Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, MARCH 12,1936 CALT The Ladies Aid of the Community j Justine Overstreet returned to Church met with Mrs. C. J. Keizer ’ school today after being out three this afternoon. weeks with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Beam were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McClure an d' dinner guests of Mrs. Emma Duncan daughter visited with relatives in Sunday. Caldwell Saturday. John Burke and Bob Ramsey at Miss Harriet Aheam of Ontario tended a birthday dinner at the made a short visit Sunday evening Mrs. Fred Powell is sure spring is j Max Schweizer and Warren Blod- Doolittle home in Ontario Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Young. here as she has some very pretty i gett are with a survey crew for the Mrs Herschel Thompson spent Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thompson crocuses in bloom In her yard. 1 reclamation now. Thursday visiting with her par of Adrian spent Tuesday with Mr. Roy Sterling and daughter Mar- i The St. Paul’s Episcopal Guild met ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Earp in and Mrs. A1 Thompson. Jorle spent Sunday at the Thos B ilt the home of Mrs. Artie Robertson Emmett. Misses Florence and Rachel Keith- Nordale home Wednesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ingrahm and ' ley of Midvale spent the week end Mrs Rollle Campbell and sons. daughter Lois of Nampa were Sun , with their sister and her husband, The American Legion Auxiliary held their regular meeting Thursday Allen and David, and James Wither day visitors at the home of Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vinsonhaler. March 5th with the hostesess for the spoon all of New Meadows, Ida, were H. Hunter. Mrs. Earl Hannan and daughter afternoon being Mrs. McGinnis. callers at the Rev. White home Mrs. Wm. Cutts, Jr., and two small Jean, Mrs. Farnham Sills and Tuesday aftemoi». Mrs. Pashley and Mrs. Schweizer. sons plan to leave today for Portland daughter Peggy and Mrs. Dick Robert Peck has beer, transferred where they will live. Mr. Cutts is the Adams were Boise visitors Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Henry Fields and son spent the week end in Baker to work on the Arrowrock dam pro camp doctor ot the local CCC camp. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lelnkaemper visiting with Mrs. Field’s sisters and ject Mrs. Peck and daughter are at Bill Coleman is closing his Lunch left Sunday morning on a business their families, Mrs. Nick Leuck and the parental C. E. Peck home in Big counter for awhile so he can give his trip to Portland. They plan to be Mrs. Sadie Webb. Bend at present. place a spring house cleaning. He gone about a week. also plans to do some painting. Miss Nell Geertsen of Boise was a Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Ray, Mrs. Sid week end guest of Miss Margaret Burbidge and Mrs Ray Emmott McNulty. On Sunday afternoon they were Boise visitors Tuesday after drove to Vale to visit friends. noon. Mrs. John Hickman and daughter [ Mr. and Mrs John Carr of Weiser Peggy Ann of Vale arrived Sunday came over last Wednesday after to spend a week with her mother, noon to see Mrs. Clyde Long, who is Mrs. Beard. lecovering from a recent operation Mrs. George McKee attended a at the J. T. Long home. Mrs. Carr is silver tea in Wilder last Thursday at a sister of Mrs. Long. the home of Mrs. W. T. Clark. Mm. j The Andrew McGinnis family at J. B. Smith and Mrs. Lucille John- I tended a birthday dinner given for ston accompanied her and visited ! Everett Cantrall at the home of with Mrs. Frank Boyles. his parents Mr. and Mrs. Archie Per C. C. Coats of Vale was a business Cantrall in Ontario. The Archie Bottle Cantralls were dinner guests at the visitor in Nyssa Tuseday morning. Mr. Coats has announced his inten- | McGinnis home in Nyssa Sunday. tion of seeking the nomination for | Lloyd Milliken has resigned as as office of county assessor on the Re 5 pounds sistant water master on the Co-op publican ticket. erative Ditch at Parma and is now Mr. and Mrs. Emil Dean of Em- j working out of the local reclamation mett were dinner guests at the office. He ex]>ects to move to Nyssa Franklin Fry home Sunday. In the 5 pounds as soon as he can find a suitable afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dean | house. and daughter of Payette and Mrs. | Notice to power customers Electricity will be off from 3 :00 to 3 :30 P. M. Friday March 13 for town customers only. IDAHO POWER CO. B IG P R IZE C O N T E S T !! 1st Prize: “ SILVER KING” BIKE 2nd Prize: DELUXE SKIPPY RACER 3rd Prize: SPORT WRIST WATCH 17 Additional Prizes— Including Bats, Balls, Compacts, Pencils, Toys, Baseball Suits, etc. HALVERSON’S o n L U ln L O For Friday, Saturday and Monday Catsup 10c Red Beans 20c White Beans 25c Sardines 28c Salmon 28c Stringless Beans 3 cans 28c Oranges 25c 21 Crackers 25c 2 Cocoa 19c 15 oz. Can 3 for Tall Can 3 for Sweet and Juicy 2 Dozen b. Box lb. Can L fU m leek il eie NEW 10W ■ e a t n n ir c c It AT PRICE) ■ 1 IV Roast Beef Beef Stew ¡ >er 4 Mr. and Mrs. Wes Browne and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Garrison were business visitors in Boise Friday. The trip was made to get a new tractor purchased by the Garrisons. It is a John Deere Model B tractor, with a 2-way Intregal plow with power lift and equipped with rubber tires. Holders of “Weather Bird” Gift Stamps must come In and register your amount of stamps by March 20—after March 20 no more Gift Stamps will be given to un-register - ed customers. Caldwell's Store. Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Adler re- I from Pullman, R. Wilkerson, new yard man at the turned Monday Wash., where they spent the week j Jackson Lumber company, has mov end with Mrs. Adler’s parents. ed into tlie Barney Wilson house, P. M. Warren called at the Journ- formerly occupied by the Robert Peck family. Mrs. Wilkerson arrived nal office the first of the week to recently from Nebraska and Mr. renew his subscription to the Jour Wilkerson has been here since last nal. Mr. Warren was one of the very fall. He bought some new land on first subscribers when the paper was first esta.bished in Nyssa and has the Owyhee project. been a staunch booster ever since. Several from here drove to La Grande Saturday night to attend Mr. Warren is feeling somewhat the Nyssa-La Grande basket ball improved from a recent illness, but j game. Among those attending were j is still under the doctors care. He Is Mr and Mrs. Win. Schireman. who staying with his daughter Miss Mary were accompanied by Mrs. John Warren at Ontario. Young and Misses Katherine and Margaret Young. George Reberger, John Earnest, Charlie Jones and Dwight Johnston made up another party. Mr. and Mrs. Barr Doolittle were accompanied by Max Schweiz er. Geo. Johnston. Dwight Smith and Jack McKee. DREAMLAND ONTARIO SUN., MON., TUES. I T Veal Stew Weiners New Peas, New Spuds, Radishes, Spinach, Green Onions, Tomatoes, Asparagus and all Vegetables in season WE DELIVER TWICE DAILY 10:30 A. M. and 4:00 P. M. PURE FO OD STORE NYSSA : OREGON CONTEST STARTS AT 4 Pound Package ONCE SPEND ONE RED PENNY TO ENTER THIS 5 lb. cans I, Proiliu lion frulli llu- lic-t—rilin g Caldwell's Store OREGON novel l»v I.I o y i I ( . I foil ** I as, with THE TRAIL OF THE LONESOME PINE In Color will make motion Picture History! It’s the biggest event since sound! Watch for it at the Dream land Theatre. Oats 57c 35c 19c 25 Ounce Cans Salmon I O r Raisins 23c Pound Can of Tall Pink Independent to Thurs. Mar. 20 21c 3 lb. Package CARNATION Wheat Flakes 3 lb. pkg* 19c Matches Carton of 6 Boxes I6c Gallon Fruits Black Berries, Peaches, Apples, Apricots, Logan Berries, Sour Pitted Cherries. ^ Above Prices A re Cash. Absolutely Friday March 13 ......................................... 50 Ounce Cans 4 Lb. Packages CONTEST STARTS AT ONCE ENDS JULY 3rd CRYSTAL WEDDING K. C. Baking Powder STAll HAVE TO 43c $1.14 63c 37c Quart Jugs join NOT NYSSA Dependable Brand 5 lb. cans ....... MflGNfCENT OBSESSION DO "Weather Bird” Gift Stamps can be turned in any day dur ing this contest for votes at the rate of 1000 votes for each 10 stamps. Holders of "Weather Bird’’ Stamps must come In and register your amount of stamps by March 2d—after March 20 no more Gift Stamps will be given to un-registered customers. 10 lb. cans R O B E R T m LOR Votes with "Pass Out” Cards . . . 2,000 votes in addition to the regular votes will be given to the boy or girl who passed out the special vote card when these cards are presented by the purchaser at the time of purchase. Every Monday During Contest . . . we will give 2.000 votes for every pair of old shoes brought in to our store. Shoes must be tied in pairs. A limit of 100 pairs of old shoes from each entrant for any one Monday. These shoes will be turned over to Charity at end of contest. Every Wednesday During Contest . . . any adult coming to our store and simply en tering their name will be entitled to one thousand votes . . . get your friends and relatives to come in and register and vote for you every Wednesday. No purchase re quired—however, on this day we will give double votes If purchases are made. Everv Friday During Contest . . . we will give double votes, or 2.000 with every $1.00 purchase. Get all your friends to buy on Friday and get twice as many votes to cast for you. CONTEST Shortening C _ b y r ilp YOU! A YOU CANE AND MAPLE C lia r lr s J U J T K K ^ O K T II b urn n ignks s H A L V E R S O N 'S RULES OF CAMPAIGN: Each contestant must come to the store and register. Votes can be cast by self or a friend. Votes must be cast at the time of purchase and are not transferable after they have been deposited in ballot box. All prizes will be given out after the close of business on the last day of the contest to the person having the greatest number of votes. 10.000 votes will be given to each contest ant when they enter the contest. Votes will be given at the rate of 1000 for every $100 spent at our store (2.000 for every $1.00 spent on double vote day), and additional votes will be given with special daily features, and also by passing out special vote cards. Positively no soliciting or campaigning for votes inside or directly in front of store. The standing of contestants will be an nounced daily on bulletin boards in our windows. Grocery Specials W I L L Fresh Vegetables “ EVERYTHING IN SEASON” DON’T W A IT! GET STARTED AT ONCE! IT’S EASY TO WIN A PRIZE! j O B S E S S 13c 8c 6c 25c ¡¡,er Lucille Johnston and sons were call- j ers at the Fry home. Nyssa Choice 46c Usual Price I f Charged. WILSON GROCERY NYSSA OREGON