Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1936)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAI. Published At Nyssa, Oregon G A T E W A Y TO THE O W Y H E E AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS VOLUME XXX. No. 9. Fastest Growing Town in Oregon NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 5. 1936 SPRING W E ATH ER ARRIVES IN NYSSA ron CHANGE III THEIR FRANCHISE 'BEEF G R O K 10' MEET IN EAGLE’S NYSSA SEWER W O R K TO START SOON Last Friday, February 28th saw the first real break In the winter weather, and every day since lias been excellent. The frost has gone from the ground around Nyssa and as soon as the fields dry, plowing and other farm work will start. It Is! expected that next Monday morn $1.5U P E K Y E A R Churches Improve Their NEW OIL COMPANY Buildings and Grounds I Work on the Nyssa sewer is ex- I pected to start in the very near I future. The good weather has made -------------------------------------- | it possible for the dirt to fly and Ek p p c i y c TCAT I N j Lind, contractor of Portland who j f c A I v a 1 U L I lx L. D. S. Add to Building has the contract is expected to ar TUMBLE FROM BED and Modernize — Com rive here this week. Engineer Mc Connell. who drew up the plans and munity Shingling. For the first time in his life, C itv P u rch ase N ew F ire ing wlU see most farmers in the specifications, and who is to survey c . u y rurcnase new r lre i field if the present present weather contin Beet Contracts To Be Ex Art Cook had a broken bone the system, will start his work In a Workmen Make Rapid Fighting Equipment at ues. Wednesday and he started in plained At Big Meeting | few days. The L. D. S. church have been do It is reported that there is still with one of the smallest, his Progress on New Ser Final plans and specifications Monday Council Meet , <ome snow north of Ontario and in ing a splendid bit of modernization little toe. Art started to get out Monday. have been approved and returned vice Station. work at their church and have built j the higher bench lands, but Old Sol ing. of bed too sudden, slipped and and city officials confidently expect i on an addition 24 by 36 feet, con I is rapidly making this reminder of came down squarely on his little the first active construction work to taining four class rooms and stage ■ winter a thing of the past. toe. He said it didn't hurt at A meeting of farmers and busi start within a week. Work started this week on a mod There Is a recreation room In the first but he thought it funny An Interesting session of the city ness men has been scheduled for basement, along with a furnace ern service station for the Thompson that the i.ce should stick out at council was held Monday evening FRANK MORGAN HOUSE next Monday, March 9th in the which wdll heat the entire building. Oil Company and rapid progress Is right aiYf'.es and still odder SCENE OF SMALL BLAZE Eagles hall, at which time Mr. Ray with the council. Idaho Power of- The addition is plastered Inside j being made with the concrete seml- when It wouldn't point any other ficals and members of the fire de Tallman of the Amalgamated Sugar with Celotex on the celling, which walls already In place and the ex- direction. He tied it up and later Company of Twin Falls will be the | partment present. The bills were al i wlll make a warm, attractive ap- cavatlon nearly completed for the Dr. J. J. Sarazin verified that he lowed and some discussion was l The ceiling above the heating main speaker. Mr. Tallman expects | pearance. A new walk Is being built five gas and oil storage tanks. The actually had received his first heard In regard to cleaning up al- | stove pipe In the Frank Morgan to explain the new contracts for j at the church, a front proch and the building Is located at the corner of broken bone. leys and streets. The up-shot was j home caught on fire Tuesday mom- beet growing and answer any ques-j entire building will receive a Main and third street where the old Art is still around on his was that the council has ordered all j ing burning a hole about 18 Inches j tions in regard to labor, equipment new coating of shingles. New frame buildings was removed In duties but since the broken toe alleys in the business district clean square through the celling, lath and i and growing methods. The meeting benches will be added Inside and the January. hinders his speed on foot, he ed within two weeks. all. The fire was put out before it will start at 2:00 and every farmer One of the largest fight crowds The new business will be known entire building get a coot of paint. says he will have to use his gun Kinsey Robinson, president of the had a chance to do much damage, and business man is urged to at yet attended the card Tuesday Luther Fife, branch president, has as the Thompson OH Company, with if he catches anyone starting a tend this important meeting. Idaho Power Company: James L. but if it had a few more minutes night in the Eagles hall and saw had charge of the work and mem Jess Thompson and his son Robert crime wave in Nyssa. Boone, power company attorney and start, there would have been a Sugar beets have come to the Kenny Keech win by a technical bers of the church have been help partner In the concern. It will be L. W. Bralnard, new division super chance for serious loss. front in this section with the de- knockout over Clyde Hoxwood of ing with the work. The general home owned, home operated, and intendent appeared before the velopment of white fly resistant ( uvau Boise when Hoxwood was so badly headquarters of the church helped sell Shield gasoline and grease pro council in behalf of the power fran seed. It has long been recognized battered he was unable to come out the locals with one half of the ex ducts. as well as a line of accessories chise. Nyssa is at present operating that the soil and climate here is for the fourth round. Keech had tires, batteries and other automobile pense. under the franchise issued the Beav Ideal for the growing of the crop much the best of it in weight, out When the work is completed, and needs. They expect to do a wholesale er River Power and Light; such but ordinary seed was affected by weighing Hoxwood by 25 pounds it Is nearly done now. the local L. D. and retail business, and have pur company having been absorbed by the white fly and the crop had to be according to the weights announc 8. will have one of the nicest chased a Dodge truck to be used In the Idaho Power. The franchise has abandoned. The Amalgamated Sugar ed at the ringside. churches In the valley, with ample the business. The truck Is In Port 28 years to run as it was originally Company has gone to considerable The semi-final ended suddenly church space, class room, stage, re land at present having a gasoline given for 50 years. expense In experimenting and after in the second round when in a freak Have Arranged Elaborate creation room and possibly later the hauling body built on It. The Idaho Power officials stated Nyssa Defeats U n i o n ] a three-year trial have developed a accident Don Bentley cut a gash in Celebration— To Sweep kitchen wll also be fixed up for use. The plant will consist of five un that their bond holders would prefer I seed which Is apparently Immune to his head when In a crouch and derground tanks—two large gasoline Community Church Re-shingle« Wednesday Night. Lose | white fly. Last year In the Nyssa bumped Into Mathews knee. He that the franchise be in the Idaho Down on Nyssa Wed. tanks with a capacity of 4,000 gal Work was started this week on Power name rather than the old de section an experimental plot was dodged a blow but was very low and lons each; two fuel oil tanks with a To Baker. re-shingling the roof of the Com funct corporation; and offered to tried out and the crop averaged 17 swung right Into the point of Billy capacity of 3,000 gallons each and munity church and a crew of men release the present franchise they ton to the acre and was not affect Mathew's knee as he came charging The final touches are rapidly been wielding the hammar are A. V. one kerosene tank, also holding 3,000 hold for a new one In the Idaho in. The cut bled profusely and look being made for the annual El Campo gallons. Five pumps will be installed Nyssa is still In the tournament at ed by the w’hite fly pest. the Job. Some of those who have Power name to run for 20 years. La Orande by virtue of their over Several farmers have indicated ed serious, with the result the sec Rugiente at Vale, next Friday and volunteered their services and have for whoesale purposes and two mod The ordinance came up for first whelming defeat of Wallowa Wed their desire to plant beets this year ond threw in the towel In the sec Saturday nights, March 13 and 14. ern glass-enclosed pumps will be been welldlng the hammar are A. V. rending Monday night and will be nesday night, 34 to 12 and compara and it was with the idea of explain ond round. Bentley wanted to con- According to the Vale firemen, Pruyn, J W. Poage. Joe Hardin, Installed at the station proper. up again at the next meeting. The station will be of stucco con tive dope puts them well up with lng the whole deal that the meeting tlnue but It was thought safer to “El Campo Rugiente” Is supposed to Frank Edwards. Ted Beers, Dan Mr. Johnson, fire extinguisher the leaders in spite of their two- was called. Whether you Intend to £Aop the fight. However Bentley mean In Dutch, Greek or some far struction, with one of the outstand Corbett. Ollbert Kllnkenberg and salesman gave an Interesting dem point loss to Baker Tuesday night. plant beets or not, It will be worth ! challenged Mathews for a re-match, away language, "The Roaring Rev. White. Others ¡Uso expect to ing features being a 20 foot tower to onstration of a new type extinguish Tonight they play Union and the your while to attend the meeting j The grudge fight failed to mater- Camp" and that is Just exactly what be Illuminated with Neon lights and help with the task before all the flood lighting. The station Is 30 feet er, much to the amusement of quite loser will be eliminated from the Monday and learn about the possi ialize when one of the parties to the the Vale firemen have planned for shingles are laid. by 25 feet and will be modem in “ grudge' failed to appear, with the the affair. There will be roulette, a large crowd that gathered. A gaso tournament. Union lost to La bility of the crop. every respect. result that Dfan Starr stepped four chuch-a-luck, beano, black Jack, line fire was built in a tub and first Grande the opening night but an ordinary extinguisher was used came back Wednesday to whip the listless rounds with Bob Terry of faro, crap tables, poker and wheels Lon Root has charge of the con BoLsp for a draw. Buster Collis and of chance of all sorts where pleasure on it. which apparently had no ef strong Enterprise team, 32 to 18. Re struction Job: Chas. Overstreet Is excavating with his tractor and fect. One “puff” of the Pyrene ap sults of other games Wednesday Jack Leonard, both of Boise fought seekers can court Madam Fortune Dean Smith Is doing the plumbing paratus carried by Mr. Johnson put night were Vale 25. Baker 22; and La a good exhibition match, which was and spend their "El Campo bucks” . given to Collis by a decision. work. If the present favorable the fire out, The new extinguisher Grande 22, Ontario 19. A big old time bar Is set up where weather continue« the work will be In the curtain raiser between two beer will be dispensed by the real operates with C02, under 850 pounds Should Nyssa win their game to pushed to completion as fast as pleasure and is intensely cold. When night with Union, they will play the local boys. ‘ Battling" Lloyd Nelson old-time bartenders. There will be The Commercial Club will hold it hits the air it forms a combination loser of the La Grande-Vale game About 75 guests attended the an and Red Nichols, the red-haired boy plenty of eats, drinks and a big Jit their regular monthly meeting next possible and the new company ex that is death on fires. Service head- i in the semi-finals Friday night. La niversary dinner Sunday at the went down and out by the KO route ney dance to top o ff the entertain Thursday evening in the basement pects to be operating In less than three weeks. quarters have been established at J Grande and Vale are the only two Community church honoring the 1° ment. second round. of the Eagle's hall. Several matters Twin Falls and the cylinder can be | undefeated teams in the tournament 80th birthday of O. F. Bacon, whose | If the citizens of Nyssa are Inter of Importance will come up. Includ * * * TICK SERUM HERE re-charged at a cost of $2.85 for the and from the closeness of the scores, birthday occured March 4th. Mr. rupted from their work next Wed ing the staging of another “ New material, plus freight. any thing can happen. nesday by a great deal of commo Settler Dinner", similar to the affair Bacon has taught a Bible class in tion, they will know the Vale Fire held last year. The council authorized the pur Nyssa for the past 13 years and a Nyssa Loses to Baker 35-33 men have arrived on their booster chase of one of the extinguishers at The tick season will soon be here In a hair-raising finish that chill- birthday cake centered the table In At the Wednesday luncheon, H. V. trip. The trip will lncude Nyssa, Musser, fleldman for the Amalgama as the first warm spring days a cost of $50.50 and It will be add led the Baker rooters, Nyssa put on his honor. His Bible class Sunday Frultland. Payette and Ontario. The ted Sugar Company was present and brings the pests out to remain a po ed to the city’s fire fighting equip the show Tuesday night at the j morning numbered 49. parade will be led by the 60 piece gave a short talk outlining what his tential menace until hot weather. ment. The extinguisher is Invaluable tournament being conducted at La j The four long tables in the base- for grease fires. Inside fires, elec Grande but were nosed out by Bak- ment of the Community church Construction work on the project (more or less, but mostly less) Vale company hoped to accomplish in Dr. J. J. Sarazin has Just received a trical fires and other fires the or er, 35 to 33. At the end of the third j were decorated in a green and white has been pretty much at a standstill band, followed by the fire-engine this territory during the coming small amount of tick serum and dinary chemical will not affect. The period, Baker held a lead of 30 to 22 color scheme, with red and white since the thawing weather has and a great many automobiles flll- year. He extended an invitation to those contemplating trips Into the council is also purchasing new coats but little Paul Johnston went on j carnations which were later present- taken the bottom out of the roads i ed with noise makers and Vale every business and professional man brush had best fortify themselves and hats for the firemen to mod- I a scoring spree and shot baskets ed to Mr. Bacon. A cake honoring and workmen have been unable to smoke eaters. The committee has ^ town * attend ^ ^ meetlng against the pests. Due to the small Nyssa this summer was brought up | from ap angles, almost single hand- one of the first superintendents, get to their Jobs. John Klug has requested that people with weak next Mondtty »f^ m o o n in the amount on hand, the supply will ei nize the Nyssa equipment. , eq putting Nyssa In the victory col- j John Forbes, who has since depart- been doing some work on his Locket hearts get their shopping done early j Eftgle s hall Mr Tallman, manager probably not last long. FaUa dlstrlcti w|u Y e The matter of a water supply for umn Johnston accounted for 22 ! ed, was cut by his wife, Mrs. Bettle Gulch Job and some of the other Wednesday afternoon as the Fire- of the Mrs. P. M. Binkley and her daugh contractors have been putting in the men intend to take over the town. and the Idaho Power company | points, all field goals and all but Forbes, for the 75 guest, present to explain the beet contracts agreed to send an engineer here to J three made from behind the foul | Toasts were given by Rev. White time hauling material. It 1s expect and everyone Interested In beets Is ter Mrs. W. A. Beck left the first of make a free survey and determine line. and a response was made by Mr. ed that a week or ten days will lapse Invited to attend the meeting. It the week for Ahsahka. Idaho, where what should be done and the cost of The same night, Vale defeated I Bacon. R. J. Davis and Mrs. Bettle before the roads will be in condition will start at 2:00 o'clock and it Is Mrs. Binkley will visit for some time installation and maintenance. Wallowa 30 to 23; Ontario sprang an Forbes. Rev. White gave a special to hold up heavy loads, hoped that a record crowd will be with her daughter. upset and defeated Enterprise 26 to tribute to tbe W. C. T. U., who spon- ! Contract bids will be opened for out. 23 while La Grande whipped Union, sored the affair under the direction a structure job on the North Canal 42 to 34. of their president, Mrs. Catherine | Laterals near Ontario on March 12th CITY STARTS GRADING Nyssa won a thrilling basketball Rebeger. Mrs. Mary Toombs and , at 10 o clock, STREETS OF NYSSA Local r lief cases were taken up game Friday night on the local floor I Mrs Hlgby were appointed as a Thursday morning at the city hall to close the season here. Nampa was committee from the W. C. T. U. to O W Y H E E LAD DIES The city started grading streets and according to the local chair the victim and the score was 42 to J actually take charge of the event. Thursday and the city machine will man. Mrs. Dick Tensen, the request SU N D AY A T NAM PA 41. Nampa was leading by one point [ the auditorium of the church be kept busy until all the streets are for help from the relief committee Is when Arthur Cook, guard, let fly|at 2:30 a Silver Medal Scripture put in good shape. The recent long slackening up some. During the win with a long one that rang the hoop ¡contest was conducted by Mrs. Emil J ^ " f ral '"l spell of muddy roads has put some and broncht revenge for the lodals Paulus. Some of the members of the Nampa Wednesday afternoon at 1 ter there has been quite a demand Plans for organizing a Nyssa Wild Funeral services were held Mon Nampa had defeated them Tn an choir under the direction of Mrs. J. o'clock for Wayne Davis, 13, Owyhee for help but with the opening up of of the streets In an !mpassable con day afternoon at the Mormon wampa nan oeieatea mem in an , . Mlectlons ’ lad who died Sunday evening in a work, the relief problem Is expected dition but with the rapid drying Life League got underway this week weather the Nysa section is exper and workers will be out this week church for Mrs_ Anna Sophia J oh n - *£££ ~ betwee^f contest numbers. ' ! Nampa hospital. He had been ill for to gradually work Itself out. iencing, this condition is expected signing up an imposing membership Feed and seed loans under Fed son. 60. who died las * " * “ " * * It ^ tU o “ y V ^ c o “ ds Those who took part In the con- I two weeks with pneumonia. Wayne for the league. The first meeting to soon be a thing of the past. evening at^the h «n e of her daugh- m M n ^ e d l t ^ t ^ o n l ^ se^nds Mrs. Beers. Mrs. Josie attended the Owyhee school last eral Rehabilitation requirements date will be set as soon as a large ter Mrs. C. J. Ashcraft. Services re^atoed J n the^ bell Mrg c . Kllnkenberg. Mrs . ' y«*ar and this year was attending the were also being taken care of Thurs number of the local sportsmen have were in charge of Luther Fife with Nampa converted a iree snot ana * • 8 Nyssa school where he was a mem- day, and several have applied for TOWN BASKETBALL TEAMS * (V,. FINISH SEASON WEDNESDAY been contacted. the Nyssa Funeral Home making ar took one point lead which was over- Hazel D. oildea ana Mrs. suas come when Cook rang down the ' Bigelow Mrs. Bigelow won the | b e r o the set*nth grad.e. He was the this type of help. Rehabilitation help The purpose of the league Is for rangements. Burial was in the Par is open to those farmers who are curtain with his miracle shot. I medal. Judges were Walter Mar- | » n of ^ r The winter basketball season for an organized group that will have ma cemetery. unable to get feed and seed loans the town teams came to a close Wed some weight In recommending clos In a preliminary game, the N am -' shall. Al Thompson and Mrs. Floyd j ‘ vern * h r ^ ^ h ^ T h r Mrs. Johnson is survived by two t>a second team won a tussel with ! White. Besides his parents he is survived by from regular sources and Is a means nesday night with the combination ed seasons on fishing streams, open daughters Mrs. Ashcraft of Nyssa the locals the score being 25 to 19 These contests are for the pub- a sister Leona and a brother Sylvan, of helping many farmers get a new team of the M. I. A., Reclamation ing dates, and other matters of In h t Pall bearers were members of his start in life. and Mrs. Elden Muir of Rexburg. tne locate, tne score Deing zo to i». | The Nyssa varsity finished a very he and anyone wno cares to enter and the teachers defeating the Nor terests to sportsmen. It also pro Tdaho; and three sons. Wallace and any future contest should see Mrs. class and they were ° eorBe H&le. vides an opportunity for an active cott Service 26 to 27. Thomas Otteson and Charles John successful season, winning 11 out of Emil Paulus, the local director. The Clyde Smith, Robert McCoy, Oamet NORCOTT SERVICE The teams have been playing bas group to get behind worthwhile pro son all of Rexburg; and two brothers 16 scheduled games. Coach Young's Brooks. Orant Stringfellow and Har MAKING IMPROVEMENTS ketball every Wednesday evening In jects such as the Dunaway bass medal is given by the W. C. T. U. James Mickelson of Paradise, Cal.; boys defeated every team they play ry Ralston. Burial was In the Nam the high school gym for the past pond, stocking of the Owyhee res and Mlckel A. Mickelson of Payson ed against at least once and In some The Norcott Service has been busy several weeks, with four teams In ervoir, planting of game fish and Marvin (Shorty) Penrod return pa cematery Utah. All five of Mrs. Johnson's oases twice Parma lost two games; this week digging a hole for a new the league Figured on a percentage birds and other worthwhile projects. ed to Nyssa Friday from Montebello, children were present for the funer Nyssa has split with Nampa, Baker. tank system and their plans also basis over the season, the CCC first The price of membership is 50c a Ontario, Vale and Emmett; and won j California where he spent the winter al services. include the Installation of a new team headed the league with the year and workers hop.» to get a two games from New Plymouth and visiting with relatives and friends pump to serve their customers. In that city and in neighboring Cal Reclamation combination team sec membership of at least 250 In the two from Welser. ifornia cities. DAUGHTER BORN TO ond; Norcott Service third and the Nyssa vicinity. ERNEST WILSON HAS OCC Junior varsity in the cellar. MR. AND MRS. JAYO Howard Boor, who is attending BUYS LAND NORTH CHANCE FOR HAVANA TRIP Legion busy building basement WILSON GROCERY W.S C. has rather a remarkable OF NYSSA WEDNESDAY MAKES IMPROVEMENTS under new hall . . . Interested spec CTVTC CHORUS MEETS room mate now. according to a letter A daughter was bom to Mr. and Ernest Wilson Is a busy man these tators watching construction of new received recently. His room pardner Mrs. Frank Jayo of Nyssa at the St The Wilson Orocery made some The Nyssa Civic Chorus will meet A land deal was closed Wednesday Is Jess Willard. Jr., son of the former service station . . . . Eddie Powell days selling radios, for the four lead Alphonsus hospital in Boise on Sun In which Mrs. Dora Palmer pur world heavyweight boxing champion. starting that salmon story again . . . ers In the wholesale territory will be next Wednesday night at the home Improvements in their store this day. March 1st. Shorty Peurod comes home and awarded free trips to Havana this of Mrs W. C. Jackson The Chorus week with the installation of new chased 40 acres of land north of County Assessor Murray Morton finds his house occupied . . . Farm summer. At the present time Mr. Is working on special Easter music shelving, kalsomlnlng and a general Nyssa from Howard Evans of Free Mr and Mrs. Jess Thompson and water. Oregon E. A. Givens, a son- was a business visitors In Nyssa ers itching to get into the fields . , . Wilson Is In fourth place and if he and as many members as can are spring clean-up. With the new Fvelyn Lackey left Monday for Port in-law of Mrs. Palmer and coming from Vale Wednesday afternoon and Golfers plan course manicure soon. can remain there, or better his urged to come. The meeting this shelves, they expected to serve their standing, will be awarded the free week was held at the home of Mrs trade even more efficiently than land on a business trip and are ex from Eagle. Idaho will break the stayed to attend the fight card at at present Elmo Hlgglnson. trip. place out and farm It this year. 1 the Eagles hall that night. pected back In Nyssa today. SERVICE STATION KEECH WINS MAIN EVENT HERE THES. VALE FIREMEN PLAN BIG SHOW NYSSA PLAYING AT LA GRANDE Club To Meet Next Thursday Birthday Dinner Well Attended Work Delayed By Soft Roads Relief Cases Getting Fewer Last Rites For Mrs. Johnson Held Monday 1 ’ROUND TOWN Steps Taken To Organize Nyssa Wild Life League