Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1936)
G ATE C IT Y JOURNAL, TH U R SD AY, A P R IL 9, 1936. winter He fed his sheep In the l°w -w L e e Blodgett Dies P A C IF IC U N IV E R S IT Y er country. | OFFERS SCHOLARSHIP Normand and Mildred Wise called To Install Officers At Illinois Home TO LOCAL STUDENTS at the Maude Greeley home Thurs day evening. Mrs. Otis Nichols called on Mrs. Oregon Trail—Installation of o f W. Lee Blodgett. 70, who lived in Announcement of a Pacific Un Mary Strode Friday. ficers of the Oregon Trail P. T. A. Miss Mary Ellen Greeley visited Nyssa 28 years ago and was a broth iversity scholarship for a local high will take place at the April meeting er of Edward M. Blodgett, died school student was contained in an at the Roy Strode home Friday. to be held April 17th. This Is the Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mclvers made rhursday, March 26th at his home illustrated bulletin poster received first time the Installation ceermony a trip to Homedale Thursday and in Morrison, Illinois. Mr. Blodgett, by the principal of the high school will be used in connection with P. came to Nyssa in 1908 and home- [ this week. The scholarship will be returned Friday. T. A. work at Oregon Trail. Mrs. J.- Otis Nichols has been quite 111 with steaded a farm and also was in thei awarded by the faculty of the high B. Smith will have charge. real estate business here. Later the school on the basis of academic 8everal children were back in the flu for several days. family spent a year In San Fran- | attainment and other qualifications. Rolland Holmes has purchased the school Monday after several days cisco, where Mr. Blodgett was in I Presentation Is to be made during H. J. Holmes farm just west of the absence due to the mumps scare. charge of the Illinois state agricul commencement. Albert Hopkins made a business new Owyhee bridge. The Holmes tural exhibit at the fair. They mov- | moved from the P. O. Holmes place trip to Ontario and Vale Saturday ed to Morrison in 1915, and for the relative to his campaign for County the first of last week. past 21 years have made the Illin- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bowen and School Superintendent. A large crowd attended the spring nois city their home. Those who drove to the Owyhee family were visiting in Emmett Sun opening dance at the Big Bend park Mr. Blodgett’s death came quietly Dam Sunday from the Oregon Trail day. BLISS TRIUMPH last Friday night. The music was Mr and Mrs. Jake Ator spent part community were Mr. and Mrs. W ar furnished by the Red River Wrang after being in declining health for over a year, the last 10 weeks of of last week at the Ray Franklin ren Reed, Mrs. Tom Dearinger, and lers. Another of these popular Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hopkins. which he had been confined to his home. dances will be given Friday night, bed from heart trouble and compli The school is preparing special April 17. B. R. Landreth has been drilling cations. Funeral services were held numbers which they plan to use at a well for Freeman Roockstool. Carl Peterson and Frank Evans Sunday afternoon, March 29. the Music Festival at Vale, April 17. Friends and relatives surprised are each making much progress on Many of the older residents will The school baseball team did not Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Holmes last their respective farms. Mr. Peterson remember Mr. Blodgett .and he is play last Friday due to bad weather. Extra Good Friday evening in their new home. has just about finished clearing his also known here as the brother of THE T R A IL , published monthly entire 160 acres of newly purchased Three tables of pinochle were In Edward M. Blodgett, Nyssa attorney, was land south of Adrian. Mr. Evans has play with high scores being held by by the Oregon Trail School, who died a few years ago. Locally grown from Mrs. F. S. Byers and Roy Holmes, issued this week. completed fencing his farm and The school is selecting their best plans to put the 40 acres into veg Montana grown seed. consolation by Mrs. Jake Ator and spellers this week. They will com etables. sugar beets, etc., and start FORMER NYSSA STUDENT John Bowen. Work was started on the Dunaway pete in the spelling zone contest at a truck garden. He is In partnership HONORED A T E. O. N. Any quantity up to Nyssa April 15. with his brother Mike Evans of fish pond Monday. Juanita Franklin and Ruth Flan northern California. 2000 bags. Oregon Trail Sunday School ary were school visitors Monday. Clark Enos was a Boise business visited the Sunday School at King- Irene Gilchrist. student at the visitor Thursday. man Kolony Sunday. Seven cars of Eastern Oregon Normal at La Mrs. Ted Rogers has been quite ill Grande has pledged membership in folks going over. the past week with tonsilitis. L. E. Wilson has started his sheep Sigma Alphi Chi, with membership D. T. Holly was in Ontario on based on scholarship and also pledg for the hills. business Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Ator enter ed Phi Beta Sigma, a national or Many farmers of this section have This section of the country has tained at pinochle Saturday evening ganization, membership based on signed contracts with the Amalga been visited by three snow storms in honor of their wedding anniver student leadership and outstanding mated Sugar Co., of Burley for sary. Three tables of cards were In the past ten days and the temper ability. “The Farmer's Own Co-Op" play. At the close of a very enjoy ature has been several degrees cold growing sugar beets for this com Irene is a graduate of the Nyssa pany. Ernest Zesiger was the only Phone 26 Nyssa able evening Mrs. F. O. Holmes and er the past week. grade school and the Parma high Louis D'Amour of Ontario was in farmer in this section last year to school. raise sugar beets and his crop turn Rockville and neighboring vicinities Monday and Tuesday. He reports ed out rather successful. John Hin the sides roads as being very muddy. ton was among the latest to sign a Joe Mollay made a trip out to the contract with this company. J. E. Holly was a business visitor railroad and returned Tuesday. Sonnie McKenzie took dinner with in Vale Thursday. A crew of highway workers spent Bud Greeley Thursday. The state highway crew that was Monday afternoon graveling a new working south of Adrian last week, stretch of road south of Adrian on completed their work and have re the Jordan Valley highway. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Holly and turned to their stations. George Munford had the misfor children were Boise visitors Tues tune to break the gears out of his day. Oregon Trail P. T. A. J. E. Bowen held high scores. Con solation prizes going to Mrs. F. S. Byers and F O. Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Nelthercut and sons Billy and Carl, Mrs. Wm. Nelthercut and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Smith of Boise were callers at the F. O. Holmes home Sunday. Mrs. Tom Dearinger and Warren Reed of Hereford were Sunday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Hopkins. ADRIAN NEWS Seed Potatoes ROCKVILLE NEWS AI Thompson C W VIIE E SCHOOL NEWS girls lost with a score of 33 to 20. The girls played only seven Innings. A fine school spirit was shown by | both schools. The Owyhee School Is playing Kingman Kolony baseball teams this Friday at Owyhee. Both boys and girls are playing. The children in the lower room at Owyhee received their candy Easter Eggs Monday as orizes for perfect conduct and attendance. The P. T. A. will meet Friday afternoon. April 10th at the school house. They expect to elect officers for the coming year and urge every one Interested to be there. The Owyhee school played two baseball games last Friday at Lower Bend. A full game was not played by either team because of the rain The Owyhee boys won. Only six in nings were played. The Owyhee The Right Service Means Everything To Your Car The lubricants and the way they ar.e applied; the gasoline; the motor o il; the battery, brake, ignition, tire and other points of service that your car gets— mean the difference between economical, carefree transportation and costly, troublesome experience. BE SURE— DEPEND ON Standard Service Where you are guaranteed the best pro ducts and the closest personal attention. They never fail to give utmost satisfaction. POWELL’S SERVICE STATION “ Oldest Independent Station In Nyssa” Open Day and Night Standard Products Plymouth Cars S --------------------- \ BUSINESS A SHORT SHORT STORY AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ROBT. D. LYTLE ATTORNEY And C O UNSELO R-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone 66 vale O r e g o n J. S. COOPER Business Analysis Accounting Auditing Income Sc Social Security Tax Specialist. Moore Hotel Bldg. Ontario, Ore. Phone 159 Anna B. Pritchett D. O. O STE O PATH Y —And— ELE CTR O TH ER APY PHONE 201 VALE - - - OREGON big Federal stage truck Monday and V e rd i’ . “ Il T ro v a to re ” had to get his International truck Verdi’s “ Il Trovatore" opera was back on the route while repairing first produced In Rome on January the other truck. Dan Haylett of Homedale brought 19, 1853; in the United States May a truck load of hay and grain to 2 . 1855 . Cow Creek for sheep that are stranded in about seven inches of snow. He made the trip Monday. Another truck load of hay was de- ltved to a band of sheep stranded on Succor creek. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haylett have returned to Cow Creek after several days absence. Claude Slade was able to drive stage again after a weeks illness. Olen Nichols returned from Nyssa Wednesday on the stage. Some of the cattle are drifting back onto the feed yards the past few days on account of storms. Clarence Mullinix is In this vicin- | ity again after a long absence. To reach new heights of per The sheep men are experiencing fection, our standards are a great loss of sheep in the past constantly set higher; each two weeks due to shearing and phase of our professional ser heavy storms and the cold. vice lifted toward a new Lee Strode moved another band plane. That such consistent of his cattle to the 71 ranch on Suc effort toward a finer service cor creek. results in satisfaction is at Don Bentley Is breaking horses at tested by the unwavering trust the 71 ranch. displayed by friends and Bill Leeke finished remodeling his neighbors in Nyssa. house. Johnnie Little was in Rockville THE NYSSA Wednesday. FUNERAL HOME Angus Mclvers Is again in the neighborhood after being absent all for people who want to pick the right low-priced carl ( READING TIM E, 31 SECONDS ) Vi hut is I lie ouly low-priced car with NEW PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES? CHEVROLET— the only com plete low-priced carl What ia the only low-priced car with SOLID STEEL ONE-PIECE TURRET TOP? PORTRAITS OF CHEVROLET— the only com plete low-priced carl Q U A LIT Y Expert Kodak Finish ing. Mail us your films. HEATER STUDIO SEN D IN Y O U R D EP O SIT S BY MAIL What in the only low-priced car with IMPROVED GLIDING KNEE-ACTION RIDE*? CHEVROLET— the only com plete low-priced carl What ia the only low-priced car with GENUINE FISHER NO DRAFT VENTILATION? CHEVROLET— the only com plete low-priced carl Ontario, Oregon Guarantee Work W YCKOFF JEWELRY STORE O fficial Time Inspector for' Dnlon Pacific Ontario Oregon Even if you do not get into Nyssa dur ing banking hours, you can deposit checks with us daily, weekly, or as fre quently as necessary without coming into the bank. Our B A N K -B Y-M A IL service is maintained for this purpose. Simply endorse your checks payable to your account and mail them in to us. The deposits will be made to your credit just as quickly and safely as when you bring the checks in person ally. What ia the only low-priced car with HIGH-COMPRESSION VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE? CHEVROLET— the only com plete low-priced carl What is the only low-priced car with SHOCKPROOF STEERING*? CHEVROLET— the only com plete low-priced carl CHEVROLET. THEREFORE, TIIE BEST CAR TO BUY IN 1936 IS INQUIRE ABO U T OUR BANK-BY-M AIL SERVICE TO D AY! OPTOMETRIST ‘•See McFall and See Better" ALL THESE FEATURES ★ NYSSA BRANCH * T he FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND DR. J. A. McFALL Eyesight Specialist O N TA R IO OREGON oné'îj Complete éow-j?rlcet£CaA? GEORGE MITCHELL, Manager "O war NATIONAL BANK WIST Of THI »OCX/«" fcm w d by the ft is AT CHEVROLET’ S LOW PRICES GENERAL MOTORS % A Q F A N D U P . Liu price o j New Standard Coupe at Flin t, T / i ) M ick . ICith bumpert, $pare tire and tire lock, the lit t price it $20 additional. *Knee-Action on M atter Modelt only, $20 add it i*mal. P ric e t quoted in th it ailiertitement are lit t at F lin t, M ich ., and tubject to change without notice. Chevrolet M otor Comjtany, Detroit, Michigan. INSTALLM ENT P L A N — M O N T II L Y PAYMENTS F O R E C O N O M IC A L T R A N S F O R T A T T O N A G ENERAL M O TO RS VALUE TO SUIT YOUR PURSB Cables Chevrolet Co., Phone 62 , Ontario, Oregon