Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, TH UR SD AY. MARCH 12.1936 HIGH SCHOOL JOURNAL More Candidates Enter Race VOLUME 1 NO 23. T1IE PRID E OF NYSSA HIGH SCHOOL Nyssa High school is vrey proud of the showing our boys made at La Grande. The following history shows that their places were well earned. —is still the Best Policy DO YOU GET what you pay for when you have vour auto repair ed? —Or do you get Used or Inferior parts, with shims a n d make shifts? CAN YOU AFFORD to have anyone but a qualified, experienc ed mechanic work on your car? Remember, you take no chances here; WE USE ONLY T H E BEST. Bring your mechanical troubles to us . . . E. W. PRUYN Auto Repairing NYSSA, OREGON The Amateur hour program which was presented last Friday night was a real success. There were some stiff necks, sore backs and noses the following day, but most of the girls who participated are not over the after effects. All the dancing and singing was done under a spotlight which added very much to the beau tiful setting. The Tumbling was peppy and well done and the girls enjoyed doing it as much as the audience enjoyed seeing it. The girls want to thank the audience for showing so much interest in the activities of the school and for at tending their Amateur hour pro gram. The High School girls and Miss Denney wish to thank Mr. Frost for the spotlight used at the Girl's Pro gram Friday night. They also thank other patrons who loaned costumes, etc., that helped make the program a success. —N H S — Achievement tests have been com pleted and each Senior is very glad. Helen Enebeck and Paul Cox rated the highest scores in these tests. Eunice Cochrun has a sprained wrist due to a spill while roller skat ing Sunday. Jake Groot captured a blonde girl while at La Grande. Jake had a good time— we could tell by the twinkle in his eye Monday morning. Ruth Edwards has a midget pen which she won on a punch board Helen Pond is quarantined for Scarlet Fever. Judge—Making a political speech. Joyce Ashcraft is out of school What your farmers ought to do is with the measles. The Sophomores had a short test raise more wheat instead of plow ing it up. Farmer—What about hay? Judge— I'm speaking about human food just now, but I'll discuss your case in just a minute. irt sal, war. 15-H EL CAMPO RUGIENTE The "Roaring” Camp VALE PRIZES . . . EATS, DRINKS .SOME FUN . . BIG JITNEY DANCE "Bucks” lOc AM ATEUR HOUR We are quite sure that the Geom etry class will know better than mutter such exclamations as "O h” and “ Ah” again as a consequence of such exclamations last Tuesday their assignment was doubled, re spectfully by Mr. Hollenberg. Sen iors are still talking about their I.Q. tests, Helen Enebeck and Colby Poage rated the highest grades. When Alice Hashitani appeared on the stage Friday night we heard someone say, “ Isn't she picturesque." Another said, “ Isn't she glamorous', and she really was. W e’re all so proud of Alice. Each day we see a few more print dresses and anklets around school. Hinemoa is going to dance for us Friday, and we can hardly wait for the time to come, a surprise dance we hear. We saw Rod Rust out again Monday night and by looking at him we could safely say he has lost twenty pounds, but we are certainly glad to see him well again. The boys are displaying a variety of souvenirs this week which they collected in —NHS— La Grande. Marzene Hollenberg JOKES spent last week end with Virginia Mr. Shoemaker—Zeola, what is the Miller in Big Bend. Isabelle Sarazin joined them later in the day. We outer ear composed of? Zeola—What do you mean? wonder why Zeola Benton did blush Mr. Shoemaker—W ell what is in so profusedly Monday morning in it? Health Ed Class. Zeola—Well I never did get a good —NHS— look, but all I could ever see was dirt. CLASS NEWS tonight and tomorrow GAMBLING GAMES . . WHEELS . C. C. COATS Another candidate entered the lists for the Republican nomination of county assessor this week with the announcement of C. C. Coats of Vale. Mr. Coats has been a resident of Vale for 16 years and has lived in Oregon for the past quarter of a century. Mr. Coats says when he first came to Oregon from Missouri, he operated a Variety Store in Eugene and after disposing of his interest in Eugene, went to Portland where he —NHS— was several years in the insurance business. He also worked at Wake SPORTS field and Fries. He was born in Mis Success at last! The Basketball souri and received his education in of hard fought games. They were defeated by Baker the first night but put up a hard fought game. in literature Monday and Tuesday Paul Johnston was the star of the on “ Sidelights on Twentieth Cen evening. He made 22 points all from tury Life." outside the foul line. They won the The Sophomores had a short test next three games and played La in Biology last Friday Some of the Grande Saturday night for the grades weren’t so good. Championship. They were defeated Mr. Hollenberg will teach the 25 to 19 after a hard fought game. Geometry class for the remainder of Immediately after the game Cap this year. Mr. Young will take tain Holly was presented with the charge of the study hall in his beautiful second place trophy. place. Raymond Holly was chosen center Bill Kurtz is the latest student re on the Eastern Oregon team, Paul ported with the measles. Johnston a guard, and Cook re —N H S — ceived honorable mention. Raymond Holly—Has been with us three years. He came from Weis- er Institute his Sophomore year. He has played on the first team two years. He was chosen all star center at La Grande. Arthur Vernon Cook: Has been with us all four of his High School years. He received honorable men tion at La Grande. Colby Poague— Came from Nampa last year. He has been great help to The basketball team while at La the team. _ , T . , „ . . Grande enjoyed Calvin Wilson’s Paul Johnston—Has been here , .. Calvin _ , , is . attending , , ___. ¡ „ „ t La o Grande ................ .......... I visits. three years. Played basketball two Normal. Needless to say, "Hack" en' years. At the Tournament he was joyed the boys just as much. chosen as a guard on the all star team. As a guard he was second high —NHS - point man with 49 points in five JUNIOR CLASS NEWS games. Frank Pierson— Has been with us The Juniors have chosen a Mod three years and played the first of emistic ring and are sending for the season but has somewhat fallen them some them this week. down. There is a lot expected of him —NHS— next year. Bob Jackson—Has been here one AROUND SCHOOL Honesty! For County Political Jobs M ARCH 12, 1936 SOPHOMORE STAFF year and has played faithfully In all sports. Before coming here he Editor .................... Russell Patton lived near Portland. Class News ......... Lucile Thrasher Bob Wilson—Has been here three Bessie Ashby years and played two. It is not un G.A.A. News ................. Viola Pullen usual occurence tor him to be high Boy's Athletics ................Bill Kurtz point man. Ray Graham—The only Freshman Jack McKee Jokes ................... Ellen McConnell in several years to make the first Ted Morgan string team. He is even ahead of the Sophomore boys. Around School Betty McHargue Jake Groot completed the group Society ............... „ ..... Irene Poage of high school boys as a faithful Marzene Hollenberg "friend-in-need" manager. 12 for $I.O O Vale Fire Department VICTIM S the Mount Grove Academy and the Queen City Business College. When 1 a young man he enrolled during the Spanish-American war and saw two years serivee in the Phillipines. Mr. Coats and family came to Vale in 1920 and farmed for four years before starting a stage line between Ontario and Vale. In 1930 he built the Coats Tourist cabins and has since been engaged in running them Warner Baxter and Gloria Stuart and in the real esate business. appearing in “ PR ISO N E R O F SH ARK IS LA N D ” at the Roxy JOHN E. BENNETT Theatre, Sunday-MondayTuesday, . John E. Bennett of Vale Oregon, are made to suffer for unwittingly candidate for assessor on the Repub aiding Lincolns assassin. lican ticket, filed a formal notice in this issue of The Gate City Journal. Mr. Bennett is a native of Iowa, of her life. She received her teach where he was in the general mer ers training at the Oregon Teacher's school at Monmouth, chandise business. He came to M al Training heur County in 1915, and now is a graduating in 1927. Since the death land owner and contractor. He feels of her husband, she taught 12 years his experience gives him a know successively in Malheur county. Although born in Illinois she came ledge of the problems of the various to this country at an early age and parts of the County. is known as one o f the younger pioneers. She says, " I have been in M U R R A Y MORTON the service of the county four years schools and A bomb-shell was thrown into the as superintendent of political situation this week with the believe that in the administration of indication from Murray Morton, in this office, experience is an inval uable asset.” cumbent assessor, that he would probably again seek the Democratic nomination. A few weeks ago he had indicated that he thought other in terests would probably prevent his running for assessor again. The Apple Valley League is pre Mr. Morton is now on his first senting a three act comedy entitled term as assessor and his home is in Small Town Romeo,” Friday 13th Ontario. He indicated Tuesday that at 8 o’clock at the Apple Valley would probably have formal an church. The cast of characters is as nouncement to make later in the follows: Joe Stanford, playwright, month. Roy Boston; Sly Perkins, village y Just Like NEW Dont look so unhappy about that last year’s overcoat. Send it to the N YSSA T A IL O R SHOP and w e ll guarantee a smile on your face. Any gar ment beautifully cleaned and pressed at a very reasonable price! SEE US TO D AY Nyssa Tailor Shop D. E. MORGAN, Prop. COOKED FOOD SALE A cooked food sale will be held in the Fisher Apparel Shop Saturday, March 14th. The sale will be given by the O. and U. class of the Com munity church. LEGAL ADVERTISEM ENT SUMMONS FOR PU B LIC ATIO N further notified that the Kingman Colony Drainage District will apply to the Circuit Court of the County and State aforesaid for a decree foreclosing the liens against the property above described and men- j tioned in said certificates. And you, | and each of you. hereby are sum moned to appear within sixty days after the first publication of this summons, exclusive of ttie day of said first publication, and defend this action or pay the amount due as above shown, together with costs and accrued interest, and in case of I your failure to do so. a decree will be | rendered foreclosing the lien of said taxes against the land and the premises above named and describ ed. IN TH E C IR C U IT CO URT OF THE This summons is published by or STATE OF OREGON FOR M AL der of the Honorable Charles W. HEUR COUNTY. Ellis Judge of the Circuit Court of K IN G M A N C O LO NY D RAINAG E the State of Oregon for the County D ISTR IC T, A Quasi-Public Cor of Malheur, and said order was made and dated the 11th day of poration, Plaintiff. March. 1936. vs. C A R L H. COAD JESS L. BECKLEY, also known as Attorney for Plaintiff. Postoffice J. L. BECKLEY, The Estate of and Residence Address, Nyssa. JESS L. BECKLEY, Deceased, Oregon. C AR R IE BECKLEY. DEAN BEC Date of first publication. March 12, KLEY, G A R R E T T BECKLEY, 1936. LU C ILLE B ECKLEY CONW AY, EVELYN BEC KLEY DOE, The Date of last publication April 9, 1936 unknown heirs or devisees, if any, of Jess L. Beckley, Deceased, and the unknown owner or owners of the real property hereinafter de scribed, Defendants. Find Out T o JESS L. BECKLEY, also known as J. L. BECKLEY, The ESTATE of JESS L. BECKLEY, De ceased, C AR RIE BECKLEY, DEAN BECKLEY, G A R R E T T BECKLEY, LU C ILLE BEC KLEY CONW AY, EVELYN BEC KLEY DOE, the un known heirs or devisees if any, of JESS L. BECKLEY, Deceased, and the unknown owner or owners of the real property hereinafter described, constable, Allen Reed; Bud W il the above named Defendants: liams, mechanic, Ralph Rogers; Morton Kendall, old miser, John IN TH E NAM E O F TH E STATE OF Matzen; If. B. Lloyd, n^ysterious O R E G O N : You hereby are notified guest, Bowman Vertrees; Bitty that the Kingman Colony Drainage Braxton, owner of hotel, Laurel District is the holder of Certificates Vertrees; Sarah Higgins, spinster of Delinquency numbered 7867 and maid, Orvilla Vertrees; Miss Gates, 7868, issued on the 4th and 6th days mysterious guest, Mary Boston; Jane of January, 1936, respectively, by the Hastings, friend of Bettys, Thelma Tax Collector of the County of M al Rogers; Anna Jones, friend of Bet heur, State of Oregon, for the total tys, Grace Goolng. This promises to amount of O n e Thousand One be a delightful evenings enter Hundred F ifty and 05/100 Dollars, the same being the amount then due tainment with many a laugh. and delinquent for drainage district Minnie Nelson enterained several assessments for the years, 1929, 1930 friends at a party Sunday afternoon and 1931, and for the- State and Those present were Yoshiye Otanl County taxes for the years 1929 and Betty Osterkamp. Serena Norland, 1930, together with Interest and Dorothy Alp, Mabel Bonde of Nam costs thereon upon the real prop pa and Mary Castater. Delicious re erty assessed to J. L. Beckley, of freshments were served. which Jess L. Beckley is the owner Mabel Bonde was an overnight as appears of record, situated in said County and State, and partic guest of Minnie Nelson Saturday. ularly described as follows: Mrs. A. G. Shultz gave a shower The South half (8 H ) of the for Mrs. Schritter of Parma Wed Northwest quarter (N W '4 ) and nesday afternoon. Several ladles the Northwest quarter (N W 4 ) of were present and many lovely gifts the Southwest quarter (S W -i), were received by Mrs. Schritter. all of Section 11, Township 21, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Reed are mov South of Range 46 E. W. M. ing this week to the Mouser farm. Mary Hall was a visitor of Nadine Said Jess L. Beckley, also known Jurries Sunday. as J. L. Beckley, as the owner of the Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Leigh were legal title of the above described business visitors in Caldwell Thurs property as the same appears of day. record, The Estate of Jess L. Beck Mrs. Julia Benham of Centerville ley, Deceased, Carrie Beckley, Dean spent a couple of weeks here visit Beckley, Oarrett Beckley, Lucille ing at the home of her parents. Beckley Conway, Evelyn Beckley Mr. and Mrs. Levi Stevens and Doe. The unknown heirs or devisees, Mrs. Earl Summy were business if any, of Jess L. Beckley, Deceased, visitors in Caldwell. and the unknown owner or owners Mr. and Mrs. William Fretwell of the real property hereinabove de and children, Mario and Elbert and scribed, and each of them are hereby APPLE VALLEY THERON R. BEERS Theron R. Beers of Ontario, form erly of Crestón, has announced his candidacy for the office of County Judge on the Democratic ticket. Mr. Beers has been a resident of Malheur County for the past 25 years and has been engaged chiefly in livestock ranching at Crestón. He took the initial steps to organize the Crestón school district some 23 years ago and has been a member of the school board most of the time. At Crestón he brought about the estab lishment of and named the post of fice, was master of the grange dur ing its existance, and was also a Notary Public for a number of years. He was reared in Iowa and receiv ed his college preparatory education at the Denison Normal and Business College at Denison, Iowa. He then took a mechanical and electrical en gineering course at Highland Park College. Des Moines, Iowa and later followed a mechanical career in its various phases from that of traction engineer at the age of 17 to engineer of a 100 ton refrigeration plant at Bellingham, Wash. Later he was electric power house engineer of a 2000 H P. plant at Concrete, Wash., master mechanic for the Derborn Construction Co., who constructed the irrigation tunnels above Har per, and in more recent years he in stalled and operated two diesel pow er plants in Rainier National Park. Mr. Beers has been an ardent student of economics all his life and has taken a deep interest in all a f fairs of government from those of his own community to county, state, and national problems. Further more, he has always actively strived for the upbuilding and betterment of his community. MRS. K A T H R Y N C LAYPO O L Mrs. Kathryn Claypool, present county superintendent formally an Mr. Young—after seeing the girls nounced this week her intention of tumbling exhibition— Is your neck seeking re-election and was in Nyssa Wednesday getting signers to her sore this morning Ellen? Ellen—Oh, no sir, I rode home on petition. She was accompanied by Mrs. Ora Hope, who is a candidate the bus. for re-election as treasurer. Mrs. Claypool is well known over the county, having lived here most t Arthur Rockwood spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Leigh. Martha Hall returned home last week from Nyssa where she has been working at the home o f Mrs. Ed. Norcott. Important Change in Schedule of Union Pacific Trains Direct connection at Salt Lake City with "The Chal lenger" to Los Angeles, is now made possible by a change in schedule of trains No. 14-42 to Pocatello and Salt Lake. You will now arrive in Salt Lake at 10:30 a. m., con necting directly with "The Challenger." No waiting. "The Challenger," popular deluxe coach-tourist car train, a section of the famous Los Angeles Limited, offers air-con dition comfort, low-cost meals, free pillows and drinking cups, porter service without charge, special coaches for women and children exclusively. Stewardess- Registered Nurse in attendance. From Your Doctor If the "P a in ” Remedy You Take Is Safa Don't Entrust Your Own or Your Family's Welt - Being to Unknown Preparations D E F O R E you lake any prepara- lion you don’t know all about, for tbe relief of headaches; or the paint of rheumatism, neuritis or neuralgia. ask your doctor what he thinks about It - • in comparison with Genuine Bayer Aspirin. W e say this because, before the discovery of Bayer Aspirin, most so-called "p ain ” remedies were ad vised against hy physicians hi being bad for the stomacn; or, often, for the heart. And the discovery of Bayer Aspirin largely changed medical practice. Countless thousandi of people who have taken Bayer Aspirin year ie and out without ill effect, have proved that tha medical findings about its safety were correct. Remember this* Genuine Bayer Aspirin is rated among the fastest methodt gel discovered for the relief of headaches and all common p air» . . . and safe for the average person to take regularly. You can gel real Bayer Aspirin at aim drug store — simply by never asking for it by the name “ aspirin” alone, but always saying B A Y E B A S P IR IN when you buy. B ayer A spirin Seed Spuds IDAHO CERTIFIED BLISS TRIUMPHS ONE YEAR FROM CERTIFIED BLISS TRIUMPHS ONE YEAR FROM CERTIFIED GEMS Onion - Lettuce - Carrot - Pea ALL KINDS OF VEGETABLE SEEDS FOR YOUR SPRING PLANTING All Types of Commrcial Fertilizers W RITE or PHONE Denney R. Hogue, Nyssa, Oregon, or Tom Eldridge, Parma, Idaho, and They W ill Call On You For further detail» consult Local Agent U N IO N P A C IF IC RAILRO AD F .H . H O G U E / • •