Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1936)
TH E G ATE C IT Y JO URNAL, TH U R S D A Y, M ARCH 12,1936 Arritola. Bias Telleria went to Boise Wed nesday morning on the stage. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jayo are the An afternoon party was given by parents of a daughter born March Mr. and Mrs. Penington's daugh Mrs Jim Mills, her sister Mrs. Har 1st at St. Alphonsus hospital in ter returned to her home in Milton ry Staples and Mrs. Bill Shea, last Boise. Mrs. Jayo was Anna Eiguren, after a visit here. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eig The regular social meeting of the Mills. Four tables of bridge were in uren of this city before her mar P. T. A. met Friday night. A Found er's Day program was given. Mrs play. Mrs. Clarence Anderson won riage. Robinson, president, an Averill Palmer went to Caldwell George first prize and Mrs. Averill Palmer returned nounced that this would be her last held low score. Particularly delicious Thursday morning and time with the P. T. A. as she was Sunday with K irt Skinner . refreshments were served. Esther Lee, who has been ill for leaving for Washington. Games were Tuesday morning the roof of Leq- played, after which refreshments uerica’s house caught fire from a sometime is still under the doctor's were served. Mrs. Robinson was faulty stovepipe. John Connors and care at Boise. She is staying with presented with a nice cake box. John Arritola, who had just gone her sister Mrs. Verte Pickle. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson Lee returned home Friday on the to high school saw the smoke and and family left Tuesday for Wash stage. hurried over there. They got a lad Mrs. Terry Black and children are ington where they will make their der from Mrs. Acordagoita and put visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. home. out the fire before it had done any A number of young folks attended Shirley Scoggin. serious damage. Tim Lequerica returned from the the high school party and grange Peggy Driscoll, who is attending railroad Friday with a new Chevro dance Friday night. St. Theresa's Academy at Boise is ill let pick-up. Leslie Robinson and Miss Dorothy with scarlet fever. Word was received Friday morn Orcutt were married Monday. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Thomas and The ladies of the Altar Society are ing that Mr. Dow Dunning of Boise busy preparing for the annual St. had passedaway. Mr. Dunning, fath Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ander Patricks dance and midnight sup- er of Mrs. Bill Johnson, was well son and Berta Mae and M r and p?r to be given on the night of known in this community and his Mrs. Vernon Reed and Marilyn and many friends extend their sympathy Barbara Jean Vestal were dinner March 17th. guests at the Rogers home Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Burns is doing some to his family. Miss Dorothy Mae Thomas spent Many stockmen came to town remodeling at the lower dance hall. He is building a ticket window and last Monday to attend the Stock- the week end with her cousin Miss men’s meeting only to be told that Cletis Baker in Ontario. check room at the entrance. Mr. Orville Jones of Nebraska Is the Advisory Board would hold their Mrs. Pearl Duncan found an egg meeting behind closed doors. How visiting his sister Mrs. Steve Huen in her chicken house last Wednes ever, there will be a public meeting neken. day evening that weighed almost on March 23. five ounces. When she broke the Th e second P. T. A. card party TOWNSEND CLUB egg she found that it contained, be was given in the Hotel Dining room B ASK E T SOCIAL side the yolk and white, another last Friday night. There were ten complete egg, including a shell. tables of bridge and three tables of The early lambing season is al BrLsqua. Chas. Loveland held the On Thursday March 19th the most finished. Among those who high score and Louis Arritola the were working and have returned to low score in bridge. Connie Lar- Townsend Club of Nyssa will give a which all lunch town are Joe Maderiaga, Pasco A r rinaga and Mrs. Felix iEguren won basket social, at ritola, Justo Eisquirre and Louis in Brisqua and Mrs. Elordi and baskets or boxes will be auctioned Mrs. Yturri held low scores. The o ff to the highest bidder, after purpose of giving these parties is to which the lunches will be served to the guests. A nice prize wil be given raise money to send the representa -O N T A R IO tives of the 4-H club to Corvallis. for the nicest basket. Several good speakers will be pres Seventeen dollars were taken in at this party and fifteen dollars at the ent to talk on the Townsend plan, SUN., MON., TUES. with the Rev. N. H. Sines of M er first party. Northwestern Premier Henry Scott, small son of Mr. idian the principal speaker. Everybody is invited to come and and Mrs. Hugh Scott of Portland is Did He Aid Lincolns seriously sick with pneumonia. He enjoy a pleasant evening, with a Assassin? has been in the hospital for more good social time and enlightenment than three weeks and shows very on the Townsend subject. Parties with baskets are requested little improvement at this time. to bring them early and get them Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Tudor of Crooked Creek are visiting with entered in the contest. JORDAN VALLEY LINCOLN NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ross for a few days. Mr. Joe Bancofier of McDermltt came to Jordan Monday to attend the grazing meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ross entertain ed at dinner last Sunday. Those present were Mrs. George Parks, Miss Sylvia Sidener, Mrs. T. L. Skinner, Mrs. Chas. Loveland and her mother Mr.s Mackkay, Mr. Bill Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Fenwick The evening was spent playing bridge and everyone present had a delightful day. W ARNER BAXTER GLORIA STUART This picture is the finest to eome out of Hollywood this year, will be among the ten best for 1936 and re- ci ives our recommendation for good entertainment—The Management Plus News, March of Time and Cartoon FRI-SAT., M A R C H 13, 14 SA TU R D A Y O NLY Bruce Cabbot in ‘Don’t Gamble with Love’ W E D — P A L NIGHT, 2 for 25c THURS., “The Payoff ’ Tickets now on sale for “A Midsummer Nights Dream’* More Candidates F ile For O ffice Modern . .. Hontag To see these Ranges is to desire them— Yes, they are in pleasing two-tone colors — Just imagine a modern stove in ivory tints. Come In and See Nordale Furniture Store N YSSA : : : : OREGON 17th A N N IV E R SA R Y on highway, 2 miles north of Adrian. Bulk 90c hundred cash and carry. FO UND —A sack of Alfalfa need, Mar 5 tf. with stencil number 101, No. 2. See A) Thompson or inquire at Journal FOR SALE — 1931 Pontiac sedan. In good shape Ready to go. Inquire office. at Powell Service Station Mar. 5 2tc W O R K W ANTED FOR SALE— Riverside yellow Sweet W O R K W ANTE D —By man and Spanish onion seed. H. K. Hashi- wife on ranch. Inquire at Oate t&ni, on old Oarrlson place, Phone City Journal, ltp. 75F4. 2-27-5tp. W ant Ads A Victory Celebration, marking the 17th anniversary of the birth of the American Legion Is to be held in Portland on Sunday. March 15th. Every unit is being urged to bring as many representatives as possible to Portland for the big mass meeting. Numbered among the special guests will be National officers of the Leg W ANTED —Work mlxtngg concrete, have own power mixer—exper ion and Auxiliary, Department o f ienced. Orant Rawson, first house ficers, state officials of Oregon, state officers of all veterans organ north of Star Hotel. 3-12-4tc. izations within the state, high rank F O R SALE ing military and naval officers and Oregon's cited veterans of the World FOR SALE—Good clover seed, extra War. re-cleaned. T. T. Elliott, Kingman Colony. M12-A2pd. C O U NTY D ECLAM ATO RY FO R SALE—Extra good young work COM M ITTEE MET IN O N TA R IO horse, 1500 pounds. Robert Cox near Terteling Camp. D oans P ills MISCELLANEOUS H AU LIN G — All kinds, Oregon and Idaho License. Hugh Glasgow. Phone 36-F3. Jan 16tf. SH ARPE N IN O — i Scissors machine sharpened; saws sharpened and FOR SALE— Baby chicks and baby turkeys, all popular breeds. Cus gummed; tools of all kinds sharp tom hatching. Cain’s Hatchery, ened; kalsominlng and plastering. Opposite Post Offioe, Ontario. Ore Andrew McGlnnie. 3-5-tf. gon. F6 tf. FOR SALE—Juniper and fir fence W A N T ADS P A Y B IQ DIVIDENDS posts; four blocks south of depot on east side. Louis C. DeBord. 2-8- 8tp Help Kidneys sjsxJsasatsgwS Counsel for the Defense: OREGON T R A IL PAPER FO R SALE— Two Brahma roosters $2.50 each. Mile southwest of Klaus Stam, down railroad track. The Oregon Trail school has elect Geo. McMurdie. 3-5-2tp. ed a new staff to edit their school paper TH E T R A IL for the rest of FO R SALE—Seed Potatoes, Bliss the school term. The new staff in Triumph and Idaho Rurals. E. E. cludes editor-in-chief, Elisie Keck; Crocker, half mile east, fourth north assistant editor. Junior DeGroft; of Owyhee School house. Mar. 5 2tp sports, David Malone; poem, Vance Smith; Society, Donald Sopher; FO R SALE—Several 100 bushel Oats at Tommy Russell ranch; turn news, Dewey Thomason; art. Jack Marshall and humor, Homer W h it west 1 mile from Overstreet corner man; advisor, Albert Hopkins. The Trail is one of the four school papers issued in the county. Other schools issuing school papers are BLISS T R IU M P H Harper, Vale, and Juntura. Oregon Trail, under the direction of Albert B. Hopkin, has Issued an eight page edition for the past five years. The paper is printed monthly on a letter- graph. Seed Potatoes Extra Good Knot Hole News NEW S FLASH —Just in case you didn't see it. Winchell reports a new invention; combination egg-and- wife beater. —K N O T S — NEW SETTLERS: W e want to fig ure with you on your building needs, whether it is a hen coop or a 3- story house. We have many satisfied customers among the new settlers, and old ones too! —K N O T S — Excited Woman: There’s a rat in my room! Hotel Clerk: W ill you please ask him to come down and register? —K N O TS— Lulu: So you’ve been married oftener than I have? Mamie: Yes, I ’m two “ chumps" ahead of you. —K N O T S — Next time you see a man doing some building, ask him where he got his lumber. The chances are he got it from Jackson’s, as more and more people come to our yard for their building needs. Why don’t you? Jackson Lumber Company Nyssa, Oregon Locally grown from Montana grown seed. Any quantity up to 2000 bags. NO UPSETS The proper treatment for a bilious child m u mpi 1 TO liU lV IiO I lc o o m n n o i “ I f it please your honor, will the court re view the finding in the case of this merchant, and .explain just why he has been given such a severe sentence?” HIS H O N O R : “YES, G L A D L Y !” The Defendant got up this morning, from an Advertised Mattress, Shaved with an Advertised Razor and put on Advertised Underwear Hose Shoes Shirt Collar Tie Suit Ate an Advertised Breakfast Food Drank Advertised Coffee Put on an Advertised Hat Lighted an Advertised Cigar Drove to his place o f business in an Advertised Car AI Thompson Solicitor on the ground “ IT DOES NO T P A Y .” Phone 26 Sentence has been passed— Case dismissed! “The Farmer's Own Co-Op” Nyssa And then turned down a Newspaper Advertising 10 NORGE ANNOUNCES A -YEAR WARRANTY ON ROLLATOR COMPRESSION UN IT ■ Come in. Let as give you the details o f this 10-Year Warranty — the most co n v in cin g evidence o f superlative merit. Never before has such a warranty IS ® fr n r been offered. There are many reasons for choosing N orge — beauty, convenience, depend able performance, economy. N o w here’s Watch Your Kidneys/ A Be Sure They Properly Cleanse the Blood miles Southwest of Nyssa. F27 3tp. Sentenced! A cleansing dose lodag; a smaller quantity tomorrow; less each time, until bowels need no help at all. W O U R kidneys ere constantly filte»- I ing waste matter from the blood stream. But kidneys sometimes lag in tiseir work— do not act as nature in tended—-fail to remove impurities that poison the system when retained. Then you may suffer nagging back ache, dizziness, scanty or too frequent urination, getting up et night, puffiness under the eyes; feel nervous, misera ble— ell upset D o n 't d e le y ? U se Doen's P ills, Doan's are especially for poorly func tioning kidneys. They are recom mended b y greteful users the country over. G e t them from any druggist two section John Deere Harrow, John Deere riding culivator and FOR SALE— 10-18 Case Tractor • $300, new magneto, motor com U p N iffh t* . N e rv o u s n e s s . R h e u m * t io . P a in s . S tiffn e s s . B u r n i n * . S n m r t ln * . pletely overhauled, ready for work. 0 ltc h ln * . o r A c id ity tr y th * * u * r * n U * d Feb 27 tf. The county declamatory commit FOR SALE—Pay roll report forms Ontario, Phone 340J1. D o c t o r ’ s P r e s c r i p t i o n C y s t * * (S i s s - t o x ) 0 % - M u st ft* y o u u p o r m o o e f tee met at the Ontario high school for construction contractors. 2c FOR SALE— Recleaned alfalfa seed, C ystex b a c k . O n l y 76/ a t d r u * * i * u . Saturday to approve readings for each. The Journal. schools of Malheur county. FO R SALE—Certified FederaUon Plans for the final declamatory seed wheat, $2.00 per hundred. conference to be held In Ontario, May be seen at A1 Thompson's. C. C. March 28 were discussed by the Cotton. 3-12-2tc. committee. The committee will meet at Nyssa March 23 to make final ar F O R SALE—Duroc Jersey brood rangements. sows and gilts, bred for spring far Those present were Albert B. rowing; also some Ladak alfalfa Hopkins of Oregon Trail, Miss Har seed, certified. Felton Duncan. 3-12- “To a Life-Time of Poor Business riet Ahearn of Ontario, Owen Price 2tp. o f Nyssa, Miss Rodman and Mrs. FOR SALE— Red Raspberry plants and Mediocre Financial Returns.’’ Kathryn Claypool of Vale, and $1.00 per hundred. Red currani Walter Marshall of Lincoln. plants 50c per dozen. J. T. Long ranch, Nyssa. Mar. 12-2tc. NEW STAFF ELECTED FOR FRED J. CLEMO Fred J. Clemo of Ontario an nounced this week that he would seek the Democratic nomination for County Judge and has been out this week getting his campaign under way. Mr. Clemo came to Malheur county In 1914 as a teacher in the Ontario public schools and three Subscribe to the Journal, $1.50 a years later married a fellow teacher Miss Emma McGivern, a member of year. Malheur county’s oldest pioneer families. When the war broke out he enlisted and was a member of Company A, 1st Infantry. After the war Mr. Clemo returned to Ontario and was agent for the American Express Company for five years, after which he served as bookkeeper and accountant for var ious concerns around Ontario. Mr. Clemo received higher educa tion at Willamette University and later was principal in various school systems in the Wllllamette Valley. He has one son, a junior in the On tario high school and counts among his affiliations an active Interest in Legion affairs, being a member of Certain things come, with the the Ontario post. years, to be an expected part of every occasion. W ith V IR G IL B. STAPLES in our profession, this regard Virgil B. Staples, who represent for the traditional must be combined with "new steps ed Malheur county In the past two regular terms of the state legislature toward perfection. Their suc and three special session, announced cessful combination at all times is but one of the stand this week that he would be a candi ards of marking a service by date for the Republican nomin ation. The Nyssa Funeral Home. Mr. Staples is well known over the county, living in the county for the T H E N Y SSA past 35 years. For 15 years he was FUNERAL HOME the Ford agent at Ontario and serv ed five years as postmaster at Vale. While in business in Ontario he served for several terms on the city council, president of the Commer cial Club, and has always taken an active part in the business and pol itical life of the county. He announces that he is willing to stand on his past record as a legis lator during which time he has always opposed the sales tax and has always worked for the best Interest of the county. . . . Ranges LEGION TO CEI.EBRBATE N Y mother knows the reason when her child stops playing, eats little, is hard to manage. Constipation, But what a pity so few know tha sensible way to set things right! The ordinary laxatives, of even ordinary strength, destroy all hopes of restoring regularity. A liquid laxative is the answer, mothers. The answer to all your worries over constipation. A liquid can be measured. The dose can be exactly suited to any age or need. Just reduce the dose each time, until the bowels are moving of their own accord and need no help. This treatment will succeed with any child and with any adult. Doctors use s liquid laxative. Hospitals use the liquid form. I f it Is best for their use, it is beat for home use. The liquid laxative th e y -nerally use is Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup epsin. Any druggist has it. P K another reason — a 10-Year Warranty. Come in, see the Norge. Get the details regarding the 10-Year Warranty tOSP-U N O R G Eder Hardware Co. Nyssa . . . Adrian .