Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1936 U HlH HATCH ED 700 000 NEWLY S IL K W ORM S WLIGH S-.ras?.rs5 ONE POUND. * fOiUY-TWO DAY» SSET.;" LATER THE SAME S ilk worms weigh 9500 POUNDS r***£Z Z T c *1UlN TU’ SIC BAD WOU Etc TES. ita. Go on ! ETC* ABOUT sr ¿0 3000 000 from the Duncan McKenzie ranch COMMISSION ESTABLISHES Sunday reports the roads a little REPRESENTATIVE AT better. PENDLETON Mrs Marrie St Arnot returned to Rockville after a short visit In Cald A representative of the Public well. | Utilities Commission has been estab lished at Pendleton to render as sistance to persons engaged in the FIRST NATIONAL OPENS carriage of persons or property un BRANCH AT NORTH BEND der authority of the Motor Trans- potartion Act. Alvin Miller will be in charge and have under his juris The 28th branch of The First Nat diction the territory from The Dal ional Bank of Portland will open les and the Idaho line and also Monday morning at North Bend. south as far as Burns and Bend. Purchase of all assets of the North The Commission wishes to an Bend National Bank was aimounced nounce to truck operators that they j this week by E. B MacNaughton, will be glad to render every assist I president of the Portland bank. De- ance possible in adjusting any mat i iKisits of the North Bend bank, ters which are now difficult of I totaling more than *400,000 will be understanding. Due to the establish j ii Burned by the First National. C. P. ment of Mr. Miller, operators can Kibler. cashier and active head of receive the benefit and assistance of the North Bend bank, will remain a representative of the commission as local manager of the branch. without the necessity of Incur ring expense and time for travel to USE JOURNAL WANT ADS Salem. work with pay” for anyone attend W. C. T. U. MET TUESDAY WITH MRS. J. W. POAGE ing who cares to help replenish the treasury to pay for the numerous The W C. T. U. met Tuesday plants and cut flowers contributed with Mrs J. W Poague to plan for to the sick and departed A letter of guest meeting on March 17th. A appreciation was read for the five covered luncheon will be served and gallons of apple butter sent to the friends of the Union have "supplied Farm Home. GOOD INSURANCE Is Not Cheap CHEAP INSURANCE IS NOT GOOD Insure with a Reliable Agency Frank T. Morgan — PHONE 31— REPRESENTING Insurance Co. of North America Aetna, Liverpool, London and Globe people fl I\v -I ÊJ il&fi IN THE UNXTED STATES SlEAR_ WCS OR. TOUPEES 1MWNG&Ù0KS ,*OOH TO BE PLACED ON THE IWÄKET. ARE TO BE OOR NtAT FORM OF ENTERTAINMENT that are down with the measles are - and children will go with them. Lawrence and Floyd Zeslger, T. T. Donna Ashcraft, Buddy Rogers and Elliott and Mike Elilott were On Emily Otis. The auction sale that was being tario visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Simmons, Mrs. Adrian- Word was received here planned for Adrian will not be held this week of the death of Bunn j In Adrian but on the old A. D. Moses T. T. Elliott and Ray Elliott went to Jones,, former Adrian business man. • ranch in Kingman Kolony on March Boise Tuesday. Mike Elliott has a bad case of He was well known here in Adrian | 4. The 4-H club boys and girls of and left some two months ago for the community are selling coffee poison oak. Lawrence Zcsiger, who is taking Aspen, Colorado where he was to go and hamburgers at this sale, the to work for S. 8. Magoffin and Co., proceeds from which will be put treatments in Ontario, is much im proved. who have a contract there. While | in the summer school fund. Mrs. C. E. Winters has been very here he operated “Bunn’s Place,” a Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marker and pool hall. daughter accompanied by Mr. and ¡11 for the past week. J. E. Holly, F. A Miller and Jesse Mrs. Andrew Marker of Boise were' Johnston started from here Thurs visiting In the Chas. McConnell day morning for Baker to attend the home Friday afternoon and evening. The school board of School Dist. funeral of H. Lee Noe. Finding the roads much to slick for safe travel No. 61 held a meeting at the home The three small sons of Guy Wise they turned back this side of Hunt of R. R. Overstreet, clerk. Wednes visited at the Otis Nichols home on day night and voted to have a bond ington. election on the 14lh of March. Robt. Saturday afternoon. Carl Peterson, newcomer here Lytle was over from Vale to attend Lee Strode is feeding cattle at the from Nebraska, is building a new the meeting. Mr. Lytle is the attor- ! 71 ranch. He expects to finish the house on a 160 acre tract of land ney for the school board and has feeding season there. southwest of town. He purchased looked after the P.W.A. money. Andrew Oreeley moved a bunch of this land recently and plans to put his cattle from Succor Creek to his Mrs. James McGinnis attended a It In shape for farming this summer. meeting of the Jolly Janes Thurs home ranch on Cnrter Creek. As soon as the house is completed day in the Ralph Stark home in Two of the Oregon State Highway he plans to move his family out Big Bend. employees made a business trip to from Nebraska. Rockville on Thursday returning to D. T. Holly was in Vale on busi La Grande the some day. ness Monday and Tuesday of last Miss Mildred Wise visited at the week. Roy Strode home Saturday. By order of the school board the Dr Jones returned home Monday Kolony school was closed Thursday after several days visit in Portland. Mr. Hewitt spent several days at for an Indefinite time on account of Pete Laca returned after a few davs at the railroad. so many cases of measles throughout Milton, Oregon last week. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Moses and the community. Among the pupils The weather has been quite nice from here who attend the school daughter arrived Sunday to spend the past few days and we believe several days visiting friends and spring is here. A Chinook wind and also to attend their sale on Wednes- I rain has melted most of the snow day. and water is very high In the creeks. Kingman Kolony school was clos-1 Olen Nichols called at the Guy NYSSA ed last Thursday because of so many Wise home Saturday. absences due to measles and flu. FLOUR MILL Otis Nichols hauled a load of hay Alvon Duvall who has been quite I 111 for the post week Is much lm- j Under proved. Ray Elliott and Ted Simmons came from Agate Beach Sunday evening They plan to return In a couple of weeks when Mrs. Simmons j ADRIAN NEWS A Message To Malheur County TAXPAYERS You Can SAVE ROCKVILLE NEWS USED PARTS Let us grind your flour and feed . . . also re-cleaning and treat ing seed grain . . . at reasonable p r i c e s . Service at all times. WARREN & SONS Ed and Earl Warren Managers —and— March 15th Whether the“Pain” Remedy You Use is SAFE? SWARM & SONS Ask Your Doctor and Find Out Formerly Pete Dear Wreck ing Business, now located one block west, near high school. Let Us Build Convenience Into Your Home No matter if your home has been built for several years, it can be made as modem and con venient inside as a new one. You can do it at moderate cost- and do it right. Talk it over with us. WE SUGGEST Hardwood Floors Finish Attic More Closets Social Room in Base- Built-in Work Kitchen ment Install Fireplace Insulate Against Cold and Heat “WE SELL COAL. TOO” For The Current Taxpayer— The total possible savings under the present tax law are very large. For ex ample, in Malheur County alone, 3 per cent of the tax roll represents the sum of over $15,000. You, as a Taxpayer, can share in further benefits to be deriv ed from prompt payment of taxes. Among such benefits are decreased warrant indebtedness and corresponding decrease in interest paid on outstanding warrants. The present law which allows this 3 per cent discount is therefore of direct interest to taxpayers as individuals as well as to the communities in which they reside. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir. For The Delinquent Taxpayer— WAIVER OF INTEREST PENALTY IS POSSIBLE “T H E person to ask w hether tha ■ preparation you or your family are taking for the relief of headaches is SAFE to use regularly is your family doctor. Ask him particularly about Genuine BAYER ASPIRIN. He will tell you that before the discovery of Bayer Aspirin most “ pain” rem edies were advised against by physicians as bad for the stomach and, often, for the heart. Which is food for thought if you seek quick, safe relief. Scientists rate Bayer Aspirin among the fastest methods yet dis covered for the relief of headache* and the pains of rheumatism, neu ritis and neuralgia. And the experi ence of millions of users hss proved it safe for the average person to us« regularly In your own interest re member this. You can get Genuine Bayer Aspirin st any drug store — simply bv asking for it by its full oam«, BAYER ASPIRIN Maks it • point to do this — and see tb it you yet what you want. Bayer Aspirin PHONE 15 E l m Nyasa, Oregon THE TOTAL POSSIBLE SAVINGS UNDER THE PRESENT TAX LA W ARE VERY GREAT Don’t Entrust Your Own or Your Family’s Well - Being to Unknown Preparations Boise-Payette Lumber Co. Dwight Smith. Manager No Rebates After March 15 th Do You Ever Wonder Acetylene Welding Cent On Your TAXES BY PAYING THEM ON or BEFORE KINGMAN KOLONY New Management Per Up to April 15 the taxpayer can pay 1934 and prior year’s delinquent taxes securing the benefit of waiver of the penalty of interest without the require ment of paying current taxes or 1935 taxes. . After April 15 the delinquent taxpayer still has the opportunity of paying one- quarter of the oldest year’s delinquent taxes without paying interest and pen- alty providing that the current 1936 taxes are paid in full. _______ FOR EXAMPLE: If 1931 are oldest delinquent taxes, waiver of the interest penalty can be secured by payment of the current 1936, and not less than one quarter of the 1931 taxes. This process of re tirement can be spread over a period of years by payment of the cur rent taxes each year before the same are delinquent and one quarter of the oldest delinquent taxes. (PAID ADV.) /