Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1936)
THE GATE CITY TOURNA I, Published At Nyssa, Oregon VOLUM E X X X . G A TE W A Y TO THE OW YHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS NO. 14 DUNAWAY GRAVEL PIT MADE BASS FISH Three Dams Put In Place Monday to Hold Back the Water. Fastest Growing Town in Oregon NYSSA, OREGON. TH U R SD AY, APRIL 9, 1936. TEACHERS ENJOY SPRING VACATIO N Í1.5U PER TEAR --------- 7 MUSIC RECITAL W a t e r P o u r s T h r o u g h R in g G a t e A t O w y h e e D a m TO BE GIVEN Local teachers are making the most of the spring vacation, with almost all of them guing out of town. Miss Margaret Young went to her home in Madras; Miss Elizabeth Ann Jones to her home in Rich land and Miss Margaret Galley to Hubbard, Oregon. Miss Clara Rettie Is spending the vacation in Portland and Miss Ruby Denny went to her home in Wilder. Mrs. Nettie and Miss Hetie Medesker are se n d in g the week in Portland. Owen Price is at his home in La Grande and Mr. and Mrs. Vernal Shoemaker are visiting with relatives at Elgin. Mrs. Elta Benson plans to spend part of her vacation in Weiser. Mr. Hollen- berg is attending a teachers conven tion at Spokane. Grant Rinehart, Muss Eva Boy dell, and John Young are remaining in Nyssa. Mrs. Ha worth is at her home in Big Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson will present their students In a music recital at the Methodist Church, Tuesday, April 14 at 8:15 o'clock. Those taking part from Nyssa are D ’lma Ward, Billy Newby. Curtis Foster, June Marie Wilson, Vivian Gray, Audrey Gray. Mrs. S. Bigelow Helen Enebeck, Dickie Schireman Charles Paradis and Donna Hoxie Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will be as sisted by MLss Alice Hashltani dramatic soprano, who will sing two numbers accompanied by the orchestra. Other special numbers will be a violin choir composed of ten violins Artolla Johnson of Fruitlond and Bobby J. Lanterman of Ontario will each play violin solos and Barbara Olson and Betty Jean Taylor tal ented pupils of Mrs. Wilson, will appear on the program. DENTISTS HOLD MEETING HIKE COLLEGE PLAY HERE APRIL 16 The first and largest step toward making a bass fishing pond at Dun away gravel pit was completed Mon day when three earth fills were made to check the water flowing out of the pits, and during the first 12 hour the water raised approximately 20 inches. The raise has been con siderably less since then, due to the water soaking into the ground and backing up into the dry gullies and channels. The work was started Monday noon, with George Henly furnishing his large tractor and "bulldozer" with Chas. Colley in the driver’s seat. Boy Pounds helped locate-the dams and was largely responsible The first practice of the season —Cut Courtesy Idaho Daily Statesman A very successful meeting of for getting the work started. The will be held Friday afternoon o f this Sounthern Idaho and Eastern Ore men worked until nine oclock that The above scene shows the waters of the Owyhee D m up to the ring gate, known as the “ glory hole,” with week and every candidate for the night getting the dams in and get gon dentists was held here Tuesday, water pouring down the sides. An ample supply of water for the Owyhee project is assured and farmers team Is expected to be out at six the professional men coming here ting the tractor in and out, which are looking forward to bumper crops. The Owyhee project has one of the best water supplies of any project o'clock to start getting in shape for was quite a job in itself, including for the first time at the request of in the world. the coming campaign. two hours being stuck in soft Dr. E. D. Norcott. A business meet A practice game has been sched ing was held in the Eagles hall ground. uled with the College of Idaho to be The Dunaway site has long been during the afternoon with the Guild C ITY COUNCIL held Thursday, April 16th on the talked as a bass pond but it was not serving a splendid banquet in the PASSES FRANCHISE local diamond, the game to start at Parish hall that evening. until Monday that anything tang 5:30. Another game with the same AT MONDAY MEETING ible was accomplished. The pond In commenting on the banquet team will be held here on the 24th, was formed when the General Con the men were heard to say it was just two days before the season struction Company dug gravel by the one of the finest banquets they had As a result of a conference be opener with Ontario. trainload out to use in the building ever had the pleasure o f sitting The city council met Monday LEGION AUXILIARY The schedule for the new baseball tween the public utilities commis o f the Owyhee Dam, leaving a pit down to and were loud in their evening in regular session and heard TO SPONSOR FATHER sioner and the Idaho Power com league organized, taking in the of probably 20 acres, broken by praise of the ladies for the meal AND SON BANQUET pany, whose service extends into a towns of Vale, Nyssa, Ontario and the second and third reading of an various ridges and gullies. Water they served. has been arranged, with small part of Eastern Oregon, an Payette ordinance granting to the Idaho has been seeping out of the ground Following the banquet an inter- Nyssa scheduled to play Ontario for other reduction in electric rates for j Power Company an electric light, and a fair sized stream running out esting program was given, including!, . , ... .. The American Legion Auxilary Is customers of that company was an the season opener. ____ ____ ______,,___ , __ __ J* heat and power franchise until the of the pit since the construction two piano selections by Mrs. W. C. sponsoring the Father and Son nounced by The complete schedule is as fo l Frank C. McColloch, 1st of March, 1956. work ceased, and part of it has Jackson; two violin selections by banquet tills year and have chosen commissioner. The reduction, affect low; grown up into cattails, with moss Bernice Fisher; and dance numbers The ordinance, which Ls published Friday, April 24th as the date. The April 26— Payette at Vale. ing a majority of the residential and other vegetable and animal life by Miss Hinemoa Cloninger, accom- in full on another page of this issue, banquet will be given in the Eagles Nyssa at Ontario. users of electricity and, also, some present which would seem to make panied by Miss Doris Smith. The j gives the Idaho Power the right to hall and the coiv.mittee is working May 3—Ontario at Payette. classes of commercial customers, it an excellent place for fish. Misses Marzene Hollenberg, Isabelle construct, maintain and operate in now on a progfam which will in Vale at Nyssa. As soon as the water has raised Sarazln and Betty Tensen helped the present and future streets, alleys clude home talent numbers and sev will lower to some extent nearly all May 11—Vale at Ontario. classifications of electric rates. The to a sufficient level, the game de the ladies of the Guild in serving the and public places of Nyssa, electric eral speakers from Idaho and Ore Payette at Nyssa. reduction will be effective with all partment has promised to install a banquet. The balance of the evening light and power lines to supply the gon. Reserve this date, and help meter readings after April 1. May 17—Nyssa at Payette. spillway and will also stock the was spent socially at the Eagles hall. people and corporations of Nyssa make the affair a success. Ontario at Vale. This reduction is it estimated will pond with bass and other species of May 24— Payette at Vale. During the afternoon Arthur Boy- electricity for light, heat, power and save customers of the Idaho Power fish. other purposes. COUNCIL PASSES Nyssa at Ontario. dell took five of the visiting den company more than $86,000 in the May 31—Open. Meeting Tuesday tists on a visit to the Owyhee Dam Nyssa is at present operating NEW ORDINANCES next 12 month and each 12 months June 7—Ontario at Payette. where they were thrilled by the under a franchise issued the Beaver thereafter. A similar reduction was The Nyssa W ild Life League, who Vale at Nyssa. sight of the water pouring down the River Power and Light; such com made in 1935. and the total annual is sponsoring the Dunaway pond, June 14—Vale at Ontario. ring gate spillway. The city council met Tuesday saving from the two cuts is over pany having been absorbed by the will hold a meeting next Tuesday Payette at Nyssa. Dentists In attendance were Drs. Idaho Power Company. The fran night in special session and re-dis $180,000 annually. Approximately 10 night in the basement of the Eagles June 21—Nyssa at Payette. tricted the city fire zone and also per cent of the saving will apply to chise has 28 years to run as tt was Falck, Siebert, Hoarty, Heer, Filpot hall They are inviting every sports Ontario at Vale. passed an ordinance making it nec customers of the company residing man in the entire Nyssa country to and Over from Boise; Blondell and originally given for 50 years. The June 28— Payette at Vale. essary for any property owner to in Oregon. attend this meeting. A dutch lunch Udick of Caldwell; Titus and W hit- Idaho Power requested a now fran Nyssa at Ontario. get a permit before making any new The new rates announced today will be given and Mr. Aiken of On sul o f Emmett; Zevin and Belknap. chise for 20 years as their bond July 4th and 5th—Tournament at construction, alterations or repairs affect schedule 1-A, residential tario, state game commissioner, Jim Payette; Kline and Tyler of On holders would prefer the franchise Vale. to their present property. This is lighting and cooking; schedule 1-D, Davenport, Ontario sportsman, and tario; Brett of Parma; and Dr. be in the Idaho Power name rather July 12—Ontario at Payette. the same policy as followed by the residential lighting, cooking, water others have been invited to a t Johnson. Dr. Parry and Roy Jacobs than the disbanded Beaver River Vale at Nyssa. Power and Light. The old franchise majority of municipalities and is heating, and residential lighting tend. Mr. Aiken will attend a meet of Nampa. July 19— Vale at Ontario. having 28 years to run will be re deemed necessary in order that the and water heating; schedule 1-B, ing of the commission this week end Payette at Nyssa. leased in favor of the new one for fire and nusiance danger be mini residential lighting and refrigera and will have some interesting July 26—Nyssa at Payette. 20 years. mized. tion; and schedule 1-F, residential things to report to the meeting Ontario at Vale. lighting. Reductions were also made Tuesday. The local club says the August 2—Playoff between the in commercial cooking and lighting latch string is out to all and would two leading teams. The place to be rates. like to see a big representation at by the president o f the In discussing the reduction. K in decided the meeting, whether members of sey M. Robinson, president of Idaho league. the club or not. Everything is free. Power company, said: “This 20th cut A picnic at the Owyhee Dam Is in our electric rates since 1927 car being sponsored by the Pomona and PAT O'ROURKE By Members of Civic Chorus ries out our policy of passing on im granges, to be held PASSES SUNDAY subordinate mediately savings which result from Sunday, April 19th. The Grangers, ------- -------- greater use o f electricity by our and the general public, are to as customers and from new and Im semble at 10 o'clock at the dam and Pat O ’Rourke, who has lived on a the grangers expect to do some proved methods of operation, which small tract near the Owyhee river work on the picnic grounds being result in lower unit production By J. Christopher Marks for several years, passed away Sun built there through the efforts of A big picnic excursion, one that costs for our company. day noon after a short illnes. The the Pomona Grange. Sunday Evening, April 12, 8 o’clock “ Idaho Power has always main will rival the celebration when the Ixxly was taken to Ontario where tained the lowest possible rates Owyhee Dam was completed, is The general public Is Invited and funeral services were held Tuesday. all are requestd to bring a basket M ETH O D IST C O M M U N IT Y C H U R C H commensurate with its high stand planned for Sunday, April 26lh at Little is known of the past history ard of service. Our latest reduction the dam. The affair Is sponsored by dinner and join In the affair. nf Mr. O'Rourke, although he was will give our customers electric rates the Vale-Owyhee Land Settlement rn interesting and unique char- planning a among the lowest enjoyed anywhere Association, who are : cter. He lived alone on hLs tract of CIVIC CLUB TO Part I— In the Garden in the United States and presents genuine red-letter day for that date. land and was unmarried. additional opportunities for greater DISCUSS GARDENS The celebration will mark the Solo—“ In the Place Malcolm Crawford use of electric service in eliminating filling of the Owyhee Dam, which Male Quartette—“ Sir, We Remember," Crawford, Jones, Gilchrist, R. J. DAVIS BETTER drudgery from the home of every means an assured water supply for Stringfellow customer. Electricity has become so the Owyhee project and enduring Mrs. W. C. Jackson, program Chorus—“The Sky is Dark” cheap that there Is no reason why prosperity for the Nyssa country. It R. J. Davis, who has been confin chairman for the April meeting of Soprano Solo— “He Was Wounded," Claudena Crawford every housekeeper cannot be a Ls something worth celebrating and ed to his home for the past three the Civic Club, is planning a meet Chorus— “God So Loved the W orld" the committee has decided to make homemaker.” v; aeks with a serious case of the flu, ing with “ Gardens through the Robinson estimated that rate re it a real event. is now on the road to recovery. Ages” as the subject. I t will be in the Part II— The Earthquake Due to the roadbed conditions and ductions made since 1927 are now 1 sursday afternoon he took a short form of a round table meeting with Contralto Solo—"Behold There Was A Great Earthquake,” saving customers over $400,000 per danger of accidents, it will be un walk in the sunshine, the first time special discussions to be given by Mrs. John Young year in lowered cost of electric ser likely that the railroad to the dam h had been out for three weeks. Mr J. J. Sarazin, taking up Gardens Soprano Solo and Chorus—" I t is the Hour of Morning," vice. will be utilized for excursion pur o f the Bible Times; Mrs. Garret Mrs. Elmo Higginson In making an analysis of the re poses, but people from all over Stam, European gardens; Mrs. Ver Tenor Solo and Chorus—“ My Heart in Terror Throbs", sult of the reductions In the Pay southern Idaho and Eastern Oregon Max Gilchrist nal Shoemaker, Asiatic gardens; ette area, Mr. L. W. Bralnard, div will Journey to the dam In their own and Mrs. Lewis Wiltshire, ancient ision manager of Idaho Power com- cars to the scene of the affair. A l Greek ahd Egyptain gardens, and Part III— At the Tomb pany, estimated that approximately though the program ls not complete she will also discuss American gar Mrs. W. C. Jackson Prelude ......... .......................... . $10,800 per year would be saved by as yet, an effort Is being made to Laura Fisher leaving town with dens. Mrs. C. L. McCoy and Mrs. Katherine Young Soprano Solo— “ As it Began to Dawn,” get some reclamation leaders o f the customers In the Payette division. tv.o suitcases for three hour visit In Howard Larsen will sing solos, ................. Chas. Jones Bass Solo and Chorus, “ Fear Not,” One of the important phases of nation here for the affair, with a Pnrma . . . New pumps installed at their songs carrying out the garden George Reberger Bass Solo—"As They Went," ............ the reduction Ls the elimination of program of events making It an Thompson O il . . . Neon signs give theme. Mrs. Bernard Frost will be Mrs. Laura Fisher Duet--“ By O lft of Love,” ....... the so called “ room count” section of event long to be remembered. Nyssa “ citified'' appearance . . . Bar hostess for the afternoon. and Robert Stringfellow The road to the dam Is In excel residential rates. As a result of this ney Wilson make futile good sam Finale Chorus— “ Death Ls Swallowed Up" change the extra charge for each lent condition and visitors will have ara tan trip to Malheur Butte . . . COM M ERCIAL CLUB room above four has been entirely an opportunity to go through the Little Lloyd Halverson sorting red TO HOLD REG U LAR Others in the Chorus dam, see the spillway and needle eliminated. tt ns from the white ones . . . Small M EETING A P R IL 21 “ We are confident that our cus valve In action and have other fea blaze In shed back of L D S church Grant Rinehart Mrs. Herbert FLsher tomers will take advantage of our tures of the dam explained to can es excitement this afternoon, a Mrs. Ray Emmott Howard Larsen lower rates to enjoy more fully the them. The Commercial Club will hold few buckets o f water did the Job . . . A1 Thompson Mrs. Dick Tensen benefits afforded by cheaper elec monthly meeting In Firemen feel bad they didn’t get a their regular Ray Savage Mrs. J. W. Poage Mr. and Mrs. Dave Richardson tricity and thereby permit further chance to use their new hats and the basement of the Eagles Hall, Accompaniest, Mrs. W .C . Jackson Elizabeth Ann Jones reductions in electric rates as use of and fam ily spent the week end In Tuesday evening, April 21st, ac coats at the fire . . . Director. Mrs Howard Larsen electricity Increases," Mr. Robinson Nampa, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lew cording to announcement made this Rawlings. stated. week. Nyssa Electricity Users To Share In Rate Reduction By Idaho Power Pomona Grange To Picnic At Dam Cantata Program + “ VICTORY DIVINE” ROUND TOWN Big Affair To Be Held April 26th NEW SETTLERS TO BE. . . OF BUSINESS BEN 11763778 Big Affair Planned For Friday Night— All Nev, Settlers Invit.-d The second annual Commerc Club banquet will be given Frldt night, April 10th In the high scho» ;ym, honoring the new settlers. Tht affair is for the purpose of acquaint ing the new comers with our folks here In Nyssa and a lively program has been arranged. E. G. Harlan, secretary of the BoLse Chamber of Commerce and a talented speaker, has been selected to give the main talk of the even ing. Othere scheduled to give short after dinner talks are R. J. Newell, County Agent Ray Larsen, Leo Hollenberg and Captain Marlon Tadlock of the Nyssa CCC camp. A. L. Fletcher, president of the Commercial Club will act at toast master while Frank Morgan will In troduce the new comers and the old settlers. The talks will be Inter spersed with music by the choral club and It members and dance numbers. The committee met Wednesday evening and selected a reception committee to function Friday night and a committee has gone out two different afternoons to extend a personal invitation to the new set tlers. However there are a great many new people coming In now and In the rush, there might have been some missed. I f they were missed, it was unintentional at. the club wishes it clearly understood that every newcomer and wife are Invited to come to the banquet as guests of the club. Every Interested citizen of Nyssa Is expected to i present with their wives to help glv the newcomers a fitting welcome to their new home. The banquet is being served by the Ladies Aid and they are prepar ing a real meal and plan to serve at least 225 plates that evening. The guests will assemble at 7:00, accord ing to Chairman W. C. Jackson, and the affair will be held in the high school gymnasium, which was chosen as being callable of handling the big crowd expected for the event. SPECIAL CHURCH SERVICES SUNDAY The churches o f Nyssa are plan ning special services In commemor ation of Easter and the public ls In vited to Join In worship. The L. D. S. Sunday School will hold a program during the regular Sunday School hour, starting at 10 o'clock. All the classes will have a part in the program. Good Friday services will be held tomorrow afternoon from 3:30 until 4:30 at the Episcopal church. Blaster communion services will be Sunday morning at 9:30, to be followed by regular Sunday School. Rev. Stanley Moore will be present for both of those services. The Community church will have a program In the morning by the primary department, starting at 10:30. Sunday evening the Civic Chorus will give a full evenings en tertainment at the church, present ing a Cantata, "Victory Divine.” Word has been received from Mrs. C. L. McCoy, who Is visiting In La Grande, that Gayle is believed to have the scarlet fever. Mrs. McCoy and children are spending this week with Mr. McCoy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gruelick. EVENT CALENDAR (Please phone Journal to have your date in this column) T on igh t—Fights at Eagles hall. Friday afternoon— Ball practice. Friday Commercial Club Banquet for new settlers at gym. Sunday- Boater program in even ing at the Community church. Tuesday—Wild L ife League open house at Eagles hall. Thursday--Ball game, College of Idaho vs. Nyssa town team. April 17 Emmett vs. Nyssa high school. April 19 Grange picnic at dam. April 21- Monthly meeting Com mercial club. April 24— Fathers and Sons ban quet at B&gles hall. April 26—Celebration at dam. May 8. #—Owyhee Canyon Days.