GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1936 GRADE SCHOOL PICKS lORfcGOV TRA,L p T A flV IC CHORUS MEETS GALT CELEBRATE FOUNDERS' DAY I BEST SPEAKERS The members oi the Civic Chorus met Wednesday evening with Libby j: Jones at’ the Artie Rob rtson home lor- their regular practice on the ; Easter program planned by the group. Their next meeting will be | held Wednesday at the Elmo Hlg- Allen Johannesen was down Irom 1 Justine Overstreet lias been siclt glneon home. ---------■»* » Owyhee dam Monday to get sup ( the past week witli pneumonia but plies. jis now slowly recovering. j p Hustou district manager oi Col. Miller, auctioneer of Caldwell miss Ruby Alspaugli of Payette i the Federal Land Bank out of Cald- was a business visitor in Nyssa spending several days this week with ' well, wa here Saturday on business. Tuesday. 1 her sister Mrs. C. B. Short. Mrs. Jean Burrelle. deputy asses- Frank Morgan was^we of those. Mr and Mrs_ Hrrshel Thompson sor from Vale was a business visit- who went to Baker today to attend eame in from Adlran Tuesday and or in Nyssa Monday afternoon, the funeral of Captain Lee Noe. are staying at the parental A1 j M r g Marlon Reiyea oi New ply- Mr. and Mrs. Jess Swan and fam Thompson home for several days mouth visited Sunday with her neice ily of Boise came up Sunday to at Mr and Mrs. Ray Garrison and Mrs. Dean Johnston. Her husband tend a birthday dinner In honor of Muss Esther Raasena of Vale were was in this vicinty on business. Oeorge Swan at the Swan apart dinner guests at the Chas. Garrison Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Thompson ments. Mrs. Swan returned with her home Monday evening. and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goshert of son to Boise and visited over Mon Mr and Mrs. Pete Van der Oord, Emmett were Nyssa visitors Sun day. who have been living in Apple Val day. Tlie Thompsons visited with the ley have moved to a farm west of A] ' and jess Thompson families and Nyssa. the Gosherts visited at the parental The C. B. Short family visited in \ S. D. Goshert home. Payette Sunday at the parental Al- j Mrs cora Newton who was taken spaugh and Short homes. They re- t0 the Ontario hospital last Wednes- port that Mr. Short's father is very clay for an operation for cancer is much Improved. | reported to be doing nicely. She has AT THE The Frank Burke family who I had one operation and will probably lived the past year on the Ray Em- ■ have another and will be in the ' mott ranch in Arcadia have moved j hospital for several weeks. : to the H. J. Sloan ranch in in Apple J Mrs M m . Greeling enlertaln- Valley. f>d at the second benefit party for I Mrs. Clyde Long, who has been a t ; the Kingman Kolonv P T. A Wed- the Ontario hospital for three weeks nesday afternoon. Prizes were won recovering from a recent oi>eration, by Mrs. R R Ovcrslreet and Mrs. was able to return to Nyssa Wed- : Merritt Greeling. Jr. Eight ladies nesday. She is at the J T. Long were present to enjoy the afternoon, home. Her husband who has been The next party will be held at the quite ill with the flu is also at the Maurice Judd home with Mrs. Over- parental Long home and is recover- street assisting, ing. Mr s Chas. E. Peck of Big Bend FEBRUARY 29, 1930 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Paradis and . ntertained the Kolony girl scouts children were dinner guests Sunday i at her home Saturday afternoon. EVERYONE WELCOME of Mrs. Paradis's sister Mrs. Roy Folk dancing and singing were en Music by CACTUS KIDS Sanker and family near Caldwell. joyed by the girls and because it They had the misfortune to find the was Washington’s birthday, the new learned was the stately Following the fights next ! road closed when they started home dance letters were l on account of a bridge being partly minuet. Interesting Tuesday there will be a 25c washed out by the flood waters and read by Helen Pond and Emily Otis dance by this orchestra. j had to go bock to Boise and return I from correspondents in Italy and by the other road. ^ Australia. DANCE Eagles Hall N YSSA Saturday Night OOD Oregon Trail—The thirty-ninth anniversary of the founding of the The final declamatory tryout for National Congress of the P T. A. the Nyssa public school was held last was observed by the Oregon Trail Friday, February 21st in tire high school Friday evening, February 21. school gym. The winners oi the The candle lighting ceremony was various divisions were picked an d! used. A large birthday cake sur- they will represent Nyssa in the fin al1 rounded by 39 lighted candles corn- contest to be held in Ontario on pieted the ceremony. Special music March 28th | was furnished by the Nyssa Civic Winner of the 3rd and 4th grade' chorus. Vocal solos were given by non-humorous division was Joan j Mr. Reberger. Malcolm Crawford, Klug; 3rd and 4th humorous. Cleda Mrs. J. W Poage and Mrs. Ray Nusser The 5th and 6th grade non- Keniller and a piano solo by Mrs. humorous winner was Margie How- w. C. Jackson Refreshments and a ell: 5th and 6th grade humorous, social time followed with group sing- Delma Ward. Winner of the 7th and ing iead by Charlie Jones. 8th grade non-humorous division | Mr. and Mrs. John Bowen are the was Cecil Beryl Coleman and th e 'p roud parents of a 9 4 pound baby 7th and 8th humorous, Marjorie : boy born Sunday morning, February Groot. 123rd at the Brlttlngham home in Judges for the contest were Mrs. Ontnrio. Dick Tensen, Mrs. W. H. Beam and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Farmer were Mrs. John O. Young. Boise visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hopkins made CCC CAMP TO a business trip to Vale Saturday. HAVE POWER LINE Mrs. Jake Ator, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Survey work was started today by Franklin and family were Sunday the Idaho Power Company to bring dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill a power line to the Nyssa CCC camp. Toll of Fruitland. At this time sev Art Sawyer of Payette is in charge eral birthdays and a wedding anni for the power company. versary were celebrated all of which occur in February. Quite a number of school children SUNSHINE CLUB FRIDAY are absent from school due to sick The Rebekah Sunshine Club will ness. meet Friday afternoon at two o'clock at the lodge hall in the Wilson ] building, with a musical program and a pot lunch scheduled. The af- ' fair will be known as "Guest Day” \ and a good attendance is desired. Broadway Men’s and Young Men’s FRUIT AND VEGEGTABLE MEET AT On March 4th there will be a hearing on present grades on fruits and vegetables. This hearing is being called by Frank McKennon, Division Chief. State Department of Agriculture and all growers and shippers of fruits and vegetables have been asked to attend. This is one of a series of hearings held throughout the State. The Mal heur County hearing will be held on March 4th at one thirty P. M., in the Moore Hotel in Ontario. Nyssa, Ore. Produced by us Suits under the label of Alexander’s SPECIAL BROADW AY SUITS Tailored according to our exacting specifica tions, this marvelous new and better suit is the result of our desire to produce an outstanding value in all respects— style, tested fabrics and workmanship. Fights! We guarantee quality, make and price and stand squarely behind our Broadway Suits at all times. Broadway Suits EAGLES HALL Tues* March 3 Miss Claudena Crawford received | word Saturday that she had satis- ' factorily passed her examinations in beauty culture which she had taken last week at La Grande. Miss Craw- j ford ojjerates the Crawfords Beauty) Shop. »'1 C $ The one price FEATURING PASSES EXAMINATIONS Specials for the Thrifty Buyers Introducing Our New Brand --------------------- CLYDE HOXWOOD KENNY KEECH DON BENTLEY BILLY MATHEWS DEAN STARR HUGH TRELLERTON ROCKY VINCENT EDDIE KANE RED NICHOLS NELSON in all our stores 16 50 ALEXANDERS 24 Rounds of Real Fighting “ Where Good Clothes Cost Less” ONTARIO OREGON ADMISSION 75c Quality Foods that are sold with our money back guarantee that they must satisfy in every way . . . and you are to be the judge and jury. $4.98 for Saturday IO O lb. sack Sugar Limit One Sack to Customer Premium Oats Crackers Large Package 2 Pound Box 25c 25c WLf j jg Money Saving Specials For One Week — Feb. 28 to March 5th §f These are cash prices. Usual prices if charged. I n P Q A ^ 1 * A A fl A L Flour Canned Vegetable Special Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, Hominy, Kraut and Beets. No. 2 Cans 3 CANS »O C C A S E *1.98 HILLS BROTHERS F LO U R Patent y Hamburger Ground Fresh Picnic Hams POUND 3 POUNDS POUND 6c 29c Peaches 23c 18c Tuna Fish 33c White Star One-half Pound Cans 2 FOR Halverson's Food Store NYSSA OREGON w V 29c 2 cans 35c Catsup 10c Large Bottles 13c One Pound Hersheys 1 Lb. Bags, Ground Fresh 25c Per Pound == Absolutely = Independent M W M Oats Crystal Wedding Package 21c 5= Each 5c | Cheese per lb. 21c 5 lb. Bricks $1.05 White King 33c 3 For 25C 1 Wash Powder, Large Size P.&G. Soap 5 for 23c Van Camps 1 Lb. Tall Cans | Van Camps Medium Size Cans i Giant Size SARDINES 1 SHURFINE COFEEE 18c 1 Pork and Beans 2 Cans 2 lb. Glass Jar Cocoa Tender Meat ■ \s Shrimp No. 2 1-2 Del Monte Veal Stew . 23c Wheat Flakes Specials In Our Meat Department 1 10c 29c 95c 49 Lb. BAG _ I f 97c Peanut Butter Family * 4 lb. Package Carnation 25c 1 1 lb. Tall Cans— Pink White or Yellow 9 lb. Bags 33c 1 T A _ . 49 lb. Elmdale Five Pound Can Blue Can, Pound M M l A A A Salmon Raisins Corn Meal Syrup Coffee W ilso n ’s Purex 13c Quart Bottle 1000 Sheets— 4 for Toilet Tissue OVERBROOK 24c 17c Coffee 1 Lb. Vacuum Packed Tins Per Pound WILSON GROCERY NYSSA S OREGON =