Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, MARCH 12,1936 SOCIETY C E L E B R A T E S 78th BIRTHDAY About twelve relatives of Mr. H. D. Holmes surprised him Saturday night, bringing with them refresh ments and two big birthday cakes. The occasion honored Mr. Holmes’ 78th birthday. In previous years Mr. Holmes and his twin brother Mr H. J. Holmes have celebrated their bltrhdays together, but this year H. J. Holmes Is in Modesto, Calif ornia, where he now resides. The evening was spent In visiting. —5— BENEFIT BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. Dick Tensen entertained with a benefit bridge party Friday after noon, with the proceeds going to the St. Paul's Episcopal Guild. Two tables of cards were in play with Mrs. Frank Morgan winning first prise and Mrs. Ernest Wilson sec ond. -5 - MONDAY CONTRACT CLUB Mrs. Malcolm Crawford entertain ed the Monday Contract Club this week. Mrs. A. V. Cook was the only guest. Mrs. Dewey Ray won first prise and Mrs. C. L. McCoy won sec ond high. -5 - MR. AND MRS BRIDGE CLUB The Mr. and Mrs. Bridge Club met at the home of Mr and Mrs. Arthur Boydell Tuesday evening with Dr. and Mrs. Ed. Norcott playing with club members. Mrs. Farnham Sills won high score award and Mrs. C. L. McCoy won the second high award. -* - SURPRISE PARTY A surprise birthday party was given Tuesday evening for Wilson. Three tables of pinochle were In play with Marvin Penrod and Mrs. H Greenup winning high scores and Mrs. R. Hendricks and Ed Warren winning low scores. THURSDAY BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. George Stacey entertained the Thursday bridge club last week. Mrs. Sid Burbldge won first prize and Mrs. Warren Blodgett won sec ond high award. Mrs. H C. Adler played with club members. -i- WEDNESDAY BRIDGE Mrs. Aden Wilson entertained the Wednesday night bridge club this week. Mrs. Henry Carl and Mrs. Nellie Powell were guests and Mrs. Ernest McClure won high score prize. -5 - THURSDAY CONTRACT CLUB Mrs. Arthur Boydell entertained the Thursday Contract Club with a party for members and guests Invit ed to make two extra tables. Mrs. Farnham Sills won the high score award for guests and Mrs. Artie Robertson won the high score award for the club. -5 - BIRTHDAY PARTY Ilene Blodgett celebrated her 7th birthday Monday after school with twenty of her playmates invited to a party at the Fields home. Games were played and at the close all the little guests were seated at one big table with two birthday cakes mak ing attractive centerpieces. SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY A party of friends descnded on the editor’s home Saturday evening, bringing refreshments, cards, tables and a large birthday cake decorated with 28 candles. The evening was spent playing pinochle with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keizer winning high score awards; Earl Danely winning low for men and Mrs. Ed. Warren low NYSSA FLOUR MILL Under New Management Let us grind your flour and feed ... also re-cleaning and treat ing seed grain . . . at reasonable p r i c e s . Service at all times. WARREN & SONS Ed and Earl Warren Managers Mr. Merchant 1936 Play Thi* Hunch if You Would Keep Up-to-date in PINOCHLE PARTY A pinochle party was held at the Marvin Penrod home last Thursday evening with three tables in play. High scores were held by Mrs. Claud Wilson and Warren Blodgett, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Warren had low scores. A lunch was served at the close of the evening. Good Printing W.e specialize in all types of high class commercial printing THE GATE CITY JOURNAL F O R C O U N T Y JU D G E F O R A S S E SS O R IREN E DUNNE IN A S S IS T A N T C L U B L E AD ER I hereby announce my candidacy •M A G N IF IC E N T O B S E S S IO N " T O M E ET W IT H T R A IL C LU BS D R E A M L A N D T H E A T R E , Ontario for the office of County Assessor for S u n d a y M o n d a y - Tuesday, Malheur County subject to the will Miss Helen Cowgill. assistant state club leader, will meet the Oregon Trail 4-H clubs Thursday at 1:30 P. M„ at the school house. This in formation was received by Albert B. Hopkins, P. T. A. 4-H club chair man, the first of the week. ARCADIA NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dale were callers at the John Zittercob home Sunday. Marvin Vanderpool started to school Monday after being absent for six weeks on acocunt of Illness. Mrs. Clarence Mull was sick last week. John Stringer started to shear his sheep at the shed’s Monday. Delbert Curnes was an over night guest of Kenneth Vanderpool Wed nesday. Lloyd Orris made a trip to Vale Monday morning. Miss Mary Ann Corn is sick at her home with scarlet fever. Mr. and Mrs. John Carr of Wels- er were callers at the Chas. Bullard home and also called on Mrs. Carr’s sister, Mrs. Clyde Long at the J. T. Long home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dale called on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Splawn Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith moved Into the house vacated by the Frank Burke family on the Ray Emmott place. Steve Krullek and family have moved to the ranch vacated by the W. F. Corn family. Jim Parson from Prairie City was an overnight guest Friday at the Chas. Bullard home. Kenneth Vanderpool was a week end guest at the Frank Burke home in Apple Valley. The Orris children were out of school last week on account of sick ness. John Zittercob thrashed oats for BUI Hlpp Monday. The Currey family moved from Arcadia to a ranch in Idaho near Apple Valley. P O L IT IC A L A D V E R T IS IN G March 15, 16, 17 I will be a candidate for nomina tion as State Representative from Malheur county on the Republican Ticket at the Primary election, May 15th. I am willing to stand on my record in the two hegular sessions and three special sessions in which I have represented the county at the state legislature. V. B. STAPLES Political Advertising paid for by V. B. Staples, Ontario, Oregon. FOR of the Democratic voters at the Pri mary Election to be held May 15th, 1936. HARRY LOONEY Political advertisement paid for by Harry Looney, Big Bend. . JOHN E. BENNETT I will be a candidate for nomin Political advertisement paid for by ation for county school superintend John E. Bennett, Vale, Ore. ent subject to action of voters. May 15, 1936. This Is a non-partisan of fice. I pledge higher standard, great F O R C O U N T Y SCHOOL er morale, and efficient service if S U P E R IN T E N D E N T nominated and elected. I will appre I hereby announce my candidacy ciate your support. for County School Superintendent, ALBERT B. HOPKINS subject to the wUl of the voters at the Primaries, May 15. This Is a FO R COUNTY CLERK Nonpartisan office. If elected, I as sure the people my continued ser I hereby announce my candidacy vice for our schools. for the office of County Clerk for KATHRYN CLAYPOOL Malheur county subject to the will Poilcltal advertising paid for by of the Republican voters at the Pri mary Election to be held May 15th, Kathryn Claypool, Vale, Ore. 1936. ROY DALEY. F O R C O U N T Y JU D G E Political advertisement paid for by I hereby announce my candidacy Roy, Daley, Vale, Oregon. for the Democratic nomination as County Judge of Malheur county, N O T IC E O F C A N D ID A C Y subject to the will of the voters in I wish to announce that I intend the primary election. May 15th. I pledge courteous treatment to all, to be a candidate for the office of and special favors to none. I promise Assessor in the coming Republican an economical and business like ad ministration of the duties of the of fice. I pledge to serve all the people. FRED J. CLEMO Political Advertisement paid for by Fred J. Clemo of Ontario, Oregon. t h e rwur / WhatoBeoutij F O R C O U N T Y JU D G E I herewith announce my candi dacy for nomination as County Judge, subject to the Democratic voters at the Primaries, on May 15, 1936. If nominated and elected I will conduct this office in an honest, ef ficient manner, with fairness and courtesy to all who may have oc casion to call on this office, with special privileges to none, regardless of financial or social standing. I will gjve all problems earnest and delib erate consideration, with the best Interest of Malheur County and its -efro stt* ISHELVRDDR for the office of County Judge on the Republican ticket, subject to the will of the voters at the Primary Election, May 15, 1936. J. D. FAIRMAN Political advertisement paid for by J. D. Falrman, Ontario, Oregon. FOR COU N TY CLERK I hereby announce my candidacy lor nomination as County Clerk, subject to the will of the Republi can voters at the Primary Election, May 15th. If nominated and elected, I promise a sober, Industrious and honest administration. CHARLES E. HOWELL Political advertisement paid for by Charles E. Howell, Vale, Oregon. I hereby announce my candidacy We Carry a Full Line Of Farm and Garden for the office of assessor for the County of Malheur, State of Ore gon, subject to the wUl of the vot ers of the Republican party at the primary election to be held May 15, F O R C O U N T Y S U P E R IN T E N D E N T 1936. F O R S T A T E R E P R E S E N T A T IV E SEEDS It will pay well for you to investigate our line before buying elsewhere. W e have some extra good oats and barley seed— Clover, Alfalfa and Grass Seeds AN D R EW S SEED CO. Ontario, Ore. Phone 452 Build Up Your Resistance . . . W ith Squibbs Vitamin Products Cod Liver Oil Halibut Liver Oil Adex Tablets M o d a l Illu stra ta ci — G A p -5 0 . O th a r S h a lv a d o r M o d a l* fro m $99.50 up. Yeast Tablets Vitavose TH E W O R L D ’S M OST B E A U T IF U L R E F R IG E R A T O R Will supply those vitamins so necessary in com EasterCandies These refrigerators carry a Five-Year protective guarantee. and Now on display at our store. Novelties Baldridge Nyssa Pharmacy — At— Implement Co. NYSSA, OREGON bating colds, etc. NYSSA, OREGON A S S E SS O R I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Assesor sub ject to the will of the Republican voters at the Primary Election to be held May 15th, 1936. C C. COATS Political advertisement paid for by C. C. Coats, Vale. Oregon. JOHNSON VARIETY FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR I wish to announce my candidacy ADE R A D IO S ! SxV ia A llow a n ce T o w a r d a N ew PHILCO Letterheads Statements Envelopes Remember—Nothing reflects better the quality of any business than - - I - Check Over NOW Your Supply of and other printing supplies you will need throughout the coming year Primary Election and respectfully wish you to consider my candidacy. I have been a taxpayer tn Malheur county for 31 years, and am fam iliar with the duties and obligations T O M E M B E R S O F THE R E P C B U - of assessor. CAN P A R T Y IN M A LH EU R ROBERT R. OVERSTREET C O U N T Y — G R E E T IN G S : Political advertisement paid for by Herewith I beg to advise you I shall Robert R. Overstreet, Nyssa, Oregon. be a candidate for the nomination C A R L H. C O A D to the office of County Judge on your ticket at the Primaries to be For nomination as candidate lor held May 15, 1936; and that I will State Representative on the Repub appreciate your support, very much. lican Ticket. Political advertisement paid for by D A V ID F. G R A H A M Political advertisement paid for by Carl H. Coad, Nyssa, Oregon. David F. Graham, Vale, Oregon. people at heart. THERON R. BEERS Political advertisement paid for by Theron R. Beers, Ontario, Oregon. for women. Included In those who I helped Mr. Burke celebrate his birthday were Messrs, and Mesdames Jack Keizer. Earl Danley, Bernard Frost. Ed Warren. Warren Blodgett, Franke Bruke, Les McClue; Marvin Penrod. Earl Warren. Mae Keizer, Ronald Burke, Orville Leuck and Claud Martha Hall. . . . with the bu ilt-in Aeriel-Tunlnq System that doublee the number ol foreign etetione you cen get end enjoy I Only Phlloo Hes It I $5495 E A S Y TER M SI If your radio is giving trouble, it may be the tubes—bring them in and let us test them free ; no obligation. We also maintain a repair service that can fix your radio . . . Remember we carry tubes for all makes of radios.. . Bring your radio troubles to Wilsons. Wilson Drygoods NYSSA, OREGON Announcing . . . . LEONARD Electric Refrigerators W e Have Been Appointed Agent For This Outstanding Refrigerator The Refrigerator With The Silent Unit Before You Buy . . . . . . See The Leonard Powell Service Station Nyssa, Oregon