Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1936)
THE G ATE C IT Y JO U RNAL, TH U RSD AY, M ARCH 5, 1936 D. C. DEMING IN JUDGE RACE and Alice called at the Markham home Sunday. The lower roads being so muddy the students living on some of them walk to the highway to catch the school bus. D. C. Deming, Vale rancher has Mr. and Mrs. George Markham decided to enter the race for county and family went to Weiser Satur Judge and will attempt to get the day night. Republican nomination. Mr Deming Mr* T C. Nielson is slowly im served as master of the Pomona proving. gTange for two terms and has a wide Lincoln—This district was sad Mr. and Mrs. W. Marshall spent acquaintance over the county. He Is dened by the death of Mrs. Bert at present serving on the Debt Ad Koplin last Wednesday morning the week end in Nyssa. justment Committee, appointed by The funeral was held Friday at the Oovtrnor Martin, has been on the Peterson Funeral home. She is sur- FIN ALS IN DECLAM ATORY CONTEST TO BE HELD IN seed and feed loan committee in this I vived by her husband and daugh- county for the past four years and ' ter, Mrs. Fred Trenkel. ONTARIO, M ARCH 28th served on the fair board for three [ The school closed Friday aftenoon yaars. Tlie Malheur County Teachers' on account of the funeral. Mr. Deming came to Oregon in Association has voted that the dec Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson 1919 from Wichita. Kansas and set lamatory contest should be taken tled on the raw land which he has ' had a sale Wednesday. The P. T. A from a competitive basis and that served lunch. built Into a splendid farm home. the rural and city schooLs should not His education consists of two years Miss Kai Uriu of Cairo spent the be divided in the finals. at Kansas State Agriculture College [ week end with Miss Hooka Atagi At a recent meeting of the de at Manhattan, Kansas and two years | Mr. and Mrs. Ed DuPre spent clamatory committee In Ontario at Humbolt College. Humbolt, Iowa. Sunday at the Dale Garrison home plans have been worked out. City schools after choosing their confer- Before coming to Oregon Mr in Nyssa. Joe Miller of Caldwell si>ent the ference speakers will not participate Deming taught commercial in var ious schools of the middle west, in week end at the George Markham again until the final meeting. Any district employing more than two cluding the Presbyterian academy at home. Mr and Mrs. Robert Davis spent teachers will be classified with the Newkirk. Oklahoma; a commercial city schools. college in Chicago; Huntington high Sunday at the Lee Davis home. Rural schools are divided into five Mrs. W. S Rogers and LaRose school, Huntington. Indiana; and zones. Zones will compete to deter mine shakers to go to the final con ference. Rural zone contests must be held on or before March 21. There shall be two sections known as humorous and non-humorous organized the commercial depart ment in the Wichita. Kansas .high school. When his father retired, Mr Doming took over his Kansas ranch and has followed farming ever since LIN CO LN NEWS Cakes and Pies If you have been thinking of the bakery in terms of bread alone, come in and inspect our big show cases of tempting foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Included in our display you will find cakes, pies, doughnuts, tart's, cookies . . . . come in and see for yourself! The Swan Bakery NYSSA INTRODUCING Faye Shele Skin Related Beauty Aids . . . . Finest quality, beautifully packaged, sensibly priced— Come In and discuss your beauty problems with us. OREGON — WE TAK E PRIDE In Our Quality Meats We believe that the best is none too good for our customers and take a natural pride in fur nishing quality meat to our trade. Fresh, tender steaks; juicy roasts; delicious chops— Let us serve you . . . . And remember, the quality is always right. NYSSA PACKING CO. NYSSA OREGON HOME MODERNIZATION 'xrcmA^ • • • • Protect Your Hom e Invest silent Fund# pru dently expended in rem odeling or repairing not only m ake your home m ore livable and attractive, but increase Ita value and salability. A w e ll-p la n n e d m od ern ization program at this tim e is a Sound investm ent. Our H om e M odernization Loan plan anables hom e owners to borrow needed am ounts from $100 to $2000, for periods up to three years, at very reasonable interest rates. Repay In nom inal m onthly paym ents th at reduce both interest and principal. Ask for com plete details today* also about our econom ical M ortgage Loan plan. JOE F. DYER, Manager IRAL C. NELSON, Ascutant Manager Ontario lKranrli o f th r U n ite d S tates \ a fio n a l Hank o f P o r tla n d H e a d O ffic e : P o r t I end. O reg o n / + — CRAWFORDS BEAUTY SHOP There shall be three divisions classi fied as to grades as follows; No. 1—Third and Fourth grades, 3 i to 5 minutes. No. 2— Fifth and Sixth No. 3, Seventh and Eighth grades, 4 to 8 minutes. No 3—Seventh and j Eighth grades, 7 to 10 minutes. The time of the reading shall not vary I over one minute from the minimum j and maximum time allowed. St. Paul’s Episcopal Guild will meet next Wednesday afternoon, March 11. at the home of Mrs. Artie Robertson with Mrs. Ed. Norcott assistant hostess Mrs. J. H Hunter, president, would like to have all member present as some important business matters are to be brought At the zone contest pupils will be _ _______ j marked on interpretation, voice up stage presence, pronunciation and COUNTY P. T. A. MANAGERS ; enunciation. MEET IN O N TARIO MARCH 14 The final contest will be held in Ontario. March 28. Grades 3 to 6th A county P. T. A. managers meet- inclusive will give their readings in i ing will be held at the Ontario high ; the afternoon. The program will be school Saturday. March 14 at 2:00 gin at 2:30 P. M. but all pupils par- o'clock, Albert B. Hopkins, county | ticipatlng should be at the high publicity chairman, announced to school auditorium by 1:15 P. M. for day. the drawing of numbers. Grades 7th Mrs. M M Greeling. county presi and 8th will give their readings in dent. urges all officers and man the evening of March 28 at 8 P. M. agers to be present as several busi Participants should be at the high ness matters must be passed upon. school by 7:15 P. M. for the draw Plans for the spring county coun ing. cil for April 11 will be improved. In The Malheur County Teachers Association will present to all speak ers in the final conference an award in recognition of their participation. Miss Harrei Ahean of the Ontario schools is chairman of the city schools. Albert B. Hopkins of the Oregon Trail school is chairman of the rural schools. vitations from units to entertain the county council will be considered at this time, the Oregon Trail unit en- tertaned the last council. NEW F A M IL Y ARRIVES BIG BEND NEWS The Wade school was closed F ri day by the board of directors for a week since a case of scarlet fever broke out in the district. Wade P. T. A. meeting which was to have been held Friday afternoon, March 6. has been postponed till March 20, Mrs. L. Eachus and Mrs. Joe Gardner were shopping in Caldwell Read our ads and save money. last Thursday. Mrs. Strang, who was a patient in the the Holy Rosary hospital in On- I tario, where she underwent a major I operation, returned home last Sun j FOR SALE—Corn, shelled or on the day. l cob. John Kakebeeke. 1 mile west | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nightingale of of Nyssa. ltp. Ontario were week end guests In the P H I L C 0 Full line of tubes for all makes of radios Free tube testing and expert repair sendee. If your radio is not working right, see us. W ILSO N DRYGO O DS NYSSA, OREGON Brumbach home. The B O. Roberts FOR SALE— 1931 Pontiac sedan. In good shape. Ready to go. Inquire at Powell Service Station. Mar. 5 2tc W ANTED—T o contact parties in terested in growing 20 acres of onions on share basis—Ground fur nished ready to seed by April 1st. Plenty of water—2 % miles from Nyssa on graveled road. Howard Evans at Owyhee Hotel, ltp. —is still the Best Policy DO YO U GET what you pay for when you have vour auto repair ed? — Or do you get Used or Inferior parts, with shims a n d make shifts? C AN YOU AFFORD to have anyone but a qualified, experienc ed mechanic work on your car? Remember, you take no chances here; WE USE O N L Y T H E BEST. Bring your mechanical troubles to us . . . E. W. PRUYN Auto Repairing NYSSA, OREGON ROXY Fri. Sat. Zane Grey’s THUNDER MOUNTAIN Sat. Evening Only Claire Trevor in “NAVY WIFE” SUN MON.-TUES | and selected the pupils who are to have ! take part tathe.county declamatory Fire. Prosser and Jim , re the pupils chosen. j Mrs. C. E. Peck and Mrs. Jesse Mr and Mrs. N. S Phelan Johnston acted as judges in a con- Sunday visiting relatives In test Friday at Wade school house | well. j spent Cald- MATTRESS VALUES... W e have some mattress values in stock that you must see before you buy . . . Innerspring con struction, made for years of wear and at prices that will surprise you. NEW FURNITURE Spring is just a few days o ff now and inanticipa tion of a brisk trade during the spring months, we have bought heavily. Come in and see our new arrivals in furniture. Cash if you have it . . . Credit if you pay your bills Nordale Furniture Store OREGON NYSSA PU B LIC SALE To Be Held Seven Miles South Of Nyssa--1 Mile North and a Half Mile East of Adrian At The Kingman Kolony School House. Wed., March 11 SALE STARTS AT 1:00 O’CLOCK PROMPT Lunch W ill Be Served By The Ladies O f The Community At Noon-FREE COFFEE nr . F j ane W vmyom lim n s ■ PINKY TOMLIN^ Wednesday March 11 PAL NIGHT Ann Southern in “YOU MAY BE NEXT” 2—ADULTS—25c Thursday, March 12 PAY OFF NIGHT Ann Harding and Herbert Marshall In “LADY CONSENTS” RESERVE TICKETS Now on Sale for Wm. Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Nights’ Dream.” The Right Service Means Everything To Your Car The lubricants and the way they are applied; the gasoline; the motor o il; the battery, brake, ignition, tire and other points o f service that your car gets— mean the difference between economical, carefree transportation and costly, troublesome experience. BE SURE—DEPEND ON Standard Service 4 — HEAD OF HORSES — 4 1 1 1 Team smooth mouth mares, weight 1700, bred to foal in April Eight year old mare, weight 1600, bred Smooth mouth mare, weight 1350 HARNESS 2 5 Sets of work harness Collars in assorted sizes 10 — HEAD OF CATTLE — 10 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 Four year old Springer Three year old Springer Four year old cow, just fresh, giving 6 gal. Three year old cows, just fresh Three year old, giving 5 gallons daily Registered Bull, 3 years old Heifer Calves HOGS — HAY — CORN 2 Poland China Sows, bred About 12 Tons o f 3rd Cutting Hay About 50 bushels of Corn FARM POWELL’S SERVICE STATION ALSO HOUSEHOLD GOODS and TOOLS TERMS: CASH Simmons Bros. Owners “ Oldest Independent Station In Nyssa” Open Day and Night Plymouth Cars MACHINERY 1 16 inch Oliver two-way Plow 1 John Deere Mower 1 John Deere Disc and Shovel Cultivator 1 McCormick-Deering Hay Rake, 9 ft. 3 Sections Spike Tooth Harrow 1 John Deere Disc, 7 foot 1 Van Brunt Grain Drill, 6 ft. 1 Endgate Seeder 1 6-inch Stover Grain Grinder 2 Hay Wagons 1 John Deere, one-horse Cultivator 1 Planet Jr. Hand Seeder 1 12-inch Walking Plow 1 250 Gallon Water Tank Where you are guaranteed the best pro ducts and the closest personal attention. They never fail to give utmost satisfaction. Standard Products family moved from the Holly ranch to the new house they purchased from Mr ™ Want Ads Honesty! Standard Radio Function o f Art The function of art Is to Plato’s metaphor to turn the eye of 'lie sou) round to reality. R. M. Driggs and family arrived Saturday from Colorado and are associated with Geo. McMurdie on a tract of new land purhased from Bert Hoxle. The family came through with car and trailor and in places encountered snow drifts five feet deep in the road. Their mach inery is following by rail. Their place is located southwest of Duna way. Phone 16 THE WORLD’S G UILD W IL L MEET N E X T WEDNESDAY Amos Miller Auctioneer C. J. Kniefel Clerk