Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1936 OREGON TRAIL NEWS POLITICAL The Oregon Trail school will hold declamatory try-outs Friday, March 6 at 2:00 P M. Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Hopkins motored to Harper Friday evening to see the wrestling bouts between Harper and Kuna, Idaho high schools. Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins were week end guests oi Mr. and Mrs Eber Eldred. Mr. Eldred Is the sup- I erintcndent of schools at Harper. Because of sickness It was neces- ' sary to close one day of school last week. The enrollment for the p a st1 two weeks has been about 50 per cent attendance. The Oregon Trail boys are getting the baseball ‘fever’ and anxious for the school grounds to dry suffic iently. Mr. Hopkins believes that places on the first teams will be hot ly contested this year In baseball, as several new boys are in school. Bill Carl of Klamath Falls was visiting with old friends In the community Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Johnson and Bert of Nyssa were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs Jake Ator and Ray Holmes visited at the BUI Fall home in Fruitland Sunday evening. Mrs. John Bowen and baby came home from the hospital Tuesday Getting Up Nights I f y o u s u f fe r fr o m Q e t t ln * U p N e r v o u s n e a , L e g P a in e . S w o lle n J o in ts , D iz z in e s s , H e a d a c h e s , L o s s o f P e p . B u r n - S m a r tin g , I t c h in g A c id ity d u o to f u n c tio n a l K id n e y o r B la d d e r tr o u b le « t r y th e D o c to r 's g u a r a n t e e d p r e s c r ip tio n C y s t e * ( S is s - t e x ) . M ust b r in g n e w v it a lit y In 4 8 h o u rs, a n d s a t i s f y c o m p le t e ly in t d a y s or m o n e y b a c k . G u a r a n te e d C y s te * c o ^ ts o n ly 3o a d o s e a t d r u g g is ts . 's S BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY __________ r ROßT. D. LYTLE ATTORNEY And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone 66 VALE OREGON J. S. COOPER Business Analysis Accounting Auditing Income & Social Security Tax Specialist. Moore Hotel Bldg. Ontario, Ore. Phone 159 W e D r iv e r s . ¿4 Seri * j of Brief Discussions on Driving, Dedi cated to the Safety, Comfort and Pleasure of the Motoring Public Prepared by General Motors * No. 7— SLIPPERY WEATHER c i and sno w always bring problems for drivers. These problems are the of less friction. And that is interesting, because usually we are try I ing result to reduce friction all we can. We use ball and roller bearings to overcome friction. We smooth and polish parts to reduce fric tion. We put oil in our cars to avoid friction. But we can't get along without friction, just the same. For, after all, we couldn't start a car, we couldn’t stop a car, we couldn’t turn a corner, if it weren’t for friction. The friction between the road and our rub ber tires is what gives us traction. Most of the time we have plenty of traction. But in certain climates every year. Winter comes blowing and blustering down from the North, and the first thing we know he has spread ice and snow over our roads, and our whole traction condition Is changed. But automobiles are pretty well prepared these days to meet any conditions. All we have to do Is to adjust ourselves to these changed circumstances. For Instance, many skillful drivers start their cars In high gear on very slippery, icy streets. Ordinarily this would be a bad thing to do. But when our tires have to start us going on slippery ice or snow, starting In second or “high" is harmless and it does help to avoid spinning wheels, side slipping and difficulty In getting under way. If you haven’t tried this after stopping at intersections, you may be sur prised to find out how much more quickly you get started again. Only remember to engage the clutch very slowly. This business of starting in slippery weather can be quite a problem. But stopping is even more so. However, most good drivers agree on one method that they find quite satisfactory. First of all they begin to slow their cars down at quite a distance from where they want to stop. They press the brake lightly at first and release it almost at once. Then they press again and release quickly. By a scries of brief, moderate brake actions, instead of one continuous pressure, they gradually reduce speed and can usually stop without skidding. Many of the best drivers always make it a point not to disengage the clutch as soon as they apply their brakes, but to wait until the car has almost stopped. While this is their general practice, they say it is especially important on slippery roads, as they claim it reduces the chances of skidding. But if we use this method there is one thing we must look out for. We have to remember that on a slippery sur face it is very easy to stall our engine by using our brakes when the clutch is still engaged. Outside of starting and stopping, most winter skid ding is at turns and curves. Many good drivers tell us that they treat every slippery curve or turn as though it were going to be a stop. In other words, they ap- P’-oach curves using the very same system of short, moderate brake actions. The result is that when they reach the curve they are going so slowly that they can actually give the engine a little gas and put some power in the wheels. With power turning the wheels, we are not so likely to skid. :r7“=7==~3 After all, the main thing to do about driving in slippery weather is just what we do about walking in slippery weather. We are all pretty careful about that. The first thing most of us do when we go out on a slippery morning is to put out one foot cautiously and get the feel of the surface J = to see h°w careful we have — to be. The best drivers we -t-i _ know do practically the same ~ thing with their cars. The first thing they do after they get started, is to test the surface. They make sure that there are no cars too near, and then they gently apply the brakes. If they don't skid they resume speed and apply the brakes again—this time a little more firmly. In this way they determine the surface and know the degree of caution they must exercise to be safe. This seems like a very sensible idea. evening. Mr and Mrs. Floyd Hershey are staying at the John Bowen home. At the last P. T. A. meeting It was voted to give prizes to the winners of Oregon Trail school In the zono spelling contest. Church News COMMUNITY CHURCH Anna B. Pritchett D. O. OSTEOPATHY —And— ELECTROTHERAPY PHONE 201 VALE - - - OREGON PORTRAITS OF QUALITY Expert Kodak Finish ing. Mail us your films. HEATER STUDIO Ontario, Oregon ARCADIA NEWS Mrs. C. C. Hunt of Nyssa and Mrs. M. M. Greeling of Kingman Kolony were visiting Mrs. C. W. Barrett Monday afternoon. The baby boy bom to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Morrison February 6tn has been named Dale Ralph. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Vest were Ontario visitors Monday. Mrs. Nick Smlt, who sprained knee some time ago, is somewhat improved but is still confined to her room. V A LU A B LE P A P E R S IN A S A F E D E P O S IT BO X This is the only place deeds, insur ance papers and other important documents should be kept. You know constantly where they are and have no w ony over their loss by theft, mishandling or fire. The protection of a SAFE DEPOSIT BOX costs you LESS THAN lc A DAY. WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific Oregon Let Us Show You Our Safe Deposit Department GEORGE MITCHELL, Manager OPTOMETRIST NOTICE OF CANDIDACY I wish to announce that I Intend to be a candidate for the office of Assessor In the coming Republican Primary Election and respectfully wish you to consider my candidacy. I have been a taxpayer In Malheur county for 31 years, and am fam iliar with the duties and obligations of assessor. ROBERT R. OVERSTREET Political advertisement paid for by Robert R. Overstreet, Nyssa, Oregon. FOR COUNTY CLERK I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Clerk for Malheur county subject to the will of the Republican voters at the Pri mary Election to be held May 15th, 1936. ROY DALEY Political advertisement paid for by Roy, Daley, Vale, Oregon. FOR COUNTY JUDGE I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Judge on the Republican ticket, subject to the will of the voters at the Primary Election, May 15, 1936. J. D. FAIRMAN Political advertisement paid for by J. D. Fairmau, Ontario, Oregon. CARL II. COAD For nomination as candidate for State Representative on the Repub lican Ticket. Political advertisement paid for by Carl H. Coad, Nyssa, Oregon. FOR COUNTY CLERK I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination as County Clerk, subject to the will of the Republi can voters at the Primary Election, May 15th. If nominated and elected, I promise a sober, Industrious and honest administration. CHARLES E. HOWELL Political advertisement paid for by Charles E. Howell, Vale, Oregon. , by paying for this ad. It. TOR SALE!—Juniper and fir fence posts; four blocks south of depot on east side. Louis C. DeBord. 2-8- 8tp TOR SALE—10-18 Case Tractor $300, new magneto, motor com pletely overhauled, ready for work. Ontario, Phone 340Jl. Feb 27 tf. TOR SALE—Recleaned alfalfa seed. two section John Deere Harrow, John Deere riding cullvator and John Deere Hay rake. John Relk, 8 miles Southwest of Nyssa. F27 3tp. MISCELLANEOUS tractor operator. References. Walter Strang, Parma. M6pd 1 HAULING—All kinds, Oregon and Idaho License. Hugh Glasgow Phone 36-F3. Jan 16tf. SHARPENING —< Scissors machine sharpened; saws sharpened and gummed: tools of all kinds sharp ened; kalsomlnlng and plastering Andrew McOlnnle. 3-5-tf. WANT ADS PAY BIG DIVIDENDS The peace of mind that can come only from the knowl edge that each detail of their trust Is carefully observed belongs rightfully to all who call us. Yet the perfection that marks each step of ser-„ Ices by THE NYSSA FUN-. ERAL HOME Is within the reach of even a limited bud get, always. Seed Potatoes Bliss Triumphs, first year from Montana Blue Tag. 81.50 without sack KLAAS TENSEN BOX 202 Nyssa, Ore. I THE NYSSA FUNERAL HOME Homes for Sale ONE HOME, 5 miLes from Nyssa, 10 acres, 4 room house, barn, well, etc., well improved. $1200 cash or $1500 with $500 cash, bal ance on time. ONE HOME, 8 miles from Nyssa, 12 acres, elec tricity, modem house— $1300 cash or $1400 with $500 cash and the balance on time; a very good buy. Several 40 acre tracts at appraised value, $300 to $400 cash. EXPERIENCED Man with turkeys wants partnership for growing them or will rent. Adam Storey. On tario. 3-5-ltp. Several tracts to locate for bonus soldiers. YOUNG MARRIED MAN wishes month Job on farm. Experienced PHONE or TELEGRAPH R. J. DAVIS— Nyssa Red Clover Seed I have In stock some Red Clover seed which lias won five awards, one at London, one at the International Seed Show, one at the Worlds Seed Show and two awards from Idaho and also the Silver cup. This seed was grown In Idaho and is certified, sealed tagged. As I have only 1000 pounds left, anyone interested should See me Right Away I have Installed a wheat treat ing machine and am equipped to treat and reclean your seed grain. Bring your seed grains In early. ATTENTION 1 1 FARMERS ■■ All Fanners interested in growing Sugar Beets | GET IN CONTACT WITH H. V. M U SSER Al Thompson at WEISER, IDAHO By Phone or Mail PHONE No. 339— BOX No. 448 Phcjie 26 Residence 533 — 4th W. Street “The Parmer’s Own Oo-Op" Nyssa MARKET FINDER Try our Market Finder to dls- J pose of surplus goods, rent a j house, find lost articles, to buy or ! sell produce and many other uses, j Rates one cent a word per inaer- ! tlon. Minimum 15c. POUND—Pair of ladles black kid gloves at the Eagles Hall following the social night. Owner may have Do You Keep Guarantee Work Ontario Sunday School 10 o’clock. Our at tendance was 122 last Sunday. Come and help us grow. “How to Be a Oood Neighbor" is the topic for March 8, found in the tenth chapter of Luke. Morning Worship 11:15. Sermon Subject: Jesus Christ, the Answer to Communism! This discourse will be based on E. Stanley Jone’s book, "Christ’s Alternative to Commun ism" and is of vital world interest. The choir will sing one of Charles Wesley’s hymns. Epworth League 7 o'clock. "Evening Worship 8 o’clock. ADVERTISING TO MEMBERS OF THE REPUBLI FOR SALE CAN PARTY IN MALHEUR FOR SALE--Two Brahma roosters COUNTY—GREETINGS: 82.50 each. Mile southwest of Herewith I beg to advise you I shall Klaus Stam. down railroad track. be a candidate for the nomination Geo. McMurdle. 3-5-2tp. to the otflce of County Judge on your ticket at the Primaries to be TOR SALE—Seed Potatoear Bibs held May 15, 1936; and that I will Triumph and Idaho Rurals. E. E. appreciate your support, very much. Crocker, half mile east, fourth north of Owyhee School house. Mar. 5 2tp DAVID F. GRAHAM Political advertisement paid for by TOR SALE—Several 100 bushel Oats David F. Graham. Vale, Oregon. at Tommy Russell ranch; turn west 1 mile from Overstreet corner on hlghv.ay, 2 miles north of Adrian. FOR ASSESSOR Bulk 90c hundred cash and carry. I hereby announce my candidacy Mar 5 tf. for the office of County Assessor for Malheur County subject to the will TOR SA’,5 ---- 4-wheel trailer made from V/illys- Knight car, good of the Democratic voters at the Pri mary Election to be held May 15th, shape $5 1 See Oeo. McMurdle at Fox Sen- ce Station. 2-27-2tp 1936. HARRY LOONEY TOR SALE—Riverside yellow Sweet Political advertisement paid for by Spanish onion seed. H. K. Hashl- Harry Loansy, Big Bend. tanl, on old Garrison place. Phone 75F4. 2-27-5tp. FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT TOR SALE—Bliss Triumph seed I will be a candidate for nomin potatoes, grown from Nebraska ation for county school superintend Blue tag certified seed. Jake Fischer. ent subject to action of voters, May 2-13-4tp. 15, 1936. This is a non-partisan of fice. I pledge higher standard, great TOR SALE—Baby chicks and baby er morale, and efficient service if turkeys, all popular breeds. Cus nominated and elected. I will appre tom hatching. Cain’s Hatchery. ciate your support. Opposite Post Office, Ontario. Ore ALBERT B. HOPKINS gon. F6 tf. Seed Spuds IDAHO CERTIFIED BLISS TRIUMPHS Please If Anyone —Elopes —Dies —Gets Married —Has Quests —Goes Away —Has a Party —Has a Baby —Has a FHre ONE YEAR FROM CERTIFIED BLISS TRIUMPHS ONE YEAR FROM CERTIFIED GEMS Onion - Lettuce - Carrot - Pea ALL KINDS OF VEGETABLE SEEDS FOR YOUR SPRING PLANTING — Is 111 —Has an Operation —Has an Accident —Buys a Home —Wins a Prize —Receives an Award —Builds a House —Makes a Speech —Holds a Meeting —Or Takes Part In any Other Unusual Event All Types of Commercial Fertilizers “See McFall and See Better" ★ NYSSA BRANCH ★ T he FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND DR. J. A. McFALL Eyesight Specialist ONTARIO OREGON pa J |j |¡ 7 M lKlr W "OlDfST NATION At SANK Wfjf OK T H l SOCKTK" in th l» b u h are l i m i r t d b y th e f e d e r a l P e p o e tt l i u u r w i f C o rp o ra tio n That’s News We Want It The Gate City Journal P H O N E 19 WRITE or PHONE Denney R. Hogue, Nyssa, Oregon, or Tom Eldridge, Parma, Idaho, and They Will Call On You F . H. H O G U E • . Nyssa