Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL. THURSDAY. HIGH SCHOOL JOURNAL V o l u m e i . no . 21 . PERUARY 27, 1936 * visit relatives. _ ,, » „ I The Seniors are taking I.Q and El' ltor ........................ Russell Patton Achievement tests this week. At the Cla:s News Luclle Thrasher end of the week they will have com- Bessle Ashby pited. math. Social Science, Natural G.A A. N ew s................„...Viola Pullen Science and English. Boy's Athletics ..... ...... ..... BUI Kurtz j The Seniors are thinking strongly Jack McKee of their annoucements, in fact It jokes .........................Ellen McConnell' has dwindled down to three. They Ted Morgan will decide definitely this week, and . _ . . _ _____ order their announcements. Around S ch o o l.........Betty McHargue Society ........................... Irene Poage| t h e G.A.A. AMATEUR HOUR Marzene Hollenberg ' FRIDA Y NIGHT AT 8:15. SO PH O M O RE S T A F F Mrs. Shoemaker is helping with High School work while Mr. Young MARCH is In La Grande with the basketball March brings breezes sharp a n d 1 squad shrill —NHS— Shake the shining daffodil! March was originally the first G.A.A. NEWS month of the Roman year and was named in the honor of the Roman The girls have been keeping their deity. Mars. It Is now the first | dressing rooms very neat lately month of spring and every one I s : since rules and regulation have been certainly glad to see It. Sometimes I enforced by the president of the G. this month is the harshest of the j a . a . "Come on girls let’s keep It winter months and other years It Is j going.” very 'rental and spring, the starting The tumbling girls are very an of many people's favorite seasons xious for Friday night. They are and the fullfilling of many poet's getting clothes ready and putting In dreams. With the coming of birds a lot of practice. flowers and sunshine who could —NHS— help but don their print dresses and ankle socks and dig up last years AROUND SCHOOL NEWS marbles, baseball and bats! Morgan Rust has been quite ill —NHS— the past few days with Scarlet Fev er. We have heard condition was not SPORTS so good. The Nyssa quintette took Nampa Dorothy Winters has been unable Into camp Friday to the tune of 42 j tQ attend school because of measles to 41, although the second team was in the famlly not so successful they made a good Agnes Ray has been out of school showing but were defeated 25 to 19. the past few days with flu but was This evened the score between the able to return Monday. two teams as Nyssa was defeated by Justine Overstreet, who has been Namp:. earlier in the season. very ill the past week wl’h pneu The tournament squad which con- monia is now able to sit up. We sits of Cook, Johnston, Pierson, Hol hope she will be able to Join us ly,, Graham, Wilson, Poage and j again soon. Jackson plus coach John Young and | In honor of Bill Peutz birthday his manager Jake Groot left for La mother gave a delightful birthday Grande Tuesday morning to ta k e , dinner Sunday with a group of part in the Eastern Oregon tourna- frlends attending. A nice time was ment which will start Tuesday i reported by aU night. Nyssa’s first game will be with j The ^cEw en twins have been Baker. These two teams are evenly crj j j eajjy jjj W[th scaret fever. We matched they have played two are doping for their speedy recov- games with each having a victory. pry Ellen McConnell was a week end B E TH ERE! WHERE? G.A.A. PROGRAM. Be sure and guest of Marzene Hollenberg. Twenty-five cents buys the sea see the G.A.A. program Friday sons best entertainment. night G. A. A. PROGRAM FRIDAY —NHS— NIGHT. JUNIOR AND SENIOR NEWS Evelyn Haworth was absent from The Junior Class has been won school Friday because of Illness, but dering about a certain absence but reported for work as usual Monday. now they know, Eleanor Pashley Virginia Miller was a week end has gone to British Columbia to guests of Isabelle Sarazln. Marzene Hollenberg celebrated her 4th birthday by giving a birth day dinner Saturday night. Nineteen guests were Invited and the rest of the evening was spent In playing bunco. —NHS— WHO’S WHO Let us figure with you on Your Plumbing Needs GEO. J. KINZER Plum ber PHONE 134-J-2 PA RM A He Is a boy of average height—has brown hair, that does insist in mak ing a small curl on his forehead. Rather dark skinned and has brown eyes. This boy Is very brilliant in all his studies and has over ambition that Is to be a Civil Engineer. We are proud to say he is a Sophomore. —Wilson Keck. —NHS— AROUND SCHOOL Tuesday morning the students saw the boys leave for La Grande with a couple of yells . . . We hope ATTENTION FARMERS A Meeting has been scheduled for all farmers interested in Growing Sugar Beets MEETING TO BE HELD AT EAGLE’S HALL Nyssa, Oregon Monday, March 9 -2p. m. Mr. R. H. Tallman, Idaho district manager for the Am algamated Sugar Co., will be present and explain the 1936 contract. Mr. Tallman will also discuss with you the labor and equipment for growing and harvesting the beet crop. This has been an Ideal winter for sugar beets, for the ccmlng season and with the resistant seed, there should be a 100 per cent crop. I would appreciate very much If every farmer would at tend this meeting. Don’t forget the place, date and time. H. V. MUSSER, Fieldman BO X 148 W EISER. IDAHO it will help bring home the cup! Don Langford has changed his occupa tion for the present and is working at home . . . Thursday morning many students were limping from the effects of the night before! More hookey-bobbing . . . Play writers are becoming numerous around school! For the last week Public Speaking students were required to write a play and we may find some real genius! . . . Some paper dolls were found In Graham’s car Sunday. We didn’t think It of you, Ray! . . . We’ve a sure sign of spring! Mon day after school the faculty had an exciting game of marbles! . . Orange bus stuck twice Friday evening . . . After the Nampa game Friday even ing, the gray bus sounded like an Indian massacre . . . Seniors study ing up for Achlevment and I. Q. tests. M ARCH 5, 1936 OREGON MU I OR VEHICLE FATALITY CHART BY COUNTIES I 9 3 4 - ’S 5 com ico ft cadi s te n , m c m t a *» « stati —NHS— JO K E S Mr. Boydell—Where are your A’s? Edward — Father, haven’t you heard? Mr. Boydell—Heard what? Edward—The supreme court has declared the AAA’s unconstitutional. Mr. Shoemaker—Barclay, what has become of your ethics? Barclay W.—Oh, Sir, I traded It off for a Ford. Warren Larson’s Idea of perfect cooperation Is when all the freckles on a girls’ face come together and makes a beautiful tan. Mr, Young says: ‘‘You’ll never get Indigestion from swallowing your pride occasionally.” IRONSIDE NEWS The Ironside 4-H Club met at the home of Mrs. S. A. Lofton with all members present except the presi dent. Miss Dorothy Dickson. After the business meeting, an entertain ment consisting of guessing games and songs was provided by the leader, Mrs. Earl Lofton, with Gen evieve Van Buren being the prize winner. The girls have finished their breakfast cloths and are now working on zipper purses. The dance sponsored by the Eldo- rada grange the 22nd was very suc cessful with a good crowd attend ing. The prizes for the best hard time costumes were awarded to Wm. Woodcock for the gentleman and to Miss Fern Woodcock, who was n at tily attired in a unique costume made entirely of burlap sacks, re ceived the ladles prize. Wayne Lofton motored to Boise on Sunday to take Sheila Hinton back to her home there after a week end visit here. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lofton left on Friday for a week end visit in John Day with relatives. Mrs. E. J . Beam and granddaughter Barbara Jean accompanied them as far as Prairie City to visit at the Walter Laurance home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Molthan were were business visitors In Vale on Monday. The Orville Nichols were Ontario visitors on last Monday. Floyd White motored to Boise on Wednesday taking his daughter Norma up. She has accepted a posi tion there. Frank Elms, Ed Carlile and son Harry all of Unltiy were here last Wednesday. VZTVm NO CHANGE 3 4 - ’33 ■ O H NO FATALITIES *34 -33 I INCREASE » 3 3 I -------- 1 DECREASE » 3 3 Malheur county was one of the Oregon counties that showed an In crease In motor fatalities In 1935 over the previous year. Two were kill ed In auto accidents during 1934 and this was Increased to five laat year. Eleven counties showed Increased accident records although Ore gon as a whole rated third place In the national honor roll. Squirts civic pride and In addition strikes a respon. lvo chord with new settlers looking for n location. The qt r rantine at the Vale CCC camp wa . l.fted last week and about the sumi time a ban on public meetings, >hows, dances and school was plac. c at Payette and Fruit- land. A irteatre owner at Payette By » ahn E. Public was rep ted to be rather peeved when he found that many of his W it fc domestic purposes In customer were going to Ontario Ont r. > L‘ cured from the Snake shows J ;t the same, and has rive , n rough the new flltera- threaten' to start v. tlon to get his tlon p it installed last summer and show re- • cr — ed. - — — d e li'e i^ J to the user around town. Last week the new system was put to a severe test when the waters of the Sr.ake were the color of common mud. Howver it Is said the filtera- Nell Diromlck traded shire stal tion system did the work and the lions with William Greenwalt of water from the taps was as clean Yakima, Washington. Mr. Green- and pure as a mountain spring. wait and the formers father W. L. Dlmmlck of Yakima made the trip by truck on Thursday of last week March came in Sunday like the returning Friday. proverbial lamb and It looks as Louise Kllngback was an over though spring were really here. night guest of Anna Louise Schwelz- Many residents of Nyssa took ad er on Tuesday. vantage of the spring weather Sun The Mr Murdle children have the day to start a clean-up campaign scarlet fever. about their houses and the road to Miss Crete Marie Poster will the city dump was a p-pular one. award pr -s for good conduct for We would like to see a Cloanuo and the pest lx weeks to the following Paintup campaign underway soon. A 1 students Jimmie Lee Moss, Jam es clean, well painted town builds fo rj Franklin, Myma Jordan, Bobby FROM THE LINOTYPE OWYHEE NOTES F ro g » L o n g , L o n g A go Fossil remains show that there were frogs on earth at least 20 million years »go Auction Sale B ig livestock sale at PURE I jniihi M IL K W e are delivering high test Guernsey Milk pro duced in a modern and sanitary plant May we add you to our list of satisfied customers? W e alsq sell high standard Holstein milk, con sidered by many medical authorities as best for hr bies and growing children. Sunshine Dairy Hava Ample Resources and Banking facilities to accomodate our customers EVERY SATURDAY BANK OF MALHEUR “Where Buyer and Seller Meet” VALE, OREGON At The Baldridge Hardware Co. E. W. JENKINS, Auctioneer H elp s P reven ^ M any C oi Especially designed a id f o r n o s e and upper throat, where m ost colds start. Regular Sin d r Doubi« Qucntit, 304 1 V icks V a tro nol “PANSY” This m orning a m an w as dressing and a? he put on his “ P A N S Y ,’" said, “ I’m r ’ going to let another day p- is with- c i going down to N O RCO T ' S E R - T E and have my c a r thoroughly g i ased by the Shellubrication m ethod. Norcott Service An Independent Station Nyssa, Oregon O N C E AGAIN The "Roaring” Camp BEAN O CRAP the old army game the old army game C H U C K -A -LU C K 21 the old army game FA RO the old navy game W Seels of Chance Old Time Bar Big Jitney Dance EATS and DRINKS 12 Bucks $I.OO Next Week Payette, Idaho A. C. FENSKE, Mgr. Wc wish to sincerely tfcznk every cne who hUp.d with acts of kind ness and words of ch.-.u i !:,o of our beloved mother, Mm. A. uu Sophia Johnson. Mr and Mrs. C. J . Ashcraft, Mr. and Mrs Eldon Muir, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ottespn, Mr and . : r 's . E. Otteson, Mr and M :. Oka 1 i Johnson. R O U LETTE a good game too PO KER any body’s game Payette Auction Exchange M eeting at Parma, Tuesday, March 10 at 2 p. m. C ! GVtBNSEY ARMY RECRUITING DRIVE "The big Army Recruiting drive Is now under way, according to M ajor H. D. Bagnall, the District Recruit ing Officer. Tuesday morning six big Army trucks loaded with soldiers of the 7th Infantry left Portland to cover the state. They will operate In the vicinity of Pendleton, Hood River, Salem, England, Medford and Astoria. At the same time six more trucks operating directly under Colonel I Hossfold. Commanding Vancouver I Barracks, left for Walla Walla, Baker, The Dalles, Bend, a n d Marshfield. Every effort Is being made to re cruit the 7th Infantry up to full authorized strength and the regu lar recruiting service .augmented by men from the 7th Infantry and the garrisons of both Vancouver B a r racks and Fort Stevens, are all working hard." 3 liwe: xr, D lla Kyg .r, Melvin C licker, I McMurdl1, Marjorie Hite and L’o.ina IU c Franklin. Since-the weather has moderate! the child;en of Owyhe; schtKl are enjoying a full hour at noon, so that both boys -nd itrls will have mere time to play baseball. Meet of the pupils who nave been absent because of sickness returned to school Mon day. Charles Biadley bought 40 acres of new land that 'olns his present icriag e on the north. Mrs. Carl Strickland Is recovering from an attack of the flu. John Wall of Creston, Oregon plans to farm Tom Lowe's ranch at Mitchell Butte this year. Mrs. Wall is teaching at Creston and will Join her husband here at the close of school. Mrs. Doc Pullen Is very 111. John Strickland made a business trip to Vale on Tuesday. Mr. Strick land Is buying 40 acres of sage bnish land north of Russell Pattons ranch. Russell Patton sold fourteen head of dairy cattle last week. D. E. MASTERSON, Ca«hi«r F r l. s a l. M a r. 13-14 VALE. OREGON Va!e Fire Department