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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1936)
í V GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1936 HIGH SCHOOL JOURNAL EACHU8, Deceased. to the Court for Judgment. Order quen. y numbered 7869, 7870, 7871, of said first publication, and defend 7C 73 , usued on the 24th day this action or pey th; amount due as The Undersigned, having been ap and Decree, adjudging and decree- 7872 ^ Among those from here who at pointed by the County Court for •»» * « ■ « - *■— «■> — VOLUME I. NO 21. FERUARY 27, 193« tended the Washington banquet at Maiheur County as Executrix of the no estate, or Interest whatever in or tar 01 th<i County of Malheur, State and accrued Interest, and In the case I Nyssa Monday evening were Mr. estate of L. Each us deceased and to the following described r e a 1 o* Oregon, for the total amount of of your fetlur? to do so, a decree land Mrs. D. T. Holly, Mr. and Mrs. | having qualified: LEAP YEAR CLASS NEWS One Thousand Four Hundred Forty- will be rendered foreclosing the lien | premises, to-wlt: * C. E. McConnell and Mr. and Mrs NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN To seven and 85/100 Dollars <*1,447.853, of said taxes against the land and Lots 22 and 23 of Block 33, of Freshman had a spelling contest J E. Holly. The banquet was a |the creditors of and all persons hav- Ellen McConnell the same being the amount then due the premises above named and de- Hope-Holland Addition to the Friday. The two classes opposed each Mason and Eastern Star affair lng claims against the estate of said Leap year once more after four and delinquent for drainage district scribed. City of Vale, in Malheur County other. The B won with three mem Eder Hardware is driving a new | deceased, to present the same duly assessments for the years 1929, 1930, j This summons* Is published by years! The name leap year Is per bers left standing, Luella Leuck, Oregon. 36 Dodge pickup. Clark Enos went; verified as required by law. to the and that the title of pralntlff Is good 1931, 1932 and 1934. and for the | order of the Honorable Charles W. haps due to tlie fact that the cal Elsie Andrews, Gloria Olascock. to Baker last week and purchased it. undersigned at her home in the Big and valid in fee simple therein. And state and county taxes paid by the EUis, Judge of the Circuit Court of endar takes a leap of one day every Friends this week received word Frank Miller, Idaho Power com- district, Malheur County, Ore- that you and each of you be forever District together with Interest and the 8tate of o ^ o n for the County fourth year to make up for the or of the death of Raymond Smith, a pany representative from Ontario Son, or to her attorneys, Brooke & enjoined and barred from asserting 00814 *^e.r fon upon teal property of Malheur uaA said order was dinary year being one fourth day too member of the Sophomore class last was in town Friday afternoon in- j Lees, at their office In Ontario Ore- any claim whatever in or to said a88essed to you. of which you are the made and dated the 13th day of short. fall. Death was caused by pneu stalling a new electric stove in the *on. within six months from the lands and premises adverse to the owner ** »PPears of record, situated jybruary 1936 The traditions are turned around monia. Paul Hatch home. ! date of the first publication of this title of plaintiff; and for such 1,1 841(1 County and Bute, and par The McEwen twins who have been during leap year and the ladles may CARL H. COAD, Mr. and Mrs. Alvon McGinnis notice, the first publication being other and further relief as to the tlcularly described as foUows: have the privilege the gentlemen very 111 are slightly Improved. and Rose were dinner guests in the February 13, 1936. Attorney for Plaintiff Court may seem meet and equit The East half <Eft) of the The Seniors are taking their ef James McGinnis home Sunday. have during the other years. Among able. and for his costs and dis Postofflee and residence Ad Southwest quarter (S W k ) of ELIZABETH EACHUS, ficiency tests this week. seme of these privileges are the Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Holly accom dress: Nyssa, Oregon. Section 30. Townahip 19, South Executrix of the Estate of L. bursements herein Incurred. The Sophomores are now writing panied by Mrs. C. E. McDonald and girls taking the boys home, they of Range 47 E. W. M. In Malheur This summons is served upon you Eachus, Deceased. Date of lst publication, Feb. 13, 1938 paying the bills, and last but not the school news to be published in daughter Ellen and Mrs J. E. County, Oregon. and each of you by publication 2-13 to 3-12-36. Date of last publication, March 12, least, the asking of the boys hand the "Gate City Journal.” Holly were Caldwell visitors Satur thereof, under and by virtue of an Said James F. Cullen and Botllla 1936. The Junior class gave a candy and day afternoon. In marriage. order duly made and entered by th e , 8. Cullen as the owners of the legal We have a girl In the sophomore popcorn sale at the basketball game Cark Enos became quite ill last NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Honorable Charles W. Ellis, Judge of tltle of the above described property with Baker. class whose birthday Is on February week with the flu but at this writ above entitled Court on the 29th as the same appears of record, and The sewing class will spend part ing is much improved. I IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE day of January, 1936; the date of the 29. If she went according to tradi each of them are hereby further of this six weeks mending. The past The run-off of the water which STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE first publication hereof is the 6th tions she would have had four blrth- notified that the Nyssa-Arcadia COUNTY OF MALHEUR, drys, but Instead she will be sweet has been spent in making new gar was caused by the heavy melting of day of February. 1936, and the date Drainage District will apply to the ment. snow Friday and Saturday caused a In the Matter of the EsUte of of the last publication hereof is the sixteen. Grade slips were handed out Wed little damage in lower Adrian. Sev-1 LOUIS E. RUDDY. Deceased, Circuit Court of the County and The best known tradition Is the nesday. 5th day of March, 1936. State aforesaid for a decree fore erl basements were filled with water. Notlce ls hereby glven that the girls doing the proposing. If you LOTT D. BROWN, closing the liens against the property Eunice Cochrun returned to school roads were cut up very badly and a undersigned. W. J. Williams, the hrve any secret sorrows girls, you Tuesday after a weeks illness. Baker, Oregon, above described and mentioned in couple of gardens were cut up by the administrator of said estate, has had better get busy for the leap year Attorney for the Plaintiff said certificates. And you hereby are | Justine Overstreet has been ill water from the melted snow of 1940 is a long way off. filed his final account and report summoned to appear within sixty i since last Wednesday with pneu A topic which ls receiving consid herein, which said final account and —NHS— monia. days after the first publication of j erable attention and discussion 1s report, has been by order of the said SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION this summons, exclusive of the day i SI’ ORT NEWS Seating in first period study has the number of candidates which are court, duly made and entered on the been arranged alphabetically. This The tumbling girls have been was for the convenience of Miss running for county offices. Two are: 7ofn day 0f February, 1936, set for IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MAL working for the past two weeks Rettie, study hall teacher, in check from this section of the county, Rob-1 nearing, and the hearing, of said HEUR COUNTY. ert R. Overstreet of Kingman Kol- I accounts will be had at Vale, in said to'vaid a tumbling exhibition for ing absences. Certain things come, with the ony and Harry Looney, of Big Bend, j county and State on the 14th day of March 6, 1936. Clogging and folk years, to be an expected Audra Hendricks has returned to both candidates for county assessor. March, 1936, at 2 o'clock P. M. at NYSSA - ARCADIA DRAINAGE di neing will be included. part of every occasion. With school after a weeks Illness. DISTRICT, A Quasi-Public Cor Holly Brothers purchased a Chev- | which time and place any and all bb- in our profession, this regard Dancing will be postponed until ] —NHS— poration, Plaintiff, rolet pickup from Reuben Basket jections to said final account will be for the traditional must be th 3 girls can have full use of the “ INITIALS AND MEANING” vs. last week. heard and the said final account, combined with new steps gym. The report Is the stage is in A dance in Adrian Saturday night and report of the Administrators will JAMES F. CULLEN and BOTTLLA Jr—Nyssa High Schools little son, /.ceM en e Welding toward perfection. Their suc sufficient room. The girls are work 8. CULLEN, Defendants at Pete's Place drew a large crowd. be heard and said account settled; Joe Robertson. cessful combination at all ing hard on their exhibition which is It is all Greek to me but Mrs. Ha It is the Intention of the manage and the Administrator be discharged To James F. Cullen and Botllla 8. times ls but one of the stand to be given later. worth says "Ah” isn’t it too divine, ment to hold these dances every Sat from his trust and his bond exon Cullen, the above named defend ards of marking a service by Everyone enjoyed the program Ada Haworth. urday night for several weeks to erated. .SWARM & SONS ants: IN THE NAME OF THE The Nyssa Funeral Home. given by the G.A.A. girls Friday Here we have Radio—Eb and Zeb come. STATE OF OREGON: W. J. WILLIAM», Formerly Pete Dear Wreck following the Student Body meeting. —Edward Boydell and Zeola E Not much progress has been made Administrator of the Estate of THE NYSSA ing Business, now located one You hereby are notified that the The program was as follows: pant- Benton heard over N. H. S. Study on the WPA propect here during the of Louis E. Ruddy, Deceased. bl<< k wejt. near high school. FUNERAL HOME omine, reading, musical skit, old Hall. past few weeks due to the bad First publication, February 13, 1936 Nyssa-Arcadia Drain lge District ls the holder of Certlflcatea of Delta - fashioned dance, and talk on United News? Miss Denny when did you weather. From now on they expect Last publication, March 12, 1936. Etates Flag by Alice Hashltani. It move that you receive your mail on to make more progress. Henry Home was concluded by the students sing R. D.? Ruby Denny. will get started on the construction SUMMONS ing the state songs. Mr. Young’s initials talks about of the new school building. To add even more to our exciting his personality "JOY” . John Owen C. W. KNOWLES, Plaintiff, basketball game Friday evening, Young. vs. NEWS OF RECORD Hinemoa Cloninger gave a ball and ’’Ba" Don’t act so sheepish—Bes HENRY LAWSON, MRS. HENRY Real Estate Transfers Recorded acrobatic dance. Saturday evening sie Ashby. LAWSON, IRA LAWSON, and H. J. Snover et ux to Jennie Beers for entertainment six G.A.A. mem Ontario VS Nyssa—Vernon Shoe MRS. IRA LAWSON, All Sec. 36-23-38. EHSW tt, SE’.i- bers did some tumbling. maker. Defendants. “Ha” the laugh ls on you Harold N W 'i Sec. 1; NV4NWI4, SWViNWki To Henry Lawson, Mrs. Henry At last the G.A.A. have succeeded W H8W H. S W 'iS E ’ i , Sec. 12 v, E'4 Lawson, Ira Lawson, and Mrs. Ira in getting their sweaters. They had Anderson. We didn’t know you were hard of Sec. 11, NV4NE14, SEV.NEV, Sec 13- Lawson, the above named defend quite a debate with the boys and ants: had to add to their constitution to hearing, Evelyn Haworth speaks, 24-38. 2.-336. $1257. J. F. Miller et ux to F L Feather- IN THE NAME OF THE STATE get them but after several weeks of "Eh" Whats that you say? ston, Metes and bounds in the SE'4 OF OREGON: You are hereby re Times up, there goes the gun hard work, they managed to win. Sec 22-18-45, cont. 52 acres. 3-21-31. quired to appear and answer the The sweaters arrived last Tuesday j BAM— Betty Avan McHargue. * 1 . complaint filed against you In the —NHS— and the girls like them very much. Malheur County to Bank of Calif above entitled suit, within four JOKES It seems that Nyssa’s basketball j ornia, Blks 5 to 8, 10 to 12, Lots 1 to weeks from the date of the first team has had a better outlook on life j Mr. McConnell—Ellen what did 11, Blk, 13, Blks 14 to 18, Inc. Jam publication of this summons; and If once again, the way they played Mr. Young say about your Geometry ieson. 2-5-36. $201.47. you fail so to appear an answer for against Emmett and Baker. The work today? Blanche E. Hickman, Admin, to want thereof the plaintiff will apply Ellen—He said he would rather rabbits feet that were tied on John son and Pierson must have helped you wouldn’t try to help me with it. Elsie Monson, Metes and bounds In the whole team, the Emmett final i A girl looked calmly at a caller the 8E14NE34, Sec. 30-18-45, cont. score being 17 to 27 and Baker score ; one evening and remarked: "George, l ' i acres. 1-16-36. *900. Blance E. Hickman to Elsie Mon as it is leap year - 20 to 22 both in favor of Nyssa. son, Metes and bounds in the SE' 4 - The caller turned pale. The boys gym class is getting Im "As it ls leap year." she continued, NE'i Sec. 30-18-45, cont. 1*4 acres. patient for spring football which is 16-36. $1. "and you”ve been calling regularly 1- going to start the latter part of Pacific Livestock ' Co. to M. J. now for four night a week a long March. There will be no games Schutter, EV4SE14, Sec. 244-19-42, played with other school but It ls In time, I propose - I'm not in a position to marry on cont. 73.80 acres, exclusive of rail tended to give the inexperienced players an idea of what is it all my salary Grace," he Interrupted road property 9-14-35. *10. E. H. Hilton to Mrs. Gladys A. her. about before next fall. "I know that, Oeorge,” the girl Dillon, Midway Placer Claim located pursued, “and so, as it is leap year, I on Shasta Creek. 9-1-35. *50. thought I’d propose that you lay off S. J. Bean to Martha E. J. Bean, and give some of the more eligible BH8BU. SWV.SEH, S E '.S W V also fellows a chance. strip of land 12 rods wide off south She—"I consider, John that sheep side of NEtiSWW, also strip of land are the stupedist creatures living.” 15 rods wide off south side N W 'i- He— (Abser^t-mind^ly)—’’Yes, my S E 'i, Sec. 13-18-45. cont. 173V4 acres. lamb.” Lots 3 and 4. Blk 25, Eldredges Addl "Mr. Shoemaker,” said Ted Mor to Vale. 8-20-34. Deed of gift. Dont look so unhappy about gan, “there are so many interuptlons that last year’s overcoat. Send Marriage Licenses that I can scarcely hear myself talk It to the NYSSA TAILOR Emil B. Pearson and Ellen W. ing.” SHOP and we’ll guarantee a Newbold. 2-17-36. "Cheer up pal,” said a vioce from smile on your face. Any gar Thomas W. Roberts and Helen A. the rear, “you aren’t missing much.” Hussey. 2-17-36. ment beautifully cleaned and Here ia a special offer that will ap pressed at a very reasonable Petition peal to ©very housewife. An opportun price! Hold* False Teeth Let us figure with you on Estate of John Tipton, Deceased ity to do away with old-fashioned cook 21-36. Your Plumbing Needs Tighter and Longer 2- SEE US 4 4 4 4 0 • This new delightful powder keeps ing methods and begin to cook the TODAY false teeth from rocking, slipping or LEGAL ADVERTISING modern, electric way. GEO. J. KINZER dropping.. No pasty taste or feeling. Gives perfect confidence all day Plumber NOTICE TO CREDITORS While this special offer is in effect long. Get Fasteeth from The Nyssa PHONE 134-J-2 PARMA we will allow you $25.00 for your old Pharmacy or your druggist. Three IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE I sizes. range on the purchase price of any new STATE OF OREGON FOR MAL HEUR COUNTY. D. E. MORGAN, Prop. J Electric Range. The offer applies to any ADRIAN NEWS 2 USED PARTS Reddy Kilowatt Says -- Take Advantage of This Golden Opportunity to Begin Cooking Electrically OO For Your A Special Offer For a Limited Time Only Just Like NEW Old Range On the Purchase of Any NEW ELECTRIC RANGE Nyssa Tailor j Shop In the Matter of the Estate of Lst Us Build Convenience Into Your Home No matter if your home has been built for several years, it can be made as modem and con venient inside as a new one. You can do it at moderate cost— and do it right. Talk it over with us. and all types of old ranges regardless of age or condition so long sm the range has a cooking surface and permanently attached oven. L. GUERNSEY M IL K WE SUGGEST Hardwood Floor* Finish Attic More Closet* Social Room in Base- Built-in Work Kitchen ment Install Fireplace Insulate Against Cold and Heat “ WE SELL COAL, TOO” Boise-Payette Lumber Co. PHONE 15 Dwight Smith, Manager Nyssa, Oregon § We are delivering high test Guernsey Milk pro duced in a modem and sanitary plant. May we add you to our list of satisfied customers? We also sell high standard Holstein milk, con sidered bv many medical authorities as best for br bies and growing children. Sunshine Dairy Electric cookery Is fast, clean and econom ical. Results are always certain. There Is no toot, smoke, no grime or gTeaae to blacken walla and ceilings. An Electric Range la as clean aa a DOWN Balance In b u y Monthly Payments Come In and see the beautiful new models In Westlnghoose and Hot- polnt ranges on display. There Is a else and type to meet the require ments of every family. Qraap this opportun ity to have an Electric Range In your kitchen while you *25.00 range. I d AE zv ay *'r.ik M for can your WEB secure o 1 d