Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL Published At Nyssa, Oregon GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS VOLUME XXX. NO. 13. Fastest Growing Town in Oregon NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1936. DIES Next Fight Card Planned SATURDAY AFTER For Thursday, April 9th BRIEF SICKNESS N Y S S A 'S Q U O T A F O R FU N D S FO R FLOOD S U F F E R E R S IS F IL L E D SCHEDULE DRAWN FOR HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL SEASON $1.50 PEK YEAR M R S. C. W. JA C K S O N G IV E S M U SIC A L E ON SUNDAY A F T E R N O O N F IM I SUMMONS; L The Red Cross committee in The musicale given at the home charge of soliciting funds for the re of Mrs. W. C. Jackson at 3:45 sun- lief of flood sufferers in the east are The boxing card at Nyssa on PLANS MADE d ay afternoon w a s enjoyed glad to announce that they have very much by the twenty guests Thursday, April 9, will feature six filled Nyssa’s quota of $37.50. On FOR SETTLERS present. The program was made up bouts, with many names that are Sunday the churches of the city of many delightful and entertain main-events. The main event of the DINNER APRIL 10 turned their collections over to this ing numbers. Malcolm Crawford evening will be a re-match between fund and on Monday Mrs. Dick Ten- Funeral Held Today In sen and Mrs. C. C. Hunt made a Emmett Plays Here April sang three songs, entitled, "Forgot ten,” “Hills of Home,” and Kash F r a n k Leuck, Pioneer personal drive of the business dis Portland for Axel Ek, 17th To Open Baseball miri Song.' Mrs. Herbert Fisher trict. The committee is very grate Blacksmith of Nyssa played the following violin numbers. vllle. In their last meeting, over a 8 SCh°°1 8ym U rapidly UlcinK ful to those who gave the larger Sewer Contractor. Season. Andande from a Concerte by de a year ago, Bentley defeated Berry form but is not complete as yet. E. amounts and *o those also who Passes Saturday After Beriot; Alt Wein by Oodowsky, and but with revenge in mind, Berry B. Naughton, president of the First realizing the flood sufferers were less Lingering Illness. National Bank informed Frank a brilliant number, “Cossack” by Axel Ak, 51, sewer contractor of has been training for over six weeks Morgan, secretary of the Commer fortunate than they gave their The Nyssa high school baseball Wm. Kroll. Mrs. Jackson entertain the firm Ek and Lind who have the for the bout and promises a dif cial Club that he would be unable nickle and dimes. team will play its first game of the ed with several piano solos, playing contract for the Nyssa sewer, died ferent story. to attend due to a previous speaking season here on Friday, April 17th Preludes 3, 6 and 20 and Ballade Funeral services were held Tues Saturday night at 9:45 in the Holy The semi-final brings two of the date and negotiations are now being according to the schedule drawn Opus by Chopin. day afternoon for Frank Leuck Rosary Hospital in Ontario. Doctors rings best together, Billy Mathews made for another speaker. The in- up at the schoolmasters club meet who passed away Saturday morning decided death was caused from men of Boise and “Sleepy” Blount of j vitation committee expects to get ing held in Nyssa last Thursday at 1:40 o’clock, after a long and ingitis. Baker. To those who have seen these out this week end to see the new night. Nyssa opens the season by lingering illness. He had been prac two boys in action at various times, [ settlers and extend an invitation to Mr. Ek was suffering from a bad playing the first game away from tically an invalid for the past few no further introduction is nec- the affair, home, at Emmett on the 14th. headache, which started at Pendle years and passed away quietly at essary; and to see these boys in the ton en route to Nyssa; and during It was decided to split the eight his home. Rev. Floyd White preach According to Chas. Waddingham, ring opposing each other—what a T O W N S E N D C L U B TO the few days he was here, his head- . schools of the district into two ed the funeral sermon, with the plans for the fifth annual Music leagues with a championship play ache never left him. Wednesday ut that should **! H E A R L E W IS W IL L IA M S I.O.O.F. lodge assisting. The rom- Contest for Malheur County are evening, the supposition is, that the Everett Reagen, the Boise light A T M E E T IN G T O N IG H T off at the end of the season. Nyssa At the request of Dr. E. D. Norcott mital service at the Nyssa ceme' nr j making rapid progress. The contest pain became unbearable and he took [ weight who has been a featured is in a league with Harper, Vale and the Southern Iduho Dentists Asso was in charge of the I.O.O.F., w. his car and intended to drive around boxer on Boise cards, meets Ike Lewis Williams of Boise will be will be held on April 25th at the Ontario while the other league con ciation will hold their April meeting Brother McOonnagill and Richa. a bit in the hopes of getting some Miligan of Payette, in what should the principal speaker at the Town Ontario high school and will include sists of four Idaho schools, Payette, in Nyssa, next Tuesday, April 7th. son of Ontario; and Bobby Bums relief. He stopped near the Sam be one of the best fight of the even send Club meeting tonight at the | piano, voice, wind and string instru Fruitland, New Plymouth and Em The program will consist of a clinic of Nyssa assisting. Playford place north of town and ing. Milligan defeated Ted Averitt Community Church. Mr. Williams is ments and related groups. From mett. and talks held in the afternoon at Music was furnished by a quartette lost consciousness, spending the of Emmett in the fights at Nyssa prominently identified with the tentative rei>orts received the num There will likely be a practice the Eagles hall. The Oulld will serve composed of Mesdames Elmo Hlg- ber of contestants will exceed those night in the car. He was found last Friday night and is rapidly Townsend movement in Idaho and of previous years. Students from game or two with the CCC boys be supper to the group at the parish ginson, Howard Larsen, J. W. Poage Thursday morning, still unconscious, rounding into one of the best light is an outstanding speaker. fore the season opens, according to hall In the early evening and this and Ray Emmott; accompanied by weights of this section. For the meeting April 15th, the Malheur county schools and neigh Coach Young; and the two games will be followed by a social time at Mrs. C. C. Hunt at the piano. Mrs. and taken to the Ontario hospital. boring Idaho schools will take part. He failed to respond to treatment, Jake Green meets Buddy Bdwards, Townsend club will have Mr. Child-- Professor F. F. Beals of the College with Emmett are unofficial as far as the Eagles hall. About twenty-five Elmo Higginson also sang a solo. although everything known to med both of Nyssa, in another of the ers, who is being sent here from the of Idaho will ue a judge for the league standing is concerned. members are expected to attend. Pall bearers were six old friends, ical science was done for him. The preliminary fights while Homer Oregon speakers pool. Mr. Childers | piano and vocal sections and a This is the first time the associa Wallace Lynch, A. V. Cook, Sid The entire schedule is as follows: body was shipped in a sealed casket Fincher of Boise will meet Larry will use as his subject “Economics judge for the remaining sections is April 14—Emmett at Emmett. tion has ever held a meeting in Nys Burbidge, Bob Millar, Frank NewblU and Ellis Walters. The Nyssa Fun Monday morning to Pearson's Fun O’Conner of Ontario. The show will of the Townend Plan vs. The Pres yet to be chosen. Nyssa will prob sa. April 17—Emmett here, eral Home was in charge of ar eral Church in Portland, where ser open with a four round battle be ent System.” April 21—Vale here. ably be represented by several con tween “Little" Milligan of Payette, vices were held today. Alice Green left for her home at rangements. testants. April 24—Ontario at Ontario. Frank Leuck was born May 12. Mr. Lind, his partner and brother- opposing Alfred Parrish of Nyssa. DOG OWNERS Fort Collins, Colorado, Tuesday, April 28—Ontario here. 1871 near Harper, Iowa, the son of in-law, left Sunday morning for Fay Rose of Boise has been secured after visiting at the parental W. May 1—Harper here. ARE WARNED FIREMEN GET Nicholas Leuck and Anna Tosch H. Green home. Portland, driving Mr. Ek's car. Mr. as referee. May 5—Harper at Harper. Leuck. For the first 17 years of his NEW EQUIPMENT May 8—Vale at Vale. Ek and Mr. Lind had been boyhood M athew s W ins M a in E v en t F rid a y life, his home was in Iowa with his friends and later had been partners The Tuesday games will start at LEAGUE STARTS Billy Mathews hammered on the folks and then accompanied them in the contracting business for the cast iron jaw of “Red” Haggerty for A. V. Cook, city Marshall, has is four o’clock in the afternoon while sued a warning to all dog owners to when t h e y moved to Wayne WAR ON CROWS past 21 years. the Friday games will be called at The new firefighting equipment six rounds in the fight card here secure a license at once. There are county, Nebraska. It was while In three o’clock. ordered by the city council has ar Friday without putting the St. Paul many stray dogs around town and S to p S ew er W ork fo r F u n e ra l Nebraska he took up blacksmlthlng fighter away, although Mathews | the only way to keep them within rived and is now awaiting the The Nyssa Wild Life League has and served his apprenticeship. He The construction of the Nyssa got the decision by a wide m argin., bounds is to license the dogs their first fire call. The C02 equipment, secured some poison and will put it was married on May 5, 1903 to Wll- sewer came to a halt this afternoon The crowd of fight fans marveled owners want to keep and dispose of which is the latest thing for oil, MARCH LION in a campaign to destroy as helmtna Muth at Wayne, Nebraska. in respect to Mr. Ek, whose funeral at what was holding the St. Paul the balance. The fee is $2.00 for gasoline, grease and similar fires, MAKES LAST STAND out many crows and magpies as pos He and his family later lived at Al- was today. Work will start up again fighter up after Mathews landed males and $3.00 for females. has been added to the present sible. These two birds destroy many tona and Wakefield, Nebraska. In tomorrow morning. time after time flush on the button It is quite likely that unless a equipment. game bird’s nests and eggs during 1911 the family moved to Nyssa The firemen Viow have new hats, but the game fighter kept right license is secured at once, Fido March weather records went the year and are one of the worst where he operated a blacksmith for and coats and can attend a fire after Mathews until the final bell. might turn up missing one of these tumbling in many places Tuesday foes of game birds. many years and also did some dressed in the proper manner. KOZY CAFE TO Haggerty took a few counts during days. when the month went out like the The poison is placed in holes bor farming. fight; more of push-downs than proverbial lion. A snow storm of ed in pieces of wood and placed Besides his wife he is survived by RE-OPEN SATURDAY the knock-downs, but never waited for Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Hoxie and F IR E A T M cEW A N R A N C H almost blizzard proportions greeted high up in the trees, away from eight living children, Harry Franz D O E S SM A L L D A M A G E Nyssa folks Tuesday morning, but the customary nine, getting up at son of Pendleton are visiting a few possible danger of the wrong ]>arty at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; the only about six so he would have more days at the parental Bert Hoxie the weather improved during the getting the poison. The poison is one of the children unable to be The Kozy Cafe expects to open time to absorb punishment. Al home. day, although it was still cold. It was mixed with lard and ordinary song here for the funeral; Thelma Anna. for business Saturday under new though he was clearly outclassed, A small fire at the Wm. McEwan 10 above at Baker, 10 below at birds will not touch it. Charles Henry, Katherine Elizabeth, management after being closed for his gameness won him the crowd's ranch south of Nyssa Friday night Meacham in the Blue Mountains; Norvllle John, Hubert Paul of San WATER POURING almost two weeks for repairs and favor. Haggerty substituted when threatened the sheep sheds, but was while snow was general throughout California; Robert Vanness HIGHWAY WORKERS Pedro, remodeling. Arch Latham of Black- Blount was unable to go on due to DOWN OWYHEE brought under control with little Oregon and Idaho. and Luella Marguerite. One child foot has purchased the interest of an injury received in training, but The fire was caused by FINISH ROAD WORK died in infancy. There is one RIVER NOW damage. Messrs. Colson and Frost. Blount was in Haggerty’s corner, burning weeds, and when the wind SPRING VACATION John Ketler Leuck, the SOUTH OF ADRIAN grandchild, Mr. Lathan comes here with sev giving him pointers on how to get The colder weather of the past shifted, it drove the fire toward son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Leuck. FOR LOCAL SCHOOL eral years experience in the res to Mathews. He Is also survived by three week has cut down the run-off of the buildings. All of the damage taurant business and will be assisted The semi-final between Don the Owyhee river considerably, but was covered by insurance and con The state highway department brothers, John of Lincoln, Neb,; by his wife, who is also experienced Bentley and Homer Fincher turned there is still water running through sisted principally of burned posts, finished some road construction Nick of Baker, Ore.; and Hubert of in this line. Spring vacation starts next week work on the Adrian-Jordan Valley Pllzier, Nebraska; and by two sis out to be six rounds of good fighting. the ring gate at the Owyhee river. panels, etc. in the local schools and all classes road last week. One of the biggest ters, Suzan Ooldner of Sigourney, Mr. and Mrs. Latham have four Bentley won the decision by his A week or ten days of warm weath will be dismissed next week. School improvements was taking out a Iowa and Marguerite McManlgal of children, Lavern, who is a Senior superior boxing skill, but Fincher er is expected to start the run-off Y O U N G C O U P L E M A R R IE D AT S A L T L A K E C IT Y will take up again Monday, April dangerous in high school and Edith, a Soph was no pansy and although he took in earnest. curve where several Happy, Texas. 13th for the final six weeks of wrecks have occured in the past. omore. They also have two sons, one good ones, he also landed some nice school. The last day of school will ones to Bentley’s face and body. W E L L A T H IG H S C H O O L aged 18 and the other 10. Word was received from state Fincher looked plenty tired in the WPA headquarters here Saturday Alma White, son of Mr. Edyre be May 22nd. T H R O W IN G G O O D S TR EA M final rounds and took a count of that all WPA work was done April White of Nyssa and Noamia Ashby, seven Just before the bell rang to 1. Several men have been employed The well back of the high school daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. TO ATTEND MEETING NEXT WEEK IN SPOKANE on the schoolhouse project here dur end the third round; but he was in recently completed by co-operation Ashby, one of the new settlers, were there slugging until the final bell. ing the winter. Two weeks more of the district and the Works Pro married last Sunday in the Temple would have finished the project but gress Administration, is throwing a at Salt Lake City. They returned to Ik e M illigan W in s D ecision good stream of water and will be Nyssa Monday and will make their Leo Hollenberg, superintendent of now it is up to the district to finish Ike Milligan and Ted Averitt, as ample for watering the school home at the K. S. and D. ranch the local schools, expects to attend the Job and make ready for the The building and Improvement was expected, put on the best show grounds, including the big play where Mr. White is employed by the Inland Empire Teachers Asso building of a new grade building. bug has bitten at Nyssa and many The Civic Club has taken upon it- of the evening. Averitt, who has won ground and athletic field in the Angus Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Holly acompan- improvements have been made or ciation meeting at Spokane next r elf the task of getting some trees over some pretty tough customers. rear of the buildings. The water week. This big educational meeting led by Mrs.D. T. Holly were Boise are in the course of construction. to plant at the Owyhee Dam to had hard sledding with the Payette | from the surface well completely B A SEBA LL TEA M Among the most noticeable are new annually draws nearly 4,000 educa visitors Monday afternoon. ¡.lake a picnic grounds there. The boy and was down in the second fills a four inch pipe when the Mrs. H. R. Otis attended a meet neon signs at Halverson’s Store O R D E R S U N IF O R M S tors from the northwest states and tlub has asked that if there are round for the count of nine, not pump is started. Is one of the major educational ing of the Kingman Kolony Book and the Liberty Theatre. New signs i ny members or others interested, knocked out, but dazed some. He fin club Saturday afternoon at the M are also to be constructed at the The work has slowed up consid meetings of the nation. vho have a tree or two they can ished strong in the last round but erably as the WPA Is about a thing M. Greeting home In the Kolony. Thompson Oil Company, Norcott The Nyssa baseball team will be .' pare, to get in touch with the Jour Milligan had piled up too big a lead of the past here with the opening Service, Eder Hardware and Gro SH O W E R HELD TUESD A Y nal, who will see that the trees are and won the nod of Referee Rose. up of other work. The principal Job decked out in brand new uniforms Mrs. Ike Boren left Tuesday night cery, and a window sign at the when the season opens and the properly set out a the dam. for White Rock, Utah, being called Nyssa Realty Company. Two of the fights turned out to remaining is to fence the play complete outfits were ordered today. The Liberty Theatre is doing It is possible that there will be bt flops. Buddy Edwards "knocked ground and level up the land. It Is The firms co-operating in fumish- A shower was held Tuesday after their by the serious illness of her some re-modeling work, including - veral people, either in town or the out” Chas, Shllivan of New Ply- hoped to have the playground nlshing new uniforms for the boys noon at the home of Mrs. Ike grandmother. the construction of a new front. country, who have some trees, pos- moth in the first round with what ready for use when school opens this are Eder Hardware, Fletcher Oil Boren, honoring Mrs. Angus Bishop MRS. DOOLITTLE CHOSEN The Bolse-Payette Lumer Company ■ Ply some that need thinning; and was probably a right feint. Tills is fall. Company, Powell Service, Swan who lives at the K. S. & D. ranch. started work this week on a new v ill be glad to have the trees used the second time Buddy has won INVESTIGATOR FOR NEW Bakery, Don Graham, Thompson Some fifteen guests were present office, to be located at the south for beautification work at the Owy from the New Plymouth boy in the B A R B E R S H O P G E T S and Mrs. Bishop was presented with OLD AGE ASSISTNUE Oil Company, Schweizer Cafe, west comer of their property. S P R IN G R E N O V A T IN G hee Dam. The Orange is helping first round and in his other appear Rosebud, Norcott Service, First many nice gifts. The party was Workmen have been putting on tc put this picnic grounds over and ance here, Jake Green knocked him given by the Nyssa Relief 8ociety of National Bank. Wilson Bros., Idaho Warren McHarguc is doing con the final coatings of stucco at the hove already succeeded in having a out in the second round. In the cur the local L. D. S. church. Power, Nyssa Pharmacy and Hal Mrs. Bessie Doolittle of Ontario Thompson Oil Compan(y and in niece of land prepared, seeded, tain raiser, the fight ended before siderable improvement work in his verson’s Food Store. The Nyssa was chosen at the meeting of the stalling new wholesale pumps of f t : ced and ready for the planting of the customers got settler in their barber ship this week and closed the Packing Co. will build a modern R E T U R N S H O M E F R ID A Y county relief committee in Vale the latest type. Ire ‘s. “Buck” Johanesen at the dam seats. ‘Battling” Nelson knocked out shop the first of the week to get s<f>re board as a help to the team Wednesday evening to be the special The McHargue Barber shop has hes been fixing the picnic grounds Red Nichols of Jordan Valley in the work done. The walls have all and patrons. Mrs. Berwyn Burke and little investigator for the new old age been completely re-decorated, and up and a big picnic is planned for about the second punch. This was been kalsomined and “stipled,” the assistance program. Work will start son Max returned home from Brlt- the interior Improvements of the sometime in April, possibly April 19. the third time Nelson had defeated woodwork painted, furniture all re Mrs. Warren Blodgett has been tingham's home in Ontario Friday. immediately. Those who will benefit Nichols and each time the fights finished. new linoleum on the floor; quite ill the past few days, suffering Mrs. C. R. Dryden, mother of Mrs. from this will be aged, needy people Wilson Orocery have been complet and altogether a vast improvement ed. Halverson’s Pure Food Store between the two get shorter. from a bad case of tonsillitis. Burke came Sunday for a visit at who are over 70 years of age, and plans some further changes in their Mr. and Mrs. O. Servoss are mov been made in the appearance of It was announced at the ring side those who have been receiving home. 8he was brought up by ing out of their house and moving store and the Kozy Cafe has been the shop. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a the Edgar Dryden and Lucille Fraqcis, county pensions will be considered re-modeled Inside. The Owyhee Into their new house located a block that fight would be held regularly who returned to their home at first. w; it and a little south of the house during the summer, every other S E A R C H IN G F O R G O L D Barber and Beauty Shop plan to Judge David F. Oraham, Thos. B. re-decorate their place of business Wendell Monday morning. sold to Ernest McClure. The Mc Thursday, in the Eagles hall. IN NYSSA VICINITY McElroy and Miss Hansaker of Vale Clure family expects to move this in a few days and as the fever meeting of county spreadB. no doubt other business 8everal of the local teachers ex attended a Fireman get coats and hats in week to their new home in the H. D. O'Flury, representing the Harry Clatterbos of Onion spent Judges, county relief committees north part of town. the week end here taking the place Mineral Products Corporation, a r time for Easter parade . . . Jack pect to attend a meeting Saturday and workers held in Pendleton on houses will launch an Improvement campaign. rived here this week and has been Perry down on his knees boring at La Orande of the Eastern Ore Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pfieler, who of Mr. Oeorge Mitchell, manager of putting down test holes and testing holes . . . Bert Hoxie getting the gon Teachers Association. Among Tuesday, where they were addressed the Nyssa Bank, who was in Port spent the winter in Oxnard, Calif- gravel at various points near the low-down for assessment purposes those who have indicated their in by Elmer Ooudy, state relief ad- Kenneth Pond, clerk at Eder arrived Monday evening in Nyssa. land on bixsiness. Mr. Clatterbos reported gold strike of last fall. He , . . White-Ahby young couple chlv- tention of attending the meeting are mlnstrator, on the various phases was here several weeks when the Orocery has been quite sick for sev They will spend the summer here, has found some gold In his test but aried Wednesday night . . . Eagle Superintendent Hollenberg, Vernal of the old age assistance work. bank was first started. Mrs. Clat Mrs. Dick Tensen of Nyssa a t eral days. His brother C. E. Pond of farming their ranch in the Oregon nothing startling as yet. he says. He members out to win big prizes . . . Shoemaker. Owen Price, Grant Trail community. They made the terbos and daughter accompanied expects to continue his testing for Rinehart, John Young and Betty tended the meeting in Vale Wed- Big Bend has been taking care of him at the Nordale home. trip by auto and report encountering him and were guests of Mr. and several days yet. neday night. Tensen. Mrs. Lewis Wiltshire. much snow and bad weather. J Music Contest To Be April 25th Dentists Will Meet In Nyssa IMPROVEMENT WORK POPULAR TREES WANTED FOR NEW PARK 'ROUND TOWN /