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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1936)
GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY. APRIL 9, 1936. LEGAL ADVERTISING T h e Gate City Journal BERWYN BURKE.................Editor and Publisher INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIOION, OPTIMISTIC IN DISPOSITION— WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE EXCEPT THOSE OP MALHEUR COUNTY SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year ......................... $1.50 Six Months .........................75 Single Copies ................. 05 (Strictly In Advance) ADVERTISING RATES Open rate, per inch 30c National, Per Inch ............30c Local, Contract .................25c Classifieds, Per word ...... 01c Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act of March 3, 1879. SECOND ANNUAL COMMERCIAL CLUB BANQUET— night should be reserved and set F RIDAY aside by every interested citizen of Nyssa to attend the second annual Commercial Club banquet, honoring the new settlei-s. If parties are planned for that night, they should be can celled, and every man and his wife be on hand at the high school gym for the affair. The importance of the Owyhee project to Malheur county, and to Nyssa, is impossible to over estimate. A man would have to be blind in deed not to realize the opportunity here, and we must show that we truly welcome these new people into our community. While the people of Nyssa are a friendly people, we sometimes fail to show outward manifestation of our feelings to those who are strangers among us. After Fri day night every man and wife among the new settlers who have come to make their home in our community should feel that it is their com munity, that we are their friends, that we are willing and anxious to help them make a home on the rich and fertile Owyhee lands. Come to the banquet, get acquainted with these good people and let them get acquainted with you. Extend the right hand of friendship and pray that you will always be faithful to that pledge of goodwill. ------------------------ * ------------------------ DUNAWAY FISH POND TO BE A REALITY— day of rush and grab all you can, it I N is these indeed refreshing to find a man who is willing to do a good deed for the public with no thought of renumeration or honor. On Monday one of our good citizens had his big tractor un loaded at Dunaway at considerable trouble and expense to himself, furnished his own gas, his own outfit, hired a driver, and spent several hours, including several after dark, getting in a dam in place so a fish pond could be possible. It was volunteer work, no charge; and after the dam was in the tractor and “bulldozer” had to be moved down the road several miles to be at a construction job Tuesday noon. The man was George Henly. A spillway will be constructed at the dam built Monday and the pond stocked with bass. Fishermen, young and old, will have many hours of sport there in years to come, for the game de partment has agreed to stock it liberally. After you’ve had a half hour struggle with a five pound bass and are getting ready for another try, pause and give thanks to the man who made the dam possible. And when you’re thinking of the good work done by George Henly, also give a thought to Roy Pounds who was right there with him all the time and was a big factor in finally getting the dam in place. PUT TAXES INTO YOUR BUDGET— HAT is the largest item in the American W budget? Is it food, rent, clothing or light and power? If you guess any of these, you’re en tirely wrong. The largest item is taxes! Our annual tax load—federal, state and local —is now in the neighborhood of $12,000,000,- 000. By contrast, the annual food bill is $11,500,- 000,000—the annual rent bill, $10,000,000,000 —the annual clothing hill, 0 billion—the annual light and power bill, two billion. Government, in other words, takes, directly and indirectly, more of our income than is taken by the grocer and butcher—more than is taken by the landlord—twice as much as we pay the clothing store— six times as much as we pay the electric company. But you say, “I’m a man of average means. I pay little of this tax load—big business carried the principal burden.” If you think that, reflect on these figures: If the entire income of all the corporations in this country in 1933, the last year of which official figures are available—had been confiscated for tax purposes, it would have paid just about one- quarter of the total tax bill, leaving three-quar ters to be made up from other sources! The facts speak for themselves. Taxation is the greatest problem the people face and it is constantly becoming graver. Squirts ! FROM T H E L I N O T Y P E j By John E. Public OPINIONS BY OUR READERS Submitted by readers of The Journal and the opinions may or may not agree with the policy of The Journal. You are invited to send in your ideas on current questions. notice to c reditors IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARY J. BLACK- STOCK, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN by the undersigned administrator of the estate of Mary J. Blackstock. de ceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to file them with the necessary vouchers within six months after the first publication of this notice with the undersigned at his residence in Jordan Valley, Mal heur County, Oregon, which resi dence the undersigned selects as the place of business in all matters connected with the said estate. Dated at Jordan Valley, Oregon, this 25th day of March, 1936, First publication March 26, 1936 Last publication April 23, 1936. R o b ert M c C onnell Adminstrator of the Estate of Mary J. Blackstock, deceased. approved by the Secretary of the Interior and submitted to the Board of Directors is on file in the office of the Secretary of the Owyhee Irri gation District, at Nyssa, Oregon, and may be Inspected by all inter ested persons during business hours. Said election will be held between the hours of 8:00 o'clock in the fore noon and 5:00 o'clock in the after noon of said 25th day of April, 1936, when the polls shall be closed. The Board of Directors has des ignated the South half of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 26, in Township 19, South of Range 46 E. W M. in Malheur County, State of Oregon, within said District, as the place where said election shall be held. Dated this 25th day of March, 1936, by order of the Board of Dir ectors. FRANK T MORGAN, Secretary, Owyhee Irrigation District. Date of first publication, March 26, 1936. Date of last publication, April 23, 1936. O k la h o m a '. Salt P la in . LITTLE BUSTER IS BACK AT Oklahoma bus a stretch of salt THE FOOT OF THE SPELLING plains 50 miles In extent, with a following resolutions as pass CLASS. HE PUT TOO MANY Z's ed The crust of salt too thin to be com by the Townsend Club No. 1 of IN (SCISSORS. mercially worked and too thick to Ontario were mailed to us and are be easily removed. published as part of the Journal’s Buster further tells us that his policy of giving space to questions favorite school subject is geography. affecting the public welfare. The It is the only book big enough to resolutions were signed by Chas. cover his detective magazine. Hopkins as president and Walter Jenning, secretary. Doc Norcott is anxiously awaiting WHEREAS, malicious attacks the fishing season and could be seen have been made against the Town Is Not Cheap trying out his casting pole in the send Recovery Plan by the Amer CHEAP INSURANCE IS NOT GOOD ican Liberty League, the venal press street by his house late Monday and fictitious economic organiza Insure with a Reliable Agency evening. Ralph Lawrence spends tions, citing opinions by self-styled l»art of his time practicing casting economists to the back of the service station while crash of 1929 who had previous assured us that Roy Pounds and Pud Long are all price could never again down, excited about the sturgeon possi or hard times ever follow, come be it —PHONE S i - bilities of Snake River. The trout r epresen tin g NOTICE OF ELECTION season for this section opened last RESOLVED, That we, Townsend Insurance Co. of North America Sunday and a few trout were taken, Club No. 1, of Ontario, Oregon, go OWYHEE IRRIGATION DISTRICT Aetna, Liverpool, London and Globe although it is still a little early. on record as condemning the Liberty Some anglers have taken steelhead, League, the false economists and NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, we hear, and they are said to be the unfriendly unfair press who op That an election will be held in the running in many of the streams not pose all measures.designed to relieve Owyhee Irrigation District, in Mal the misery of the people brought heur County, Oregon, on the 25th too far from Nyssa. about by the International bankers day of April, 1936, for the purpose authorizing the Board of Direct Empty pasteboard cartons blow and their satelitles, and be it fur of ors of said District to negotiate and ing along the road offer tempting ther That we stand firm execute a supplemental contract targets for motorists. That is the RESOLVED, behind the originator of the with the United States of America, way a Mr. Montgomery, livestock ly Townsend Plan, Doctor Francis E. the Payette-Oregon Slope Irrigation dealer, felt when he saw a carton on Townsend, the face of the at District, the Kingman Colony Irri the Oakley road five miles south of tacks of in above mentioned gation District, the Slide Irrigation Burley, Idaho. Mr. Montgomery’s enemies and the packed jury of in District, the Gem Irrigation District, first impulse was to run over the quisitors set the up by Speaker Byrnes the Ontario-Nyssa Irrigation Dis box. At the last moment, he was im of the National House of Represen trict, the Bench Irrigation District, pressed to miss the target. As he tatives, and pledge to the Crystal Irrigation District, and passed the box, it began to move. our own state, county our and support Advancement Irrigation Dis Looking back, he saw a two year old ficers, and be it further local of the trict, amending and altering the child emerging from beneath the RESOLVED. That we go on record terms We are delivering high test Guernsey Milk pro and conditions of the original carton. as appreciating the Malheur Enter duced in a modern and sanitary plant. May we contract of said Owyhee Irrigation Mr. Montgomery doesn't drive and the Gate City Journal for District with the United States of add you to our list of satisfied customers? over cartons any more. Oakley Her prise its fairness in discussing the Town- America, of date of October 14, 1926, ald. end plan. Be it further and providing for a supplemental We also sell high standard Holstein milk, con RESOLVED, And ordered that a water supply for certain lands of the sidered by many medical authorities as best for Ernest McClure was all tired out copy of the foregoing resolutions be Owyhee Project, fixing construction Monday after his exertions in get placed on file in our records and and water rental payments for a lr bies and growing children. ting his wife to move from one that a copy be sent to each of the term of years, the expenditure by house to another. He had plenty of following publications; The Mal the United States of America of a help from his neighbors and friends, heur Enterprise, Vale, Oregon; The sum not to exceed $15,00 per irrig Ontario Argus, Ontario, Oregon; able acre within certain Districts, too. The Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Ore and providing for the repayment of gon. Dear Ed: The foregoing resolutions were the A same. copy of said supplemental con Now that spring weather is again read and adopted by Townsend Club with us, how about some soft ball No. 1 of Ontario, Oregon at a reg tract substantially in the form as teams? They say it's great sport for ular meeting held on March 5, 1936. the players and I know I'm going to j - have some fun if they start playing. I've got some vegetables saved up, SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAL STATEMENT OP FIDELITY AND GUARANTY In FIRE and some of them won't last much THE CORPORATION of on Baltimore. the NYSSA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY of December. Maryland, the thirty-first longer, so please see if you can get state day of 1935. made to state the ln- of aurance commissioner of the some games right away. Oregon, pursuant to law; WE RECOMMEND THEM CAPITAL A Soft Ball Fanny Amount of capital stock paid $1,000.000.00 up ........................................ Net the premiums re«f vtaf during $3.332,901,20 Dear Fanny: year dividends .......................... Interest, rents received during the sources year 182.944,10 Don't expect the boy to start using Income from other and FACTS ABOUT NYSSA received during the year . 87.060 94 their pitching arms right away. A. L. FLETCHER CARL II. C O M ) While some of the boys have been %} Total Income .................. $3.602.900,36 DISBURSEMENTS in training pitching snow drifts, Net year losses paid during the Population, (1930) ................ 821 Including adjustment ATTORN EY-AT-LAW horseshoes and pitching pennies; it Dividends expenses ................... ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Recent estimates .................. .1000 paid the on year capital $1.188.165,41 will take a little time to get in stock during 100.000 00 Elevation ............................... .2186 and salaries shape. Better eat the vegetables be Commissions NYSSA OREGON paid during tne NYSSA : OREGON ana year fees paid 1.137.502,73 fore they get too ripe but their Tuxes, City Officers during licenses the all year.................. 157.429,52 of other expendi ought to be some egg that failed to Amount tures ................................... 485.286,02 Mayor ..................... Don Graham hatch and then you can have your Total expenditures ......... $3.068.383 68 Councllmen ............... Art Norcott, fun. ASSETS Value of value) real estate owned $ 355.000.00 A1 Thompson, Dick Tensen, Dean (book .................. The Ed. Value of (market stocks value) and bonds Smith. owned and D. NORCOTT DR. C. A. ABBOTT City Clerk ....................A. R. Millar DR. E. amortised ......................... 4,277,166.28 in banks and on hand 645.131,33 D E N T I S T ? ash City Treasurer..........Arthur Boydcll In course collec CHIROPRACTIC tion written since of Septem Lott D. Brown, popular and tal remlums Marshall ____________ A. V. Cook ber 30. 1935 648.235,17 PHYSICIAN Office Phone 35F2 ented attorney, formerly practicing Interest Watermaster ..........N. H. Pinkerton accrued and and rents other due assets and . 28.464 05 X-RAY EXAMINATIONS at Nyssa has filed his name with Office In Residence Health Officer _ _ _ Dr. J. J. Sarazin Total admitted assets $5,853.996.83 the secretary of state, seeking the Oross LIABILTITEJ Three blocks So. M. E. Church un- County Officers democratic nomination as district • Amount paid claims for losses premi $ 260.481,00 NYSSA OREGON PHONE 25 attorney of Baker county. He is ums on of unearned all outstanding County Judge .....David F. Graham r i s k s .................. 1.701.569 60 being opposed by C. T. Godwin, Re Due for commission and Commissioners ...............Ora Clark, brokerage 0,535 61 publican, another talented attorney other liabilities............... 249,951 18 E. H. Brumbach. of that county. The race should be All Total liabilities, except Sheriff -------------------- c. W. Glenn an interesting one. capital ..............................$3.218.537 39 N Y S S A L I B R A R Y Nyssa Aerie Clerk----------------------- Roy Daley Capital up ............... $1.000.000 00 Surplus paid over au liabilities . 1.635.459 44 OPEN SATURDAY Assessor..................Murray Morton F. O. E. No. 2134 regards policy 2.635.459 44 Treasurer -------- ---Mrs. Ora Hope holders as ............................... Richard L. Neuberger, who is Surplus MEETS WEDNESDAY NIGHT County Attorney ...........M. A. P.ggs Town Patrons......2:30 to 5:30 credited with raising the ‘‘stink" ................................................. $5,853.996 83 County Surveyor, J. Edwin Johnson IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR AT EAGLES HALL Out-of-town patrons about the question of compulsory BUSINESS Net ing premiums received dur $ 35.643 12 County Physician,...... Dr. Anna B. the paid year during 2:30 to 7:30 student fees in high institutions of Losses the year 11,692 54 Visiting Eagles Welcome Pritchett. incurred during the 13.616 54 learning, has filed as representative Losses year of ............... Coroner .......................R. a . Tacke ALL PATRONS WELCOME Name company. FIDELITY AND from Multnomah county. Plenty of GUARANTY FIRE CORPORATION. Superintendent.. Kathryn Claypool WARREN MeHARGUE, Pres. of president. F. T A Robertson. Oantert. politicians around Portland would Name Name of secretary. J. Mrs. Fred Marshall, Librarian KERMIT LIENKAEMPER resident attorney for service. like to hang Neuberger's hide up Statutory Nyssa Public Schools Harry Hollister. 1208 Porter Bldg., Secretary and it dry. Portland, Oregon.________________ Superintendent ......Leo Hollenberg Facts About Owyhee Project Cost of Owyhee Dam ........$6,000,000 ON THE OLD JOB 7(4 miles of Tunnel _____$4,000,000 Siphons, canals, etc............$3,000,000 CITY TRANSFER H. D. Holmes Owyhee dam storage capacity___ .......... ...........715,000 acre feet Helghth of dam ............ „...520 feet TRUCKING From lowest point of foundation TRANSFER and BAOOAOE to top. and No matter if your home has been built for Leading project city, Nyssa. Oregon All Kinds of Hauling In Elevation of land ......2,250 to 2,500 TRANSFERRING several years, it can be made as modem and con Acres In Owyhee project, 100,00 acres City Limits venient inside as a new one. Phone 15 and Phone 28 Principal products ....................hay, You can do it at moderate cost—and do it corn, dairying, s t o ck raising, NYSSA. OREGON Phone 5 right. Talk it over with us. grains, potatoes, clover seed, peas, C. Klinkenberg lettuce, onions and carrots. WE SUGGEST Distances to Other Points Hardwood Floors Finish Attic —Eastbound— More Closets Social Room in Base- Caldwell ....... Built-in Work Kitchen ment Nampa TOWNSEND CLUB Boise Install Fireplace f>7 Pocatello ........ IS DISTINCTIVE . . . Has 39H Insulate Against Cold and Heat MEETINGS THAT Touch To Distinguish Salt Lake City —W estbound— It From Ordinary Printing! “WE SELL COAL, TOO” Meetings of the Townsend Ontario ..... are held the 1st and 3rd Vale -, Club Thursday of each month. PRINTING WITH A Baker a« The Public is Invited PERSONALITY La Orando ... 146 Pendleton PHONE 15 192 D. R. DeGross_______ Pres. "We Make Type Talk- The Dalles__________ ....... 343 Dwight Smith, Manager Nyssa. Oregon Mrs. A. V. Pruyn.............Sec| Portland Bums ------ 155 GOOD INSURANCE Frank T. Morgan GVERNSEY M IL K Sunshine Dairy Let Us Build Convenience Into Your Home JOURNAL PRINTING i Boise-Payette Lumber Co.