ sale, In one parcel, to the highest Policital advertising paid for by County of Malheur, State of Ore­ impartial business management of ulations are received. heur, State of Oregon, for the total bidder, for cash in hand at the time day of March, 1936. Kathryn Claypool, Vale, Ore. gon, subject to the will of the vot­ O. W. GLENN your county affairs. (Political Ad­ These changes In the moderniza­ amount of O n e Thousand One of sale, and subject to confirmation ers of the Republican party at the Sheriff, Malheur County, Oregon vertising paid for by D. C. Diming, tion plan do not affect the opera­ Hundred Fifty and 05/100 Dollars, by said County Court, on or after FOR COUNTY SCHOOL primary election to be held May 15, Vale, Oregon) tion of the single mortgage system the same being the amount then due Monday, the 20th day of April, 1936, Date of first publication, April 9, SUPERINTENDENT 1936. all the right, title, interest and 1936. estate of the said Anton Stanek, De­ Date of last publication, May 7, Political advertisement paid for by ceased. at the time of his death, in 1936. John E. Bennett, Vale, Ore. and to that certain piece and parcel Date of sale, May 9, 1936, at of land situate, lying and being in 10:30 A. M. ROBERT R. OVERSTREET I hereby announce my candidacy the County of Malheur, State of Lytle & Coad. Vale, Oregon, attor­ for the office of school superintend­ 1 OR ASSESSOR— neys for plaintiff. Oregon, described as follows: ent of Malheur county, subject to I wish to announce that I Intend the will of the voters at the Non­ to be a candidate for the office of partisan Primary Election to be held LEGAL ADVERTISING LEGAL ADVERTISING Assessor in the coming Republican May 15, 1936. Primary Election and respectfully Political advertising paid for by ALBERT B. H O PK INS, can d id ate for County NOTICE TO VOTERS wish you to consider my candidacy. Mrs. E. M. Crail, Vale, Oregon. I have been a taxpayer in Malheur TO VOTE YOU MUST BE REGISTERED School Superintendent, is qualified for the p osi­ county for 31 years, and am fam- As provided by Chapter 204, 1927 Laws, no person shall be qualified to For State Senator II ar with the duties and obligations tion in: vote at a Primary, General or Special Election unless he shall be regis­ of assessor. tered. Electors cannot be sworn in to vote on election day. Political advertisement paid for by EUGENE PRATT Roglstsatlon books are now open and will be open until the night of FOR STATE SENATOR— R bert R. Overstreet, Nyssa, Oregon. EXPERIENCE: April 14th, 1936. I hereby announce my candidacy If you were registered and did not vote at the last Primary or General Six years principal of the Oregon Trail H ARRY LOONEY Election; if you nave changed your residence or if you desire to change for the nomination on the Republi­ your political affiliations, you must re-register. School, Malheur County. Re-elected to can ticket for the office of State FOR ASSESSOR— You may register at the office of the County Clerk, for any precinct In teach seventh. Other teaching exper­ Senator from the 22nd District, com­ the County, or with the official registrars in the following precincts: I hereby announce my candidacy ience. Hold Oregon life teaching certi­ for the office of County Assessor for prising the counties of Malheur, REGISTRARS PRECINCTS ficate. Harney and Grant. Your support at M. lheur County subject to the will ................................... . Mrs. M. D. Clough Applegate .........................................................— of the Democratic voters at the Pri­ the polls would be appreciated. EDUCATION: Bonita .................................................................. .............W. E. Bonnlfleld (Political advertising paid for by mary Ejection to be held May 15th, ... ;......... ...... j. e . Hoiiy Adrian and Big Bend ................................ Eugene Pratt, Nyssa, Oregon.) Oraduate of Oregon Normal 8 chool. One ...................................... Mrs. Ben Jones Brogan ................................................................. 1936. ............................................. Chas. J. Bush year of University study with advanced Harper, Bully and Crowley................................ Pc lltical advertisement paid for by ............................. H. C. H3ms Ironside .................. -........................................... credit at Oregon State College Summer For Treasurer ...................... J. L. Pops Harry Looney, Big Bend. Jamieson ................................. ............................ School. . " ........................... Geo. L. Parks Jordan Valley and Juniper................................ ........................................... Dan Gallagher Jones and Beulah .............................................. WALTER MARSHALL Ml RRAY MORTON LEADERSHIP: Mahogany ........................................................ Mrs. D. H. Haylett FOR COUNTY TREASURER— Malheur ....... Mrs. Horton Worsham FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR— He is a natural leader and ready mixer. McDermltt ....... Alice D. Bankofler I hereby announce my candidacy North and South Nyssa, Arcadia and Owyhee .............. Don M. Oraham He commands the respect of parents and I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Treasurer Ontario, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Fair and Cairo .................................. Bessie Doolittle pupils. for the office of Assessor of Malheur of Malheur County subject to the Riverside .......................................................................... Martha Jenkins County, subject to the will of the will of the Republican Voters at the Rockville............................................................ Irma 8 Sheridan CITIZENSHIP: Rome ...................................................................... Mrs. Dora Mathews voters at the Democratic Primary Primary Election to be held May 15 Snake River .................................................................. * O. H. Bplcer election, May 15th, 1936. Your vote 1936. Stands for community upbuilding, morale Watson ............................................................. .............. Mrs. L. E. Palmer will be appreciated. improvement, and spiritual happiness. Political Advertising paid for by Official Registrars have lists of those who ARE NOW registered. Political advertisement paid for by Walter Marshall. Nyssa, Oregon. 3- l»- 2 tp. 3-12 to 4-9 ROY DALEY, County Clerk. Murray Morton. Ontario, Oregon. Congress Extends Modernizing Plan In Modified Form D. C. DEMING Mrs* E. M. Crail ALBERT B. HOPKINS Qualified for County School Superintendent Vote for Hopkins