GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, APRIL Ô, 1936 ANNUAL REPORT Two More Candidates Out County Commissioner Job OF KOLONY PTA ing the year For have been, Mrs. C. C. E. H. BRUMBACH president; Mrs. Maurice SHOWS ACTIVITY Cotton, Judd and Wylie Hewitt, vice presi­ E. H. Brumbach, present county dents; Mrs. Charles Newbill, secre­ OBSERVATIONS By Other Editors Parma, • MARKET FINDER 1 , well, FOR SALE Id?’ ..and red Try our Market Finder to dts- J I berry pl?r The following article is taken * pose of surplus goods, rent at .,s 60c per dozen Red Curr . | from the Corning News and was house, find lost articles, to buy or , Mar. 12- written by J. W. Dipboye, a relative sell prjduce and many other uses. ( __ | of Chas. L. Fisher of Nyssa: Rates one cent a word per inser- | fo r SALE Four room house for I A lot of Weary Williams, with ^tion. Minimum 15c sale cheap if taken for cash. See hands in their pockets to their el­ Mrs. Rarnbaud. 3-19-2tptf commissoner, has decided to entei bows, constantly whining "I can’t.” tary-treasurer; Mrs. D. O. Duvall, the race for the Democratic nomin­ LOST When they see the other fellow do­ "The Relation of the Home to FOR SALE -Baby chicks and baby Mrs. R. R. Overstreet ation and filed his name last week. ing his best they look on with a woe LOST—Bunch of keys. Return to turkeys, all p< rular breeds. Cus­ Character Formation,' is the theme membership; ways and means and hospitality; Mr. Brumbach is fniishing his begone look and feebly say “I tom hatching. Cain’s Hatchery, ot the National Congress ot Parent Mrs. Conrad Martin, magazine; Mr. fourth year as commissioner of this can’t”. Yes, sir, the world is getting Gilbert Spencer for reward, ltp. Opposite Post Of.'ice, Ontario. Ore­ and Teachers in May. The study in Hewitt, legislative; Mrs. Wm. county and also has a long record pretty well supplied with the "I the Kolony P. T. A. during the past Toombs, social; Mrs. C. E. Elliott, back of him in public service on the gon. F6 tf. FOR SALE cant'ters.” seven months has followed this 4-H club and summer round-up; Canal board, going back SALE—10-18 Case Tractor theme rather closely. The home and Mrs. James Lane, program and reso­ to Riverside What this country needs more FOR SALE—A- 2-room house at FOR 1903 and has served on his school $300, new magneto, motor com­ its responsibility has proved to be a lutions; Mrs. Maurice Judd, Inter­ board than anything else is a bunch of go- Dunaway. Inquire at F. G. Holmes several terms. He has also pletely overhauled, ready for work. subject to induce a participating national Relations and publicity. been a for director getters with jaws set. Yes sir, that's ranch. A9-30 pd. the Parma Tele­ Ontario, Phone 3WJ1. Mar 26 tfc membership. Part of this may be The work for the next two months phone Company of since right. And why?* Because you lack 1905. due to the fact that the National aside from the regular meetings will stem staying qualities and the FOR SALE—Bliss Triumph Seed WANTED Parent Teacher magazine is going Include the Summer Round-up Mr. Brumbach hales from Illinois, other fellow's got you licked to fraz­ Potatoes. First year out of certi­ where he first saw the light of day fication. F. L. Steinhaus. 2% miles WANTED- Washing and ironing for into nearly every home. zle before you start! when a doctor and dentist will ex­ on July 11, 1869, at Marseilles, 111. west of Cairo Junction. Apr2-3tp gents. Leave laundry at Schlltz More than usual interest has been amine all children who will enter He And when you say “I can't” you came to Malheur county, buying shown In International Relations. school in the fall. [ are telling the truth. How about FOR SALE—Two year old Jersey Tavern Poolhall. A9 pd. farm in the Big Bend section in Interesting discussion about peace The unit will help the teachers a 1902 bucking up. Show the world you got cow, just fresh with heifer calf, WANTED--Contract for grubbing, has created one of the education have been stimulated by with the County Play Day and will finest and the stuff in you to win. Say, big holy* $60. Wm. E. Schweizer. plowing and discing land. Carl Se­ in this section from raw letters which have been received entertain with a picnic on the last land. farms you got a mighty fine chance to do bum, 3-4 miles north of Nyssa. He is married and has four FOR SALE—Kerosene brooder and from Peaceways. our stuff. Sleeves rolled up, a deter­ day of school. Phone 78F21. A9tf children, Joe Brumbach, one of the Rhode Island Red setting eggs. mined look in your eye, push the “I To open each meeting the child­ Probably the last activity of the boys, is a contractor on the Owyhee can’ters” out of the way like so G. Stam. A2-9 pd. WANTED- Someone to rent or lease ren under the direction of the spring will be in June when the project; Rex, a former superintend­ Myrna Loy, Clark Gable many straws then begin at the right FDR SALE—45 bushels of seed corn 40 acres ready for seeding and 80 teachers have entertained for a few Kolony will be the hostess unit, for ent of the Vale schools is now work­ Jean Harlow in end of the job and shove ahead. acres to be cleared. Tom Lowe, minutes. This has not been done by the annual commencement exercises ing with a harvester company out of at State Fair, Mitchell “Wife Versus Secretary” Butte. How about this plan? You can’t. you that pick took out first i,ue prize exploiting the individual child but for the eight grade graduates from Walla Walla, Wash., while the choice ears at 2c Sun., Mon., Tues. and Wed. How about that plan? No good. by groups giving a sample of their the five surrounding communities. youngest boy, Ezra is at home. His per hundred on the cob. Grant MISCELLANEOUS at Dreamland in Ontario Might be O.K. but you can't put it school work such as dramatized on daughter, Mrs. Fred Nightingale, over. O. K„ but how about all other Rawson. 4-2-4tc. reading, music and debate. HAULING—All kinds, Oregon and is a teacher in the Ironside school. IRONSIDE NEWS JORDAN VALLEY plans? Well, I believe some of them FOR SALE—Six room modern house Idaho License. Hugh Glasgow. A teachers reception anti Hal­ would help but—you can't. in excellent shape. Price $2,000 Phone 36-F71. Jan 16tf. loween party afforded two pleasant The weather remains quite cold with half down. Jim Swan. 3-26-4tc Mrs. Julia Parks of Caldwell who Boosting the Townsend Plan is a evenings and interested many new and Ironside was visited by several L. P. “PETE" PETERSON was so seriously ill with pneumonia big Job for you with that crowd and FOR SALE—2400 acre stock ranch families. snowstorm and cold winds last week is at her home again and improv­ bear in mind not only a job, but equipped; 300 acres cultivated; INDIVIDUAL . A legislative meeting was held one end. The stockmen are geeting an­ Another Republican candidate for ing rapidly. She celebrated her 80th one in which you can work for two reservoirs. Located at Creston, 12 evening just prior to election. Mr. xious to see warm weather so ttie commissioner has announced his in­ birthday or FAMILY GROUP week. Mrs. Parks is a humanity as well as yourself. The miles east of Riverside, Oregon, in Carl Coad of Nyssa explained the grass will grow on the range. All the tention of making the race, L. P pioneer last resident of this country plan will help everybody and stop a "Pete" Peterson of Vale. “Pete' as cattle are still at the feed yards. state measures and Mr. Wylie He­ heart of best range. $10,000. T. R $1000 Life Policy and her friends are happy to know lot of groans and sighing and suf­ Beers, is generally known, has lived in that witt told of the national measures. The 4-H club girls are giving a he Ontario, Oregon. 3-26-4tc. she is almost completely re­ fering and will end the depression. Dues $1.00 per Month the county for 28 years, five of them A Founders' Day candle lighting dance on April 17th. I know what you will say—“I FOR SALE—1931 long wheel base, Ages 1 to 66. Send your name, ceremony and little playlettes help­ Ed Oakes, Duncan, S. A. and Earl on a ranch. At the present time he covered. Mrs. Violet Eggers came to Jordan can't.” Well if you cant, get out of Ford truck, J. G. Gray. One mile age and beneficiary and we ed to focus the attention upon the Loftons all moved their cattle home is engaged in the bee business. north Owyhee school house. 4-0-2tp will mail you a policy for 10 ideal of the Founders and brought this week from Vale where they had Mr. Peterson was a charter mem­ Valley on the stage on March 31. the way—we can! visited her sister Mrs. Ed. Ma­ free inspection without out the fact that the Kolony P. T A. been fed during the winter. ber and first master of the Vale She FOR SALE Mastadon Everbearing days obligation. has been in continuous service for Eli Rase returned to his home Grange and is an officer in the her and her brother Frank Swisher, DISCONTINUE ADV.- Strawberry plants, 75c per 100 she retuned to Boise. HAY AND POSTS SOLD plants. Mrs. Charles Bradley, lty twenty years. after spending the winter in Malheur Pomona at this time. He before Axel Lindgen spent the last week ROCKY MOUNTAIN The unit helped with the Christ here served as a member of the Vale putting Vale with his sister Mrs. Lottie Bur­ west of Owyhee school house. improvements in the G. W. Cummins of Parma writes miles mas entertainment by providing the rows. school board for six years and is an V. P. Laca some MUTUAL. INC. Mar26 tf. home. us to discontinue his classified ad treat and costumes. active member of the Vale fire de­ Boise Idaho Byars Deardoff and Watler Laur- Assistance was given the hot ance of Prairie City were business partment. Among his affiliations is The High School play will be for hay and pasts as they are all FOR SALE—Sudan grass seed. W. lunch project by helping to pay for visitors at the Fred Lauarnce home a membership in the Odd Fellows given April 17th. Because the senior sold. He just put the ad In last H. Kniefel, half mile north of Ros- week; and bang! They're sold! Why the cooking and serving of the lunch last Lodge, and he is chairman of the class is quite small a number of don't Sunday. our classified column for 75 children. entertainment committee of the players were chosen from the other to buy, you sell, use exchange, Mr. and Mrs. John Woods, Mrs. rent or what The Unit has sponsored 4-H club Thelma Davis and daughter of Mal­ Malheur county Pioneers associa­ classes to complete the cast. work and until 1936 has provided heur City were Ironside visitors on tion. Mrs. Tim Lequerica has gone to have you. funds to send two 4-H members to their lambing camp for a few weeks. WANTED: Clean cotton rags at the We Carry a Full Line Of summer school. The club members Tuesday. The recent cold weather and Arthur Van Buren sold all of his are raising the money themselves cattle to Chas. Cronin of Juntura have caused the stockmen Journal office—5c per pound. BIG BEND NEWS storms tilts year. heavy losses. Last week the trucks off the feed yard at Vale, where he Farm and Garden P. T. A. has also sponsored Boy had wintered them. He reserved were on the road hauling hay to the Scouts and Girl Scouts although only sheep. Many of the cattle men, who See Big Bend Grange extends an invi­ head of milk cows. both organization have always been The a few turned their cattle out on the HARRY SAYLES Omer Presleys were business tation to all to attend an open had self supporting. range had to gather them In and In Ontario on Tuesday. meeting Tuesday evening, April 14, start Means of raising funds have been visitors feeding hay again. Oakes went to Vale on Tues­ when the Lions Club of Parma will Miss Anna Acordagoitia and Mrs. Electric wiring, For repair work a pie supper following the legislative day Ed with his truck and hauled up present their program of three short program, four benefit parties given Lequerica were honored on for all electrical appliances. milk cows for Arthur Van plays, musical numbers and gym­ John by members; a food sale and a some their birthday, April 4, by a dinner nastics. This program was advertised Buren. small rummage sale. the Acordagoitia home. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Beam, Arthur to take place about a month ago but at The Much of the success of the year of Beam members of the 4-H club had was postponed owing to illness. and daughter Barbara Jean study and service has been due to motored to Vale Monday. a party and dance last Friday even­ It will pay well for you to investigate our line the untiring efforts of the president, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lofton and Mr. and Mrs. Claud Eachus and ing. Music was furnished by Norton the splendid cooperation of the Carlas Lofton were Ontario shoppers Dolores, Mrs. Kate Gardner and Larsen and Everett Jones. before buying elsewhere. Mrs. Dyre Robert were Boise visitors Ernest Fenwick came in from the teachers and the interest of 39 mem­ on Wednesday. We have some extra good oats and barley seed— bers. The officers and chairmen dur- Mrs. Omer Presley and son Roy last Wednesday. Juniper last Sunday. He made Mrs. M. Rogers, Mrs. R. L. Ha- final proof of his homstead on April Clover, Alfalfa and Grass Seeds visited Thursday and Friday at the woth and Evelyn were shopping in 7. Florence Ross and Averill Pal­ parental Lawrence Lamberson home; Nampa and Caldwell Tuesday. mer were witnesses. Harper. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roberts and There will be a Parent Teachers i -ONTARIO at The Ladies > club will meet with Winona Ontario were guests in meeting the evening of April 10. For Mrs. Floyd White on the 8th. This the B. G. of Roberts —Elopes Thursday. the entertainment part of the pro­ will be the first meeting since be­ Mr. and Mrs. E. home —Dios gram music will be played by the E. Parker spent THURSDAY-FRIDAY fore New Years, owing to the condi­ Sunday in the Elmer Parker home primary ryhthm band. —Gets Married Ontario, Ore. Phone 452 tion of roads and illness in the com­ in Fruitland Mrs. Elmer Parker was Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Duncan have —Has Guests Bette Davis, Lesle Howard munity. —Goes Away ill with pneumonia but moved to their ranch at Rome. Miss The Fred Laurance family were dangerously —Has a Party Gertrude Maher is helping Mrs. j Bette Davis and gradually improving. business visitors in Vale last Thurs­ is Mr. —Has a Baby Duncan. and Mrs. Cecil Pond and George Kellogg Is the latest victim i Leslie Howard in —Has a Fire day. Martha were Nampa visitors Mon­ of the mump epidemic. —Is 111 Orville Nichols motored to On­ day. “THE PETRIFIED tario last Monday. —Has an Operation BAS5.HUETER PAINT Sunday was the 7th birthday Beam was in Vale on busi­ B. G. Roberts was taken ill at the of Last —Has an Accident Opal Parks, daughter of Mr. and FOREST” ness Arthur CCC camp and returned home Fri­ Mrs. Floyd Parks. Guests at her last Friday. —Buys a Home day. —Wins a Prize birthday dinner were her grand­ THUR. “Payoff” —Receives an Award COUNTY COUNCIL OF Dan Gallagher of Juntura trans­ mother Mrs. George Parks, Miss —Builds a House PARENTS-TEACHERS MEETS acted business in the Bend Tuesday. Sylvia Sidiner, her grandfather —Makes a Speech E. H. Brumbach went to Vale Mr. Frank Miller. Mrs. Joe Fenwick * » > ü SAT. 2nd Show Tickets The Malheur County Council of Wednesday —Holds a Meeting to attend a sesion of and her daughters Margaret and —Or Takes F*art in any and Teachers will meet at county court. Good for Free Midnite Parents Mary Catherine and Geraldine and Other Unusual Event the Big Bend Park for their annual Mr. and Mr. Tom Pergueson and Josephine After dinner the Show Spring meeting Saturday, April 18. children of Apple Valley were Sun­ grownup Palmer. guests played bridge and 1 » Rev. Frank Rhea of Boise will be day guests in the H. R. Hatch home. the children played games. In the Buck Jones in Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor of evening all enjoyed the show. the main speaker on the program. “THE THROW BACK” ity Albert B. Hopkins, county public­ Caldwell were guests in the Phelan Smooth Protection chairman, announces that the home Monday. ATTEND LOOP MEETING Wade P. T. A. will serve lunch at Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Case trans­ noon hour at 25c per plate. The acted business in Ontario Wednes­ Four local Odd Fellows attended SUN - MON-TUES. the a Loop meeting at New Plymouth proceeds will be used to sponsor 4-H day. for Natural Woods Club scholarships to the Oregon Wade P. T. A. met at the school Thursday evening and helped with Protect the smooth beauty of fine furniture, house Friday afternoon with Mrs third degree work for one of the State 4-H Summer School. floors and front doors with Versatile Spar Mr. M. M. Greeilng, county presi­ Victoria Schweizer and Miss Mary local members, Andy McOtnnLs. Varnish. This excellent all-purpose varnish dent, is making plans for one of the Weir as hosteaes. Plans were com­ Others in the party were Stermie P H O N E 19 dries with a tough, high-gloss that is durable— largest P. T. A. meets for the coun­ pleted for the chicken pie supper Thompson, Oca Blaylock and John and it was decided to entertain the Thompson. ty. that makes natural woods easy to keep clean. Mrs. R. L. Haworth, county pro­ County Council on Saturday April Resists hot, cold, fresh and salt water. Dries gram chairman is working on a well 18. The new officers elected for the hard overnight. rounded program. Mr. Hopkins will coming year are Mrs. Elmer Prosser, have the program ready for publi­ president; Mrs. W. J. Gibson, vice VERSATILE SPAR VARNISH cation next week. president and Mrs. Dyre Roberts, secretary and treasurer. The public Is invited to attend. W E T A K E PRIDE ■/ 2 p i»t q Pi»t c SEEDS Please If Anyone ANDREWS SEED CO. That’s News We Want It The Gate City Journal An Automobile and It’s Liability ARE INSEPARABLE Plus —March of Time Take our tip—Save a Date next Wed-Thur-Fri. Paul Muni in The Story of Louis Pasteur COMING SOON— “A Message to Garcia’ You can't buy the first without taking the second, and the cost of SAFE PROTECTION for this liability should be considered as part of the car's expense and upkeep. Just as are oil, gas and tires. The cost of dependable insurance In a financially strong company is low compared with the high cost of taking a chance. Nyssa DON Insurance Agency M. GRAHAM, Manager 50 In Our Quality Meats We believe that the best is none too good for our customers and take a natural pride in fur­ nishing quality meat to our trade. Fresh, tender steaks; juicy roasts; delicious chops—Let us serve you . . . . And remember, the quality is always right. WE CARRY A Complete Line of m 10-8 N YSSA PACKING CO. NYSSA OREGON 80 McCormick Deering Repairs Eder Hardware Co. : ADRIAN NYSSA