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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY. MARCH 5, 1936 any etaim whatever In or to said,each of them are hereby further lands and premises adverse to the , notified that the Nyssa-.- rcadla LEGAL ADVERTISING title of plaintiff; and for euch Drainage District will apply to the other and further relief as to the j circuit Court of the County and NOTICE TO CREDITORS Homes and Gardens Court may seem me«t and «quit State aforesaid for a decree fore IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE abie and for his ooets and dls closing the liens against the property By Mn. C. W. Barrett STATE OF OREOON FOR MAL- bur3emwlU herein Incurred. above described and mentioned in HE UR COUNTY »aid certificates. And you hereby are Kdilur and Publisher BSHWYN BURKE This summons Is served upon you summoned to appear within sixty In the Matter of the Estate of L. and each of you by publication days after the first publication of I think it will be found that the?4 or 8 Inches high mulch with cow thereof, under and by virtue of an EACHU8. Deceased INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIOION, OPTIMISTIC ordeTáiUy made andentered by the this summons, exclusive of the day evere cold of the past few months manure or what ever you happen to The Undersigned, having been ap Honorable Charles W Kills, Judge of of said first publication, and defend IN DISPOSITION— WITH NO INTERESTS TO 8ERVE has done considerable damage to have, but cow manure U the best, pointed the County Court for above entitled Court on the 29lh this action or pay the amount due as EXCEPT THOSE OF MALHEUR COUNTY tender loses In many gardens they The Idea la to keep the roots cool Malheur by County as Executrix of the shown, together with costs have frozen down to the ground and damp. of January, 1936; the date of the above of L. Eachus deceased and day and accrued Interest, and In the case where they were not mulched. This Now Is the time to stick those estate first publication hereof Is the 6th qualified: your failure to do so, a decree frozen wood should not be pruned weeping willow cuttings In the having of February, 1936, and the date of SUBSCRIPTION RATES ADVERTISING RATES NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN To day will be rendered foreclosing the lien of the last publication hereof is the out till the weather Is settled and ground and grow that willow you 30c $1 50 One Year Open rate, per Inch the creditors of and all persons hav 5th day of March, 1936. of said taxes against the land and danger of frost Is over, as pruning have been wanting; that goes for 30c Six Months .78 National. Per Inch ing claims against the estate of said the premises above named and de too early will let the cold air Into pussy willows too. They are both LOTT D. BROWN, 25c Single Copies .05 Local, Contract to present the same duly the Inside and send the frost farther easily grown from cuttings If kept deceased, scribed. Baker, Oregon. 01c Classifieds. Per word ¡Strictly In Advance) verified as required by law, to the down. Leave them as they are until well watered. Attorney for the Plaintiff This summons Is published by at her home In the Big the sap begins to rise and you will Two school girls wrote and enclos undersigned Bend district, Malheur County, Ore order of the Honorable Charles W. save many buds that would ed a stamp for a personal letter. Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. perish from too early pruning.. I be- Well, girls that Is something I gon, or to her attorneys. Brooke & SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Ellis, Judge of the Circuit Court of Entered at the postofflce at Nyssa, Oregon (or transmission the State of Oregon for the County leave it will also be found that Illy haven't much time for. but as soon Lees, at their office In Ontario Ore through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under gon, within six months from the of Malheur, and said order was pools too have suffered In many as I get a little time I will do what IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE the act o( March 3, 1879 cases. Those who find their pools I can for you. In the meantime I date of the first publication of this STATE OF OREOON FOR MAL made and dated the 13th day of February, 1938. cracked should patch them as soon j am asking both of you to commit to notice, the first publication being HEUR COUNTY. | after the frost goes out of the memory the two last verses of the February 13, 1936. CARL H COAD, NYSSA - ARCADIA DRAINAGE ground as possible and refill with Village Blacksmith, which you will ELIZABETH EACHUS, Attorney for Plaintiff DISTRICT, A Quaal-Publio Cor water or else cover over with some- find at the close of my column. I t! PROMPT TAX PAYERS Executrix of the Estate of L. poration, Postofflce and residence Ad Plaintiff, thing to keep cool and damp as hot was written by Longfellow, Deceased. dress: Nyssa. Oregon. GET 3 PER CENT DISCOUNT— vs. sun shinning on an empty pool Is Any task worth starting Is worth 2-13 to Eachus, 3-12-36. JAMES P. CULLEN and BOTTLLA Date of 1st publication, Feb. 13. 193G almost os hard on It as freezing. If finishing and you will find, girls, ERHAPS it is not generally known that the the 8. CULLEN, Defendants Dats of last publication, March 12, cracks are large they should be that you cannot take more out of patched with a regular pool mixture life than you have put into it. It present tax laws of Oregon allow a three per and To James P. Cullen and Botllla 8. 1936. SUMMONS with small pieces of takes work to start and finish any- cent discount if th.e current taxes are paid wire. reinforced Cullen, the above named defend If the cracks are of small hair thing worthwhile. I once heard a C. W. KNOWLES, Plaintiff, ants; IN THE NAME OF THE NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING ironiptlv, but this time will expire on March 15. pin size they can be brushed over man say he did not like to work but vs. with a mixture of pure cement and that he worked because he liked to HENRY LAWSON, MRS. HENRY STATE OF OREOON: t is to the interest of every taxpayer to make an water. THE COUNTY COURT OF THE The mixture should be about look at what he had accomplished. LAWSON, IRA LAWSON, and You hereby are notified that the IN STATE .effort to save this 3 per cent for on the whole tax the consistency OF OREOON, FOR THE of thick cream and I have seen some of his work and It Nyasa-Arcadla Drainage District Is OF MALHEUR. roll in Malheur County, it amounts to a saving in can be put on with a large paint is well done. He Is putlng a lot Into MRS IRA LAWSON, Defendants. the holder of Certificates of Delin In COUNTY the Matter of the Estate of excess of $15,000—a tidy sum. brush. The pool should be scrubbed life and taking a lot out of life and To Henry Lawson, Mrs. Henry quency numbered 7869. 7870, 7871, LOUIS E. RUDDY, Deceased. clean before the work Is started and yet he asks no favors of anyone. Lawson, Ira Lawson, and Mrs. Ira 7872 and 7873, Issued on the 24th day Along with the benefits to the individual tax also be good and wet. if you ex Notice Is given that the Lawson, the above named defend Toiling, rejoicing, sorrowing. of January, 1938, by the Tax Collec undersigned. hereby payer, it also helps the county as a whole to have pect the new work to stick to the Onward through life he goes; ants; W. J. Williams, the tor of the County of Malheur, 8tate prompt payment of taxes. It allows for decreased old. Then after the work is finished Each morning sees some task begun IN THE NAME OF THE STATE of Oregon, for the total amount of administrator of said estate, has the pool should be kept covered till Each evening sees its close; warrant indebtedness and a corresponding de the OF OREOON: You are hereby re- 0ne Thousand Four Hundred Forty filed his final account and report Is dry enough to fill with Something attempted, something qulred which said final account and to appear and answer the and 85/100 Dollars <81,447.85), herein, crease in interest paid on outstanding warrants. water; work which should be In a couple report, has been by order of the said complaint filed against you In the seven done, • the same being the amount then due It would be well for you to study carefully the of days. above entitled suit, within four and delinquent for drainage district Court, duly made and entered on the Has earned a night's repose. from the date of the first day of February, 1936, set for message to Malheur County Taxpayei-s to be for the years 1926, 1930. 10th If you have planned to have sweet Thanks, thanks to thee, my worthy weeks publication of this summons; and tf assessments hearing, and the hearing, of said 1931, 1932 and 1934. and for the found on another page of this issue and act ac peas this year better get the seeds friend, appear an answer for state and county taxes paid by the accounts will be had at Vale, in said right away as the 17th of this month For the lesson thou hast taught! you fall so to the cordingly. plaintiff will apply District, together with interest and County and State on the 14th day of Is a good time to plant them. They ; Thus at the flaming forge of life to want the thereof Court for Judgment, Order costs thereon upon the real property March, 1936, at 2 o'clock P. M. at ---------------------------------+ --------------------------------- like cool weather to get started In. Our fortunes must be wrought: and Decree, adjudging and decree assessed to you, of which you are the which time and place any and all ob- Riant them only about one-half the j Thus on Its sounding anvil shaped ing that you and all persons as appears of record, situated Jectlons to said final account will be depth the directions call for In this! Each burning deed and thought! ing under you and each of you, claim have owner VALE TO CELEBRATE heard and the said final account, tn said County and State, and par and part of the state, then after they are —Longfellow no estate, or Interest whatever In or report of the Administrators will ticularly described as follows: MARCH 13th AND 14th— to the following described r e a l be heard and said account settled; The East half (EV4) of the to-wlt: the Administrator be discharged NEWS OF RECORD *18.75. States of America to State premises, ALE firemen, assisted by other citizens of Southwest quarter (SWV4) of and from Lots 22 and 23 of Block 33, of Rial Estate Transfers Recorded of United Vale are planning for their annual El Section 30, Township 19, South erated. his trust and his bond exon Oregon NE1* NE'i, NW1, NE' 4 , Hope-Holland Addition to the of Range 47 E. W. M. la Malheur Campo Kugiente, which is translated “Roaring J. C. Pugh et ux to Lois Iris Eross NEtiSWty, NW*4SW1, , SW'4SW1, City of Vale, In Malheur County County. W. J. WILLIAM», Oregon. Administrator of the Estate of Camp.” This is the fireman’s annual means of 20 S'aNE' 1 NW‘i, Sec. 24-31-41 cont. SEUSW'4, NW1« SE 14, SW‘4 SE V«, Oregon. Said James F Cullen and Botllla SE1, SE >«, Sec 34-30-42; Lots 1, 2, 3 and that the title of pralntlff Is good of Louis E. Ruddy, Deceased. acres. 5-11-35 $10 raising funds to carry on the season’s work, and 4, SW 14 NEV«, SW'.NW1., NE>* and valid In fee simple therein. And S. Cullen as the owners of the legal First publication, February 13, 1936. Iris Eross to Coast Land Co. SW'4, much as the Nyssa Commercial Club holds the Ltd. Lois SlaNE’iNWt4, SW'.SW1*, SE1« that you and each of you be forever title of the above described property Last publication, March 12, 1936. 25-31-41, SW Vi, NW'iSW1,, NW1, SE1,, SW1, SE H, Sec. 2 enjoined and barred from asserting \ as the same appears of record, and Owyhee Canyon Days eveiy year to get their cont. 20 acres. 2-19-36. Sec. $1. Vi NE > 4 , Sec 10; NW1, SW1*, NE'4 Bessie Ready to Mary E. Jarvis, NE funds for the years operations. SEV4, NW1, SE Vi, SW11 SE Vi, SEV,- Lots 11 and 12, Blk 10, Orig townsite The Vale firemen have set March 13 and ¡ SE '*, See. 11, NE Vi NE1*, NWViSWVi J - 2-4-36. $1 NE1,SE1«, NWV«NW'*, SW'.NW^ and 14th as the dates for the affair and it seems Ontario. Angela Maher et al to Clara Ms- SE'4NWVi, SW h SWV* 1-32-46. S'i E'-iNE'i, Sec. 36- SEV.SWVi , NWHStyti, only fair that since Vale is one of the best boost Sec. NYSSA BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY See. 12, NE'.NWV«, her, Lot 1, Sec. 12, Lots 3, 4 and 5, ers we have for the Owyhee Canyon Days, that 31-46. 12-14-35. $1. NW'ÌNW1,. SWhNWVi, SEViNW'4, NWViSWVi, SE Vi SW Vi the citizens of Nyssa make an effort to return the Ernamallber Holding Co. to Frank ! NEV.SWV«, WE RECOMMEND THEM ,S E 1*, NW'.SEVi, SW’.SEVi NE'iNW1,. SE‘*NW gpj. \ j NE1 compliment and patronize our neighbor’s show. Schmttz. SEV 4 SEV 4 , sec. 13, NE Vi NE Vi, SEV4- 12-6-35. $100. It is said that no one ever attended the Vale 29-18-47. Marquis J. Pinney et ux to O. W. NE1/* NERiSEVi, Sec. 14, NEViNE'i show without having a good time. Pennie et ux NE'iNEH Sec 34 - 1-46 i NAV'4NEV4. SEV.NE'4. Sec. 24-31-42 FACTS ABOUT NYSSA I 1-27-36 $10 NEV4SWV4, Lot 3, SEViSWVi, NEV4- CARL U. COAD A. L. FLETCHER Eula Coleman et vir to Ontario ®E 11 NWViSEVi, sWViSEVi SE'i Natl. Bank E'wSE'.SWV.SE1* Sec. 5!SEVl' sec 7‘‘ NE'.NEVi, NWHNE'i, Population, (1930) ...821 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW COMMENTS BY CLARK WOOD 18-47, excepting strip 25 feet wide NE'iNW'i, N'E 11 SWv,, NWV,SW *4 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Recent estimates . ...1000 used for road purposes. 2-13-36 $1. ®ec- 8, NEViNEVi, NWViNEVi, SW1, Elevation _______ ...2188 Pictures we’ve seen of nudists convince us that OREOON J. R. Blackab.v, Tr. to Ontario Natl i NE1-4' SEV*NEV4, Lot 4. NE'i SEV4, NYSSA NYS8A Î OREGON they are not, as a rule, in very good form. City Officers Bank, E'sSE1 .SW '.SW 1*. Sec. 5- NWViSWH, Sec 8. NE'iNE'i, NW>4 NEH, SW1, NE %, SE VINE 14, Lot 4. 18-47, excepting strip 25 feet wide Mayor Don Graham used for road purposes. 2-13-36. *1. NE'.SE1*, NWViSEK, Sec. 18, Lot 1, — I— Councilman_____ Art Norcott, J. L. Turner, Admin, to Jemlna Sec. 19-31-43; SE'.SW1*, SW'.SEVi Al Thompson. Dick Tenaen, Dean Cars wouldn’t hit the ditch so often, perhaps, McEwen, W'-SW'i, Sec. 4, SE'i, sec 22. SEV.SEVi, Sec. 24, NE14SW14 S’vNE1*, Sec. 5-25-38. 1-11-36 *226. NW'.SWd, NE'iSEti. NWV 4 SEI 4 . if drivers would let conscience be their guide. DR. C. A. ABBOTT City Smith. Clerk __________ A. R. Millar DR. E. D. NORCOTT C W. Glenn. Sheriff to J E. Hollo- SWViSEVi, SE1,SE‘ 4 , Sec. 20 NWVi DENTIST City Treasurer ------ Arthur Boyijell CHIROPRACTIC wav NE'.SW1, Sec 14-16-47 4-13 NE14 and Lot 1, Sec. 31-30-45, cont. Marshall-------------------A. V. Cook 3723.96 acres. 1-28-36. 35. *56 50. PHYSICIAN Office Phone 35F2 Wate¡-master--------N. H. Pinkerton Charles E. Wilson et ux to Ralph Complaints Filed in Circuit Court Nudists are economically fortunate in the re Phipps, X-RAY EXAMINATIONS Office In Residence Health Officer__ Dr. J. t : Sarazin SW '.SW 'i, Sec. 35. W‘4. State Land Board vs. George H. Three blocks So. M. E. Church spect that they can get along nicely with just S'aNE'i, SE'i. Sec. 34-26-40; Lot 2 Bodftsh et al 2-21-36. Foreclosure of County Officers ì»HONE 28 NYSSA enough income for bare necessities. OREGON ec. 2-27-40. 4-24-35. *640. i Mortgage. *3000. Herman Young to O. O. Luehrs State Land Board vs Holden P. County Judge__ David F. Oraham Metes and Bounds in the ShiNEVi, Clement et al, 2-21-36. Foreclosure Commissioners ............. Ora Clark, Sec. 118-46, cont. 28.75 acres. 3-1-35. of Mtg. *2000. E. H. Brumbaoh. . L. H. Meyers vs Albert B. Cain et Sheriff_____________ O. W. Glenn Bill Borah, we understand, is not satisfied * 10 United NYSSA LI BRARY Clerk ____________ -----Roy Daley Nyssa Aerie of Am. to Marion F. al. 2-24-36. Foreclosure of Mtg with lunching at the White House. He wants to Wroten. States OPEN SATURDAY Assessor ____ ____ Murray Morton E'aE1*, Sec. 22. S'aSWV* $1219.85. F. O. E. No. 2134 move in. Treasurer ..... .......... M m . Ora Hope 8er. 23, NWt4, Sec. 26. NE'i, EV<«- State Land Board vs Addle B. NW1*, Sec. 27-31-46. cont. 640 acres. Taylor et al 2-25-36. Foreclosure of Town Patrons......2:90 to 8:30 County Attorney__ .....M. A. Biggs MEETS WEDNESDAY NIGHT 7-26-32 County Surveyor, J. Edwin Johnson Mtg. $1.000. Out-of-town patrons County Physician^... _ Dr. Anna B Prudence Elizabeth Staube John Orchards Water Co. vs F. T. Ar- 2:30 to 7:30 AT EAGLES HALL Primo Camera having been drafted into the son to Francis Marlon Dlshlon, Lots I nold, 2-27-36. Cancellation of Pritchett Visiting Eagles Welcome Coroner -- -------------- R A. Tacke 17 and 18, Blk 10, Orlg. townsite of Water Certificate. *70. Italian army, we look for Ethiopia to be making Annex. 12-29-35 *40 ALL PATRONS WELCOME Superintendent. Kathryn Claypool Orchards Water Co. vs. C. J. Pren overtures to Joe Louis. W ARREN Me HAROUE, Pres. Klstle V Patch to Francis Marlon tiss. 2-27-36. Cancellation of Water Mrs. Fred Marshall, Librarian Nyssa Public Schools Dishlon, Lots 13 to 21 lncl. Block 10, Certificate 8190 95. DON M. ORAHAM, Secretary Townsite of Annex. 2-15-36 *1 Orchards Water Co vs. Amelia M. Superintendent ......Leu HoUenberg R J Davis et ux to Mrs. Eva M. Williams et al, 2-27-36. Cancella We doubt if share-in-the wealth advocates Leuck, Facts About Owyhee Project Lots 1, 2. and 3. Blk 29. Teut- tion of Water Certificate. 815. would continue satisfied with anything short of sch Addn. Nyssa 2-3-36 *1 Orchards Water Co. vs. Frances E Cost of Owyhee Dam __ 86.OO9.OOO ON THE OLD JOB 7(4 an annual split. Asa T Williams et al to William Kennedy. 2-27-36. Cancellation of miles of Tunnel____ 84.000.000 Filatlz. W 'jW 'i Sec. 11-14-41 2-14- Water Certificate. 86 30 CITY TRANSFER Siphons, canals, etc.____ 83,000,000 36 *40 H. D. Holmes Olive Drewits vs Charles Drewltz Owyhee dam storage capacity C. W Glenn, Sheriff to John S. 2-28-36. Divorce. Between four and five thousand postmasters --------------- .718,000 acre feet Lots 16 17, 18. Blk 4, Pearl Lambom vs. C. W. Lamborn Heighth of dam ___ ____520 feet are still Republicans. For that matter, they’re the Anderson, TRUCK INO Rlversldp Addìi, Ontario. 4-1J1-34 Divorce. From lowest point of foundation TRANSFER and BAOOAOE stillest of all Republicans. to top. and Leading project city, Nyssa, Oregon All Kinds of Hauling In TRANSFERRING Elevation of land __ JJ30 to 2,800 Acree In Owyhee project. 100.00 acres City Umita The Japanese system, evidently, is govern Phone IS and Phone 88 Principal products __________hay ment by assassination. corn, dairying, s to ck raising, NYSSA. OREGON Phon« 8 grains, potatoes, clover seed. peas, C. Klinkenberg lettuce, onions and carrots. There are two things to consider when buying Insurance . . . As she is again conquered with the balance of Distances to Other Points First—Is It safe insurance? . . . and Secondly—What Is It go power, the balance she owes the United States —East bound— ing to cost me? Let us show you where we can absolutely save you is unworthy of Europes’ consideration. Caldwell ......... DROP IN .. . 28 from 20% to 48 1-3 per cent on your Insurance and at the same Nampa ___ _____ 17 TOWNSEND CLUB time, give you Insurance that Is SAFE and SANE . . .Insurance Boise 87 Make it a point to 9top Too many of us get the idea that to head the Pocatello In * company with nearly 8S.000.000 policy holders eurplus. 12ft MEETINGS at Bill’s for a cup of Salt Lake City ...... 51* leisure class is a worthy ambition. “Talk over your Inauranre Problems with Den* —W estbound— joffee and a sandwich Meetings of the Townsend Ontario ............... 17 Club are held the 1st and 3rd —It’s a good habit! Candidates for Congress are said to be troub Vale ....... Thursday of each month. 20 Baker __ 96 led with Townsenditemare. The Public Is Invited La Grand* 146 C O L E M A N ’ S Pendleton . . 193 D. R. DeOrosa __ DON M. GRAHAM. Manager Pres. LUNCH The Dalles 343 Hitler was ambitious in his youth to become Mrs. A. V. Pruyn „...Seel Portland ............ A^K an artist. Even now, he likes to draw a crowd. Burns . .. 183 The Gate City Journal s 1 ret n n h (pa t n n tinH Hpfunrt P { ,l-n,l 4 a AnnnnK nn/4 nnemor f V . *4 ' _ _ _ _ _ _ V y Sure Protection at Lower Cost Nyssa Insurance Agency