Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1936)
ADRIAN HAS TW O NEW BUSINESSES LAW FIXES DEADUNE FOR ISSUING CREDIT FOR MODERNIZATION I His Majesty, The Big-Horn Adrian—Two busnesses are being Home owners who plan to mod established in Adrian this week Blake Lowell of Roswell leased the ernize their kitchens with electric Watson Packing Co. building and Is appliances which are efficient as going to establish a feed store. well as attractive, will have to hurry Grinding, seed cleaning, etc., will be If they desire to participate in the done. Modernization Credit Plan of the John Hinton purchased a 15-acre Federal Housing Administration. tract of the McGlvern estate In low That Is the remlndei of Jamieson I er Adrian and is fencing It and fix Parker, state director 01 the housing j ing up for a sales yard where he will organization. buy and sell horses. It Is desirable,” he explained ! Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Holly were! “that both borrowers and lending j institutions keep in mind the fact i Caldwell visitors Sunday. 1 that authority to grant insurance of The house being built for Carl loan for the purchase of eligible Peterson is rising rapidly and when household equipment expires on finished will be a great addition to April 1, by express provision of law. Adrian. Mr Peterson Is having a "That means," he continued, “that well drilled on his place this week. the convenient and economical ar - 1 Clark Enos Is driving a new Stud- rangement under which credit may i ebaker sedan. now be obtained, will not be avail Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Holy were Cald able after the end of March. Ter mination of the operation of the | well visitors Friday. Modernization Credit Plan will not Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Roberts and affect loans Issued prior to April 1. children of Roswell were visiting In however. the D. T. Holly home Sunday after “With so many fine household ap noon. For a few weeks this wild moun pliances on the market at reasonable John Hinton sold his ranch to a prices, and with credit available on tain sheep ruled an island in the man from Weiser. He rented the the lowest terms ever offered on middle of Boulder Lake—an island Holly Brothers ranch in Big Bend loans of that type, kitchen mod formed by the rising waters oi the for the coming year. ernization is brought within con huge reservoir created by Boulder Dam. And then Las Vegas busi J. E. Holly was In Caldwell and venient reach of the family of mod ness men on a pleasure cruise on Vale on business Monday. He was erate income. Any responsible per the lake discovered him surveying son with a steady Income is eligible accompanied by his wife. his kingdom — all alone. And for Modernization Credit." Modem cooking and refrigeration mighty hungry, as they later equipment, efficient space-saving found out! Now his majesty has a small principality. The business cablnents, modem sink and drain i men of Las Vegas headed by James boards, dish washing machine, kit chen nook, shining woodwork, hot Cashman, who has a boating con- water on tap and bright linoleum or other durable floor covering— these are the things, the director pointed out, that make a kitchen ef ficient and economical as well as at tractive and inviting In appearance. 4-H Club Leaders To Meet March 14 False Teeth Stay Put A training school for local leaders of 4-H Home Economics Clubs is being scheduled for Saturday, March L et ns fig u re w ith you on Fasteeth, a new improved powder 14th at the Moore Hotel in Ontario, T o u r P lu m b in g N eeds keeps plates from dropping or slip ping. No gummy, pasty feeling. starting at 10:30 A. M. Miss Helen Sweetens breath. Gives real teeth Cowgill, assistant state club leader, GEO. J. KINZER comfort all day. Praised by people will conduct the meeting which is and dentists everywhere. Avoid being held under the auspices of Plumber worry. Get Fasteeth at The Nyssa the Malheur 4-H Leaders’ Council. P H O N E 134-J-2 PA R M A Pharmacy or your druggist. Three Miss Cowgill will explain in detail sizes. the various home economics projects, the requirements of earh, and methods of making them most adaptable to the 4-H club member. The Cookery. Canning and Home making projects will be discussed in the morning. After lunch a short ONTARIO, OREGON business meeting of the 4-H Leaders' Council will be held, followed by Miss Cowgill’s discussion of the Specializing in Watch Repairing, all kinds of Jewelry Repairing. Clothing. Room Improvement and Diamonds Remounted While you wait Health projects. These training schools have be Prices Reasonable come a regular part of the 4-H club program in many counties and are Estimates Cheerfully Given extremely useful to the club leaders In showing just what is required in the club project and how the work can best be carried on. This infor mation Is particularly helpful to those leading clubs for the first time, but the more experienced lead ers can also get many valuable pointers from a discussion of this kind. In addition to the active club leaders, all persons actively Inter ested In the 4-H club work for girls are welcome to attend this meeting W,e believe that the best is none too good for and take part in the discussion of the work. our customers and take a natural pride in fur GinzePs Jewelry and Gift Shop WE TAKE PRIDE In Our Quality Meats nishing quality meat to our trade. Fresh, tender steaks; juicy roasts; delicious chops— Let us serve you . . . . And remember, the quality is always right. * NYSSA PACKING CO. NYSSA OREGON N a p o le o n B o n a p a r te ’ s T o m b The burial place of Napoleon Is under the dome of the Hotel des luvalliles In l'arls. It has the form of a circular crypt 20 feet deep and 80 feet In diameter, open at the top. The tomb was designed by Visconti, and on the walls are 10 marble reliefs hy Slmart. The sar cophagus Is 13 feet long, Gt4 feet wide, 14t4 feet high, out from a single block of red porphyry, 67 tons In weight, surrounded hy 12 Victories" by Prndier. The In ■eriptlon above the entrance to the crypt Is taken from Napoleon's will: "I desire that my ashes shall rest on the hanks of the Seine, in the midst of the French people that have loved so well.” Let Us Build Convenience Into Your Home young MOTHERS T a t e n ° chances. C h ild r e n ’s c o ld s a r e b e s t t r e a te d « " « lo u t "dosing ” 1 --- Chbedtime’-iusti cession on Boulder Lake, and Walter Bracken, president of the Las Vegas Land & Water Com pany, subsidiary of the Union Pacific, purchased a dozen domes tic ewes and placed them on the island. They plan to raise cross bred animals. Regularly food is taken to the island and evidently his majesty’s contact with domes tic life has already tamed him somewhat — a t least the photo grapher was able to get close enough for a picture. ’iV'CKS William B. Moore et ux to Juan Yturriondobeltla et ux. BE'.i, Sec 4-31-43. cont. 160 acres. 12, 26, 29. $3000. F B Lloyd et ux to Owen T Ap plegate. Lots 11 and 12 of Home Park Fruit Tract, Sec 32-15-47, cont 10 acres. 3, 4, 36. $400. John Norwood et ux to Mabel Norwood. SE‘.SW!4, Sec. 10-16-43. 12, 18, 35. $10. Mrs. Emma Kircher to R. L. Bren- ton et ux, Metes and bounds In the SE‘iNE14, Sec 30-18, 45. cont 1 acre 3, 6. 36. $20. Marriage Licenses Ellis Sherman Daugherty and Lula Sayer. 3-2-36. Robert William Payne and Anna Pauline Fankell. 3-4-36. Darhl Evans and Dorothy Marie Roberts. 3-4-36. Lawrence Eugene Garner and Ida Mae Snider. 3-4-36. Clarence Raymond Nickerson and Edith Emma Fuller. 3-7-36. Cakes and Pies If you have been thinking of the bakery in terms of bread alone, come in and inspect our big show cases of tempting foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Included in our display you will find cakes, pies, doughnuts, tarts, cookies . . . . come in and see for yourself! The Swan B akery PROVED BY 2 GENERATIONS OREGON NYSSA NEWS OF RECORD Now You T oo, Can Enjoy Real Estate Transfers Recorded Mark Skinner, Supt. to State of I Oregon, Lots 2 and 3, South of Owy- hee River; Lot 4 and that part of S 'iN W 'i lying North of Collin's Ditch in Sec. 3-21-46, cont. 94 acres; les sa strip 10 rods East and West off East side of SEViNW.4. Also Und i ,4 int. in Collin’s Ditch water right. | 2-24-36. $450. Myron A. Patch to Hartley E. Sor- I ensen, East 56 feet of Lots 8 to 12, inc, and all of Lots 3 to 7 inc. Blk 20, Annex Townsite; excepting 10 j feet for road purposes. 9-24-36. $10. | J $ Modern Miracle Cookery With a New Electric Range No other method provides all the won derful advantage you can expect from Elec tric Cookery. It is flameless and odorless. It gives you a clean, cool, sweet kitchen to work in. Electric Cooking is fast, accurate and automatic. It gives you freedom from drudgery. It imparts a finer flavor to foods and retains so much more of the nourishing elements that you can actually buy less meat or vegetables and still have just as much on the table. Electric Cookery effects another saving over other cooking methods in the re duction of the expense of having walls and curtains cleaned frequently. 1 . Edna Anderson et vlr to Birdie I Fitchett, Lots 20-21, Blk 3, Riverside | Addn, Ontario. 2-22-36. $60. O. A. Kratz et ux to Demond Judd I et ux. Lots 38 and 39. Blk 9. River- | side Addn. Ontario. 2-7-36. $1. Coast Land Company et ux to I Ralph E Schleuder et ux, S'-iSW'A- Please If Anyone —Elopes —Dies —Gets Married —Has Guests —Goes Away —Has a Party —Has a Baby —Has a Fire Is 111 —Has an Operation —Has an Accident —Buys a Home —Wins a Prize ■Receives an Award —Builds a House —Makes a Speech —Holds a Meeting —Or Takes Part in any Other Unusual Event That’s News We Want It The Gate City Journal P H O N E 19 Drink No matter if your home has been built for several years, it can be made as modern and con venient inside as a new one. You can do it at moderate cost— and do it right. Talk it over with us. W E SUGGEST Hardwood Floor» Finish Attic More Closets Social Room in Base- Built-in W ork Kitchen ment Install Fireplace Insulate Against Cold and H eat NE14 Sec. 1-31, 41. cont. 20 acres. 8-29. 34. $59. C. A. Marshall et ux to Victor R. Marshall. W 'iSW li, Lots 5 and 6, Sec. 7, 20, 447, excepting 5.04 acres conveyed to Oregon Short Line R. R Co., together with 45 shares stock In Owyhee Ditch Co. 2-28-36. $10. C W Glenn. Sheriff to J M. Mc- Ewen. et al. S S S E 1, Sec. 22. SW'4 SW*4, Sec. 23. N E '.N W '., W '-NW 'l N W '.S W I Sec. 26; N E'i, E>4- NW1,. NE’.SW 'i, N'-iSEV Sec. 27; N 'vSE'., N'-jSWH, Sec. 10-25-38. 3. 5. 36.. $400. Fred R. Babbit et ux to W. E Francis et ux N E ^SE 1., S E '.S E 1» See 34-21-46; together with 4 shares capital stock In Riverside Irrigation District. 2-19-36. $10. Plenty of MILK Build up your resistance by drinking Shelton’s fresh, pure milk. A sunshine tonic for young and old. Produced in Oregon for Oregon folks. Take Advantage of This SPECIAL OFFER For Your Old Cook | Ô A 6 Ô 0 • Stove On the Purchase of a New Electric Range This special offer of $25 for your old cook stoves applies to any and all types of old ranges, regardless of age or con dition so long as it has a cooking surface and a permanently attached oven. For a Limited Time Only Don’t miss this unusual opportunity to start cooking electrically. Come in and see the new models in Hotpoint and Westinghouse Electric Ranges. Learn why Electric Cookery is so far superior to all other methods. Exchange your old range for a new electric range while this offer is in effect. $ DOWN Balance In Convenient Monthly Payments ‘WE SELL COAL, TOO” Boise-Payette Lumber Co. PH O N E is Nyssa, Oregon Dwight Smith, Manager r Shelton Dairy NYSSA OREGON WEB