Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1936)
l i l i _ l í “ DAY SA* DAT GAS AT CHADWICK S SHO DO BURN UP on DE ROAD” THURS., FRI., SAT. Zane Grey’» “ DRIFT FENCE” fë&adhf JVow S 5 Dreamland John Burke and Bob spent Sunday in Emmett. Ramsey fA 1 S¿ A C. M Caldwell spent the week end | 1 in Boise on business. tíl o Colleen Towne is recovering from ■ John Hickey of Arcadia has been sick the past two weeks with the a recent illness flu, but is reported to be recovering Mrs. H. K. Hashitanl who has [ ■ been quite sick is very much im- i Andy McGinnis is going around in proved. ; | a half-moon shape, the result of too Mrs. Oeorge Ferguson of Boise i \ strenuous digging on the basement pent the week end with her hus- | i ! of the new American Legion Hall. band here. 4 . Mrs. B. F Smith, daughter of Mrs W. L. Smith of Adrian was fined 1 P. M Binkley, who spent several weeks here during the illness and $4 00 in Justice court Monday for death of her father, left for her driving without a drivers license. j home in Satsop, Wash, last Thurs Mr. and Mrs, Thos. B. Nordale J day. and Kenneth Pond visited with the j Roy Sterling family in Payette Sun- I day. IrfashTon hrtl H nmmniK fl *#** OF SPRING HATS Come in and see them Charlie and Harry McClure of I Caldwell were over helping in the Swan Bakery the first of the week while Ernest McCure was taking a "vacation on account of sickness. **** PRINT Mrs. Frank Morgan and Miss Mildred Oleson, county librarian of Ontario, attended a luncheon and lecture at the Hotel Boise Monday. The speaker as Allan Hart, author of the book, "Dr. Mallory." DRESSES. . . Watch For This! “The Trail of The Lone some Pine.” The first feature-length all Technicolor action drama of the great outdoors! Lib erty gives it Four Stars! Lovely new materials made up in the most becoming: styles. Priced at $1.25 & 1.98 **** The John Zittercob family moved ! this week to one of the Otis Bullard | ranches which Mr. Zittercob will i farm this year. The Zittercobs have I been living on the Jake Groot place j in Arcadia. Hemstitching 8c a yd. Quite a number of friends called ] I on Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Long at the J. T. Long home Sunday. Both Mr. and Mrs. Long are recovering nicely from their recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long and daughter Evelyn were supper guests that evening at the parental Long home. PURE F O O D ST O R E If you haven’t given us a trial we believe you are missing something . . . Our prices are lower . . . Our merchandise is of the finest quality . . . It’s sold with our honest guarantee! ?9o Pork 6• Beans £n hCamp 5c Oysters 13C 10c Salmon />,>! < 10c Prunes flu. U:ilia" 17c D Red Mexican D eanS Per Pound 4c 1 % !^ - Fancy Blue Rose Kice ibs. 19c Tomatoes f e r 10c Fresh Stock Uates ibs. 19c White Beans 5c Mrs Jess Melton and mother. Mrs Lloyd Claunch and Jean left Tues- ! day for Pocatello where they will spend a week visiting relatives. From there Mrs. Melton will go on to Rawiin, Wyo., to join her husband. Mrs. Claunch and Jean will return to Nyssa. Bag*' Several from here attended the I Legion fights in Vale Wednesday j night with the Vale CCC boys on j the card. Those going were George Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wilt- I shire, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Halver- son, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McCoy and | Mr and Mrs. Dewey Ray. j According to last Thursday’s O re gon Journal. Rev. Josie Blokland Bach of North Powder, former Nys sa pastor, received some broken ribs and bruises, when the car in which she was riding last Monday collided with another car near La Grande. The car Rev. Bach was riding in was driven by her brother-in-law, Rob ert Olsen * 2-95 !3 c LETTUCE, Solid I loads. 2 for 18c ORANGES, Sweet and juicy, 2 doz.......... 25c i Lovely knee length— Full fashioned SILK HOSIERY ANKLETS for Spring 10c - 15c - 25c = With each purchase, we give you an equal amount of “ POLL PARROT SHOE MONEY’ which may be used to purchase many useful articles. FREE SOUVENIRS for children accompanied by parents— Free for the asking! PHILCO RADIOS WILSON DRYGOODS NYSSA A B C WASHERS OREGON G R O C E R Y S P E C IA LS From Friday, March 6 to Thursday, March 12 FLOUR 93C SUGAR- *495 Elmsdale, a good family flour in 49 lb. sacks SH O R T E N IN G 4 lb. Package 45c S A L T pkg. 6c Iodized 21c Oxydol Soap Powder 21c Red Beans 14c Just Like NEW Dont look so unhappy about that last year's overcoat. Send It to the NYSSA TAILOR SHOP and we’ll guarantee a smile on your face. Any gar ment beautifully cleaned and pressed at a very reasonable price! SEE r s TODAY CARROTS. 10 lbs. RANGING FROM 89c To $1.15 In Late Spring Colors, Pr..................79c Red Mexican Variety. 4 lbs. Fresh Vegetables to $4.95 "Star JiranJ Shoe are % lU r Strawberry, 11-2 lb. cans, pure fruit. 2 ..... 15c BEEF ROASTS, lb. ROUND or LOIN STEAK, Ib. 20c BACON SQUARES, Ib 20c SMELT, 2 lb», for 15c 49c SHORTENING for Cooking, 4 lbs. Three different grades and three different prices 'Price! PiUUft from Preserves 3 Meal Specials Munsing Hosiery are sure that they are right in value, too The Ed DuPre family of near On- — tario and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gar- ! j rison were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Garrison Sunday. Mr. and j Mrs. Ray Garrison of Vale were callers there in the afternoon. HALVERSON’S Corn Meal your costume but cool ventilation to you r feet — and being Star Brand »hoes, you ■ Miss Betty Tensen entertained ! about 20 young folks with an in- j formal party after the basketball game Friday evening Games and re freshments were enjoyed. NEW SHIPMENT GOES this season forations thof not only a d d beauty to The Andrew McGinnis family ] moved back Tuesday to their house, which has been occupied by Mr and i Mrs. Frank Constantine. The Con stantines have moved to Parma. Fisher Apparel Shop Hosiery 59c with captivating new cutouts and p er Mr and Mrs. Buell Clement left j | Thursday morning for Council, Ida. where Mr. Clement will farm with : his father Mr. Holden Clement. In a new Hat and a n«w print Dress from the— Service and Chiffon S c u id c ill Fashion is ^open-m inded FOR SPRING . . . Full-Fashioned aUaI)t Carl Sebum is going around on I | crutches, the result of a broken j ankle received when a horse he was ; riding stumbled and fell on him. DRESS UP i i Nyssa Tailor Shop ! D. E. MORGAN, Prop. Tomato Juice 14 oz. can»— 3 for 21c Special for Saturday, March 7 Only One Sack limit to customer. LARD Independent Log Cabin BOISE BUTCHER 4 lb. package Medium Size Cans, each 55c 39c Quaker brand— 3 packages COFFEE Puffed W heat 25c OVERBROOK 1 lb. Vacuum Packed A good coffee. No. 2 cans— 3 cans String Beans 24c Shurfine 25c 25C Baking Powder 1 lb. package, the best, Ground to suit. Calument, 2 1-2 can» Toilet Soap Sugar Fairy— 5 bar» 10 ib. bag 15c 54c Above Prices Are Cash. Absolutely SYRUP 49c Usual Price I f Charged. WILSON GROCERY NYSSA OREGON -r